• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction for the program

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Comparisons of Children' and Their Parents' Satisfaction of School Lunch Program in Elementary School by Foodservice System (초등학생 및 그 학부모의 학교급식에 대한 만족도 -서울 지역 일부 공동조리 및 위탁경영 급식학교의 비교-)

  • 이미숙
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.179-191
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    • 1998
  • The satisfaction of elementary school children and their parents with the school lunch program by foodservice system was assessed by questionnaire. 787 (347 male, 417 female) 5th grade elementary school children and 761 parents participated. Foodservice systems of the schools were of 4 types : central/commissary ; satellite /commissary ; conventional/contracted ; and delivery/contracted. The most joyful mealtime for children was identified as lunch because of eating with friends. Satiety and leftovers after lunch varied according to the foodservice system. For example , there was less satiety in the contracted system and more leftovers in the delivery system than in the others, Foods tasted better in the commissary system than in the contracted one. The contacted system , especially the delivery/contracted system, was poor for keeping rice and soup hot. The children's food habits such as eating a greater variety of foods and good table manner were improved through the school munch program. Most parents well understood the main purpose of the school lunch program to be a source of education on nutrition and table manner, as well as a way in which to provide the same meals to all students and save the time & work needed to prepare home lunches. Parents claimed that hygiene, taste, good nutrition and food amount should be improved. This was especially true for hygiene in the commissary system and taste in the contracted system. Furthermore, they stressed that better taste and hygiene are the most important criteria for good school foodservice systems. In conclusion, parents wanted the school lunch program should be selected with consideration of children's preference such as by periodical food preference tests. A nutrition education program should also be provided to correct bad food habits of childrens.

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Satisfaction of Residents on the Publicly Purchased Property Program with Residential Environment and Housing Management (매입임대주택 거주자의 주거환경 및 주택관리 만족도 분석)

  • Park, Keunsuk;Joo, Kwan-Soo;Lee, Hyunjeong
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2015
  • The Publicly Purchased Property (PPP) Program since 2004 has allowed low-income households to reside in decent housing at a reasonable expense and to live in a community they choose. With an increasing number of the housing stock, management of the properties becomes a growing concern. The purpose of this research is to find out the satisfaction of the tenants with residential environment and housing management. To collect data, a face-to-face interview survey was conducted for 310 households living in the designated properties of 8 cities in and outside the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA). Most of the households were a family of three headed by late middle-aged man and lived in physically sound, small-sized units at an affordable cost. Overall satisfaction with living environment was higher in non-SMA than in SMA, and influenced by building deterioration and unit size. Further, most of the respondents were in favor of housing management services provided by a nearby public housing estate. Building deterioration and regular onsite visits of management staff were determinants in the satisfaction with housing management. The results indicate that proper housing management delays building deterioration and assures decent living for low-income people, leading to high levels of residential satisfaction.

Changes in oral health knowledge and self-efficacy of parents using an application of caries management in children

  • Yeo, An-Na;Lee, Su-Young
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.775-786
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects that appeared to parents after conducting a dental caries management program for 12 months using a mobile application for systematic caries management of children. Methods: Parents responded to a questionnaire on oral care self-efficacy and oral health knowledge at the baseline, and received feedback on a management program suitable for their child's caries risk group for 12 months through a mobile application. At the end of 12 months, the questionnaire was re-written. Results: The self-efficacy of oral care increased in the low risk group, and oral care knowledge and program satisfaction were highest in the parents of low risk children. Conclusions: Base on the results of the this study, It was confirmed that parents' self-efficacy, knowledge, performance and satisfaction were all positively evaluated through the oral care program using a mobile application.

A Study on Developing Cultural Education Program for Female Marriage Immigrants in Korea (여성 결혼이민자 문화교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 시론적 연구)

  • Oh, Yoon-Ja
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to develop the basic framework of multicultural art education programs for female foreign immigrants married to Korean males. First, these programs aim to lessen their cultural variance in acculturizing in Korea, and thereafter enhance their emotional stability and improve their creative ability to integrate cultural diversity into family life. The primary objective of this study was to offer a suitable education program and evaluation criteria for the program; the research has been done through person-to person interviews with 53 subjects using a series of questionnaires composed of 8 five-point Likert-Scaled items. As for the process of the interview, the subjects were asked about their satisfaction with each program item twice in order to comparetheir impressions before and after program participation. The satisfaction scores were analyzed using frequency distribution. In addition, the program effects were also evaluated by coordinators and developers from their subjective comments through periodical evaluation meetings. From the results, it is observed that art education programs are beneficial for improving female immigrants' emotionaland cultural integration. In addition, experts determined that the programs were helpful for improving their human relationship and acculturization in Korea. Finally, it is concluded that multicultural education programs are a primary fundamental infra-structural way of integrating diverse cultures and improving communication exchanges, and therefore, improve family stability among the multicultural families in Korea.

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Factors influencing the transition shock of dental hygienists - focusing on the new dental hygienist - (치과위생사의 전환충격 영향요인 - 신규치과위생사를 중심으로 -)

  • Min-Ji Kim;Sang-Eun Moon
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.251-260
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study aimed to provide basic data for the development of clinical practice-related education program by analyzing the effects of grit, job satisfaction, and retention intention on transition shock of new dental hygienists. Methods: From April 19 to July 4, 2022, the data was collected from 200 new dental hygienists working for dental hospitals/clinics. Using the SPSS Statistics ver. 22.0, this study was conducted the t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results: There were positive correlations between grit, job satisfaction, and retention intention, a negative correlation between grit and transition shock, a positive correlation between job satisfaction and retention intention, a negative correlation between job satisfaction and transition shock. and a negative correlation between retention intention and transition shock. As the factors affecting transition shock, lower pay and main performance of medical cooperation work increased transition shock. When job satisfaction and retention intention were higher, transition shock decreased. Conclusions: In order to reduce transition shock of new dental hygienists, it would be necessary to operate clinical practice-related training program, and also to establish a training environment similar to the clinical site/context/situation similar to clinical context/situation.

Relationships between Job Satisfaction, Resilience and Job Stress among Infection Control Nurses (감염관리간호사의 업무만족도 및 자아탄력성과 직무 스트레스와의 관계)

  • Cha, Kyeong-Sook;Lee, Hung Sa
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.251-260
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between resilience, job satisfaction, and job stress among nurses working at general hospitals. Methods: This study was a descriptive study using a questionnaire. The resilience scale, satisfaction scale and job stress scale were used. The data from 194 infection control nurses, who work for below 3 years at general hospitals, were collected from March 2 to September 30, 2017. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 Win program. Results: In this study, job stress showed significant negative correlations with resilience (r=-.14, p=.043) and job satisfaction (r=-.50, p<.001). However, there was a significant positive correlation with infection control experience (r=.32, p<.001). Also, the level of job requirement stress and job autonomy stress scored higher than other sub-dimension of job stress. Job satisfaction was the most significant predictor (β=-.43, p<.001) in job stress. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that systematic training courses and education programs for new infection control nurses should be developed to decrease nurses' job stress and increase their resilience. Holding this program can help reduce nursing job stress and help to adapt individuals to existing changes.

Evaluation of a Career Ladder Program for Nurses in a Hospital (임상간호사 경력개발 프로그램 평가)

  • Park, Kwang-Ok;Park, Sung Hee;Kim, Yeon-Hee;Choi, Jeong-Hee
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to assess the efficacy and usefulness of the career ladder program in a hospital and to evaluate nurses' satisfaction with the program. Methods: The study was conducted using a survey consisting of 14 questions on the appropriateness, necessity and usefulness of the career ladder program. The data were gathered from 403 nurses in a hospital. We assessed differences in responses according to the participants' workplace, age, educational background, marital status, experience (total years and years at current working place). We analyzed the data using SPSS/WIN 12.0. Results: Nurses acknowledged that the career ladder program is necessary and profitable within the nursing field, but they worried about the appropriateness of the nurse's role at each career level and rationality of the portfolio. The study also identified nurses' characteristics that were significant factors in explaining nurses' satisfaction with the career ladder program. Finally, we identified complaints and improvements for the program. Conclusion: We assessed differences in attitude towards the career ladder program according to nurses' characteristics.

Effects of Academic Self-Efficacy, Metacognition and Major Satisfaction on Learning Flow among Nursing Students (간호대학생의 학업적 자기효능감, 메타인지, 전공만족도가 학습몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Young-sook;Jeong, Chu-young
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1569-1577
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate academic self-efficacy, metacognition and major satisfaction which influence learning flow in nursing students. Method: The subjects of this study were 239 nursing students in D college. Structured questionnaire was self-administered from May 3 to 30, 2021. The date was analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson'correlation coefficients, stepwise and multiple regression using SPSS/WIN 22.0. program. Results: In academic self-efficacy, there were significant differences in age. In metacognition, there were significant differences in age, school record. There was a statistically positive correlation between learning flow and academic self-efficacy(r=.211, p=.001), metacognition(r=.357, p<.001), major satisfaction(r=.281, p<.001). The factors influencing learning flow were metacognition(t=.682, p<.001), major satisfaction(t=2.147, p=.023)Multiple regression analysis description is 61.2%. Conclusion: To improve the learning outcomes for nursing students, it is necessary to develop teaching program and curriculum for increasing, metacognition and major satisfaction.

Effects of tutoring-learn factors on the tutoring-learn satisfaction of dental hygiene students -By mediating effects of the academic self-efficiency and subjective norms- (튜터링 학습 영향 요인이 치위생과 학생의 튜터링 학습 만족도에 미치는 영향 -학업적 자아효능감과 주관적 규범의 매개효과를 중심으로-)

  • Eom, Suk;Jung, Giok;Yun, Hyunkyung
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the satisfaction of tutoring and some dental hygiene students and to investigate whether the self - efficacy and subjective norm are mediating effects. Methods: This study was conducted on 81 students in the first year, 82 students in the second year, 30 students in third year of girls who are majoring in the dental hygiene of a college in north Gyeonsang province Form September 1 to October 15 2017 asked them to answer the questionnaire and retrieved the questionnaire, among the 193 questionnaires except for the inaccurate response, 186 were final analysis. Results: In the relationship between the affective factors of tutoring learning and the satisfaction of tutoring learning, the relationship of social interdependence, group intimacy, program usefulness, group commitment, academic self - efficacy, subjective norm, It was found to be relevant. The usefulness of the program was found to have a significant effect on the satisfaction of tutoring learning. Conclusions: It is expected that the tutoring learning satisfaction is mediated by the academic self - efficacy and the subjective norm, so that it can be utilized as the basic data of the study application of the new education program in the field of dental hygiene.

The development and effects of a nursing education program for hyperglycemia patient care using standardized patients for nursing students (간호대학생을 대상으로 표준화 환자를 활용한 고혈당 대상자 간호 교육프로그램 개발 및 효과)

  • Lee, Jin;Oh, Pok Ja
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.427-439
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a nursing education program for hyperglycemia patient care using standardized patients. Methods: This study used a nonequivalent control group pre-test and post-test non-synchronized design. A total of 50 senior university nursing students who had completed an adult nursing course participated in this study (experimental group, n=24; control group, n=26). This nursing education program was developed according to the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The collected data were analyzed using χ2 -test, Fisher's exact test, independent t-test, paired t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA. Results: Significant differences were shown between the experimental and control groups in clinical performance ability (F=277.41, p<.001), communication skills (F=47.18, p<.001), self-efficacy (F=3.81, p=.031), and learning satisfaction (t=2.25, p=.033). Problem-solving ability was not statistically significant between the groups. Conclusion: The nursing education program for hyperglycemia patient care using standardized patients was effective in improving nursing students' clinical performance ability, communication skills, and learning satisfaction. Therefore, it is proposed that the education program developed in this study be used as part of an education program to enhance nursing students' abilities in caring for hyperglycemia patients.