• Title/Summary/Keyword: Shape Context

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The Impact of Industry Architectures and Supply Chains on Successful Expansion in Emerging Markets (산업구조와 가치사슬이 신흥국 진출 성공에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Jae Ho;Park, Kwang Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2020
  • Korean firms have been vigorously searching and exploring overseas market opportunities through export and overseas investment. As of end of 2019, there were more than 80,000 Korean overseas subsidiaries all over the world. With Korean overseas direct investment increasing recently, it became one of the important issues for overseas investors to be successful in the global market. There are a lot of studies on factors influencing the performance of overseas subsidiaries such as 'firm' and 'country' factors. This study empirically examines subsidiary performance determinants with 'industry architectures' by using a sample of 292 overseas Korean firm subsidiaries. Industry architectures are the stable but evolving sets of rules and roles through which labor is divided within a sector. This article considers how industry architectures shape success in international expansion. Industry architectures differ between countries, are not necessarily technologically determined, shape firms' capabilities and their competitive environment, and constitute a distinct level of analysis. We extract antecedents of related theory and empirically test its impact with a survey of Korean firms expanding in emerging economies. We would say this is the first study which tries to focus on industry architectures with the performance of Korean overseas subsidiaries. We find that separability and similarity of industry architectures across countries and localization of subsidiaries are robust and important predictors of success in international expansion. Our results suggest that industry architectures should be added to firm and country as an intermediate level of analysis that helps explain success in international expansion. While we established a pattern, much more remains to be done. We focus on the success of foreign operations, but we do not consider the broader benefits of going abroad, such as the learning or network effects that accrue at the level of the entire firm. The next obvious question is whether the results would differ in the developed market context. These we leave for future research to consider.

Survey on Transition Process of Construction Sites in Left and Right of Lecture Hall in the Temple of Baekje During the 6~7th Century (6~7세기 백제 사찰 내 강당 좌우 건물지의 변천과정 고찰)

  • Jung, Ja-Young
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.137-153
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    • 2010
  • Jeongrimsaji as temple remains of Baekje Sabi period, its re-excavation has been carried three times in full scale. As a result, the buildings in left and right of lecture hall was largely identified in 3 forms. First, layout of small buildings in left and right of lecture hall. Second, layput of corridor in left and right of lecture hall. Third, layout of construction site in the north of corridor in left and right of lecture hall. Above second is included into remains of Gorye, the third is included into remains of Baekje - the remains were almost ruined then. The first form and third form in above is different each other in size of buildings, form of layout, and location. It is important to investigate these points: the time of constructing the buildings; what position have the use and function of the buildings in the temple? ; transition process of layout of the Buddhist temple. In this context, of temple remains in Baekje during the 5~7th century, the cases where construction sites in left and right of lecture hall and construction site in the north of corridor are identified, have been reviewed. Based on this review, the use and function of buildings, their transition process were investigated. The survey results show that small buildings in left and right of lecture hall existed in the middle and later period of the 6th century. During the later 6th century ~ the 7th century, construction site in narrow and long square shape was located in left and right of lecture hall instead of small buildings in the north of corridor. Therefore, it is identified that the aforementioned thing is earlier stage and the latter thing is later stage.

The Relationship between Korea Agricultural Productions and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Environmental Kuznets Curve (환경쿠즈네츠곡선을 이용한 한국의 농업 생산과 온실가스 배출의 관계 분석)

  • Kang, Hyun-Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Korea agricultural productions and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions based on Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis. Design/methodology/approach - This study utilized time series data of economic growth, greenhouse gas, agricultural productions, trade dependency, and energy usages. In order to econometric procedure of EKC hypothesis, this study utilized unit root test and cointegration test to check staionarity of each variable and also adopted Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) to analyze the short and long run relationships. Findings - In the short run, greenhouse gas emissions resulting from economic growth show an inverse U-shape relationship, and an increase in agricultural production and energy consumption led to increase in greenhouse gas emission. In the long run, total GHG emissions and CO2 emissions show an N-shaped relationship with economic growth, and an increase in agricultural production has resulted in a decrease in total GHG and CO2 emissions. However, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions showed an inverse U-shape relationship with economic growth, which indicated the environment and production process of agricultural production. Research implications or Originality - Korea agricultural production has different effects on the GHG emission sources, and in particular, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions show to increase as the agricultural production expansions, so policy or technological development in related sector is required. Especially, in the context of the 2030 GHG reduction road-map, if GHG-related reduction technologies or policies are spread, national GHG emission reduction targets can be achieved and this is possible to predict the decline in production in the sector and damage to the related industries.

The Text Analysis of Plasticity Expressed in the Modern Art to Wear (Part II) - Focused on the West Art Works since 1980s - (현대 예술의상에 표현된 조형성의 텍스트 분석 (제2보) - 1980년대 이후 서구 작가 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Seung-Mi;Yang, Sook-Hi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.29 no.7 s.144
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    • pp.926-937
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    • 2005
  • The analysis category of Art to Wear was text analyzed from the research material of 100 projects put together by fashion specialist. The conclusion of Art to Wear was comprehended the general features of it were compared and analyzed from a semiotics context. According to this analysis, the formative features of modern Art to Wear is categorized into three different dimensions from a semiotics light. The formative features of modem Art to Wear in the light of syntactic dimension was divided as an open constructed shape of Space Extension, non-typical Deformation, Geometrical Plasticity. The formative features of modem Art to Wear in the light of semantic dimension express symbolic meaning through metaphorical sign. These sign reflect the body image of the life and death and its objective of Abjection, Hybrid of discultural appearance and the image of Hyper-reality, which are features used to comprehend the inner meaning. The formative features of modem Art to Wear in the light of pragmatic dimension divided the artist emotion and meaning system delivered by Emotive Image, the Phatic Image that arouse inner signification and the Poetic Image which contain artistic and aesthetic meaning within it.

Object and Structure in Elementary School Mathematics: Horizontal and Vertical Diversity of Structure (초등수학에서 대상과 구조: 구조의 횡적 다양성과 종적 다양성)

  • Yim, Jaehoon
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.321-336
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    • 2012
  • Cognitive subject imposes structures on an object to shape it into a structured thing. Structures that the subject imposes on an object in a given problem context can be diverse horizontally and vertically. In view of the horizontal diversity of structure, problem-solving activities focusing on various structures may enrich the present problem-solving education which emphasizes applying and comparing a couple of problem-solving strategies. Finding an algebraic formula for a figural pattern should be regarded as a new starting point of searching for more various structures. In view of the vertical diversity of structure, it should be aware that students may see different structures from the structure that their teacher expect them to see. The vertical diversity of structure enables us to provide students with experience of progress.

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The Contemporary Metal Urns : Art and Symbolism (현대 금속 골호작품의 조형적 특징과 상징적 의미 연구)

  • Ahn Myung-Sun
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.6
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    • pp.226-248
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    • 2004
  • The researcher has tried to develop the aesthetic value of the art and the function of metalwork in conjunction with our daily life. especially has been eager to develop the new possibility of metal urns through the investigation of ordinary metalwork. Funeral urns are vessels to fill the ashes of bodies. As the social issues, including problems of restricted land territory and environmental pollution are awakening, many people are much concerned about the use of urns in recent days. Although social concerns about cremation and urns are getting high, most urns in Korea have been made of ceramic and stone. The shape of old urns are pot style with lids, and their color is simple white or jade green. Moreover, old urns are expensive, unpractical, simple, and furthermore, the feature of urns has not preserved the sense of beauty. In this context, we have narrow choices to select urns, and it has been difficult for us to be familiar with the old-style urns. Therefore, the need for developing metal urns are necessary as the increase of public concerns towards cremation is widely spreading. As it is well known, metal is not only regarded as hard, antibacterial, pro-environmental material , but also regarded as good substance for urns. Metal is also suitable for making urns because of metal's characteristics of easy processing, mass production, and cheap price. The researcher has been tried to find the possibility of art of metalwork through the dissemination of metal urns to the public. The researcher has also attempted to represent the characteristics and symbolic implications of contemporary metal urns for ordinary people to adopt metal urns as their 'Rite Haven'.

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Understanding of Science Classrooms in Different Countries through the Analysis of Discourse Modes for Building 'Classroom Science Knowledge' (CSK)

  • Oh, Phil Seok;Campbell, Todd
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.597-625
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    • 2013
  • This study explored how teachers and students in different countries discursively interact to build 'Classroom Science Knowledge' (CSK) - the knowledge generated situatedly in the context of the science classroom. Data came from publicly released $8^{th}$ grade science classroom videos of five nations who participated in the Third TIMSS (Trend in International Mathematics and Science Study) video study. A total of ten video-recorded science lessons and their verbatim transcripts were selected and analyzed using a framework developed by the researchers of the study. It was revealed that a range of discourse modes were utilized and these modes were often sequentially connected to build CSK in the science classrooms. Although dominant discourse modes and their sequences varied among different lessons or different countries, the study identified three salient patterns of science classroom discourse: teacher-guided negotiation and the sequences of exploring - building on the shared and retrieving - elaborating. These patterns were found to be different from the discursive features commonly witnessed in the community of professional scientists and interpreted as implying the existence of unique epistemic cultures shared in science classrooms of different countries. Further studies are suggested to reveal detailed characteristics of these epistemic cultures of science classrooms, as well as to confirm whether any cultural traits inherently shape the differences in science classroom discourse among different nations.

Microspore Development According to the Floral Budsize in Astragalus membranaceus Bunge

  • Kim, Young-Guk;Son, Seok-Yong;Park, Chung-Heon;Seong, Nak-Sul;Lee, Bong-Ho
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2000
  • Astragalus membranaceus has flowers that are similar to that of the legume family, but shows poor bearing when self-pollination is induced. Thus, this study was carried out observing the ripening procedure of pistils and stamens and development stages of pollen in the context of the birth and growth of the flower. As to the bearing of the flower of A. membranaceus, few pod setting and 13% pod setting were observed when self-pollination is induced by paper-bag covering or artificial pollination treated respectively. The result indicates that A. membranaceus is a cross-pollination plant. A pistil grew faster than a stamen until just before blooming. The flower size was about 17.0mm$\times$4.0mm. Pistils and stamens had the same length after flowering. Pollen mother cells passed through meiosis and mitosis when its length reached around 3.5mm, thus creating the tetrade when 4 mm long. Pollen attained full growth when the bud was about 10mm long. An anther was found to tend to dehisce when the length of a bud reached around 12.0mm. As to the shape of pollen, about 70 % were normal. 1% and 30 % were small or empty pollen respectively. The result indicates that pollen of A. membranaceus attains full growth just before anther dehiscence which occurs before blooming while pistils grow faster than stamens until before flowering.

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The Formation and the Features of Modern Body Aesthetics in Modern Korea (근대 한국 사회에서의 모던 신체미의 형성과 특성)

  • Park, Hye-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.122-135
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to figure out what the beauty of the modern body means and symbolizes from the aesthetic, sociocultural, and psychological perspectives and to investigate how it was formed in the modern Korean society. The data were obtained from the magazines and newspapers published from 1920 to 1939 and analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The results were as follows: First, the modern body from an aesthetic standpoint was characterized by the beauty of westernization, healthy body shape, sensuality, curvaceousness, activity, balance and harmony, and artificiality. The beauty of the modern body from a sociocultural perspective symbolized modern culture and implied the value evaluated by visual appearance. Therefore, the modern body became an object of consumption and the physical capital that gave women chances for their social success and happy marriages. The beauty of the modern body from a psychological viewpoint expressed individuality as a modern ego. Second, the formation of modern body esthetics was explained within the context of social comparison theory. The ideal body suggested by mass media was internalized as the aesthetic standard women used to create modern bodies and with which they compared their created bodies.

Slotted hydrofoil design optimization to minimize cavitation in amphibious aircraft application: A numerical simulation approach

  • Conesa, Fernando Roca;Liem, Rhea Patricia
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.309-333
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    • 2020
  • The proposed study aims to numerically investigate the performance of hydrofoils in the context of amphibious aircraft application. In particular, we also study the effectiveness of a slotted hydrofoil in minimizing the cavitation phenomenon, to improve the overall water take-off performance of an amphibious aircraft. We use the ICON A5 as a base model for this study. First, we propose an approach to estimate the required hydrofoil surface area and to select the most suitable airfoil shape that can minimize cavitation, thus improving the hydrodynamic efficiency. Once the hydrofoil is selected, we perform 2D numerical studies of the hydrodynamic and cavitating characteristics of a non-slotted hydrofoil on ANSYS Fluent. In this work, we also propose to use a slotted hydrofoil to be a passive method to control the cavitation performance through the boundary layer control. Numerical results of several slotted configurations demonstrate notable improvement on the cavitation performance. We then perform a multiobjective optimization with a response surface model to simultaneously minimize the cavitation and maximize the hydrodynamic efficiency of the hydrofoil. The optimization takes the slot geometry, including the slot angle and lengths, as the design variables. In addition, a global sensitivity study has been carried and it shows that the slot widths are the more dominant factors.