• Title/Summary/Keyword: Seoul Apartment

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Cluster analysis for Seoul apartment price using symbolic data (서울 아파트 매매가 자료의 심볼릭 데이터를 이용한 군집분석)

  • Kim, Jaejik
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.1239-1247
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    • 2015
  • In this study, 64 administrative regions with high frequencies of apartment trade in Seoul, Korea are classified by the apartment sale price. To consider distributions of apartment price for each region as well as the mean of the price, the symbolic histogram-valued data approach is employed. Symbolic data include all types of data which have internal variation in themselves such as intervals, lists, histograms, distributions, and models, etc. As a result of the cluster analysis using symbolic histogram data, it is found that Gangnam, Seocho, and Songpa districts and regions near by those districts have relatively higher prices and larger dispersions. This result makes sense because those regions have good accessibility to downtown and educational environment.

The Direction of Public Rental Apartment Supported by Community Service Viewed from the Livable Community - A Qualitative Comparison Study on the Rental Apartment in Seoul and ST. Paul - (살기 좋은 지역 만들기 관점에서 본 생활지원서비스와 연계한 공공 임대아파트의 방향 - 서울 SH공사 아파트와 미국 세인트폴 시 PHA 아파트의 질적 연구 -)

  • Shin, Kyung-Joo;Jang, Sang-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this qualitative research is to compare the community service and situation of SH apartment in Yangcheon-Gu and PHA apartment in Minnesota in order to grasp the requirement for livable community. For the study, depth-interview method was used to collect the data. Throughout this research, we found the ways to create a livable community as follows: Rental apartments are supplied by Seoul Housing agency in Korea while in US by PHA, an independent government agency. Both of them are in direct management. There are five main topics to be discussed. First, as a main supplier of services, it is Yangchun-Gu's social welfare center in Korea, while PHA in US. Second, as a mean of giving services, Korean residents visit the welfare center. On the other hand, PHA apartments enforces service-to-customer policies. Third, as a Korean service, they are consultation targeting families, children, teenagers, disabled, olds, education, medical examinations, rehabilitation and free meals. In US PHA apartments, they are medical health professionals, social worker, beauty salon or barber shop, bus to shopping area, bookmobile, OK card program, CHSP, ASI, ALP, personal care, senior/congregate dinning and etc. Fourth, both Korean and US have same hindrance for the 'livable community' policies which is funding and conflict of residents. Fifth, both Korean and US think that the key for the success of 'livable community' are resources, service and residents. The differences between Korea and US concerning service conditions such as supply of rental apartments, management and services are caused by cultural, ethnic and economical differences. From another point of view, Korean apartments are predicted to have similar problems like PHA apartments, and preparative attitude for this is needed.

The study of in-situ measurement method for wall thermal performance diagnosis of existing apartment (기존 공동 주택의 벽체 열성능 현장 측정법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seohoon;Kim, Jonghun;Yoo, Seunghwan;Jeong, Hakgeun;Song, Kyoodong
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2016
  • Purpose : The energy saving in a residential building (apartment) sector is known as one of the effective solution of energy reduction. In South Korea, the government has recently reinforced regulations associated with the energy performance of buildings. However, there is a lack of research on the methods for the energy performance diagnosis that is used to analyze the wall thermal performance of the existing apartments. Because a reliable diagnosis is necessary to save the building energy, this study analyzed wall thermal performance of an existing apartment in Seoul. Method : This paper applied two methods for analysis of the thermal insulation performance; HFM(Heat Flow Meter) method and ASTR(Air-Surface Temperature Ratio) method. The HFM method is suggested by ISO9869-1 code to measure the thermal performance. The ASTR method is proposed by this study for the simplified In-situ measurement and it uses three temperature data (interior wall surface, interior and exterior air) and the overall heat transfer coefficient. This study conducted the experiment of an existing apartment in Seoul using these methods and analyzed the results. Furthermore, the energy simulation tool of the building was used to suggest retrofit of the building based on the results of measurements. Result : The error rate of HFM method and ASTR method was analyzed in about 17 to 20%. As the results of comparison between the initial design values of the wall and the measured values, the 26% degradation of insulation thermal performance was measured. Lastly, the energy simulation tool of the building shows 10.8% energy savings in accordance with the construction of suggested retrofit.

A Study on Residents' Needs for Storage According to Unit Size in Apartment (아파트 규모별 수납 실태 및 거주자 요구 조사)

  • 이지순;최연진;박지현;윤정숙
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to examine needs of residents on the storage according to unit size in apartment. In order to achieve our goal, the questionnaire survey was used. We sampled the questionnaire surveys of 250 households in Seoul whose apartment sizes had been more than 20 pyung. The data collected by the questionnaire survey was analyzed by examining the frequency, percentage on the SPSS/PC+. The results of the study were obtained as follows: 1) In research on the actual storage condition, Residents tended to feel constraint on the storage of the season goods and the storage satisfaction on the service area was found lowest. Therefore, there needed to design the balcony more efficiently for the storage and the interior storage for the season goods. 2) In research on consciousness and attitude about the storage, residents tended to keep the goods of no use and prefered to arrange neatly rather than use conveniently. Therefore, there needed more efficient space in the balcony for the storage of the goods of no use and the closed furniture rather than the open furniture was suited for arrangement. 3) In research on the storage needs, needs for the built-in furniture in all apartment sizes showed highly and residents wanted a space for the exclusive use of the storage. In a solution, it was proposed to equip with the interior storage and the exterior cooperative storage. In the conclusion, needs of residents on the storage according to apartment size were different little. The small size apartment had the serious storage problems and wanted the efficient space plan for storage.

The Comparison of Residents' Movement and Activities of Public Rental Apartments in Korea and the United States - Focused on the Comparison of SH Apartments and PHA Apartments - (한국과 미국 공공 임대아파트 거주자의 이동과 단지 내 활동 - 서울 SH공사 아파트와 미네소타 주 PHA 아파트의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Kyung-Joo;Jang, Sang-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this research is to compare residents' movement and activities in SH apartment in Yangcheon-Gu, Seoul (SH apartment) and PHA apartment in St. Paul, Minnesota (PHA apartment) in order to improve the quality of rental housing environment. This study had surveyed 418 residents of SH apartments in Korea and used the secondary data gathered from 1,462 residents of PHA apartments in the United States. The results of this study are as follows: The criteria of Korean residents in SH apartments when choosing their residences are lower rent payment and shorter waiting time. They seemed to have no other options than public rental housing. On the contrary, American residents in PHA apartment had more option to choose from. Therefore, Korea needs to offer more variety types of residents that can be lead to better satisfaction of low income classes. Most of the SH apartments residents has lived for long-term, in the average of more than 6 years, and wanted to live continually at their current dwelling. PHA residents showed similar tendency. However, long term residency may lead to permanent occupation of the public rental apartment by the same family. Hence, a system which can provide equal residency opportunities to all low-income classes need to be developed. Residents of SH apartment were satisfied with the personal activities but were not satisfied with group activities among residents or regarding resident meetings. However, residents of PHA apartments were more satisfied with their management because there is more in-housing-complex activity programs. Therefore, more activity program for a resident should be developed after analysing programs of different apartments and current conditions in Korea. There were some noticeable divergences among residents, based on their age, term of residence and physical, emotional and mental problem, when evaluating in-housing-complex's programs. Thus, these factors are also need to be considered when planning and examining evaluation about the management of rental apartments.

Water Quality Variation and Corrosion Index Characteristics of Underground Reservoir in Apartment (공동주택 지하저수조의 수질변화 및 부식성 특성)

  • JunYoung, Jang;JooWon, Kim;YuHoon, Hwang;KiPal, Kim;HyunSang, Shin;ByungRan, Lim
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 2022
  • To maintain water quality after water treatment, monitoring whether the quality of treated tap water quality changes is essential. However, current investigations are insufficient to prevent secondary contamination in drinking water supply systems. This study investigated Gyeonggi's e apartment where a red water problem occurred and monitored the water quality and corrosiveness of the overall water supply system to the apartment from June 2021 to April 2022. In a comparison of drinking water quality after water treatment and the influent of the reservoir, turbidity and heavy metal concentrations were increased and residual chlorine was decreased due to increases in temperature. Correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that a low level of residual chlorine may cause the abscission of Mn2+ and Fe2+ through microorganism activation, which also causes a high level of turbidity. The corrosion index (LI) in the influent of the reservoir tank was increased due to Ca2+ and temperature. These results indicate that the corrosiveness of drinking water and the deterioration of drinking water quality were mainly increased between the drinking water treatment plant and the reservoir tank's influent. The findings provide clear evidence that it is essential to manage water supply systems and reservoir tanks to prevent the secondary contamination of drinking water.

Improvement Planting Method and Characteristics of Planting Design with Ornamental Trees in Apartment Complex, Seoul (서울시 아파트단지내 조경수목 배식특성 및 개선 연구)

  • 이경재;한봉호;이수동
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.236-248
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to propose improvement planting method by the research and analysis of planting concept, planting density, planting style and pattern in apartment complex, Seoul. Survey sites were selected by reflecting the change of green area ratio : Hawgok Jugong apartment complex, Gangseo-gu(1974), Samik-green apartment complex, Gangdong-gu(1980), Dongsindaea apartment complex, Gangseo-gu(1992). Green area in apartment complex was classified with front green area, side green area, and back-side green area. Planting concept that composed of landscape planting concept but anyother concept was not, was similar to all sites not differ from creation time. And planted species was not differ from planting style. Planting density was of both conopyㆍunder story layer was 0.0∼0.2 tree/$m^2$, and that of shrub layer was 0.0∼0.5 tree/$m^2$ Shrub layer planting density was insufficient and the density was not changed according to the creation time. Canopyㆍunderstory and shrub was planted to another green space, not concern with multi-layer structure. Planting pattern was utilized to single planting, linear planting, and random triangle planting, but it was not to the change that in each green space planting concept. Green area in apartment complex should be variety according to planting density, planting structure and planting pattern. And we should get the function of covering and beauty in case of front green space, that of ecological environment and increasing green volume in case of back-side green area, that of increasing green volume in case of side green area, apartment complex.

Reemergence of the bedbug Cimex lectularius in Seoul, Korea

  • Lee, In-Yong;Ree, Han-Il;An, Song-Jun;Linton, John Alderman;Yong, Tai-Soon
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.269-271
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    • 2008
  • A healthy 30-yr-old woman carrying an insect that had been caught in her living room visited the International Clinic at Severance Hospital, Seoul, in December 2007. The insect she brought was identified to be a nymph of a bedbug, Cimex lectularius, and her skin rashes looked typical bedbug's bites. Her apartment was investigated, and a dead body of a bedbug, cast skins, and hatched eggs were found in her rooms and neighbors' rooms in the same building. She was living in that apartment in Seoul for 9 months since she had moved from New Jersey, USA. We assume that the bedbugs were introduced from abroad, since there had been no report on bedbugs in Seoul for more than 2 decades at least. This is a report of a reemergence of the common bedbug, C. lectularius in Seoul, Korea.

A Conjoint Analysis on the Preference Analysis of the Han River Skyline Focus on the Apgujeong Apartment District in the Han River Embankments, Seoul (컨조인트 분석(Conjoint analysis)을 이용한 한강 변 스카이라인 형태 선호도 분석 연구 - 한강 변 압구정 아파트지구를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Song-Hee;Jang, Chang-Hee;Lee, Jae-Seung
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2023
  • With a growing interest in the Han River Skyline, which greatly influences Seoul's image, careful consideration of the skyline form has become crucial in the redevelopment plans for apartment complexes along the Han River. The Seoul Metropolitan City government has lifted the height limitations for apartments along the Hang River to cultivate a vibrant skyline. However, traditional skyline analysis often overlooks specific attributes, limiting the provision of precise guidelines for Seoul's unique skyline plans. Despite advancements in Digital Twin technology, only some tools effectively manage urban skylines with preferred shapes. Hence, this study aims to make a substantial contribution to the advancement of a Digital Twin 3D modeling program capable of effectively managing urban skylines. This is achieved through the utilisation of Conjoint Analysis, which assesses the importance of each attribute in determining the preferred skyline shape. Focusing on Apgujeong apartment complexes along the Han River currently undergoing redevelopment or planned for redevelopment, the study analyses the preferred skyline shape to propose standards for the Digital Twin 3D modeling program development. It also suggests that Conjoint Analysis can be beneficial in this process.

A Luminous Environment of Outdoor Spaces in Apartment Complexes (아파트 단지(團地) 외부공간(外部空間)의 빛 환경(環境)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kwon, So-Young;Ha, Mi-Kyoung;Lee, Hyo-Chang
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.237-241
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    • 2006
  • The Qualitative improvements of outdoor spaces are unsatisfactory in comparison with that of indoor environment in existing apartments. Lately construction companies are differentiating the outdoor spaces of apartment complexes to meet needs of residents. However, high-rise buildings inherently have limitations on providing exposure to the outdoor settings and inappropriate lightings could have serious impacts on physical and psychological health of residents. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide useful information for the luminous environment of outdoor spaces through the analysis of current apartment complexes' lighting plans. Outdoor space of branded apartment complexes in Seoul, built after the year 2003, were researched. Through site visits, illumination level and lighting plans were investigated classified into entry area, passage area, plaza, rest area, exercise area, and play area. With the result, illumination level of apartment complexes researched was lower than KS illumination standard in all areas and the lighting plans were mostly shown in different condition of first intended lighting plan because of insufficiency of maintenance in lighting system. Therefore, it is need to provide better luminous environment to make outdoor space more lively and energetic at the night time.

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