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A Study of Satisfaction with the children of multi-cultural family through Taekwondo program (태권도 교육 프로그램을 통한 다문화가정 자녀들의 만족도 연구)

  • An, Sang-Yun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.535-543
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to improve the satisfaction of multi-cultural children by encouraging their participation in healthy exercises, and confirm the level of changes in their school life, the satisfaction with happiness. In order to achieve this purpose, dividing the participants in this program into an experimental group of 20 who participate in taekwondo training program and a comparison group of 20 who do not do sports activity, the study was conducted with a binary mixed design by three repeated measures by group. The conclusions made through these measures were as follows: According to the measurement time between the experimental group who participated in taekwondo training program and the comparison group who did not do sports activity, there were differences in changes in satisfaction of school life, leisure satisfaction, and satisfaction with happiness. Namely, the change in the experimental group was more than that of the comparison group. In conclusion, for multi-cultural children, it can be assessed that as the duration of participation in the taekwondo training program increases, the effect was clear, and it was found that satisfaction of school life, leisure satisfaction, and happiness satisfaction have changed statistically and significantly.

Effects of a Bereavement Intervention Program on Depression and Life Satisfaction in Middle Aged Widows in Korea

  • Yoo, Yang-Sook;Kang, Hee-Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.36 no.8
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    • pp.1367-1373
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    • 2006
  • Purpose. This study was designed to examine the effects of a bereavement intervention program on levels of depression and life satisfaction in middle aged widows in Korea. Methods. A quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent control-group pretest-posttest was used. The subjects (control group, n = 10; intervention group, n = 17) were bereaved less than 6 months in G City and J Province, Korea. The bereavement intervention program consisted of Dan-jeon breathing, self-help group activities and a health examination. The experimental group attended 10 sessions of a bereavement intervention program. The control group had a health examination without the intervention program. For both groups, the level of depression and life satisfaction levels were measured before and after the experiment. Results. The decrement of depression level in the experimental group was significantly greater than in the control group (p <.001). The increment in life satisfaction in the experimental group was significantly greater than in the control group (p <.001). Conclusion. The results suggested that the bereavement intervention program was effective in decreasing level of depression and in increasing the life satisfaction of widows. Accordingly, a bereavement intervention program can be applied as an intervention to help widows.

The Effects of Internship Program Satisfaction on the Career Decisions of Culinary Major Students (산학실습에 대한 만족이 조리학전공 대학생들의 진로결정에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Hyun-Ju;Huh, Kyoung-Sook;Chong, Yu-Kyeong
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.22 no.5 s.95
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    • pp.702-711
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was investigate the effects of internship program particularly how the satisfaction with the internship program affects the students’ career decisions. Culinary major students at 5 different two-year colleges in Seoul and Kyunggi-do participated in this study. Out of 500 questionnaires, 415 were analysed using SPSS 13.0 and descriptive analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, chi-square, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis were used. Based on conducting factor analysis results, the satisfaction measurement was classified into 4 factors: constructs, contents, benefit, environments and communication. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for the reliability of the survey instrument. Two-thirds of the students (66.9%) answered that the internship program had helped them to decide their career. Particularly, constructs and contents of the internship program presented statistically significance to the career path. Based on the satisfaction level, students in high level wanted to be chefs while those in low level wanted to leave to other jobs. The overall satisfaction with the internship program differed according to the time of internship, internship duration, and place of internship.

Relationship between program value, service quality, and satisfaction of parents participating in adapted physical activity (특수체육활동프로그램 참여 부모의 프로그램 가치, 서비스품질, 만족도의 관계)

  • Ryu, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study verified the relationship between parents' perception of program value, service quality, and service satisfaction who participate in special sports activities. For this a survey was conducted with parents participating in the program at welfare facilities and private institutions in the metropolitan area. The survey was directly visited by the researcher, and 236 copies of data were collected and used for analysis. For the collected data, the causal relationship was verified through descriptive statistics, factor analysis and reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions were obtained. First, it showed a significant influence in tangibility, reliability, empathy, and guarantee in the relationship between program value perception and service quality. Second, in the relationship between program value perception and service satisfaction, significant influence was shown on user satisfaction and performance satisfaction. Third, in the relationship between service quality and service satisfaction, it showed a significant influence on user satisfaction and performance satisfaction.

E-Satisfaction and E-Loyalty of Online Marketplace Mobile Applications: An Empirical Channel Study in Indonesia

  • LOE, Kevin;TASIA, Aniq;INDRA, Ricardo;MANI, La
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study analyzes the effects of variables affecting e-satisfaction and e-loyalty in e-commerce. Research design, data, and methodology: A survey was conducted to 384 Indonesia online shopping mobile application users. The questionnaire construct was designed based on several independent variables, such as application attractiveness, application functionality, and customer service on e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. E-satisfaction was positioned as an intervening variable to determine the effect on e-loyalty. Results: Application attractiveness, application functionality, and customer service shown positive effect on e-satisfaction in online shopping mobile application. At the same time, e-satisfaction also affected e-loyalty significantly as referred in previous studies. However, application attractiveness, while showed positive effect on e-satisfaction, in contrary with previous study does not showed very significant effect. Conclusion: Application functionality significantly influences users satisfaction compared to application attractiveness. E-satisfaction mediates as a factor between visual design, information access, and transaction in online shopping mobile application, which stimulates user loyalty. The study findings' can be a reference for companies to create and maintain users' satisfaction and loyalty via different aspects of mobile application. Further research should be conducted on other field of study as the industry has different aspects that affects user loyalty.

Exploring Factors Affecting Satisfaction of Education and Training for Consortium for HRD Ability Magnified Program (국가인적자원개발 컨소시엄 재직자 교육훈련 만족에 영향을 미치는 변인 탐색)

  • Song, Youngsook;Jeong, Hwa-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.219-227
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    • 2018
  • The consortium for the HRD ability magnified program is part of the joint training program for SMEs in the strategic field and supports the infrastructure, training, personnel, and general operation expenses required for the joint training. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors affecting the satisfaction of the education and training program, as perceived by the participants of the Consortium for the HRD Ability Magnified Program. The results of this study are as follows. Gender, trainer satisfaction, educational facilities and service satisfaction have a statistically significant effect on training program satisfaction. The impact on education and training satisfaction of gender, instructor satisfaction, educational (facilities) and service satisfaction was high and in that order. It was found that the male participants have a more positive effect on satisfaction of education and training than the female participants. Age, job group, and job title did not have a statistically significant effect on training program satisfaction. Based on the results of this study, the following suggestions are made. The capacity of the trainers should be strengthened. It is important to provide facilities that enable trainees to participate effectively in education and training and increase the transfer of education and training to the field. It is necessary to design and implement a curriculum that takes into consideration the female trainees' characteristics and situations. More effort is needed to improve the appropriateness of the education and training contents, education and training time, job relevance, and job contribution.

Analysis on the Effect of Using the Daytime Mental Rehabilitation Service (주간(晝間) 정신재활서비스 이용 효과 분석)

  • Choi, Sook-Hee;Lee, Key-Hyo;Jung, Yong-Mo
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2011
  • This study is purposed to suggest the method for improving the effect of the mental health project by checking the influence of the "value and function of the mentally disabled" to the "satisfaction to current life of the mentally disabled" for the users of the daytime mental rehabilitation service in the local community, and the difference in the"satisfaction to the current life of the mentally disabled" and "value and function of the mentally disabled" depending on the participation into the mental rehabilitation program. With regard to the "satisfaction to the current life of the mentally disabled", the result showed that the "relation between the current user members" and "consideration about himself in usual time" were the positive influential factors out of the measuring factors for the "value and function of the mentally disabled." In addition, with regard to the "satisfaction to the current life of the mentally disabled", in case of participating to the "vocational rehabilitation program" out of the mental rehabilitation programs, the general "personal value and function which are felt by the mentally disabled" has higher significant difference in case of participating into the "social technology program", "daily life program", "vocational rehabilitation program", "leisure activity program" out of the mental rehabilitation programs than non participating.

Survey on the Satisfaction Degree for School Lunch Program of Elementary School Students in Yongin (용인시 초등학교 학생들의 학교급식 만족도 조사)

  • Jang Hyeok-Rae;Kim Hye Young L.
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic informations for satisfaction degree for school lunch program of elementary school students in Yongin city. The questionnaire for the 646 subjects of the investigation included degree of satisfaction in school lunch program, sufficiency of the amount of foods provided, time of supplied milk intake, the greatest effects on food habits after receiving school lunch program, and primary factors of effects on food preferences and food habits. More than 70% of the subjects were satisfied about the school lunch program(p<0.05). Female subjects felt more sufficient about the foods provided. Categories for the sufficiency of the food amount had higher ratios in lower grade subjects indicating some necessities of adjustments for the amount of food between the higher and lower grade subjects(p.0.05). About 68% of the subjects drank milk after the 1 st class. The greatest effect of school lunch program was to provide subjects various new foods, well-balanced diets and finishing the supplied foods up. The school lunch had good effects on the food preferences of the elementary school students indicating the importance of the program.

The Effect of Smartphone Video Educational Program on Educational Satisfaction of Patients in Rehabilitation Units at a University Hospital (스마트폰 동영상 교육 프로그램이 일개 대학병원에서의 재활병동 입원환자 교육 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Kyeong- Man;Joo, Min-Cheol;Jung, Yu-Jin;Kim, Hee-Han;Lee, Kyeong-Hwa;Lee, Dong-Sun;Choi, Jun-Wan
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study was to determine the effect of a smartphone video educational program on educational satisfaction of patients in rehabilitation units at a university hospital. Methods: The subjects of this study were 60 stroke patients recruited and divided into two groups; experimental group (n=30) and control group (n=30). Subjects in the experimental group and control group conducted conventional physical and occupational therapy. In addition, only the experimental group provided smartphone video information for a total of 15 sessions. The video consisted of five episodes (10 minutes each) viewed a total of 15 times (for each video three times). The outcome was assessed by educational satisfaction. Result: After inervention, both groups revealed significant increased awareness of prevention of infection educational satisfaction and prevention from falling educational satisfaction and exercise program educational satisfaction. However, the experimental group was more effective than the control group relative to heightened awareness of increasing prevention of infection prevention from falling and exercise program. Conclusion: We suggest that a smartphone video educational program may be effective in improving awareness of the prevention of infection, prevention from falling, and exercise program educational satisfaction. Therefore, video-based information is beneficial for such patients. Further studies are needed for better understanding of the effectiveness of a smartphone video educational program in rehabilitation units at a university hospital.

A Study on Policy Priority and Satisfaction in Improving the Operation of the Public Arboretum - in the Case of the Daegu Arboretum - (공립수목원의 운영관리 개선을 위한 정책 중요도와 만족도 분석 연구 - 대구수목원을 사례로 -)

  • Ryu, Yeon Su
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.797-806
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    • 2019
  • The purposes of this study are to comprehend the importance of policy in improving the operation of the public arboretum and survey the program satisfaction of participants and operators based on the case of the Daegu arboretum. According to the order of policy priority regarding the Daegu arboretum, the expansion of the education program topped the list with 0.155 points, followed by the establishment of a vision and goal, and the reestablishment of function, which scored 0.135 and 0.135 points, respectively. Fostering citizens' participation through volunteer work was in the upper ranks with 0.131 points. Building networks among public arboretums and constructing a research cooperation system with universities turned up with 0.09 and 0.075 points. As the result of program satisfaction, participants' satisfaction was around 0.66 points higher than that of operators' satisfaction. In the case of participants, comprehensive satisfaction, including that with the program operation method, was very high at 4.85 points. Out of the entire program, the operators were the most satisfied with the benefits. This study aims to share improvement plans for public arboretums constructed in urban areas, analyzing policy priorities and satisfaction related to the Daegu arboretum. The results of this study can be utilized as data for the improvement plans of public arboretums. If improvement plans for public arboretums are modeled with other follow-up case studies, it will help ensure that public arboretums become evolving rather than fixed areas for citizens.