• Title/Summary/Keyword: Small and Medium-sized Logistics Enterprises

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A Empirical Study on Determinants Affecting the Participation and Performance of Small and Medium-Size Enterprises in Global Electronic Commerce (해외직구·역직구시장에서 중소기업의 참여와 성과에 영향을 미치는 결정요인에 관한 실증연구)

  • Kim, Chang Bong;Min, Cheol Hong;Park, Sang An
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.3-29
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the market size of the global electronic-commerce is rapidly growing. The global market size of an overseas direct-purchase is expected to reach 1 trillion won by 2020. This study intends to determine the decision making factors of B2B overseas direct-purchase(DP) and reverse direct-purchase(RDP), and the impact on the vitalization of the small to middle-sized companies'(SMC) overseas DP and RDP. Ultimately, the purpose of this study is to provide a policy insight on the expansion of exports by SMC. For this, we determined the necessary elements for getting good results by Korean SCM in the overseas DP and RDP market through a preceding research based on resource-based theory and industry structure theory. Afterwards, we used the multiple regression model for positive analysis of the survey documents. We were able to confirm through analysis that the company information, logistics delivery, customs process, law and regulations have positive effects on the overseas DP and RDP. This study surveyed the entire overseas DP market, rather than focusing on the cases of harm and responses of the overseas DP, which was the topic for the preceding research, and can be differentiated from the previous study by deducting influence factors for the Korean SMC to succeed in the overseas DP and RDP market. Moreover, the results of this study is meaningful in proposing a strategic direction for the SMC participating in the overseas DP market and the government enacting policies.

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A Study on Revitalization of Gwangyang Port Marine Industry Cluster Through Attracting R&D Enterprises (입주기업 확대를 통한 광양항 해양산업클러스터 활성화 방안)

  • Kim, BoKyung;Lee, DaYe;Kim, GeunSub
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.131-147
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    • 2023
  • Gwangyang Port Marine Industry Cluster is the only marine industry cluster in Korea that is currently in operation, but despite the implementation of various revitalization policies since its opening, the occupancy rate has been low so far. Accordingly, this study aims to identify the constraints of the current system that hinder the inducement of tenant companies and to suggest revitalization measures. For this purpose, this study analyzed the current status of research and development(R&D) projects in the port, shipping and logistics sector, which is a core industry of the Gwangyang Port Marine Industry Cluster. And a survey was conducted on companies with potential to move in. As a result, the proportion of R&D in the core industry sectors is lower than in other sectors, and most of R&D projects are being carried out mainly by small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, the low need for port facilities and low accessibility to Gwangyang Port were derived as constraints. Considering the results, this study suggests four revitalization measures to induce tenant companies as follows. First, it is necessary to expand the scope of core industries from the current shipping, ports, and logistics to the entire maritime and fisheries, so that companies performing R&D in the industry can move in. Second, the industry code currently specified as a qualification need to be revised to include both the industry of the enterprise carrying out R&D projects and the core industry. Therefore, this study suggests an expanded industry code list that can replace current list. Third, a transition of tenant recruitment system from the regular system(once or twice a year) to the occasional system is proposed so that companies can move in flexibly when demand arises. Finally, in order to overcome geographically low accessibility, technology development support projects specialized in R&D that prospective tenant companies actually need are needed rather than financial support.