• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Environmental Planning

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Path Selection Strategies and Individual Differences in a Navigation Task (어디에 표지판을 세울 것인가? 길 안내 과제를 통한 개인의 공간인식 및 문제해결에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Won;Harm, Kyung-Rim;Yoon, Sae-Ra;Baek, Young-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.144-164
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to reveal path selection strategies and individual differences in a navigation task. Two experiments were presented that studied human route planning performance as well as the cognitive strategies and processes involved. For the outdoor task, university students were asked to select a route based on the instruction, i.e. to find the best route from the campus main gate to the Education Building for conference visitors by locating eight signposts. Results indicate (1) that locations of signposts were selected preferably at decision points where the traveler needs to make a choice and starting/ending points of the navigation task and (2) a variety of route planning strategies considering efficiency goal (e.g., the shortest path), environmental characteristics (e.g., fewest turns), and aesthetic purpose (e.g., most scenic) were used. It is notable that some participants took into account more than one path by locating one or two signposts on an alternative route while others preferred a linear route connecting signposts between the start point and the destination. Prior to the main experiment, the same participants were asked to complete the same task inside the classroom to investigate changes in strategies between two tasks. Participants often tend to place signposts at more regular intervals for the indoor navigation task than the same task conducted outside.

A Study on the Development of Land Suitability Analysis System using GSIS in the Landuse Planning (토지이용계획에 있어 GSIS를 이용한 적지분석시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Seong-Hyeon;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.43-61
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    • 1995
  • The national land use plan that targets the whole national land and all kinds of urban plans that targets a city or a part of city must be performed continuously now and after that. Therefore, the importance of land use plan, that is included in those plans, is very big and crucial. This study scrutinizes the detail zoning land suitability analysis which bases on urban basis plan and the GSIS application plan about allocation, applied various basic theory which is arranged in that course to study area, and try to develop the land use suitability analysis system, a application system The programing language used in system development is the AML of ARC/INFO. On this study, the results divide into four parts. First, we develop the land use suitability analysis system and can simplify and automatize a complicated analysis course and this system will be more useful to the land use suitability analysis. Second, the analysis range is expanded, considering the circumstance environmental factor of planning area outside. So we can implement more comprehensive analysis. Third, we apply a precedency conception and a legal restrictive element that base on urban characteristics and urban space structure theory to this study, develop a computerized method about distributive method, and can allocate the detail zone in the various ways. Finally, the next studies that can clear the detail zone suitability criteria and the correlation of the relationship of materials are essential to improve the accuracy and confidence in this analysis.

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Ventilation Corridor Characteristics Analysis and Management Strategy to Improve Urban Thermal Environment - A Case Study of the Busan, South Korea - (도시 열환경 개선을 위한 바람길 특성 분석 및 관리 전략 - 부산광역시를 사례로 -)

  • Moon, Ho-Yeong;Kim, Dong-Pil;Gweon, Young-Dal;Park, Hyun-Bin
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.659-668
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a ventilation corridor management plan to improve the thermal environment for Busan Metropolitan City. To this end, the characteristics of hot and cool spots in Busan were identified by conducting spatial statistical analysis, and thermal image data from Landsat-7 satellites and major ventilation corridors were analyzed through WRF meteorological simulation. The results showed the areas requiring thermal environment improvement among hot spot areas were Busanjin-gu, Dongnae-gu, industrial areas in Yeonje-gu and Sasang-gu, and Busan Port piers in large-scale facilities. The main ventilation corridor was identified as Geumjeongsan Mountain-Baekyangsan Mountain-Gudeoksan Mountain Valley. Based on the results, the ventilation corridor management strategy is suggested as follows. Industrial facilities and the Busan Port area are factors that increase the air temperature and worsen the thermal environment of the surrounding area. Therefore, urban and architectural plans are required to reduce the facility's temperature and consider the ventilation corridor. Areas requiring ventilation corridor management were Mandeok-dong and Sajik-dong, and they should be managed to prevent further damage to the forests. Since large-scale, high-rise apartment complexes in areas adjacent to forests interfere with the flow of cold and fresh air generated by forests, the construction of high-rise apartment complexes near Geumjeongsan Mountain with the new redevelopment of Type 3 general residential area should be avoided. It is expected that the results of this study can be used as basic data for urban planning and environmental planning in response to climate change in Busan Metropolitan City.

A GIS-Based Planning Methodology to Determine the Haul Route Layout in Complex Construction Projects (GIS를 이용한 토공 운반로 탐색 방법론 - 단지공사 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Sang Hyeok;Baek, Kyeong Geun;Baek, Hyeon Gi;Seo, Jong Won
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.6D
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    • pp.631-639
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    • 2010
  • The layout of haul routes within a construction site of large complex projects needs to be carefully determined as the productivity of earthwork activity heavily depends on the efficiency of the layout and the routes are not likely to change once they are settled. This paper aims to provide a construction planner with a reliable framework to create an efficient layout of haul routes within a large complex construction site. To construct the framework, five factors affecting haul route layout and the productivity of earthwork activity are described along with the associated rules of thumb recommended by design and field experts. In addition, a methodology based on spatial analysis using raster format in GIS is proposed to further increase haul route efficiency. The proposed planning framework enables a construction planner to easily find a more reliable route layout by thoroughly considering the key factors prior to setting up an earthmoving plan.

Semantic Segmentation of Hazardous Facilities in Rural Area Using U-Net from KOMPSAT Ortho Mosaic Imagery (KOMPSAT 정사모자이크 영상으로부터 U-Net 모델을 활용한 농촌위해시설 분류)

  • Sung-Hyun Gong;Hyung-Sup Jung;Moung-Jin Lee;Kwang-Jae Lee;Kwan-Young Oh;Jae-Young Chang
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_3
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    • pp.1693-1705
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    • 2023
  • Rural areas, which account for about 90% of the country's land area, are increasing in importance and value as a space that performs various public functions. However, facilities that adversely affect residents' lives, such as livestock facilities, factories, and solar panels, are being built indiscriminately near residential areas, damaging the rural environment and landscape and lowering the quality of residents' lives. In order to prevent disorderly development in rural areas and manage rural space in a planned manner, detection and monitoring of hazardous facilities in rural areas is necessary. Data can be acquired through satellite imagery, which can be acquired periodically and provide information on the entire region. Effective detection is possible by utilizing image-based deep learning techniques using convolutional neural networks. Therefore, U-Net model, which shows high performance in semantic segmentation, was used to classify potentially hazardous facilities in rural areas. In this study, KOMPSAT ortho-mosaic optical imagery provided by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute in 2020 with a spatial resolution of 0.7 meters was used, and AI training data for livestock facilities, factories, and solar panels were produced by hand for training and inference. After training with U-Net, pixel accuracy of 0.9739 and mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) of 0.7025 were achieved. The results of this study can be used for monitoring hazardous facilities in rural areas and are expected to be used as basis for rural planning.

Orhtophoto Accuracy Assessment of Ultra-light Fixed Wing UAV Photogrammetry Techniques (초경량 고정익무인항공기 사진측량기법의 정사영상 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, In Su;Lee, Jae One;Kim, Su Jeong;Hong, Soon Heon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.2593-2600
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    • 2013
  • The main purpose of this study is to carry out the performance evaluation of Ultra-light Fixed Wing UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) photogrammetry which is being, currently, applied for various fields such as cultural assets, accident survey, military reconnaissance work, and disaster management at home and abroad. Firstly, RMSE estimation of Aerial Triangulation (AT) are within approximately 0.10 cm in position (X, Y). And through the comparison of parcel's boundary points coordinates by terrestrial surveying and by UAV photogrammetry, the analysis shows that RMSE are shifted approximately 0.174~0.205 m in X-direction, 0.294~0.298 m in Y-direction respectively. Lastly, parcel's area by orthophoto of UAV photogrammetry and by that of cadastre register has been shown the difference by 0.118 m2. The results presented in this study is just one case study of orthophoto accuracy assessment of Ultra-light fixed wing UAV photogrammetry, hereafter various researches such as AT, direct-georeferencing, flight planning, practical applications, etc. should be necessary continuously.

An Automated OpenGIS-based Tool Development for Flood Inundation Mapping and its Applications in Jeju Hancheon (OpenGIS 기반 홍수범람지도 작성 자동화 툴 개발 및 제주 한천 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Kyungdong;Kim, Taeeun;Kim, Dongsu;Yang, Sungkee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.691-702
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    • 2019
  • Flood inundation map has various important roles in terms of municipal planning, timely dam operation, economic levee design, and building flood forecasting systems. Considering that the riparian areas adjacent to national rivers with high potential flood vulnerability conventionally imposed special cares to justify applications of recently available two- or three-dimensional flood inundation numerical models on top of digital elevation models of dense spatial resolution such as LiDAR irrespective of their high costs. On the contrary, local streams usually could not have benefits from recent technological advances, instead they inevitably have relied upon time-consuming manual drawings or have accepted DEMs with poor resolutions or inaccurate 1D numerical models for producing inundation maps due mainly to limited budgets and suitable techniques. In order to efficiently and cost-effectively provide a series of flood inundation maps dedicatedly for the local streams, this study proposed an OpenGIS-based flood mapping tool named Open Flood Mapper (OFM). The spatial accuracy of flood inundation map derived from the OFM was validated throughout comparison with an inundation trace map acquired after typhoon Nari in Hancheon basin located in Jeju Island. Also, a series of inundation maps from the OFM were comprehensively investigated to track the burst of flood in the extreme flood events.

Spatio-temporal Changes of Urban Sprawl Process in Seoul Metropolitan Area : Spatial Structure-based Approach (수도권 스프롤 양상의 시공간적 변화 : 공간구조 기반 접근)

  • Lim, Sujin;Kim, Kamyoung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.628-642
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    • 2016
  • In small countries such as Korea, rapid expansion of cities has been pointed out as the main cause of urban and environmental issues. In order to understand the urban problems caused by urban sprawl and prepare countermeasures for it, urban sprawl must be accurately measured first of all. The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatio-temporal changes of urban sprawl process in Seoul Metropolitan Area using landscape indices which measure the degree of urban sprawl in terms of urban structure such as area, distribution, and shape of urbanized area. FRAGSTATS, which is a tool for landscape analysis, is utilized to calculate landscape indices. Major findings are as follows. First, the urban sprawl in Seoul Metropolitan Area has been continually intensified since the late 1980s and this tendency was more clearer in the 1990s than the 2000s. While leapfrog development is relatively prominent in the 1990s, infilling development is remarkable in the 2000s. Second, the progress and development types of sprawl progress were different according to the zones which are defined based on Seoul Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act. Congestion Restrain Zone shows the highest level of urban sprawl in terms of the evaluated landscape indices, but infilling development was predominant. In Growth Management Zone1, leapfrog development was dominant in the 1990s and infilling development in the 2000s. In Growth Management Zone1, leapfrog development has been continually remarkable since the late 1980s. Nature Conservation Zone shows the lowest level of sprawl, but its sprawl tendency is gradually being intensified. Third, the sprawl tendency in Seoul Metropolitan Area was different according to the distance and direction from Seoul. Urban sprawl was remarkable at Si-Guns close to Seoul in the late 1980s, Si-Guns close to Seoul and the southern part of Seoul in the late 1990s, and the southern and northern parts of Seoul in the late 2000s.

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Exploring Multidimensional Public Health Data Using Self Organizing Map and GIS (자기조직화지도와 GIS를 이용한 다차원 공중보건자료의 탐구적 분석)

  • Sohn, Chul
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2012
  • This study applied an exploratory analysis based on Self Organizing Map and GIS to cause specific age-standardized regional death rates data related to ten types of male cancers to find meaning patterns in the data. Then the patterns revealed from the exploratory analysis was evaluated to investigate possible relationship between these patterns and regional socio-economic status represented by regional educational attainment levels of head of household. The results from this analysis show that SI-GUN-GUs in Korea can be clustered to eighteen unique clusters in the stand point of male cancer death rates and these clusters are also spatially clustered. Also, the results reveal that regions with higher socio-economic status show lower level of the death rates compared with the regions with lower socio-economic status. However, for some cancer types, the regions with higher socio-economic status show relatively higher death rates. These patterns imply that the prevention, detection, and treatment of male cancers might be strongly affected by regional factors such as socio-economic status, environmental factors, and cultures and norms in Korea. Especially, one of the eighteen clusters, which includes Gangnam-Gu and Seocho-Gu, shows lower death rates in many of male cancer types. This implies that socio-economic status may be one of the most influential factors for regional cancer control.

Development of a Flood Disaster Evacuation Map Using Two-dimensional Flood Analysis and BIM Technology (2차원 침수해석과 BIM 기술을 활용한 홍수재난 대피지도 작성)

  • Jeong, Changsam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the two-dimensional flow analysis model Hydro_AS-2D model was used to simulate the situation of flooding in Seongsangu and Uichang-gu in Changwon in the event of rising sea levels and extreme flooding, and the results were expressed on three-dimensional topography and the optimal evacuation path was derived using BIM technology. Climate change significantly affects two factors in terms of flood damage: rising sea levels and increasing extreme rainfall ideas. The rise in sea level itself can not only have the effect of flooding coastal areas and causing flooding, but it also raises the base flood level of the stream, causing the rise of the flood level throughout the stream. In this study, the rise of sea level by climate change, the rise of sea level by storm tidal wave by typhoon, and the extreme rainfall by typhoon were set as simulated conditions. The three-dimensional spatial information of the entire basin was constructed using the information of topographical space in Changwon and the information of the river crossing in the basic plan for river refurbishment. Using BIM technology, the target area was constructed as a three-dimensional urban information model that had information such as the building's height and location of the shelter on top of the three-dimensional topographical information, and the results of the numerical model were expressed on this model and used for analysis for evacuation planning. In the event of flooding, the escape route is determined by an algorithm that sets the path to the shelter according to changes in the inundation range over time, and the set path is expressed on intuitive three-dimensional spatial information and provided to the user.