• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction for the program

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Research on Elderly's Experience for 'YangSaeng Exercise as a Recreational Welfare Service (여가복지서비스 활동으로서 노인의 양생(養生)체조 참여경험 탐색)

  • Kim, Sueyeon;Won, Youngshin;Lee, Sanghee
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.347-367
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the meaning of YangSaeng exercise as a recreational activity for older adults. Twelve older adults who participated in the 'YangSaeng Exercise' at the S Senior Welfare Service Center were interviewed through purposeful sampling method. Each participant was interviewed two times, and data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin's(1988) grounded theory method. Centralization was appeared as 'An addiction to YangSaeng exercise' and causal conditions were appeared as 'Visiting Welfare Center' and 'Participation in YangSaeng exercise program' and situational context were appeared as 'Self-management of old ages' and 'For possession of Independent Life' as the results of Axial Coding. Moreover, arbitrational conditions were 'Coexistence of Regret and Attraction' and interaction strategies were appeared as 'Accept', 'Effort and Easing Mind' and 'Share Together'. As a result, 'Appreciation', 'YangSaeng Exercise that comes in my Life' and 'Softly Pitapat' were derived. Core category of 'Living Joyfully with comforted and eased' was selected through outline of story which means it contains Positivity and Expectations, Acceptance and Acknowledgement, Satisfaction and Appreciation, and Commitment and Hope. Based on the findings, we acknowledge that YangSaeng exercise plays a role in improving quality of life of older adults as a recreational activity. This study sheds light on the possibility of implementing 'YangSaeng Exercise' as a health promotion activity among older adults.

A Study on Stress and Coping Methods of Mothers of Children with Brain Disease (뇌질환아 어머니의 스트레스와 대처방법)

  • 윤정희;조결자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.389-412
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    • 1994
  • This study was done to investigate stress and coping methods of mothers with brain disease children. The subjects for this study were obtained by taking a sample of mothers with brain disease children hospitalized in neurosurgery ward of K medical center in Seoul from Nov. 20, 1992 to Mar. 10, 1993. The collected date were analized by S.P.S.S. program(frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation). The results of the study were as follow. 1. The mean of the degree of mothers' stress was 3.681. Of the stress categories, illness treatment (4.216) was highest, and the next were in order of ill-ness status and prognosis(4.154) , family relation-ships and personal roles(3.202), interpersonal relationships(2.916). 2. The mean of the degree of mothers' coping method was 2.930. Of the coping method categories, communication with medical team or parents in similar situations(3.332) was highest, and the next were in or-der of family cooperation and optimistic thought about the situation(3.241), reforcement of self esteem and maintenance of psychological stability(2.538). 3. There was not seen a stastically significant correlation between stress factors and coping methods of mothers. But with categories, the higher the stress to illness status and prognosis was, the hight coping methods' degree of communication with medical team or parents in similar situations was shown a positive correlation, if not high (r=.2776, P=.046) . And the higher the stress to illness treatment was, the higher coping methods' degree of communication with medical team or parents in simial situations was shown a positive correlation, if not high (r=.2727, P=.049). 4. With the difference of stress according to mothers' general characteristics, religion and monthly income shew a statically significant difference. The mothers' group who have a religion shew the higher degree of stress(t=-3.17, P=.003), The group who get the most income shew highest degree of stress (F=.4693, P=.0156). With the difference of coping according to mothers' general characteristics, the most support-ing person, satisfaction with husbands and mothers' own health status shew a statistically significant difference. The group who get the most support from parents-in-law(F=3.7508, P=.013), the group who are much satisfied with husband(F=3.589, P=.016), and the group whose health status are good(F=3.3675, P=.046), shew the highest coping degree. 5. There were no significant difference in degree of stress and coping by children's characteristics The significance of the study will be concluded as follows. 1. Investigating the stress factors, which mothers are perceiving, it will be utilized as the basic materials of nursing plan so as to reduce the stress of mothers. 2. In searching for the ways of mothers' more helpful coping methods, it shows the necessity of the active nursing intervention for the mothers in the process of coping with their stress. That is, the nurse should serve the earnest nursing as counselor, supporter, educator, and information - provider. 3. Recogning mothers as well as children with brain disease as a client, the nurse will be able to help the mother, who is taking care of the children, cope with the stress situation well, and to make a contribution to the recovery, rehabilitation, and health of the children and to the enhancement of the family' health.

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Study about Library and Information Center's Image of Library and Information Science Students as Workplace (문헌정보학과 학생의 직장으로서의 도서관·정보센터 이미지 분석)

  • Cho, Jane;Lee, Jiwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.113-132
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    • 2016
  • Positioning technique which has been widely used for making marketing strategy by analyzing customer's image also has been used for public and test-taker's image analysis about public facilities, entrepreneurs, universities. This study analyze image of library and Information science students who trying to find a job in library fields about diverse types of library and information centers by Positioning technique. As a result of Similarity cognition analysis by multidimensional Scaling and K-means clustering, it was found that students recognize that public, national, university, school library are similar, on the other hand, portal company and special library are different from those types. In the jobs, user service jobs and technical service jobs are recognized as separated clusters, and cultural program job is also recognized dissimilarly from those clusters. By the way, images about work satisfaction and stability of employment shows high in national library; high wage shows high in portal company; employee's growth potential shows high in special library; job importance shows high in reference service jobs; difficulty shows high in content's job. Anyway, in the workplace selection, almost students regard stability of employment as top priorities, accordingly they prefers public library at most. Such a preference concentration tendency is strongly appeared in local university students than in metropolitan area students as a result of Pearson's chi-square test.

The Research Trends of Papers in The Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing (산업간호학회지 논문의 연구동향 분석)

  • Lim, Kyung-Kee;Park, Kyung-Min
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.142-152
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    • 2001
  • This study examined all the papers published in the Journal of Occupational Health Nursing from 1991 to May 2000 based on an objective frame of evaluation. The purpose of study is to prospect the trend of occupational nursing research and to provide an optimal direction for future occupational nursing service. The results of total 94 studies were analyzed as follows. 1. The number of papers published in 1991-1992, 1993-1995, 1996-1997 was not significantly increased. However, the number of papers were obviously increased after 1998. 2. In the design of research, survey studies were definitely dominant. But, they are gradually decreasing and experimental studies are increasing. 3. In the fields of research, health problems, health risk factors and health awareness were higher than others. Occupational health nurse's task and job satisfaction were main areas of research until the middle of 1990's. However, after then, not only health problem, risk factor and awareness of health but also health promotion and preventive health behavior are increasing in the research areas. 4. The collaborative researches have gradually increased and the type of author has been varied. The number of researches completed by funds was undertaking only 3 among the total 94. 5. In the research analysis, except for case studies and literature studies, the research subjects have been shifted from the occupational health nurses to the industrial workers, and more diversified. The sample size has been enlarged and the major place of the study is industry. The questionnaire was used in many studies as instrument for data collection and measurement. But, complementary methods of diverse instruments have been increased. The method of data analysis has obviously showed some changes moving from descriptive statistics to inferential and advanced statistics. 6. The ways of nursing intervention have prominently diversified in experimental studies. The contents of case studies were mainly focused on the health management programs and activities in industry. The research concepts and the contents of literature study were also changed progressively in various way. Based on the above findings, conclusions are extended to the following discussion: Since the Korean Academic Society of Occupational Health Nursing was instituted in 1990, the researches of occupational health nursing have shown an acute methodological development in both quantity and quality. However, they were considered still in the lack of research verifying the effects of nursing intervention program. Also, the development of nursing intervention and nursing theory lacked. Therefore, more empirical researches are strongly needed to utilize the field of occupational health nursing in Korea Researchers are also encouraged to exert more efforts to get research funds.

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Hospital Marketing Condition and Strategy -Of a General Hospital- (병원마케팅 실태와 전략방안 -지역사회의 일 종합병원을 대상으로-)

  • Baek, Myung;Ro, So-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.233-246
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the real condition of hospital marketing and concrete strategy on medical consumers need for enhance the effectiveness of hospital management. The data were collected from January 27 to February 3, 2000 at a general hospital located in M city to 205 in-patients and out-patients by questionnaires. The research tool was based on literatures. The data was analysed by the use of percentage, mean, t-test and ANOVA by SAS(Statistical Analysis System) Package Program. The results of this study are summerized as follows: 1. Mean score of the marketing mix (4P 's) was 3.1 in total and each mean score was 3.6 in product, 2.5 in prices, 3.3 in place and 3.1 in promotion. The following are the items which received the highest scores in each: 'The hospital is clean' in service category; 'the prices of meals at the restaurant the patients' families use are reasonable ' in price sphere. In distribution, 'it is easy to locate the hospital' and in promotion,'we'll use this hospital again' and 'we'll recommend this hospital to others'. 2. Marketing mix factors(4P's) was significantly different on the general characteristics in terms of marriage status, occupations and the period of hospitalization. 3. The most important reason for choosing this hospital was 'This is a general hospital with good facilities' and the next were 'The hospital staffs are kind and the hospital is clean' and 'The traffic is convenient to come'. The most important factors contributing to a good image formation of the hospital were 'this is a clean hospital', 'This is a hospital with kind people' and 'this hospital is equipped with good medical facilities'. 4. The factors for making a good image concerning the nursing service were professional knowledge, good nursing skills and kindness. After grasping the marketing conditions of the hospital aided by the above-mentioned research results, the researchers concludes that it is necessary to develop an institutionalized service strategy to increase the satisfaction the patients feel about the hospital facilities and kindness of the staff and as a result, to differentiate it from other medical institutions.

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Investigation of Consumers' Knowledge and Preference towards Functional Cosmetics (기능성 화장품에 대한 소비자 인지도와 선호도 조사)

  • Choi, Sun-Hye;Hong, Ran-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion and Beauty
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    • v.3 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate consumers' knowledge and preference towards functional cosmetics. Through the beauty advisors' surveys, their own selling styles and consumer behaviors recognized by beauty advisors were analyzed. It was intended to help extend and strengthen the functional cosmetic market which has continued to grow rapidly since the approved goods under cosmetic law in 2001. For this study, the data was collected through questionnaires the professional consumer counselors confirmed from Korean women over the age. of twenty old living in the Seoul and Kyoungki areas. After pre-research was implemented on 45 women, 328 samples were analyzed as final samples. In addition,46 samples, which were collected through the questionnaires from beauty advisors were analyzed. Samples were analyzed by frequency, percentage, T-test, ANOVA using the SPSS program. The results of study were as follows: First consumers recognized whether functional cosmetics or not. According to the beauty advisor's surveys, consumers regard the functional cosmetic boundary as being wider than real functional cosmetic boundary according to cosmetic law. So, there is a gap between consumers' opinions and real law. Second, regarding the purchasing channels, the largest channel is the cosmetic store. As far as consumers are concerned the most important factor when buying cosmetics, is the suitability of their own skin types. The second factor is product quality and the third factor is price. Functional cosmetics non-experienced group are more concerned with price compared to experienced group. Related to purchasing products, functional cosmetics experienced group buy set products compared to non-experienced group buy one product. Third, the ultraviolet filter cosmetics portion is the largest in the functional cosmetics market the second largest portion is bleaching cosmetics and the third largest portion is the anti-senility cosmetics. However, Most preferred by consumers is the anti-senility cosmetics. Moreover, preference for ultraviolet filter cosmetics is the least. Finally, the level of satisfaction for functional cosmetics is high and dissatisfaction is low. Consumers feel that beauty advisors are simply pushing high priced products without recognizing the consumers' real needs. In conclusion, to develop the functional cosmetic market continually in the future, it needs to extend various products and advertise them until consumers are more aware.

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Effects in Response to Nature of Selection on Performance Type and Quality of Service Affects to Post Behavior -Focusing on Jeon-ju, Sori Arts Center's Event Program- (공연예술 선택 특성과 서비스 품질이 사후 행동에 미치는 영향 -전주, 한국소리문화의전당 이벤트 체험을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Beom Seok;Jeon, In-Oh
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.106-120
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    • 2015
  • Along with economic growth which affects to the overall increase in income level within society, more permissible leisure time, and change in values of the life style directly affected to the more demand of performance arts. The theaters where the performance contents are actually accomplished have been built with various objectives and now there are 232 of performing art theaters are in operation at various locations over the country. The purpose of this research is to identify behavioral factors regarding how the preferable choice were made from the various type of the performance arts, study for the correlation on post behavior customer based on the survey conducted at Sori Art Center. As a result of this research, there were strong correlation were identified between how the preferable choice were made among the various type of performance and Customer's intend of returning visit /perceivd value. In addition to the aforementioned result, the survey result shows that the excellence of the facility, hospitality level of the staffs, and additional customer services were the meaningful positive factors and user convenience/subsidiary facilities were negative factors to the overall service quality control activities. The research reveals meaningful correlations between quality of the customer service factors and how the preferable choice were made by customer that lead to strategic plan which will increase competitiveness of the Sori Art Center. Extensive research for the Sori Art Center which represents cultural power of the local community would be exemplary case not only for the art centers in metropolitan area but also other local areas within the country.

A Study about the Function of Culture Welfare Programs for Dissolving Social Exclusion about the Social Vulnerable Classes - A Qualitative Research Focused on the Culture Welfare Practitioners - (사회적 취약계층의 사회적 배제에 대한 문화복지 프로그램의 기능 - 문화복지실천가 대상 질적연구 -)

  • Choi, Jong-Hyug;Lee, Yun;Yu, Young-Ju;Ahn, Tae-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.291-316
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    • 2010
  • This study aimed to look for the possibility of dissolving social exclusion about the social vulnerable classes through the culture welfare programs. For this purpose, we analyzed interview records focused on the culture welfare practitioners applying the Modified Grounded Theory Approach worked out by Kinosita. The results showed that the culture welfare programs functionated of dissolving social exclusion about the social weaks by enhancing latent faculties and the sense of self-respect of them through providing various opportunities of culture fruition. It was appeared that the culture welfare programs promoted creative competence and the sense of self-respect, and strengthened the sense of solidarity of the participants by using the approaching strategies of offering various opportunities of creational experience, atypical operating programs centered on the process, establishing of the participants' subjecthood, and communal activities. That is, it was proved that actually the social weaks experienced the change of life with feeling emotional satisfaction, promoting family and human relationship, establishing positive identity, empowerment, participating communal activities, and so on, through the culture welfare programs. From these results we can know that if we provide the programs mixing the culture welfare programs with social welfare services which traditionally reinforced social exclusion about the social vulnerable classes by stigma, the social exclusion about them can be dissolved.

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System Software Design of Computed Tomography Radiation Dose Management (컴퓨터 단층촬영(CT) 방사선 노출 관리 시스템 소프트웨어 설계)

  • Yang, Yu-mi;Lee, Kil-hung;Cho, Sang-wook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.489-492
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    • 2014
  • This thesis provides the design of system software for the management of radiation dose that is generated using computer tomography(CT). Because radiation exposure is different depending on the difference in sensitivity to each part for each of the patient's body, if we will be able to manage an appropriate amount of radiation, it is possible to estimate the radiation exposure of the patient as a result. Recently, radiation leakage incident of Japanese nuclear power plant was in the news internationally and there is a growing interest not only a nuclear power plant, to medical radiation exposure. In spite of the fact that currently safety management of radiation is under control only the workers of the radiation involved, exposure management of patients until now have been required. Surgery and inspection using the radiation in Korea will increase, due to this medical exposure has increased, but it is a reality that medical institution don't know the level of radiation exposure applied to the patient. Therefore a system for managing the radiation exposure of the patient from the medical institution is required. This paper proposes a design of a software program to manage the radiation exposure of CT is an typical imaging tool to use the radiation in the medical institution. By check the amount of radiation dose and set the limit of dose, we would help to optimize the medical exposure of the patient.

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A Study on the Gambling and Family Relationships of Gamblers in Choongchung Area (충청 지역의 도박중독 실태와 가족관계에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Boon;Lee, Eun-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.54
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    • pp.177-201
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    • 2003
  • Gambling is prevailing in our society and the family problems of gamblers are also serious. In order to reduce the problems of gamblers and their families, the basic research on gambling would be the first step. In light of this, this study is a survey which has two objectives: to grasp the overall conditions of gambling and the proportion of pathological gamblers; to find the differences between the pathological gamblers' group and the general group in terms of various aspects of family relations in Choongchung area. The findings of this study is as follows, The respondents tend to gamble most with korean playing cards, either in winter or regardless of seasons. They tend to gamble most with family members, relatives, or friends. About 20% of them gamble more often than once a month, and 60% started gambling in their twenties or thirties. The proportion of pathological gamblers was found to be 11.6% of the sample of this study, with men and rural area residents to be significantly more than women and urban area residents. In the various aspects of family lives, such as marital satisfaction, family relations, family violence, family history of addiction, how to spend leisure time with family, it was found that the pathological gamblers' group has significantly more problems than the general group. On the basis of the above findings, the suggestions were made as follows. Firstly, the counter plan to gambling is necessary in the rural area, especially in winter time. secondly, positive leisure activities which substitute gambling needs to be developed, especially for men. Thirdly, family education and family therapy Program is required for the pathological gamblers and their families. Fourthly, governmental policy is necessary for the budget to prevent and treat gambling problems.

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