• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social venture company

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Strategic Management Plan for Transnational Organizations

  • Kang, Eungoo;Hwang, Hee-Joong
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2018
  • A primary goal of transnationals is to offer their vision for selling products or services so that they are relevant to local cultures. The purpose of this study is to provide a solution for how transnational companies face various environments and how they can utilize and overcome them and survive strategically. This study will present strategic recommendations for transnational organizations. First, transnational organizations should identify the core areas where organizational can invest or allocate its precious resources to get full advantage of the attractive opportunities form the market and focus on building strong networks with the key stakeholders. Second, they should manage the knowledge flows and provide strategic direction in cooperative venture for the long term successful future and ensure that every department has an effective coordination with other departments in order to bring about the organizational change. Lastly, they should overcome the challenges managers face in a transnational business environment when companies expand their operations into international markets. The managers need to assess the organization's strengths and weaknesses and evaluate different forces which are present in the external environment. And then, Managers have to ensure that the company has sufficient resources, core competencies and capabilities.

A Study on the Liability of Artificial Person(Natural Persons) with a Disregard of the Corporate Fiction in ESG (ESG측면에서의 법인격 부인과 법인관계인(자연인)의 책임에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-han;Kwon, Yong-man
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2021
  • Although management decisions centered on the board of directors and directors must be made in order to effectively promote ESG management, the company's management is not obligated to make decisions considering ESG factors. A Korean corporation(company) is an established organization for commercial or other profit, and the purpose of treating a legal organization as a corporation is to easily handle the legal relationship of a group (corporate's property) and individual property of a group member, but legal person such as rights to "harm public rights" or "defend fraud". Criminal liability for illegal acts of a corporation, but the liability of a corporation (natural person) for illegal acts of a corporation is recognized within a limited range, but the criminal liability of a corporation (natural person) is limited. As the social responsibility of a corporation is great, limiting the responsibility of a corporation-related person (natural person) to civil responsibility will halve its effectiveness if considering the impact on the corporation's national economy. Objective requirements such as the completeness of control, hybridization of property, infringement of creditors' rights, and small-capitalization, and the subjective intention of abusing the company system to avoid legal application to controlling shareholders should be denied. Despite the increasing influence on corporate society, such as large-scale projects and astronomical business profits, corporate officials (natural persons) are forced to be held liable for negligence and intentional liability within a limited range. In such cases, it is necessary to introduce criminal responsibility separately from civil responsibility to legal persons (natural persons) in consideration of the maturity of capitalism in Korean society and the economic status of the world. In Korea, the requirements for recognition of corporate denial are strict, but the United States says that it is sufficient to have control or fraud. Therefore, it is not about civil responsibility, but about criminal responsibility of a legal person (natural person), so if fraud is recognized, it can strengthen the corporate social responsibility.

Activating Local Society Resource Network of Social Business : Focusing on Kwangju and Jejudo (사회적기업의 지역사회 자원연계 활성화를 위한 사례연구 -광주광역시·제주특별자치도를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Hyuk-Ra;Kim, Seon-Myung;Kim, Gi-Hyeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.308-317
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we searched for ways of the demand, the building up of strategic, collaborative networks plan activation of the local area network status by the current social enterprise and the direction of the future resources rinks, conducted by a case study of the (preliminary) social enterprise network-building activities based in Gwangju Metropolitan City and Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. By the study findings, local resources that the two regions social enterprise wants to connect are the most numerous in enterprise, public agencies and local media, followed by professionals' pro bo no, private organizations, volunteer groups. Hope for Information in conjunction is revealed in order by purchasing items, labor and financial support, public relations, purchasing service, marketing and a joint venture. For the conjunction, participating related events, the assistance of government agencies and related organizations joined, the role of chief engineer are emerged in order while they are performing work. By the findings, for the activation of local resources links of the social enterprises, it is necessary to impelled cooperation system between activating local profit companies, universities and one company ; a social enterprise and to uncovered volunteer activities of the community. Also, sparking, solidarity and building trust for social enterprises are derived as a ethical and alternative consumer movement.

A Study on the revitalization of CRS for SMEs (기업의 사회적 책임과 중소기업 CSR의 활성화 방안)

  • Jo, Geum-Jae
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 2018
  • Lately, recognition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been changing. CSR turned out to be a powerful tool which a company incorporates to improve its image. Nowadays, it is no longer an option, but a shared sense which is a source of corporate growth and competitiveness. CSR has changed with times and the economic environment, especially as the global value chain (GVC) came to be more vital, it became accepted as an effective means of growth strategy for small and medium exporters. For SMEs exporters, participating in GVC requires that they meet international standards for CSR demanded by global enterprises. Reflecting this trend, exporters should strive to achieve both goals of social responsibility fulfillment and efficient growth through CSR activities. As one of the key measures for a sustainable growth of an organization, the following are the policy implications. First, it is necessary to establish a national organization dedicated to CSR for small businesses. The central government should establish an organization which is exclusively responsible for CSR of SMEs and oversee the task of CSR of small businesses. Second, the development and verification of the CSV evaluation model should be promoted. The international trend of CSR should be promptly spread out to individual firms and supported to maximize economic effects through consultancy. Third, it should be linked to global advancement. CSR reports by small and mid-size businesses will have to be written to ensure that they have a real effect on the global value chain.

Recent Domestic Research Trend Over Startups: Focusing on the Social Network Analysis of Research Variables (스타트업 관련 최근 국내 연구 동향: 연구 변수들에 대한 소셜 네트워크 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kil, ChangMin;Yang, DongWoo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.81-97
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    • 2022
  • This paper's purpose is to get hold of the recent research trend by analyzing the variables uesd in startups related papers. The startups related papers in this paper are the papers which include 'startups' in the title of the registered papers from the year 2013 to the year 2020. This study's analysis methods are text-mining of all variables and text-network analysis of affected variables. Visualizing tool for network analysis is Gephi. The result of variables' analysis is as follows. First, independent variables consist mainly of variables about startups' internal factors and outside environment, but due to startups' features like early stage company's features, innovative features, most of variables are about enterprise internal competitiveness, marketing 4P strategy, entrepreneurship, coopreation method, transformational leadership, enterprise features, lean startup strategy, enterprise internal communication, value orientation, task conflict, relationship conflict, knowledge sharing, etc. Second, dependent variables are mainly about outcome, and are classified into financial performance and non-financial performance by overall concept. In other words, startups related papers have higher interest in non-financial performance, like management performance, team performance, SCM performance as well as financial performance like sales quantity owing to startups' immaturity in getting good financial performance. Through this study we can find out as follows. Although there are not many officially registered papers dealing with startups, those papers include various themes about stratups. For example, there are trendy themes like lean startups strategy, crowdfunding, influencer and accelerator, etc.

Analysis of the Weight of SWOT Factors of Korean Venture Companies Based on the Industry 4.0 (4차 산업혁명 기반 한국 벤처기업의 SWOT요인에 대한 중요도 분석)

  • Lee, Dongik;Lee, Sangsuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.115-133
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the concept and related technologies of the 4th industrial revolution that has been mixed so far and examines the socio-economic changes and influences resulting from it, and the cases of responding to the 4th industrial revolution in major countries. Based on this, by deriving SWOT factors and calculating the importance of each factor for Korean venture companies to prepare for the forth industrial revolution, it was intended to help the government and policymakers in suggesting directions for establishing related policies. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to suggest a direction for securing global competitiveness to Korean venture entrepreneurs and to help with basic and systematic analysis for further academic in-depth research. For this study, a total of 21 items derived through extensive literature research and data research to understand what are the necessary competency factors for internal and external environmental changes in order for Korean venture companies to have global competitiveness in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. After reviewing SWOT factors by three expert groups and confirming them through Delphi survey, the importance of each item was analyzed by using AHP, a systematic decision-making technique. As a result of the analysis, it was shown that Strength(48%), Opportunity(25%), Threat(16%), Weakness(11%) were considered important in order. In terms of sub-items, 'quick and flexible commercialization capability', 'platform/big data/non-face-to-face service activation', and 'ICT infrastructure and it's utilization' were shown to be of the comparatively high importance. On the other hand, in the lower three items, 'macro-economic stability and social infrastructure', 'difficulty in entering overseas markets due to global protectionism', and 'absolutely inferior in foreign investment' were found to have low priority. As a result of the correlation verification by item to see differences in opinions by industry, academia, and policy expert groups, there was no significant difference of opinion, as industry and academic experts showed a high correlation and industry experts and policy experts showed a moderate correlation. The correlation between the academic and policy experts was not statistically significant (p<0.01), so it was analyzed that there was a difference of opinion on importance. This was due to the fact that policy experts highly valued 'quick and flexible commercialization', which are strengths, and 'excellent educational system and high-quality manpower' and 'creation of new markets' which are opportunity items, while academic experts placed great importance on 'support part of government policy', which are strengths. The implication of this study is that in order for Korean venture companies to secure competitiveness in the field of the 4th industrial revolution, it is necessary to have a policy that preferentially supports the relevant items of strengths and opportunity factors. The difference in the details of strength factors and opportunity factors, which shows a high level of variability, suggests that it is necessary to actively review it and reflect it in the policy.

The Hybrid Organization's Response to Conflicting Institutional Demands: A Case Study about Social Ventures (하이브리드 조직의 모순 대응 전략 변화: 소셜벤처 노을과 에누마 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jin, Wooseok;Seong, Jieun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.151-168
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    • 2022
  • Nowadays companies are required to achieve social goals beyond maximizing shareholder profits. Accordingly, it is important to pursue both the economic and social goals of a company at the same time. Thus the importance of hybrid organizations is increasing theoretically and practically. In particular, since hybrid organizations essentially have the complexity of pursuing both economic and social purposes, the institutional demands of various stakeholders surrounding hybrid organizations are also conflicting. Several previous studies have considered how hybrid organizations respond to these conflicting institutional demands, but most studies are limited to studying at a specific point in time. As a result, there was a limit to analyzing the dynamics in response to conflicting institutional demands as the hybrid organization expanded its business. This study predicted that the hybrid organization would take selective coupling with conflicting institutional demands and that the process of responding to institutional demands would change according to the organization's growth. In this study, we had a case study about Noul and Enuma, social ventures that operate relatively advanced business models with outstanding results in innovation and technology. As a result, social ventures show a selective coupling for conflicting institutional demands, and the selective coupling process changes as their business model are advanced. Specifically, in the early stages of the business, it appears to respond to economic and social demands at the same time with a single business model. When the business is advanced, two or more business models are operated, some of which respond to economic needs and some of which respond to social needs. In the early stages of business, social ventures respond to economic and social demands with a single business model to gain legitimacy and survive in the institutional demands. But when they enter the business growth period, they try to separate business models which respond to economic and social values because they pursue sustainable growth and challenge large-scale missions. Overall, this study attempted to contribute to an in-depth understanding of hybrid organizations by identifying that the method of responding to conflicting institutional demands varies depending on the growth process of social ventures.

Promoting College Graduate Students Motivating Entering on Small and Medium Sized Company : Based on the Expectation Value Theory (대학졸업생들의 중소기업 취업촉진 방안에 관한 연구 : 기대가치이론을 중심으로)

  • Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2014
  • While small and medium-sized companies are suffering from a shortage of workers as a result of social tendency to avoid those companies, college graduates still prefer large companies or governmental positions, which consequently results in inconsistencies in the demand and supply of work forces. The gap between them is getting so bad that employment difficulties are exacerbating. Accordingly this study tries to search for potential employee's expected value factors which make people select small and medium companies not big companies. A survey was conducted from October 1 to october 30, 2012 with university students in the Seoul metropolitan area. a total of 350 questionnaires were distributed and 335 were collected. of these, 332 questionnaires were used for data analyses excluding questionnaires with missing values. Data was analyzed by frequency, descriptive factor, reliability, and regression with SPSS win 18.0 program The result of this study were as follows. A factor analysis extracted four factors comprising small and medium companies, which we named career(factor 1), working environment(factor 2), working achievement(factor 3), job security (factor 4). This study showed that small and medium companies' preference were affected by the career, working environment, job security, corporate reputation, salary.

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A Study in the construction of the system of knowledge management and human resources management in the Korean firm (한국기업의 지식경영 구축과 인적자원 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Heo Kap-Soo
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.17
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    • pp.191-214
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    • 2005
  • Recently, most enterprises are having a knowlege management boom. A number of books associated with the knowlege management are being published, countless public seminars are held, and many research councils have been organized studying it formally or informally as if not importing the system is like falling behind a fashion. However, there are not many cases that achieved success by constructing the system of knowledge management. Then, why the knowledge management is not so much effective despite so many voices wanting the change of management system and a lot of public lectures about it? I guess the reason is that most companies do not have concrete methodology. Seeing a result of a survey which reported that with spread of venture boom and successful examples being known widely, the outflow of precious human resources is accelerated and a large number of employees of conglomerates have already resigned or are considering separation from their positions, we can realize that are occurring a change which can be nearly called severance in an occupational view and an organization culture. The preference to a large enterprise or a public institution of labor is low today and the notion about a lifelong job is regarded as past remains. As for this, it could be said that the social atmosphere that pursued the stability of a job has been changed to the practical one that attaches importance to ability and pay. The way of thinking of employees has been changed while established organizations cannot satisfy their desire and this explains why important members of a company are flown out. The reason why superior human resources move to venture businesses is that they can do their likable work and also prove their ability as well as unconventional rewards. Although existing companies are trying to preserve important human resources through performance compensating stock option, temporary patching up of personnel management cannot retard the rushing wind of foundation and the outflow of labor. On the contrary, clumsy import of performance-based reward system not only fails to hire superior labor power but also can bring about a sense of incompatibility and conflicts among the remaining employees. Therefore, this thesis, focusing on how to choose, develop, and maintain the human resources, will suggest a future-aiming human resources management model of Korean enterprises after comparing and analyzing the actual condition of domestic companies and the trends of advanced corportaions.

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A Series of Rearch for the Theory of Self-estimating Internet Shopping-mall, Business model which uses BMO Estimating Model (BMO 평가모형을 이용한 인터넷 쇼핑몰 비즈니스모델 자가평가 방법론에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Eun, Jong-Seong;Min, Kyung-Se
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2007
  • This paper develop self pre-checkup lists for the validity of business model as web business starters can utilize to open business. In particular, self pre-checkup lists invented by Dr. Bruce Merrifield, is reapplied and modified in appropriate to internet shopping mall business. This paper complete many literature reviews to identify appropriate factors of evaluation such as about the characters of internet business, business validity testing theory for internet business model, pros and cons of e-business and startup ventures, factor analysis of technology valuation, and pros and cons for internet shopping mall. This paper define six different factors; scale of sales, the growth rate of market, competitiveness, risk portfolio, industry upside down, and social conditions, as the factors of evaluating the business attractiveness. Meanwhile, it define characters of CEO, content's power, mutual inclusion, commerce, fulfillment, marketing power as the factors of business appropriateness. This paper also conducts several case studies; company I, D, G of applying the former model. This paper sort out internet business model in imaginations by utilizing self pre-checkup lists of business evaluation. Also, the outcomes of evaluation is expected to provide meaningful future business implications.

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