• Title/Summary/Keyword: Single subject research

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Effects of the Instrument Pilates Exercise Based on the Schroth Exercise on the Cobb's Angle, Angle of Trunk Rotation and Low Back Pain in Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Single Subject Study

  • Song, Ki Yeon;Baek, Ki Hyun;Lim, Mi Soo;Lim, Hyoung-won
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study examined the effects of the application of Schroth exercise-based instrument Pilates exercise on the Cobb's angle, angle of trunk rotation, and low back pain of female patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Methods: Three patients with idiopathic scoliosis at a Cobb's angle of 20° or more participated in this study. Among the single-subject experimental research designs, a reversal (ABA) design was performed. In particular, Schroth exercise-based instrument, Pilates exercise, was performed for 10 weeks, consisting of five weeks between the baseline and intervention one period and five weeks between the intervention 1 and intervention 2 periods, and then followed up for five weeks. Results: After the Schroth exercise-based instrument, Pilates exercise, was applied, the Cobb's angle and the angle of trunk rotation decreased compared to the baseline in all subjects, and the follow-up period also showed a continuous decline. After Pilates exercise was performed, low back pain in subjects 1 and 2 was decreased in the intervention 1 period compared to the baseline. The level of low back pain in the intervention 2 period increased compared to the intervention 1 period, but a reduction was noted in the follow-up period. The low back pain in the subject was decreased in all intervention periods and the follow-up period. Conclusion: Schroth exercise-based Pilates exercise improves the Cobb's angle and the angle of trunk rotation for female patients with idiopathic scoliosis in their teens and 20s, and an effective intervention method is proposed for low back pain.


  • Tang, Hengyong;Zhao, Chuanli
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.25 no.1_2
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    • pp.183-199
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    • 2007
  • In this paper we research the problem in which the objective is to minimize the sum of squared deviations of job expected completion times from the due date, and the job processing times are stochastic. In the problem the machine is subject to stochastic breakdowns and all jobs are preempt-repeat. In order to show that the replacing ESSD by SSDE is reasonable, we discuss difference between ESSD function and SSDE function. We first give an express of the expected completion times for both cases without resampling and with resampling. Then we show that the optimal sequence of the problem V-shaped with respect to expected occupying time. A dynamic programming algorithm based on the V-shape property of the optimal sequence is suggested. The time complexity of the algorithm is pseudopolynomial.

Can the Energy Costs of Speech Movements be Measured\ulcorner A Preliminary Feasibility Study

  • Bjorn Lindblom;Moon, Seung-Jae
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3E
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2000
  • The main question addressed in this research was whether an adaptation of a standard exercise Physiology Procedure would be sensitive enough to record excess oxygen uptake associated with speech activity. Oxygen consumption was recorded for a single subject during 7-minute rest periods and an automatic speech task, also 7-minutes long and performed at three different vocal efforts. The data show measurable and systematic speech-induced modifications of breathing and oxygen uptake patterns. The subject was found to use less power for normal than for soft and loud speech. This result is similar to findings reported by experimental biologists on the energetics of locomotion. However, more comprehensive feasibility studies need to be undertaken on a larger population before solid and detailed conclusions about speech energy costs are possible. However, it appears clear that, for experimental tasks like the present one, i.e., variations in vocal effort, standard exercise physiology methods may indeed offer a viable approach to recording excess oxygen uptake associated with speech movements.

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The Effect of Sensory Diet Based on Proprioception on the Toddler's Sleep Pattern : Single Subject Research (고유감각을 기초로 한 감각식이가 유아의 수면 패턴에 미치는 효과: 단일사례연구)

  • Jung, Hye-Rim;Rho, Guem-Mi;Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2012
  • Objective : The aim of the present single subject research was to identify the effect of sensory diet based on proprioception on toddler's sleep pattern and the continuance of the effect. Methods : The sensory diet based on proprioception consisted of 14 session was provided to a 13 months old girl for 2 weeks. The time taken to fall asleep, amount of sleep, bed time and severity of behavior before sleep were recorded by her mother who was taken the education about observation. Results : After the sensory diet, the child present change of time taken to fall asleep, amount of sleep, bed time and severity of behavior before sleep, and the effect on time taken to fall asleep, continued temporally. Conclusion : The sensory diet based on proprioception was related to stabilize the sleep pattern of a toddler, and the effect of the sensory diet continued temporally after the sensory diet. For future research, more subjects and methodical measure are need to generalize the result of sensory diet based on proprioception affecting to toddler's sleep pattern.

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The Effects of Somatosensory Stimulation of the Hands on the Hand Functions and Visuomotor Coordination Function of Children with Developmental Disabilities

  • Kong, Nam Ho;Lee, Jun Cheol;Lee, Han Ki
    • Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.652-660
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    • 2014
  • In the present study, to examine the effects of somatosensory stimulation of the hands on the hand functions and visuomotor coordination of children with developmental disabilities, a total of 24 sessions of experiments were conducted with three children with developmental disabilities for 60 minutes per session, three sessions per week from January 7, 2013 to March 11, 2013. To examine the effects of somatosensory stimulation of the hands on grasping and visuomotor coordination which are sub-areas of PDMS-2, the A-B study design was used which is a single case study method out of single-subject experimental research designs. Somatosensory stimulation of the hands was shown to be effective in improving the hand functions of children with developmental disabilities. Somatosensory stimulation of the hands showed positive effects on the raw scores and standardized scores of grasping and visuomotor coordination in all the three subject children. Visuomotor coordination functions showed higher scores in post-hoc tests in all three children. In particular, ring throws showed high scores at right $90^{\circ}$, right $45^{\circ}$, center, left $45^{\circ}$, and left $90^{\circ}$ among visual directions. In the present study conducted with children with developmental disabilities, ring throws were performed to examine visuomotor coordination. In particular, the numbers of successes of ring throws on the front, left, and right were shown to be high. Therefore, somatosensory stimulation of the hands was effective on the hand functions and visuomotor coordination functions of children with developmental disabilities.

A Study on Housing Environmental Design for Detached House in Cheung-Ju (淸州市 開新洞 單獨 住宅地의 住居環境 改善에 관한 硏究)

  • 김낙춘;조중근
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1999
  • The subject of this study is housing environmental design of single family housing in urban, which intends to study the way of enhancing the quality of our housing environment through comparative research and analysis in Cheong-ju & Tama. The elements of the environmental design were reviewed for forming of street, open space and park, housing utilities, and environmental facilities. The results are as follows: 1. The plans require informally related influential factor. 2. To make street in housing area as not traffic facilities but a space residents life. 3. In order to improve housing environment, We have to design the elements efficiently for comfort of life.

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The Effects of CPAP Therapy on Hypernasality in a Flaccid Dysarthric Patient: A Case Study (CPAP 치료 프로그램이 이완형 마비성구어장애자의 과대비성 개선에 미치는 효과)

  • Hwang, Young-Jin;Kim, Ha-Kyung;Jeong, Ok-Ran;Ye, Mi-Kyung
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2005
  • This study aimed at investigating the effects of CPAP therapy on hypernasality in flaccid dysarthria. The subject was a flaccid dysarthric patient with hypernasality. An A-B-A experimental research design was used. The therapy program was conducted 16 sessions. During CPAP therapy, the subjects was required to repeat single-word utterances in the form VNCV. The results showed some improvement in decreasing hypernasality.

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Wind design spectra for generalisation

  • Martinez-Vazquez, P
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2020
  • Previous research has shown that wind acceleration components produce a signal that can vibrate single-degree of-freedom oscillators, whose dynamic responses enable to configure design spectra for structures subject to wind. These wind design spectra present an alternative method for evaluating the dynamic response of structures and are a suitable tool for running modal analyses. Here, a generalised method for producing wind design spectra is proposed. The method consists of scaling existing spectra to adjust to a wider range of building properties and terrain conditions. The modelling technique is tested on a benchmark building to prove that its results are consistent with experimental evidence reported in the past.

The Effect of Visual Feedback Intervention on Voice Pitch of Adult with Hearing Impairment (선천성 청각장애성인의 시각적피드백 이용 음도치료 효과)

  • Euh, Su-Ji;Yoon, Mi-Sun
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.215-226
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    • 2005
  • This study is an attempt to investigate effect of pitch treatment program using visual feedback for profound deaf adults. Dr. Speech program was applied as a training tool. The subjects of this study were 3 profound deaf adults. Speech samples for evaluation were vowel prolongations and connected speech. Analysis was performed under the principle of single subject research design. As results of this study, all subjects showed the treatment effects which were represented by lowering fundamental frequency and speaking fundamental frequency.

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The Effects of Oral Activity With Sensory Integration Intervention on Eating of a Child With Oral Defensiveness: A Single-Subject Research Design (구강 활동을 병행한 감각통합중재가 구강 방어 아동의 먹기에 미치는 효과: 단일 실험 설계 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon-Sung;Son, Cho-Rok;Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2018
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sensory integration intervention combined with oral activity on eating of child with sensitive oral senses. Methods : The study subject was 6 years old boy and diagnosed with developmental disorder. The experiment period was 15 sessions from April 21, 2017 to June 2, 2017. Experimental design used AB design in single-subject design, baseline (A) phase (sensory integration therapy) was 5 sessions and intervention phase (B) (sensory integration therapy combined oral activity) was 10 sessions. During the experiment, the child used the Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) to measure behavioral changes in eating. Results : The GAS score of voluntary eating of favorite foods was 0 on the baseline phase and increased to 1.9 on the intervention phase. The GAS score of voluntary eating of disliking foods was 0 on average during the baseline phase and increased to 1.7 on average during the intervention phase. Conclusion : This study suggests that sensory integration intervention combined with oral activity program may have a positive effect on eating of children with sensitive oral senses and limited food intake.