• Title/Summary/Keyword: School Social Capital

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Official Foreign Language Schools in Korea, 1894-1906 (관제기(1894-1906) 관립 외국어학교 연구)

  • Hahn, Yong Jin
    • (The)Korea Educational Review
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.57-81
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to summarise the educational meanings of Official Foreign Language Schools(hereafter, OFLS) in Korea, 1895-1906. Especially, I try to find out the foreign language policy of the Joseon Dynasty and the comparative superiority between six foreign language schools - Japanese School, English School, French School, Russian School, Chinese School, and German School - through the traits of teachers and the change of students numbers at the Regulation Period. As a part of Kabo Reforms, the government had abolished the of Civil Service Examination System and status system, and foreign languages worked as a cultural capital to acquire modern civilization and to escalate one's social status. The results were as follows: Firstly, the OFLS have to be regarded as one of the highest educational institute during the Regulation Period. The eligibility of the OFLS was over 15 years old, but most of the incoming students were over 20 years old. Secondly, many of the OFLS's teachers were specialists of military, diplomat and mechanics. Especially, Martel, the teacher of French school played an important role for the neutral diplomacy policy of the Great Korean(Dae-Han) Empire during the Regulation Period. Thirdly, the recruit of new members of the OFLS was affected by the political and social circumstances at that time. Fourthly, the statistics of incoming students during the Regulation Period was concentrated on Chinese school, French school, and English school in due order. Thus, it differed from the commonly accepted ideas of students' statistics which was concentrated on English School and Japanese School. Fifthly, the OFLS were not only for the training of official interpreters(譯官通事), but also the cultivation of civil servants who could become statesman.

An exploratory study on Social Network Services in the context of Web 2.0 period (웹 2.0 시대의 SNS(Social Network Service)에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee, Seok-Yong;Jung, Lee-Sang
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.143-167
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    • 2010
  • Diverse research topics relating to Social Network Services (SNS) such as, social affective factors in relationships among internet users, social capital value of SNS, comparing attributes why users are intending to participate in SNS, user's lifestyle and their preferences, and the exploratory seeking potential of SNS as a social capital need to be focused on. However, these researches that have been undertaken only consider facts at a particular period of the changing computing environment. In accordance with this indispensability, the integrated view on what technical, social and business characteristics and attributes need to be acknowledged. The purpose of this study is to analyze the evolving attributes and characteristics of SNS from Web 1.0 to Mobile web 2.0 through the Web 2.0 and Mobile 1.0 period. Based on the relevant literature, the attributes that drive the changing technological, social and business aspects of SNS have been developed and analyzed. This exploratory study analyzed major attributes and relationships between SNS and users by changing the paradigms which represented each period. It classified and chronicled each period by representing paradigms and deducted the attributes by considering three aspects such as technological, social and business administration. The major findings of this study are, firstly, the web based computing environment has been changed into the platform attribute for users in the aspect of technology. Users can only read, listen and view information through the web site in the early stages, but now it is possible that users can create, modify and distribute all kinds of information. Secondly, the few knowledge producers of web services have been changed into a collective intelligence by groups of people in the aspect of society. Information authority has been distributed and there is no limit to its spread. Many businesses recognized the potential of the SNS and they are considering how to utilize these advantages toward channel of promotion and marketing. Thirdly, the conventional marketing channel has been changed into oral transmission by using SNS. The market of innovative mobile technology such as smart phones, which provide convenience and access-ability toward customers, has been enlarged. New opportunities to build friendly relationship between business and customers as a new marketing chance have been created. Finally, the role of the consumer has been changed into the leading role of a prosumer. Users can create, modify and distribute information, and are performing the dual role of customer and producer.

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A Study on the Assessment of Social Impact of Cultural Programs of the Children's Library (어린이도서관 문화프로그램의 사회적 효과 측정 연구)

  • Kang, Jung A;Noh, YoungHee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.233-265
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to assess the social impact of the cultural programs of the children's libraries in Korea and further present the libraries'social value. To this end, we have conducted a survey on 511 elementary school students to assess the social impact of the children libraries'cultural programs. As a consequence, we have ascertained the children's expressiveness / creativity within their personal realms, self-esteem, pleasure / joy / happiness as well as their attitude towards cultural arts and changes in the cultural and artistic experiences further to growth in friendship as a matter of social interaction, generation and strengthening of local communities, sense of affiliation with local community / identify, and local community participation, among the manifestations of the social impact concerned. Based on this, children's libraries can be regarded as an important social capital of the community in the following aspects. Children's libraries enhance the quality of life and children's interaction skills. It also make them feel attached to the local community. Children's libraries maintain local communities, contribute to the creation and strengthening of local communities, and encourage participation in local activities.

The Crisis of Public Service Broadcasting: Focusing on the Korean Case (공영방송의 위기: 한국에서의 대응)

  • Kang, Hyung-Cheol;Yang, Seung-Chan
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.22
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    • pp.7-38
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    • 2003
  • This study is primarily concerned with the discussion about the crisis of Korean Public Service Broadcasting within the context of changing media environment. The study firstly attempts to explain the causes of current problems of Public Service Broadcasting in general, and categorizes the patterns of Western countries' reactions to cope with the problems. Secondly, the present study deals with the case of Korean Public Service Broadcasting. This paper argues that Korean Public Service Broadcasters have adopted four salient strategies: 1) They have tried to achieve high program ratings based on non-distinctive programming; 2) They have preferred the commercial advertising revenues as the primary financial resource; 3) They have attempted to expand their social power while exploiting their program contents; 4) Finally, they have tried to be a sole player in the decision making process, independent from all the other social forces such as the state, capital, and the civil organizations. This study suggests that four strategies should be reconsidered because those are far from the original ideas of Public Service Broadcasting.

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Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of School Nurses in the United Arab Emirates about HPV Infection and Vaccine

  • Ortashi, Osman;Shallal, Musa;Osman, Nawal;Raheel, Hina
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.6481-6484
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    • 2012
  • Background: In 2008, the Health Authority in Abu Dhabi (the capital of the United Arab Emirates) introduced HPV vaccine free of charge for high school girls entering grade 11, becoming the first state in the Middle East to do so. The objectives of this study were to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of school nurses in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi about HPV infection and the vaccine. Materials and Methods: A quantitative study was designed and conducted from June to August 2012 in Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Data were collected through direct face to face interviews. from one hundred and twenty five nurses. Results: Knowledge of HPV infection and HPV vaccine was almost universal among the school nurses (97%). The majority of the participants (71%) thought that the HPV vaccine was good. Cultural unacceptability (45%) and lack of women's concern about their own health (21%) were rated as the top barriers for the successful introduction of the vaccine in the UAE. More than half of the sampled nurses (58%) have either given this vaccine to school girls or taken it themselves. The majority (95%) did not come across any side effects from the vaccine. The level of qualification and the place of work did not significantly affect the correct knowledge of HPV infection or cervical cancer prevention methods. Conclusions: The knowledge and attitude of the sampled school nurses in Abu Dhabi State about HPV infection and vaccine is very good in both the public and private sectors. However, a knowledge gap in cervical cancer screening methods was identified.

An analysis of field experts' perceptions of the content and format of school safety standards (학교안전기준 내용 및 형식에 대한 현장 전문가의 인식 분석)

  • Cho, Yong;Lee, Byoung-Ho;Han, Jong-Guk;Park, Youn-Ju
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.14-29
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to elucidate the content and format of school safety standards to clarify the roles and responsibilities of schools in realizing school safety. Toward this end, difficulties in operating school safety standards at various sites were classified into four small groups with a total of 26 educational administrators, superintendents, and researchers to listen to the opinions of experts in the field and analyze related data. As a result, we comprehensively analyzed in-depth interviews with the respondents who are working at provincial offices of education regarding the proposed school safety standards. We also analyzed the necessity of developing these standards and examining the appropriateness of their content and format. Results were derived from four aspects, including the field applicability of such standards. The study draws the following conclusions. First, it focuses on setting the direction for the development of school safety standards. Second, it highlights the exploration of the system and content of these standards. Third, it pertains to the preparation of a draft of these standards.

The Realities and Characteristics of Trade Network at the Industrial Community in a Metropolis (대도시 산업지역사회의 거래 네트워크의 실태와 특성)

  • Park, Soon-Ho;Kwone, Kyoung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.787-799
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    • 2004
  • The industrial community in a metropolis has played an essential role to keep business in a large city. This paper aims to analyze the realities of trade network among enterprises at Buksungro Tools Commercial Cooperative in Daegu. The urban style industrial community is found at Buksungro in Daegu. There are more than one hundred small-sized enterprises. Major trades among enterprises are occurred within and/or by the area. The long-term trade networks within the Buksungro Tools Commercial Cooperative have played the key role to maintain the industrial community. The trade relationship has depended on business networks based on social capital rather than commercial mechanism. The trade networks have been established through credit transactions as well as handling troublesome orders. The trade networks help to transfer technology and to learn the tacit knowledge among firms. The long-term trade networks are more influenced by the social accessibility than spatial accessibility.

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The Effects of Social Network on Entrepreneurial Activities Which are mediated by Entrepreneurship (사회적 네트워크가 창업의도를 매개로 창업에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Dae-Yong;Park, Kyung-Im
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.4780-4786
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    • 2010
  • This study focuses on the creation new jobs since it is considered as the national purpose recently. As this phenomenon regarded, this study is purposed to explore the effects of social network on entrepreneurial intentions and new venture. To promote an empirical analysis, the sample survey based on 208 domestic nascent entrepreneurs are collected and multiple regression analysis and mediated regression analysis are used. The results of an empirical analysis are as follow. First, the finding shows that social network of the strong ties and the week ties positively affect on entrepreneurial intentions. The strong ties more influence on entrepreneurial intentions. On the other hand, the week ties which are based on substantial business knowledge, information, and technology more affect on entrepreneurship. Second, entrepreneurial intentions play a role in the partial mediation effect between the strong ties and entrepreneurship, and the perfect mediation effect is indicated by between the week ties and entrepreneurship. The results suggest that nascent entrepreneurs have a lack of capital during business start-up period. As this regard, they tend to achieve related entrepreneurship resources through the strong ties such as family, relatives, and friends. Moreover, it is suggested that the potential nascent entrepreneurs should be aware of necessity of technological and economical support so that it can establish various social network. Furthermore, it encourages entrepreneurial intentions, fosters entrepreneurship, and indicates the direction of entrepreneurship through practical suggestions. it is expected that moderating effect of gender on nascent entrepreneurs and non nascent entrepreneurs leads to useful results for the future.

Influence of Organizational Justice, Shared Values and Job Satisfaction on Innovative Behaviors in Small & Medium Venture Enterprises: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Organizational Trust (중소 벤처기업의 조직공정성과 공유가치, 직무만족이 혁신행동에 미치는 영향: 조직신뢰의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Chong Ik;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2018
  • As Korean society becomes more matured, more people consider trust valuable, as a social capital. Researchers introduced trust literatures focusing on public policy, sociology than business. In this paper, it is empirically analyzed how Organizational Justice, Shared Values, Organizational Trust, 3 dimensions of social capital explained by Nahapiet & Ghoshall, together with Job Satisfaction and Innovative Behavior, as a proxy of performance at the organizational level. The results of this study are as below. Firstly Organizational Justice, consisted of 4 sub-variables of Distributional Justice, Procedural Justice, Interpersonal Justice and Informational Justice, classified by Colquitt, affects Job Satisfaction positively. Secondly Shared Values, consisted of 2 sub-variables of CEO's Core Value and Organizational Culture, availing Competing Value Model of Cameron & Quinn, affect Job Satisfaction positively. Thirdly Job Satisfaction, consisted of 2 sub-variables of economical satisfaction and self-efficacy, affects Innovative Behavior positively. Lastly Organizational Trust has mediating effect on the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Innovative Behavior. However, while the direct effect of Job Satisfaction on Innovative Behavior shows 69%, the indirect effect of Organizational Trust on Innovative Behavior shows 31%, which may not be ignorable. Furthermore in case of smaller organization with less than 30 members, the indirect effect of Organizational Trust shows 64%, comparing to 36% of direct effect of Job Satisfaction. This study was able to confirm that organizations need to maintain Organizational Trust as much as they strive to increase Job Satisfaction through securing Organizational Justice and Shared Values in order to effectively increase Innovative Behavior. For small organizations with less than 30 members, they can never achieve Innovative Behavior without Organizational Trust. Conclusively it is acknowledged that Organizational Trust is the most important prior condition for innovation and long-term survival of SME ventures.

Issues on Primary Education and Teachers in Cambodia: Implications to Education Development Cooperation (캄보디아 초등교육 및 초등교사 쟁점 분석과 교육개발협력에의 시사점 탐색)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 2017
  • This study seeks to examine current status and issues on primary education environment and teachers in Cambodia, a country that has a poor education environment and low educational achievement I analysed the features and limitation of education. Major findings revealed the primary school students' low accessibility on education and poor competencies and qualification of primary school teachers, which have hindered a quality of education in Cambodia. Central implications were produced to improve the quality of education and training system for primary school teachers. First, sustainability should be embedded from the initial design to the performance evaluation of the projects. Second, we should carry forward a customized training project that can meet the needs of primary school teachers in Cambodia. Third, the Education ODA project should be institutionalized into the national mechanism of the credit accreditation system, including the incentives of participating. Fourth, in-service training should ensure the inclusiveness and accessibility for the disadvantaged in remote areas. Fifth, short-term workshops for teachers should be avoided, but intensive programs including mentoring should be expanded. Finally, we should support the establishment of autonomous teacher- learning communities based on school level across the Cambodia, which could establish the social capital of the teaching profession in a long term.