• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sperm analyses

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The Usefulness of Selected Physicochemical Indices, Cell Membrane Integrity and Sperm Chromatin Structure in Assessments of Boar Semen Sensitivity

  • Wysokinska, A.;Kondracki, S.;Iwanina, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.1713-1720
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    • 2015
  • The present work describes experiments undertaken to evaluate the usefulness of selected physicochemical indices of semen, cell membrane integrity and sperm chromatin structure for the assessment of boar semen sensitivity to processes connected with pre-insemination procedures. The experiments were carried out on 30 boars: including 15 regarded as providers of sensitive semen and 15 regarded as providers of semen that is little sensitive to laboratory processing. The selection of boars for both groups was based on sperm morphology analyses, assuming secondary morphological change incidence in spermatozoa as the criterion. Two ejaculates were manually collected from each boar at an interval of 3 to 4 months. The following analyses were carried out for each ejaculate: sperm motility assessment, sperm pH measurement, sperm morphology assessment, sperm chromatin structure evaluation and cell membrane integrity assessment. The analyses were performed three times. Semen storage did not cause an increase in the incidence of secondary morphological changes in the group of boars considered to provide sperm of low sensitivity. On the other hand, with continued storage there was a marked increase in the incidence of spermatozoa with secondary morphological changes in the group of boars regarded as producing more sensitive semen. Ejaculates of group I boars evaluated directly after collection had an approximately 6% smaller share of spermatozoa with undamaged cell membranes than the ejaculates of boars in group II ($p{\leq}0.05$). In the process of time the percentage of spermatozoa with undamaged cell membranes decreased. The sperm of group I boars was characterised with a lower sperm motility than the semen of group II boars. After 1 hour of storing diluted semen, the sperm motility of boars producing highly sensitive semen was already 4% lower ($p{\leq}0.05$), and after 24 hours of storage it was 6.33% lower than that of the boars that produced semen with a low sensitivity. Factors that confirm the accuracy of insemination male selection can include a low rate of sperm motility decrease during the storage of diluted semen, low and contained incidence of secondary morphological changes in spermatozoa during semen storage and a high frequency of spermatozoa with undamaged cell membranes.

Germ Cell Development during Spermatogenesis and Taxonomic Values of Sperm Morphology in Septifer (Mytilisepta) virgatus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Kim, Sung-Han
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2011
  • Spermatogenesis and taxonomic values of mature sperm morphology of in male Septifer (Mytilisepta) virgatus were investigated by transmission electron microscope observations. The morphologies of the sperm nucleus and the acrosome of this species are the cylinder shape and cone shape, respectively. Spermatozoa are approximately 45-50 ${\mu}m$ in length including a sperm nucleus (about 1.26 ${\mu}m$ long), an acrosome (about 0.99 ${\mu}m$ long), and tail flagellum (about 45-47 ${\mu}m$). Several electron-dense proacrosomal vesicles become later the definitive acrosomal vesicle by the fusion of several Golgi-derived vesicles. The acrosome of this species has two regions of differing electron density: there is a thin, outer electron-dense opaque region (part) at the anterior end, behind which is a thicker, more electron-lucent region (part). In genus Septifer in Mytilidae, an axial rod does not find and also a mid-central line hole does not appear in the sperm nucleus. However, in genus Mytilus in Mytilidae, in subclass Pteriomorphia, an axial rod and a mid-central line hole appeared in the sperm nucleus. These morphological differences of the acrosome and sperm nucleus between the genuses Septifer and Mytilus can be used for phylogenetic and taxonomic analyses as a taxonomic key or a significant tool. The number of mitochondria in the midpiece of the sperm of this species are five, as seen in subclass Pteriomorphia.

Monthly variations in semen parameters in a Sri Lankan population undergoing fertility evaluation

  • Anura Dissanayake
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.120-124
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    • 2024
  • Objective: Seasonal variations in semen quality are known to occur in temperate regions, but results regarding tropical areas remain inconclusive. The aim of this study was to determine whether monthly variations in semen parameters are present among men in a tropical region. Methods: Data were retrospectively collected from semen analyses of 3,000 men over a 10-year period, from 2012 to 2022. Analysis of variance and the independent-samples t-test were employed to observe variations in semen parameters throughout the entire period and between months, respectively. Results: The mean±standard deviation sperm concentration was significantly lower in June, at 42.5±31.4 million/mL, compared to other months. The highest sperm concentration was found in March, at 57.8±42.6 million/mL, constituting a mean difference of 15.3 million/mL between the lowest and highest concentrations. The total sperm count displayed a similar pattern of monthly variation, with a difference of 47.2 million between the highest and lowest months. No significant monthly differences were observed in other parameters, such as sperm motility, morphology, and semen volume. Conclusion: Significant monthly variations in sperm concentration and total sperm count were evident in this Sri Lankan population. March, which displayed the highest sperm counts, is in the spring in temperate regions, while the month with the lowest counts, July, is part of the summer. Fluctuations in photoperiod appear to most strongly influence these variations.

The Role of Mercury in the Etiology of Sperm Dysfunction in Holstein Bulls

  • Arabi, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.335-340
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    • 2006
  • A large number of toxicological substances and pharmacological and physical agents can cause reproductive intervention at the cellular and molecular level. The present study was designed to assess the effect of mercury ($HgCl_2$) at 50 to $550{\mu}M$ concentration ranges, in vitro, on the sperm membrane and DNA integrity, viability, and acrosomal status of normal bull spermatozoa. The samples were processed for sperm analyses using semen-diluting fluid (PBS, pH 7.2). We recorded a sharp increase in the lipid peroxidation/LPO rate; the highest was at $550{\mu}M$ mercury concentration, indicating a deleterious effect of mercury on the sperm membrane intactness. There was also a strong negative correlation between LPO rate and % viable spermatozoa (R = 0.987, p<0.001). Data obtained from a comet assay technique revealed that mercury is capable of inducing DNA breaks in the sperm nuclei. Interestingly, 92% of DNA breaks were double-stranded. The correlation between LPO rate and % DNA breaks was 0.984. Performing the gelatin test indicates that mercury is able to alter the integrity of acrosomal membranes showing an abnormal acrosome reaction. In this regard, a strong link was found between LPO rate and % halos (R = 0.990, p<0.001). Collectively, mercury proved to be a potent oxidant in the category of environmental factors affecting bull spermatozoa. Hence, considering the wide spread use of mercury and its compounds, these metals should be regarded with more concern.

Evaluation of Antifreeze Proteins on Miniature Pig Sperm Viability, DNA Damage, and Acrosome Status during Cryopreservation

  • Kim, Daeyoung
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.355-365
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    • 2016
  • The cryopreservation of sperm has become the subject of research for successful artificial insemination technologies. Antifreeze proteins (AFPs), one of the factors necessary for effective cryopreservation, are derived from certain Antarctic organisms. These proteins decrease the freezing point of water within these organisms to below the temperature of the surrounding seawater to protect the organism from cold shock. Accordingly, a recent study found that AFPs can increase the motility and viability of spermatozoa during cryopreservation. To evaluate this relationship, we performed cryopreservation of boar sperm with AFPs produced in the Arctic yeast Leucosporidium sp. AFP expression system at four concentrations (0, 0.01, 0.1, and $1{\mu}g/ml$) and evaluated motility using computer assisted sperm analysis. DNA damage to boar spermatozoa was measured by the comet assay, and sperm membrane integrity and acrosome integrity were evaluated by flow cytometry. The results showed that motility was positively affected by the addition of AFP at each concentration except $1{\mu}g/ml$ (p<0.001). Although cryopreservation with AFP decreased the viability of the boar sperm using, the tail DNA analyses showed that there was no significant difference between the control and the addition of 0.1 or $0.01{\mu}g/ml$ AFP. In addition, the percentage of live sperm with intact acrosomes showed the least significant difference between the control and $0.1{\mu}g/ml$ AFP (p<0.05), but increased with $1{\mu}g/ml$ AFP (p<0.001). Our results indicate that the addition of AFP during boar sperm cryopreservation can improve viability and acrosome integrity after thawing.

Comparison of Genetic Parameter Estimates of Total Sperm Cells of Boars between Random Regression and Multiple Trait Animal Models

  • Oh, S.-H.;See, M.T.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.923-927
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this study was to compare random regression model and multiple trait animal model estimates of the (co) variance of total sperm cells over the active lifetime of AI boars. Data were provided by Smithfield Premium Genetics (Rose Hill, NC). Total number of records and animals for the random regression model were 19,629 and 1,736, respectively. Data for multiple trait animal model analyses were edited to include only records produced at 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, and 27 months of age. For the multiple trait method estimates of genetic and residual variance for total sperm cells were heterogeneous among age classifications. When comparing multiple trait method to random regression, heritability estimates were similar except for total sperm cells at 24 months of age. The multiple trait method also resulted in higher estimates of heritability of total sperm cells at every age when compared to random regression results. Random regression analysis provided more detail with regard to changes of variance components with age. Random regression methods are the most appropriate to analyze semen traits as they are longitudinal data measured over the lifetime of boars.

Analysis of Membrane Integrity and Mitochondrial Activity in Fresh and Cryopreserved Boar Sperm Using Flow Cytometry

  • Park C. S.;Li Z. H.;Sung N. D.;Jin D. I.;Cong P. Q.;Kim E. S.;Song E. S.;Yi Y. J.
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.253-257
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of washing medium, breed and washing temperature of fresh and frozen-thawed boar sperm on mitochondrial activity and membrane integrity by flow cytometry. More than $80\%$ of fresh sperm washed with mTLP-PVA medium at $20^{\circ}C$ exhibited an intact membrane and a functional mitochondrion. With frozen-thawed samples, a large number of sperm showed both damaged membrane $(36.4\~46.9\%)$ and nonfunctional mitochondrion $(55.1\~71.1\%)$ in the mTLP-PVA and BTS washing media at $20^{\circ}C$. There were no breed effects of fresh and frozen-thawed sperm on mitochondrial activity and membrane integrity. The percentages of damaged membrane of fresh and frozen sperm, respectively, were higher at $4^{\circ}C$ washing temperature than at $20^{\circ}C$ washing temperature in the mTLP-PVA medium. We found that washing medium and washing temperature of fresh and frozen-thawed boar sperm were important for the analyses of mitochondrial activity and membrane integrity by flow cytometry.

Morphology and Taxonomic Values of the Sperm in Male Chlamys (Swiftopecten) swiftii (Pteriomorphia: Pectinidae) in Western Korea

  • Jun, Je-Cheon;Kim, Jin Hee;Park, Young Jae;Kang, Hee Woong;Chung, Jae Seung;Chung, Ee-Yung
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2012
  • The morphology and taxonomic values of the sperm in male Chlamys (Swiftopecten) swiftii were investigated by transmission electron microscope observations. The morphologies and ultrastructures of the sperm nucleus and the acrosome of this species are the vase type and long cone shape, respectively. Spermatozoa are approximately $45-50{\mu}m$ long including a sperm nucleus (approximately $2.60{\mu}m$ long), an acrosome (about $0.63{\mu}m$ long), and a tail flagellum (approximately $44-47{\mu}m$ in long). The axoneme of the sperm tail shows a 9+2 structure. In this study, the right and left basal rings in the acrosomal vesicle of this species show electron opaque part (region), and also the anterior apex part of the acrosomal vesicle shows electron opaque part (region). These characteristics of the acrosomal vesicle were found in Pectinidae and other several families in subclass Pteriomorphia. The number of mitochondria in the midpiece of the sperm of this species are four, as one of common characteristics appear in most species in Pectinidae in subclass Pteriomorphia. In addition, the satellite fibres are found near the distal centriole of this species, as have been reported in other species of Pectinidae in subclass Pteriomorphia. Accordingly, structutral characteristics which are found in the acrosomal vesicle, four mitochondria in the sperm midpiece and the appearance of the satellite fibers near the distal centriole of C. (S.) swiftii in Pectinidae (subclass Pteriomorphia), can be employed for phylogenetic and taxonomic analyses as taxonomic key or a significant tool.

Glucocorticoids improve sperm performance in physiological and pathological conditions: their role in sperm fight/flight response

  • Vittoria Rago;Adele Vivacqua;Saveria Aquila
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2024
  • Glucocorticoids play a physiologic role in the adult male reproductive functions, modulating gonadal steroid synthesis and spermatogenesis, through the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). The expression of GR has been described in several key testicular cell types, including somatic cells and early germ cell populations. Nothing is known on GR in human spermatozoa. Herein, we explored the GR expression and its possible role in normal and testicular varicocele semen samples from volunteer donors. After semen parameter evaluation by macro- and microscopic analysis, samples were centrifuged; then spermatozoa and culture media were recovered for further investigations. By western blotting and immunofluorescence analyses we evidenced for the first time in spermatozoa the presence of GR-D3 isoform which was reduced in sperm from varicocele patients. By treating sperm with the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEXA), we found that survival, motility, capacitation, and acrosome reaction were increased in both healthy and varicocele samples. GR involvement in mediating DEXA effects, was confirmed by using the GR inhibitor mifepristone (M2F). Worthy, we also discovered that sperm secretes different cortisol amounts depending on its physio-pathological status, suggesting a defence mechanism to escape the immune system attach in the female genital tract thus maintaining the immune-privilege as in the testis. Collectively, our data suggests a role for glucocorticoids in determining semen quality and function, as well as in participating on sperm immune defensive mechanisms. The novelty of this study may be beneficial and needs to take into account in artificial insemination/drug discovery aimed to enhancing sperm quality.

The effects of vitamin E supplementation on sperm parameters, chromatin integrity, and gene expression before and after freezing in aged mice

  • Sadegh Zarei;Farnoosh Molavi;Farzaneh Abbas Abasnezhad;Behanaz Majidi;Saeed Mohammadihosseinabad;Faezeh Esmaeili Ranjbar;Mahboubeh Vatanparast
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.213-224
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    • 2024
  • Objective: Some age-related testicular changes, such as Sertoli cell vacuolization and blood-testis barrier breakdown, reduce total sperm production and male fertility. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of vitamin E on restoring testicular function in aged mice. Sperm cryo-resistance was also assessed. Methods: Twenty-eight 48-week-old male Naval Medical Research Institute mice were divided into four groups for a daily gavage of vitamin E: the control group received distilled water, while the three treatment groups were administered 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg, respectively, for 4 weeks. Subsequently, semen analyses, DNA fragmentation index (DFI), and protamine deficiency tests were conducted. Testicular histology, tissue antioxidant enzyme activity, and gene expression levels were also assessed. Results: The two higher dosages of vitamin E were associated with a higher sperm count, greater progressive motility, and improved sperm morphology (p<0.05). These benefits were also evident after sperm freezing (p<0.05). Although chromatin abnormalities increased following vitrification, the treatment groups showed better outcomes (p<0.05). The tubular diameter, epithelium height, and luminal diameters remained unchanged with age. The tissue antioxidant capacity was greater in the groups receiving the high doses of vitamin E. Additionally, significant increases in inhibitor of DNA binding protein-4 (Id4) and GDNF family receptor alpha-1 (Gfra1) expression were observed in the higher vitamin E dosage groups, and promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger protein (Plzf) expression was notably present in the 400 mg/kg treatment group compared to the control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Antioxidant supplementation might enhance reproductive outcomes in aging males. The observed effects included improved sperm cryo-resistance, which is advantageous for future applications such as sperm freezing or fertility preservation.