• 제목/요약/키워드: Self-similar

검색결과 1,441건 처리시간 0.028초

관우한국생태학적일개예설(关于韩国生态学的一个预设): 기우복장탑배적행위(基于服装搭配的行为) (Typology of Korean Eco-sumers: Based on Clothing Disposal Behaviors)

  • Sung, Hee-Won;Kincade, Doris H.
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2010
  • 绿色环保或者环境意识已经成为商业、政府机关, 以及消费者和世界关注的重要问题. 针对这一情况, 韩国政府宣布, 在本世纪初, "环保建设" 将被作为一种用以鼓励与环保相关的商业活动的方式. 不同层次的韩国服装业, 提出了不同的产品环保的绿色计划. 这些服装产品包括有机产品和回收的衣服. 要想使这些公司成功, 他们需要那些, 在做产品购买,使用, 处置时, 将绿色问题(如环境的可持续性发展)作为一个人判断的一个组成部分的顾客的信息. 这些消费者可以被看成是生态学的关注者. 过去的研究已经对消费者对于环保产品的购买意愿进行了检测. 此外, 还研究了影响生态保护者或绿色消费者的因素. 但是, 只是关注生态保护者在处置或者回收利用衣服上与采购绿色产品相比较是不够的. 服装处置行为有多种途径, 消费者可以用淘汰, 传承(例如: 把它送给一个年幼的弟弟), 赠与, 交换, 出售或者简单的把他扔掉等多种方式来暂时或者永久的摆脱闲置的衣服或贷款项目. 因此, 购买环保产品的行为应该结合服装处置的行为, 从而进一步了解消费者的消费行为与对环境的态度. 本项研究的目的在于提供韩国生态保护者从有利于生态学的角度出发来购买和处理衣服的生活方式的相关信息. 本研究的目标有: 1, 基于韩国对服装处置行为进行分类; 2, 调查人 们人口统计数据, 生活方式和服装消费价值观赏的差异; 3, 在环保的时尚物品的购买意愿和影响因素之间进行比较. 自填式的调查问卷是基于以往的研究设置出来的. 问卷包括10项处置衣服的条款, 22项可持续并且健康的生活方式的条款, 以及19项消费观念的条款. 根据利克特模板的五分量表设置. 此外, 购买两个时尚物品的意愿和每个物品属性的11项特征都是根据利克特模板的七分量表而来, 两种制成羊毛套衫的可以从PET识别代码的回收瓶子中创造出来的涤纶织物这两种套衫选自一个韩国和一个美国的户外运动服装的品牌. 我们对每一种产品的简介和颜色都进行了调查, 人口统计学(即性别, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 教育程度, 收入, 职业)也被包括在内. 在2009年5月份, 研究数据通过一个专业网站的调查机构进行采集, 最后有600份调查问卷可供分析, 这个调查的受访者年龄从20到49岁不等, 平均年龄为34岁. 百分之50的调查者为男性, 大约58%的受访者是已婚者, 其中62%的受访者有大学学位. 主要成分分析和因素最大方法差的方法用以识别衣服处理规模的潜在尺度. 共有三个因素生成(比如: 倒卖行为, 捐赠行为, 不回收利用行为). 基于他们处置衣服的方式对受访者进行了分类, 群类分析被使用, 最终得到了三个部分. 不同的消费者, 被分别贴上 "转售集团", "捐资团体" 以及 "不回收组织" 的标签加以分类, 其中98%是正确的分类. 从人口统计学角度来看, 这三个类别的人在性别, 婚姻状况, 职业和年龄上有显著的差异. 健康可持续的生活方式被缩减为以下5个因素: 自我满意度, 家庭定位, 健康问题, 环境问题和自愿的服务. 这是三个群体中健康可持续的生活方式的最显著的差异. 转售集团和捐赠组表现出在健康可持续的生活方式上的相同倾向, 同时, 不回收集团在生活方式方面呈现最低的平均值. 转售和捐赠团体自称享受和满意这种生活和消费方式, 并且能够利用空余的时间陪伴家人. 另外, 这两组的人关心健康和有机食品, 并试图保护能源和资源. 对服装消费的价值观产生主要影响的三个因素是: 个人价值, 社会价值和实用价值. 因素的方差测试表明转售集团和其他两组之间的因素差异最大. 转售集团相比其他价值更关注个人价值和社会价值. 相比之下, 非回收集团比捐赠集团更关注高层次的社会价值. 比较购买环保产品的意愿上, 转售集团表现出最高的购买A类产品的意愿. 另一方面, 捐赠集团则在小市场中表现出购买B类产品的最高意愿. 此外, 平均分数表明, 购买韩国的产品(B类产品)相比购买美国的产品(A类产品)更合韩国人的心意. 多元线性回归分析法确定了对环保产品的购买的意愿对制造业产品属性的影响. 产品的设计, 价格, 贡献, 对环境的保护, 价格, 兼容性是影响转售集团的显著因素, 另外, 以及对自身形象的影响是捐赠团体的重要因素. 对于非回收集团来说, 设计, 价格等因素是相同的, 自我的形象,对环保运动的贡献, 和环境保护也是很重要的. 而价格因素具有显著性的共通性. 对于B类产品来说, 设计, 合理的价格, 形象等因素是同等的重要, 但是不同的组对购买的特征和意愿有不同的倾向. 健康可持续的生活方式以及服装消费的意向对购买A类产品和B类产品的影响同样被我们所关注. 实际操作者的健康状况和个人价值都是影响购买意愿的重要因素; 然而, 在这三个群体中说服的力度都很低. 结果表明, 分类出来的每组处理服装的行为, 显示着不同服装产品的属性, 个人价值, 和实践者的特点, 这些都影响了他们的购买环保产品的意愿, 结果会使生态保护者提出并组织更合理的生态设计的战略决策.

한국형 동반성장 정책의 방향과 과제 (The Policy of Win-Win Growth between Large and Small Enterprises : A South Korean Model)

  • 이장우
    • 중소기업연구
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.77-93
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 최근 사회경제적 이슈가 되고 있는 동반성장의 개념과 실천 방향에 대해 논의하고자 한다. 이를 위해 동반성장의 정책적 개념을 살펴보고 유사한 개념인 상생협력과 공생발전과도 비교 분석하고자 한다. 또한 동반성장을 통해 글로벌 경쟁력을 만들어 낸 선진국 사례들로부터 교훈을 찾아내고 우리의 사회 문화적 특성에 맞는 한국형 모델을 제안하고자 한다. 한국형 동반성장 모델은 미국의 시장중심형, 일본의 문화기반형, 유럽의 정책주도형 등의 장점을 융합할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해 한국형 모델은 공동체적 에너지를 창출해내는 한국인의 잠재력 활용, 통제와 자율의 융합형 제도 개선, 미래지향적 협력관계를 위한 기업들의 행동변화 등 세 가지 요인을 핵심으로 할 필요가 있다. 한국형 모델의 실현을 위해 필요한 정부의 역할과 과제, 그리고 동반성장위원회의 역할에 대해서도 논의하고자 한다.

경쟁산품선적영향(竞争产品线的影响): 관주전두품패(关注战斗品牌) (The Effects of Product Line Rivalry: Focusing on the Issue of Fighting Brands)

  • Koh, Dong-Hee
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2009
  • 公司生产不同功能, 设计, 颜色的产品. 产品扩散的出现有三个不同的原因. 当存在规模经济, 当这种产品和别的产品一起生产时, 单位成本比单独生产要低. 二, 消费者是异构的, 即它们具有不同的品味, 喜好, 或价格弹性. 一家公司可赚取细分为具有类似特点的不同群体的消费者更多的利润. 例如, 产品扩散通过更准确地满足不同消费者的需要来帮助公司增加利润. 产品扩散的第三个原因是基于战略. 生产一定数量的产品, 不仅可以阻止通过提供给一些少数市场的产品进入, 也使得公司可以有效地应付低价格进入. 通过生产各种产品, 公司可以减少利基, 使潜在进入者有较少进入的诱因. 此外, 企业可以生产新产品来应对进入, 我们称之为战斗品牌. 也就是说, 当一个进入者试图以低廉的价格吸引消费者, 已存在者介绍新的低质量的产品, 同时保持现有产品的价格. 产品扩散的缺点是同型装配. 一些买了高价位的产品的消费者会转向低价位的产品. 此外, 当新产品与对手现有的产品的异化程度不高时, 由于激烈的竞争, 产品扩散会降低利润. 许多研究已经在经济分析和市场营销等领域的产品线竞争的影响. 它们展示了一个垄断者可以通过调整质量来解决市场中的消费者对质量的偏好不同的同型装配的问题. 他们发现, 喜欢高品质的产品的消费者将获得他或她最喜欢的质量, 但没有这方面的偏好的消费者将获得比他或她所喜爱的质量低的产品. 本研究分析了产品的竞争在一个双头垄断市场, 两种不同类型的消费者对质量偏好的影响. 我假设这两家公司将在这个意义上的不对称, 一个运营商可以同时生产高, 低质量的产品, 而一个进入者只能产生低质量的产品. 产品扩散的影响是可以通过比较市场结果来解释, 当已存在的运营商生产两种产品和只生产一种产品时. 在这个案例中, 当已存在的运营商只生产高品质的产品, 由于激烈的竞争, 在喜欢低质量产品的消费群中低质量的产品价格趋于下降. 但由于缺乏竞争, 在喜欢高质量产品的消费群中价格会上涨. 据了解, 当企业在进行价格竞争时, 理想状况是当公司的对 手提高价格时, 此公司也提高价格, 这被称为战略补充. 由于价格是战略性的补充, 我们有两种相反的效果. 事实证明, 一个高品质的产品价格上升, 因为竞争力减弱的积极作用超过了战略互补的负面影响. 这意味着, 已存在的运营商推出了低质量的产品时还需要增加高品质产品的价格. 然而, 在进入者的低质量产品的价格变化是模糊的. 二, 此案例中, 已存在的运营商只生产低品质的产品, 在偏好低质量的消费群中价格往往增加. 但在偏好高质量的消费群中价格往往下降. 低质量产品的价格下降是因为负面影响大于正面影响. 而且, 当已存在的运营商生产两种产品时, 其低质量产品的价格往往较高, 尽管两家的低品质的产品质量一样. 此原因由于对高品质产品价格的负面影响, 运营商没有较大的动机去降低低品质产品的价格. 事实上, 竞争的产品线对利润的影响不仅取决于价格变化, 还取决于销售和同型装配. 如果在边际成本同产品质量的差异相比是适中的话, 产品扩散的积极影响大于负面影响, 从而增加利润. 此外, 如果成本差异是非常大(小), 运营商最好只生产一种低 (高)质量的产品. 而且, 本研究还分析了当公司通过关注战斗品牌来决定产品特征时, 竞争产品线的影响. 最近, 大韩航空和韩亚航空公司建立了廉价航空线路, 分别是Jin线路和釜山线. 来应对Hansung航空和济州航空. 另外, 很多网上书店也进入市场, 例如处于领先地位的实体书店Kyobo已经有了自己的网上书店. 通过战斗品牌, 在它的低品质产品跟新成员比起来有差别时, 一个具有高品质产品的运营商通过生产更多的低质量产品可以增加利润.

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초산모의 분만유형별 분만경험에 대한 지각과 모아상호작용 과정에 관한 연구 (Primiparas만 Perceptions of Their Delivery Experience and Their Maternal-Infant Interaction : Compared According to Delivery Method)

  • 조미영
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.153-173
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    • 1990
  • One of the important tasks for new parents. especially mothers, is to establish warm, mutually affirming interpersonal relationships with the new baby in the family, with the purpose of promoting the healthy development of the child and the wellbeing of the whole family. Nurses assess the quality of the behavioral characteristics of the maternal-infant interaction. This study examined the relationships between primiparas pereptions of their delivery experience and their maternal infant interaction. It compared to delivery experience of mothers having a normal vaginal delivery with those having a casearean section. The purpose was to explore the relationships between the mother's perceptions of her delivery experience with her maternal infant interaction. The aim was to contribute to the development of theoretical understanding on which to base care toward promoting the quality of maternal-infant interaction. Data were collected directly by the investigator and a trained associate from Dec. 1, 1987 to March 8, 1988. Subjects were 3 random sample of 62 mothers, 32 who had a normal vaginal delivery and 30 who had a non-elective cesarean section (but without other perinatal complications) at three general hospitals in Seoul. Instruments used were the Stainton Parent -infant Interaction Scale(1981) and the Marut and Mercer Perception of Birth Scale(1979). The first observations were made in the delivery room (for vaginally delivered mothers only), followed by day 1, day 2, day 3, and 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks after birth, for a total of 7-8 contacts(Cesarean section mothers were observed on days 4 and 5 but the data not used for analysis). Observations in the hospital were made during the hour prior to scheduled feedings. The infant was placed beside the mother. Later contacts were made at home. Data analysis was done by computer using as SPSS program and indulded X² test, paired t-test, t-test, and Pearson Correlation coefficient ; the results were as follows. 1. Mothers who had a normal vaginal delivery tended to perceive the delivery experience more positively than cesarean section mothers(p=0.002). The finding supported the hypothesis I that perception of delivery would vary according to the method of delivery. Mothers' perceptions of birth were classified into three dimensions, labor, delivery and the bady. There was a significantly different and positive perception by the vaginally delivered mothers to the delivery experience(p=0.000) but no differences for labor or the bady according to the delivery method(p=0.096, p=0.389), 2. Mothers who had a normal vaginal delivery had higher average maternal-infant interaction scores(p=0.029) than mothers who had a cesarean section. There were similar higher scores for the 1st day(p=0.042), 2nd day (p=0.009), and the 3rd day(p=0.006) after delivery but not for later times. The findings supported the hypothesis Ⅱ that there would be differences in maternal-infant interaction for mothers having vaginal and cesarean section deliveries. However these differences deccreased section deliveries. However these differences decreased over time . by eight weeks the scores for vaginal delivery mothers averaged 8.1 and for cesarean section mothers, 7.9. 3. The more highly positive the pereption of the delivery experience, the higher the maternal-infant interaction score for all subjects(F=.3206, p=.006). The findings supported the hypothesis Ⅲ that there would be correlations between perceptions of delivery and maternal-infant interaction. The maternal infant interaction was highest when the perception of the bady and deliery was positive(r=.4363, p=.000, r=.2881, p=.012). No correlations between perceptions of labor and maternal-infant interaction were found(p=0.062). 4. The daily maternal-infant interaction score for the initial contact after birth to 8 weeks postpartum had the lowest average score 5.20 and the highest 7.98(in a range of 0-10). This subjects group of mothers needed nursing intervention to promote their maternal- infant interaction. The daily scores for the maternal-infant over the period of eight weeks. However, there were significantly different increases in maternal-infant interaction only from the first to second day(p=0.000) and from the fourth to sixth weeks after birth(P=0.000). 5. When the eight items of maternal-infant interaction were evaluated separately, “Expresses feelings about her role as mother” had the highest average score, 1.64(ina range of 0-3)and “Speaks to baby” the lowest, 0.9. All items, with the possible exception of “Expresses feelings about her role as mother”, suggested the subjects' need of nursing intervention to promote maternal-infant interaction. 6. There were positive correlations between certain general charateristis, namely, both a higher economic status(p=0.002) and breast feeding(p=0.202) and maternal - infant interaction. There were positive correlations between a mother's confidence in her role as a mother and the perception of the birth experience(p=0.004). For mothers who had a cesarean section, a positive perception of the birth experience was related to the duration of her marriage(p=0.010), a wanted pregnancy (P=0.030) and her confidence in her role as a mother(p=0.000). Pereptions of birth for mothers who had a normal vaginal delivery were positive than those for mothers who had a cesarean section. The level of maternalinfant interaction for mothers delivered vaginally was higher than for cesarean section mothers. The relationship between perception of birth and materanalinfant interaction was confirmed. Cesarean section has an impact on the mother's perceived experience of birth which, in turn, is positively related to maternal-infant in turn, is positively related to maternal-infant interaction. Nursing intervention to enhance maternal-infant interaction should begin in prenatal classes with an exploration of the potential impact of cesarean section on the perceptions of the birth experience and continue throughout the perinatal and post-natal periods to promote the mother's ability to control with this crisis experience and to mobilize social support. Nursing should help transform a relatively negatively perceived experience into an accepted, positively perceived and self affirming experience which enhances the maternal-infant relationship.

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초중등학생의 구강보건관리에 대한 인식도 조사 (A Study of Students' Knowledge Level of Dental Health Care)

  • 김교웅;남철현
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.295-317
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to prevent oral disease of primary school, middle school, and high school students, providing basic data for the development of oral health education programs. Data were collected from 898 primary school, middle school, and high school students from March 2, 1999 to May 31, 1999. The results of this study are summarized as follows; 1) The subjects of this study were primary school students(32.6%), middle school students(33.0%), and high school students(34.4%). Boy students were slightly more prevalent than girl students. That is, primary school boys were 56.3%, middle school boys were 53.2%, and high school boys were 52.6%. 2) According to the self-judgement of oral health, primary school students were better than middle/high school students and boy students were better than girl students, 63.5% of primary school students and 57.8% of middle/high school students brushed their teeth once or twice a day. 3) 76.3% of middle/high school students and 63.5% of primary school students experienced dental caries. Girl students were higher than boy students in experiencing dental caries, 35.9% of primary school students and 27.6% of middle/high school students experienced periodontal disease. 4) 22.9% of primary school students and 7.9% of middle/high school students received oral examinations periodically. Girl students showed a higher rate than boy students in primary school, while boy students showed a higher rate than girl students in middle/high school. 5) Explaining to the reasons for reluctant visits to dental hospitals and clinics, 'no time to go' was highest(22.9% of primary school students; 27.4% of middle/high school students) and the rate of 'feeling scared' was second highest. Middle/high school students were more reluctant to visit dental hospitals and clinics than primary school students. In case of problematic symptoms in the mouth, the rate of 'feeling painful or cold in teeth when eating cold or hot foods' was highest, 71.3% of primary school students was concerned about oral health, while 68.6% of middle/high school students was concerned about it. 6) In gathering to the sources of information on oral health, the rate of medical institutions was highest(30.0%) in primary school students, while the rate of family members or persons around them was highest in middle/high school students. 7) 54.9% of primary school students received oral health education, while 13.1% of middle/high school students received it. Only 4.7% of middle school and high school girls received it. In relation to dental health education, the rate of 'possibility of prevention of oral caries or disease of the gum' was highest. 79.5% of primary school students and 80.3% of middle school students answered that they would attend oral health education. 8) 60.4% of primary school students and 60.2% of middle/high school students think the purpose of oral health is to prevent dental caries and disease of the gums. In preventing dental caries, 78.8% of primary school students and 71.8% of middle school students thought that periodical oral examination was effective, 88.4% of primary school students and 88.8% of middle/high school thought that brushing one's teeth was effective and 64.1% of primary school students and 50.7% of middle school students thought that the use of toothpaste containing fluoride was effective. In preventing periodontal disease, 91.1% of primary school students and 90.2% of middle/high school students thought that brushing one's teeth was effective, while 72.4% of primary school students and 70.3% of middle/high school students thought that teeth cleaning was effective. 9) 16.0% of middle school students and 12.7% of high school students thought that their oral health condition was healthy. According to individual experiences in dental treatment, the rate of experience of middle school students was higher than that of high school students, 12.7% of middle school students received oral examinations periodically, while only 3.3% of high school students did so. 10) In cases of 'having no problematic symptoms in the mouth' and 'concerns about oral health', the rate of middle school students was higher than that of high school students. In gathering obtaining information on oral health, the rate of obtaining it through broadcast media including TV, Radio, etc. was highest in middle school students, while the rate of obtaining it through family members or persons around them was highest in high school students. 11) 81.7% of middle school students have not received oral health education. In case of girl students, 97.3% have not received it in high school students. 85.6% of middle school students and 151.2% of high school students think that oral health education is necessary. 12) According to the knowledge level of oral health, the point of high school students($26.33{\pm}2.33$) was similar to the point of high school students($26.23{\pm}2.30$). It appeared that the point of primary school students was highest($26.35{\pm}2.50$) The more concerned about oral health the students were the higher the knowledge level of oral health was. In conclusion, the middle/high school students' knowledge level of oral health was lower than primary school students. The rate of middle/high School students' experience in oral health education was too low. Therefore, it is necessary to intensify oral health education for middle/high school students. Especially, the necessity of oral health education to girl students is strongly recommended. Developing an oral health education program for primary school, middle school, and high school students, related public authority and organizations, teachers; and dentists must actively make efforts together in order to maintain healthy teeth through having students prevent dental caries and periodontal disease.

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RFM 기반 SOM을 이용한 매장관리 전략 도출 (Strategy for Store Management Using SOM Based on RFM)

  • 정윤정;최일영;김재경;최주철
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.93-112
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    • 2015
  • 소비자의 소비성향이 필요 품목을 중심으로 근거리에서 구매하는 근린형으로 변화함에 기존의 소매점은 식료품, 생활용품을 위주로 제공하는 슈퍼마켓, 하이퍼마켓 또는 편의점으로 진화하고 있다. 따라서 소매점이 한정된 공간에서 효율적으로 공간을 활용하고 매출을 증대하기 위해서는 소비자의 구매욕을 충족시킬 수 있는 상품배치와 적정한 재고수준을 유지하는 것이 매우 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 소매점의 판매 상품에 대하여 RFM 기반 SOM 군집화를 하여 효율적으로 매장을 관리할 수 있는 상품 배치전략 및 재고전략을 제안하였다. 실제 M마트의 판매데이터를 이용하여 RFM모델을 상품에 적용한 후, 기존 문헌 연구뿐만 아니라 해석 가능성, 응용 가능성 등을 고려하여 3X3 총 9개의 군집으로 분류하여 분석한 결과, 주요 군집으로 R값, F값, M값이 모두 높은 군집, R값, F값, M값 모두 낮은 군집, R값만 높은 군집, F값만 높은 군집이 도출되었다. 본 논문에서는 다른 군집과 비교시 R값, F값, M값이 차이를 보이는 주요 4개의 군집의 상품 배치 및 재고 전략을 제시하였다. R값, F값, M값이 모두 높은 군집의 상품은 소비자 동선을 늘림으로써 상품 노출을 확대시킬 수 있는 장소에 배치하여야 할 뿐만 아니라 높은 수준의 재고를 보유할 필요가 있다. 반면에 R값, F값, M값이 모두 낮은 군집의 상품은 가시성이 낮은 곳에 배치하고 최소한의 안전재고만 보유할 필요가 있다. 또한 R값이 높은 군집은 신상품으로 매장 입구에 배치하여 상품의 판매를 유도할 필요가 있다. 그리고 F값만 높은 군집의 경우, R값과 M값이 평균 값 보다 작은 상품들의 군집이므로 최근에는 판매가 저조하며 빈도 수에 비해 총 판매액이 낮다는 것을 유추할 수 있다. 따라서 현재보다 과거에 많이 판매된 저가의 상품군집으로 재고 수준을 점차 감소시킬 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서 제시한 방법은 POS 시스템의 보유한 소매점에서 상품배치 및 재고관리 방법으로 활용되어 매장의 수익성 증대에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

소비자대함유한국전통시상설계원소적편복적소비행위지우생활방식적조절작용(消费者对含有韩国传统时尚设计元素的便服的消费行为之于生活方式的调节作用) (Moderating Effect of Lifestyle on Consumer Behavior of Loungewear with Korean Traditional Fashion Design Elements)

  • Ko, Eun-Ju;Lee, Jee-Hyun;Kim, Angella Ji-Young;Burns, Leslie Davis
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2010
  • 由于生产的全球化以及国家之间的文化交流, 东方元素越来越吸引世界的眼球. 在时装界, 一个时装设计师的文化背景往往可以催生新颖的设计理念, 使他卓尔不群. 人们对于东方元素的喜爱, 给传统时装市场带来了巨大的商机, 并且把基于文化的业务拓展到全球时装市场. 然而, 包含韩国传统文化的国际品牌还有待开发. 为了发展有韩国特色的国际品牌, 韩国人首先要在国内服装市场上认同本国文化, 然后才能进军国外市场. 便服非常适合采纳韩国元素, 因为这种衣服有很多用途, 很容易被广泛接受和使用. 而且, 多用途便服和时尚内衣的市场需求越来越大. 尽管便服市场在快速发展, 但是对便服的专门研究尚不多见, 目前在对发展中的现代化传统服装、时尚产品和品牌的研究中, 并不包括对便服的研究. 因此, 本论文调查了韩国的便服市场, 研究了消费者对含有韩国传统时装设计特色的便服的评价. 分析了对于韩国传统时装设计元素有购买意向的先例之间的关系, 并且比较了不同生活群体的消费目标. 产品质量, 零售服务质量, 感受价值以及对拥有韩国传统设计元素的便服的喜好被作为购买意向的先决条件. 同时, 本文设计了一个结构方程模型, 用于探讨它们之间的关系以及它们对购买意图的影响. 产品质量和市场营销中的零售服务质量结合在一起, 成为影响人们对韩国特色便服的偏好和价值感知的因素. 而且, 偏好和价值感知对购买意向的影响可以用同一模型来检验. 通过网上调查系统由女性消费者完成了一共357份的自填式问卷, 并制定了一份调查样本人群的生活方式、对于产品和销售服务的标准、对于韩国特色便服的价值感知、偏好以及购买意向的调查问卷. 此外, 问卷还将调查便服的采购和使用行为, 以便检验韩国便服的市场地位. 并且使用描述性分析, 因素分析, 聚类分析来分析数据, 以及使用AMOS 7.0.来进行方差分析和建立结构方程模型. 对于韩国便服市场地位的调查结果显示, 在我们的样本人群中大多数消费者都购买了便服. 便服在目前被认为是在家里穿的衣服, 是消费者比较而言投入较低的衣服. 在调查中显示, 大多数消费者每年仅仅购买2到3次便服, 花费在10美元以下. 购买便服的消费者们的生活方式共有四类: 传统价值导向的生活方式, 品牌影响的生活方式, 追求休闲的生活方式以及健康导向的生活方式, 这四类共计有12个项目. 基于这些生活方式要素, 便服消费者们又可以分为两类: 安乐派和保守派. 文章估量了对含有韩国传统时尚设计元素的便服的购买行为各组成部分之间的关系, 产品质量和零售服务质量都会影响到购买便服的偏好和价值感知. 这个研究结论证明, 高质量的产品和零售服务会对便服形成积极的优先效应. 价值感知和对便服的偏好会对购买意图产生积极的影响. 这个结果表明, 对便服所含有的韩国传统时尚设计因素的强烈偏好和价值感知能增强购买意图. 在两种不同生活方式的群体(即安乐派和保守派)的模型比较中, 结果显示产品质量和零售服务质量对安乐派群体的偏好和感知价值都有积极影响. 然而, 对保守派来说, 只有零售服务质量对偏好和购买意图有积极的影响. 由于安乐派对购买意图显示出更重大的影响, 包含韩国传统时尚设计因素的便服品牌应该关注安乐派的这些特征. 然而, 保守派对包含韩国传统时尚设计因素的便服在偏好和购买意图的关系中显得更强. 因此对包含韩国传统时尚设计因素的便服品牌来说, 它应该把重点放在如何激发保守群体消费者对便服的积极偏爱上. 这些结果提供了关于韩国便服消费者生活方式的信息, 也对那些计划进入韩国便服市场的时尚品牌, 尤其是那些与现行研究样本相似的, 目标为女性消费者的时尚品牌提供了有用的信息. 这一研究也为便服品牌和那些打算创造含有韩国传统时尚因素的高价值品牌提供了策略和市场洞察力. 考虑到不同生活方式群体的类型和便服或传统时尚商品之间的关系, 品牌设计者和市场策划人员可以运用这一研究成果作为市场定位, 目标设定, 以及市场销售策略的一个参考.

소비자-브랜드 관계 품질 측정에 관한 연구 (Measuring Consumer-Brand Relationship Quality)

  • 강명수;김병재;신종칠
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.111-131
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    • 2007
  • 브랜드의 중요성이 증대됨에 따라 다양한 브랜드 관련 연구가 이루어지고 있는데, 최근 들어서는 소비자-브랜드 관계가 브랜드 연구의 중심이 되어가고 있다. 본 논문은 이러한 소비자-브랜드 관계에 있어서 높은 품질과 지속적인 연대를 가능하게 하는 브랜드 관계 품질의 측정을 다루고 있다. 소비자-브랜드 관계에 대한 대부분의 기존 연구들은 Fournier(1994, 1998)가 제시한 6개 구성요소 또는 하위 차원을 바탕으로 하고 있다. 그러나 많은 연구들에서 소비자-브랜드 관계를 구성하는 6가지의 요소 또는 하위차원들이 소비자-브랜드 관계 품질이라는 하나의 단일차원을 이루고 있는지 확인하지 못한 채 소비자-브랜드 관계를 측정하기 위해 이들 하위차원들을 결합하여 점수를 계산하고서 연구를 진행하고 있다. 이러한 문제와 관련하여 본 연구에서는 소비자-브랜드 관계 품질을 구성하고 있는 상호의존, 몰입, 사랑/정열, 자아연관, 친밀감, 브랜드 파트너 품질 등의 6개의 차원들이 단일차원의 개념인가를 검토하였고, 이를 실증적으로 검토하였다. 구체적으로 본 연구에서는 구성개념들의 하위차원들이 단일차원의 구성개념인가를 검토한 선행연구들(Naver & Slater, 1990; Cronin & Taylor, 1992; Chang & Chen, 1998)에서 사용한 방법론을 활용하여 소비자-브랜드 관계를 구성하는 하위차원들이 단일차원을 이루고 있는가를 살펴보았다. 이러한 실증연구를 통해 소비자-브랜드 관계를 구성하고 있는 6개 차원들의 신뢰성, 수렴타당성, 판별타당성을 확인할 수 있었고, 소비자-브랜드관계를 구성하는 6개의 하위차원들이 단일차원을 이루고 있다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구의 연구결과는 소비자-브랜드 관계를 구성하는 6개의 하위차원을 결합하여 소비자-브랜드 관계를 연구하였던 기존 연구들, 소비자-브랜드관계를 구성하는 하위차원을 통합하여 소비자-브랜드 관계를 종합적으로 살펴보려는 여러 연구들에 있어서 방법론상의 실증적 근거를 제시하고 있다.

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ICT 인프라 이상탐지를 위한 조건부 멀티모달 오토인코더에 관한 연구 (A Study of Anomaly Detection for ICT Infrastructure using Conditional Multimodal Autoencoder)

  • 신병진;이종훈;한상진;박충식
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 2021
  • ICT 인프라의 이상탐지를 통한 유지보수와 장애 예방이 중요해지고 있다. 장애 예방을 위해서 이상탐지에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으며, 지금까지의 다양한 이상탐지 기법 중 최근 연구들에서는 딥러닝을 활용하고 있으며 오토인코더를 활용한 모델을 제안하고 있다. 이는 오토인코더가 다차원 다변량에 대해서도 효과적으로 처리가 가능하다는 것이다. 한편 학습 시에는 많은 컴퓨터 자원이 소모되지만 추론과정에서는 연산을 빠르게 수행할 수 있어 실시간 스트리밍 서비스가 가능하다. 본 연구에서는 기존 연구들과 달리 오토인코더에 2가지 요소를 가미하여 이상탐지의 성능을 높이고자 하였다. 먼저 다차원 데이터가 가지고 있는 속성별 특징을 최대한 부각하여 활용하기 위해 멀티모달 개념을 적용한 멀티모달 오토인코더를 적용하였다. CPU, Memory, network 등 서로 연관이 있는 지표들을 묶어 5개의 모달로 구성하여 학습 성능을 높이고자 하였다. 또한, 시계열 데이터의 특징을 데이터의 차원을 늘리지 않고 효과적으로 학습하기 위하여 조건부 오토인코더(conditional autoencoder) 구조를 활용하는 조건부 멀티모달 오토인코더(Conditional Multimodal Autoencoder, CMAE)를 제안하였다. 제안한 CAME 모델은 비교 실험을 통해 검증했으며, 기존 연구들에서 많이 활용된 오토인코더와 비교하여 AUC, Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-score의 성능 평가를 진행한 결과 유니모달 오토인코더(UAE)와 멀티모달 오토인코더(Multimodal Autoencoder, MAE)의 성능을 상회하는 결과를 얻어 이상탐지에 있어 효과적이라는 것을 확인하였다.

점포의 물리적 환경이 서비스 브랜드 개성과 재구매의도에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Store Environment on Service Brand Personality and Repurchase Intention)

  • 김형길;김정희;김윤정
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.141-173
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구는 점포를 방문하는 동안 노출되는 매장의 물리적 환경 특성이 서비스 브랜드 개성과 재구매의도에 미치는 영향력을 규명하기 위해 시도되었다. 이를 위해 연구모형을 개발하여, 특정 서비스 브랜드의 이용객을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하고 구조방정식을 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과는 우선, 서비스의 물리적 환경은 주변요인, 디자인요인, 사회요인으로, 그리고 서비스브랜드 개성은 유능함, 성실함, 흥분됨, 세련됨, 강인함 차원으로 분류되었다. 둘째, 물리적 환경의 모든 차원들이 모든 서비스 브랜드 개성차원에 정(+)의 영향을 주었으며, 물리적 환경의 서비스 브랜드 개성에 대한 영향력은 각 차원별로 상이하였다. 셋째, 서비스 브랜드 개성은 모두 재구매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 주었으며, 특히 세련됨 차원에 미치는 영향이 가장 켰다. 넷째, 서비스의 물리적 환경은 재구매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 주었으며, 특히 물리적 환경 중 사회요인이 재구매의도에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과들은 물리적 환경 연출은 브랜드 개성 형성의 결정요인으로 서비스 브랜드 차별화의 핵심요인으로 작용하므로, 호의적인 브랜드 개성 창출을 위해서는 우선적으로 물리적 환경에 대한 효율적 관리 방안이 강구되어야 함을 보여준다.

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