• Title/Summary/Keyword: Space Evaluation

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Design and evaluation of artificial intelligence models for abnormal data detection and prediction

  • Hae-Jong Joo;Ho-Bin Song
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2023
  • In today's system operation, it is difficult to detect failures and take immediate action in the case of a shortage of manpower compared to the number of equipment or failures in vulnerable time zones, which can lead to delays in failure recovery. In addition, various algorithms exist to detect abnormal symptom data, and it is important to select an appropriate algorithm for each problem. In this paper, an ensemble-based isolation forest model was used to efficiently detect multivariate point anomalies that deviated from the mean distribution in the data set generated to predict system failure and minimize service interruption. And since significant changes in memory space usage are observed together with changes in CPU usage, the problem is solved by using LSTM-Auto Encoder for a collective anomaly in which another feature exhibits an abnormal pattern according to a change in one by comparing two or more features. did In addition, evaluation indicators are set for the performance evaluation of the model presented in this study, and then AI model evaluation is performed.

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Methods for Improving the Function of Habitat and Eco-friendly Use In Urban Area Mountain Parks - Ogeum Neighborhood Park, Seoul - (도섬 산지형공원의 생물서식 기능 및 친자연적 이용을 위한 개선방안 연구 - 서울시 송파구 오금공원을 사례로 -)

  • Hur, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.83-97
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    • 2011
  • In this study, space allocation with an assessment system for improving the function of the ecological use and function of each space was undertaken to suggest appropriate goals and directions. Ogeum Park, used as the study site, is a stronghold green zone located in the fan-shaped area of the Songpa-gu green zone on a 22ha area site. The assessment system for this study consisted of a total of 3 steps: Step 1 includes the division of the spatial block, Step 2 assesses the proper functioning of each spatial block, while Step 3 includes space allocation and presents improvements for function by space. This study performed a basin analysis with the consideration that Ogeum Park is a forest area and divided the site into a total of 8 areas according to how the sections of land are used. The function of wildlife habitat included an analysis of plant ecology(vegetation type, vegetation layer, potential vegetation), animal ecology(wild birds), and waterways. The function of leisure and use included an analysis of gradients, noise, paths, status of use, and status of facilities. The evaluation of the function of habitat sorted items into native vegetation, vegetation diversification, vegetation potential, animal diversification and potential of animal habitats. The results of grading the evaluation scores by space in the function of habitat showed that the Areas IV and VII, which were 90% of the maximum point, were Grade A, Areas II and V were Grade B at 70% and Area I and VI were Grade C at 50%. Areas III and VIII, which were not found to be beyond the standard of 50%, were excluded. The evaluation of the functions of leisure and use classified items into use potential, use preference, use concentration, use diversification and use convenience. The results of the graded evaluation scores by space in use function, showed areas V and VI as Grade A, or 90% of the maximum score. Grade B, 70% of the maximum score, was given to Areas I and VII. Grade C, 50% of the maximum score, included Areas II, IV and VIII. Area III, graded lower the standard of 50%, was excluded. The study evaluated areas according to a common standard, classified spaces by proper functions into ecological spaces, environmentally-friendly use spaces and use spaces according to the standard of spatial distribution on the basis of the above results through a synthesis of grades of habitat function, leisure function and use. This offers ideas for the improvement of wildlife habitat and environment-friendly use functions by space.

Resource Evaluation Skill to Set a Development Direction Rural Village (농촌마을 개발방향 설정을 위한 자원 평가기법 연구)

  • Park, Chang-Won;Kwon, Hueck-Jung;Joo, Kyung-Ro
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.10 no.1 s.22
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2004
  • For the problems in executing rural development, recent recognitions are that discovery, preservation, and utilization of area-unique resource are unsatisfactory, that participation of local residents was neglected, and that approach to gradual refurbishment of houses and common space of town in consideration of existing spatial pattern of the town was not adequate. Especially, neglect for exact investigation, analysis and evaluation on rural local resources is bringing about social problems such as mass production of uniform rural area and loss of local identity. In this study, rural resources were listed and resource evaluation items was designed in order to establish development direction of rural village. According to these results, for the efficient and reasonable drive of the resource evaluation system, following items are required; A premise of local development by participation of local people, Development of diversely appliable resource evaluation clauses, Establishment of development type in connection with resource evaluation clauses, Systematic management of local resource through spreading DB resource. This research was loused on unearthing direction development of rural village and theme. However, what should be reconsidered through continuous study is that resource evaluation clauses are somewhat general and not concretely illustrated. Therefore establishment of characterized development is expected through clarifying local identity and presenting direction of local development, with the importance of resource and systematic analysis in planning on rural village in the future.

Criteria for Evaluating the Architectural Planning of Rapidly Converted Negative Pressure Isolation Unit (중증환자 긴급치료병상의 건축계획 평가를 위한 기준 도출)

  • Park, Seowon;Kwon, Soonjung
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aims to establish evaluation criteria for rapidly converted negative pressure isolation unit(RCNIU) by converting general wards into infectious disease isolation wards, addressing the lack of standards for evaluating existing facilities. The goal is to provide reference data for facility planning and improve the performance of rapidly converted negative pressure isolation units. Methods: Installation standards and existing evaluation criteria for infectious disease isolation wards in Korea were analyzed to create a framework for RCNIU evaluation. An evaluation table was developed, categorizing items into importance levels. Expert surveys in hospital architecture and medical welfare provided average values for scoring each item. Results: Evaluation criteria were organized into 'required provision of space, installation conditions, proper location, and circulation plan.' Key items included 'installation of inpatient rooms and attached toilets in the negative pressure area' and 'securing a single bed room area of 11.6m2 or more'. The "separation of clean and contaminated circulation was also highlighted as critical. Overall, room size, negative pressure conditions, and circulation planning were the most significant factors. Implications: Systematic evaluation criteria can enhance the functionality of RCNIU. Further research should analyze hospital layouts and apply the framework to assess existing facilities, guiding future improvements.

Study on Designing and Installation Effect of Fresh Air Load Reduction System by using Underground Double Floor Space - Proposal of Numerical Model coupled Heat and Moisture Simultaneous Transfer in Hygroscopic - (지열을 이용한 공조외기부하저감(空調外氣負荷低減) 시스템의 설계 및 도입 효과에 관한 연구 - 증기 확산지배에 의한 열수분 동시 이동 수치모델의 제안 -)

  • Son, Won-tug;Choi, Young-sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.331-340
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a feasibility study of a fresh air load reduction system by using an underground double floor space. The fresh air is introduced into the double slab space and passes through the opening bored into the footing beam. The air is cooled by the heat exchange with the inside surface of the double slab space in summer, and heated in winter. This system not only reduces sensible heat load of the fresh air by heat exchange with earth but also reduces latent heat load of the fresh air by ad/de-sorption of underground double slab concrete. In this paper, we used a model for evaluation of fresh air latent heat load reduction by hygroscopic of air to earth exchange system taking into account coupled heat and moisture transfer of underground double floor space. In conclusion it shows the validity of the proposed method for a design tool and the quantitative effect of the system.

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Multiple Plane Area Detection Using Self Organizing Map (자기 조직화 지도를 이용한 다중 평면영역 검출)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hyun;Teng, Zhu;Kang, Dong-Joong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2011
  • Plane detection is very important information for mission-critical of robot in 3D environment. A representative method of plane detection is Hough-transformation. Hough-transformation is robust to noise and makes the accurate plane detection possible. But it demands excessive memory and takes too much processing time. Iterative randomized Hough-transformation has been proposed to overcome these shortcomings. This method doesn't vote all data. It votes only one value of the randomly selected data into the Hough parameter space. This value calculated the value of the parameter of the shape that we want to extract. In Hough parameters space, it is possible to detect accurate plane through detection of repetitive maximum value. A common problem in these methods is that it requires too much computational cost and large number of memory space to find the distribution of mixed multiple planes in parameter space. In this paper, we detect multiple planes only via data sampling using Self Organizing Map method. It does not use conventional methods that include transforming to Hough parameter space, voting and repetitive plane extraction. And it improves the reliability of plane detection through division area searching and planarity evaluation. The proposed method is more accurate and faster than the conventional methods which is demonstrated the experiments in various conditions.

Evaluation of Point Positioning Using the Global Positioning System and the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System as Measured from South Korea

  • Choi, Byung-Kyu;Cho, Chang-Hyun;Cho, Jung Ho
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.403-409
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    • 2015
  • The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), a dedicated regional Japanese satellite system currently under development, was designed to complement the performance of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The high elevation angle of the QZSS satellite is expected to enhance the effectiveness of GPS in urban environments. Thus, the work described in this paper, aimed to investigate the effect of QZSS on GPS performance, by processing the GPS and QZSS measurements recorded at the Bohyunsan reference station in South Korea. We used these data, to evaluate the satellite visibility, carrier-to-noise density (C/No), performance of single point positioning, and Dilution of Precision (DOP). The QZSS satellite is currently available over South Korea for 19 hours at an elevation angle of more than 10 degrees. The results showed that the impact of the QZSS on users' vertical positioning is greatest when the satellite is above 80 degrees of elevation. As for Precise Point Positioning (PPP) performance, the combined GPS/QZSS kinematic PPP was found to improve the positioning accuracy compared to the GPS only kinematic PPP.

The Large Magellanic Cloud Polarization Source Catalog : Evaluation of the polarimetric results

  • Kim, Jaeyeong;Jeong, Woong-Seob;Pak, Soojong;Sim, Chae Kyung;Park, Won-Kee;Pavel, Michael D.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.53.1-53.1
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    • 2013
  • We compiled a near-infrared photometric and polarimetric catalog of $5{\times}9$ fields (${\sim}39^{\prime}{\times}69^{\prime}$) in the eastern side of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). This catalog contains 9067 sources brighter than 16 mag in the J, H, and Ks bands, the polarization degree and position angle of each source. The photometric and polarimetric data were simultaneously obtained in J, H, and Ks bands using SIRPOL, an imaging polarimeter of the InfraRed Survey Facility (IRSF), in 2008 December and 2011 December. In this poster, we present a comparison between our results and those of Nakajima et al. (2007, PASJ, 59, 519) on the same sources in the 30 Doradus region in the LMC. We also discuss possible uncertainties in our polarimetric results when the Source Extractor is used to measure aperture photometry.

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  • Chang, Kun-Soo;Chang, Joo-Sup
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 1984
  • J. Yeh has recently introduced the concept of conditional Wiener integrals which are meant specifically the conditional expectation E$^{w}$ (Z vertical bar X) of a real or complex valued Wiener integrable functional Z conditioned by the Wiener measurable functional X on the Wiener measure space (A precise definition of the conditional Wiener integral and a brief discussion of the Wiener measure space are given in Section 2). In [3] and [4] he derived some inversion formulae for conditional Wiener integrals and evaluated some conditional Wiener integrals E$^{w}$ (Z vertical bar X) conditioned by X(x)=x(t) for a fixed t>0 and x in Wiener space. Thus E$^{w}$ (Z vertical bar X) is a real or complex valued function on R$^{1}$. In this paper we shall be concerned with the random vector X given by X(x) = (x(s$_{1}$),..,x(s$_{n}$ )) for every x in Wiener space where 0=s$_{0}$ $_{1}$<..$_{n}$ =t. In Section 3 we will evaluate some conditional Wiener integrals E$^{w}$ (Z vertical bar X) which are real or complex valued functions on the n-dimensional Euclidean space R$^{n}$ . Thus we extend Yeh's results [4] for the random variable X given by X(x)=x(t) to the random vector X given by X(x)=(x(s$_{1}$).., x(s$_{n}$ )).

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A Study on Expression Method and Characteristic of Transparency of the Surface in Current Commercial Space (현대 상업건축공간에 있어서 표피의 투명성 표현방법과 이미지 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park Chan-Il;Cho Mi-Na
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.14 no.6 s.53
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    • pp.66-74
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study analyzes an expression method and a characteristic of transparency of a surface in commercial space, and it is to show an index of a surface design. We did image evaluation by SD method for the commercial space which directed transparency to a surface as the method. We used a factor analysis and cluster analysis to get the image characteristic and type of the expression methods. As a result, we got six following expression methods and design indexes. (1) Transparency expression of a surface by a multiple layer. (2) Transparency expression of a surface by unification with a structure. (3) Transparency expression of a surface by transparency of materials. (4) Transparency expression of a surface by a combination of various materials. (5) Transparency expression of a surface by unification of the image media. (6) Transparency expression of a surface by transparency transformation of materials. We think that it will be able to make use of these results as a design index for the surface design of a commercial space in the future.