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A Preliminary Study on Development and Evaluation of Home Health Care Nurse Clinical Practice Program -Focused on Postoperative Orthopedic Patients- (가정간호사 임상실무 훈련프로그램 개발과 평가를 위한 사전 연구 -정형외과 수술 환자를 중심으로-)

  • 서영숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.15-32
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    • 1996
  • The clinical practice program for home care nurses was implemented in June 1994, to help to set up a hospital-based home care system in the Kwangju City area as a collaborative work between the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Chunnam University Hospital and Chunnam University School of Nursing. Under the developed clinical practice strategy, the eight week training was given to five licensed home care nurses who had completed Part I and II of the home health care nursing practicum from June 1994. The purpose of this descriptive evaluation study was to identify the effectiveness of the clinical practice program for home care nurses specialized in the area of patient care for people with musculoskeletal function impairment. As a method in data analysis, data triangulation was used in the five home care nurse case evaluations. The variety of data analyzed include confidence score by home care nurse self-evaluation, patient and family member satisfaction scores, and competency score by preceptor evaluation. The study findings revealed that an increase rate in nursing performance didrate necessarily coincide with an increase not in competency score and also, not with the patient /family member satisfaction scores. And an order derived from the clinical performance scores of five home care nurses corresponded to those from three measurements-competency score, patient satisfaction score, and family member satisfaction score. However, it differed from the order associated with the confidence score. Consistency derived from the three objective evaluation methods may lead to the possibility that the level of competency measured by educator can be further explained by the levels of patient/family member satisfaction. The salient finding of this study was that, in case of nurse A who have had little clinical experience in the orthopedic patient care, there was a significant increase in the level of confidence and competency in subscale of professional skill with the home care clinical practice. Therefore, the effect of the clinical practice program would be successful for nurses who have had little experience in the area of specialization. The study results suggest that there might be some time difference in the development of cognitive sense (confidence) in performance and actual clinical performance (competency). In future research, relationships between the confidence and competency score, and between the confidence score and the patient satisfaction score should to be measured in different time frame to achieve a better explanation power of the study outcome.

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Impact of Parent Education and Social Support Program on the Parental Attitudes toward Their Children, Parenting Satisfaction and Attitudes toward the Use of Corporal Punishment (부모교육과 사회적 지지 프로그램이 부모의 자녀와의 관계에 대한 태도, 부모역할 만족도 및 체벌에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Hye-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.43
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    • pp.246-269
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    • 2000
  • This paper describes the results from a prevention program for low-income mothers of children under the age of 13 aiming at the positive change on parental attitudes toward their children, parenting satisfaction and attitudes toward the use of corporal punishment. The program duration was 8 weeks and consisted of two parts: parent education on understanding parent-child relationship, communication skill improvement, techniques of problem solving, non-punitive child rearing techniques; and the recognition and use of existing social support network including networking of the neighborhood resources. The pre-post test control group design was employed. The results are: the program is effective on bringing some positive changes on an three variables: parental attitudes toward their children, parenting satisfaction and attitudes toward the use of corporal punishment. Increased social support was found to have significant positive effect on the above variables except the attitudes toward corporal punishment. To decrease the risk factors as well as to increase the protective factors of child abuse, well designed parent education and social support program is recommended on every community level.

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A Study on the Development of a Training Program for the Improvement of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment for Records Managers and Archivists (기록물관리전문요원의 직무만족과 조직몰입도 향상을 위한 교육프로그램 개발)

  • Park, So-Ri;Lee, Sung Min;Kim, Yong;Kim, Chong-Hyuck
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.31-53
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    • 2016
  • This study conducted a survey targeting incumbent records managers and archivists to examine the effect of the training program executed by the National Archives of Korea on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of actual record managers. Based on the results, this study proposed a training program that could improve job satisfaction and organizational commitment, based on the analysis results and the requirements of record managers and archivists, while fulfilling the knowledge and technology demand for records management. The training program of the National Archives of Korea proposed by this study has the following advantages. Records managers and archivists can acquire more professional skills that their field require them while feeling satisfied with their duty and becoming more immersed with their organization. In addition, they can also actively enhance their ability to cope with the variable environment.

A Study on Teachers' Training Program Satisfaction of Population Education (인구교육 전문가 양성을 위한 연수 프로그램 개발)

  • Yoon, In Kyung;Chy, Woo Kyu;Lee, Soo Jeong
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.231-245
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the teacher's training program satisfaction of population education. The subjects of this study were elementary and secondary teachers who participated the training in Korea National University of Education for 9 days, from Aug. 13th to Aug. 22nd, 2008. The instrument of this study was questionnaire including likert scales. The training program consisted of five sections: respect for humans, population, family, welfare, and teaching-learning methods and textbook development. Instructors were from supervisors of the Ministry of Education, curriculum experts, subject experts, and persons from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and so on. The result of the survey analysis in this study indicates that the level of the satisfaction about program composition, contents, and instructors was very high as 4.25 points, and both elementary and secondary teachers' textbook of the training were revised and supplemented by collecting trainee's satisfactory evaluation and experts' opinions.

Performance Analysis of Korean Digital Key Practical Talent Training Program (한국형 디지털 핵심 실무인재양성훈련 프로그램의 성과 분석)

  • Young-bok Cho
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.573-577
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, the operation of the Korean digital key talent training project (K-Digital Training) supported by the Ministry of Labor in 2022 began in 2021, and through public offering in the second half of 2022, 403 training courses are held to secure 33,000 annual training personnel. Accordingly, because of performance analysis on learning satisfaction in each field of the state-led talent development program to respond quickly to future industrial changes by fostering digital talent, the overall satisfaction with the program was very high at 4.27 on average. However, the initial expectation for employment linkage is decreasing from 4.2 to 3.91 at the end of learning. Therefore, it is expected that the satisfaction level of the program can be continuously improved only when the organizations participating in the program are prepared in advance for employment linkage

The Effect of Entrepreneurial Mentoring Quality on Educational Satisfaction, Recommendation Intention and Entrepreneurial Intention : Focused on Female College Students (창업 멘토링 기능이 교육만족과 추천의도 그리고 창업의도에 미치는 영향 : 여대생을 중심으로)

  • Bae, Jee-Eun;Han, In-Su;Lee, Phil-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Recently, entrepreneurship education has been revitalized with interest in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education is an educational service activity that is provided for entrepreneurship and individual start-up success within a certain period of time. According to previous studies on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship, the satisfaction of entrepreneurship education affects entrepreneurship and as a result increases entrepreneurship. In recent years, the number of female entrepreneurs has also increased as the number of entrepreneurial issues has increased. Based on previous studies, this research proposed the theoretical framework about the structural relationships among mentoring quality (career development, psychological social, role modeling), education satisfaction, recommendation intention and entrepreneurial intention. This study is to find out the possibility of attempting to create a theoretical basis for entrepreneurial mentoring education in entrepreneurship education program. Research design, data, and methodology - In this model, mentoring quality consists of three sub-dimensions such as career development, psychological social, and role modeling. In order to test research model and hypotheses, the data were collected from 203 female college students who participated in entrepreneurial education. The data were analyzed using frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equational modeling with SPSS 24.0 and SmartPLS 3.0 statistical program. Result - The results of the study are as follows. First, role modeling has a positive effect on recommendation intention and entrepreneurial intention. Second, career development has a strong negative effect on the entrepreneurial intention. Third, career development and role modeling had a positive effect on educational satisfaction, and educational satisfaction had positive influence on recommendation intention and entrepreneurial intention. Conclusions - As women's social advancement becomes more active, start-up support programs including entrepreneurship mentoring are increasing. The results of this study suggest how to use the mentoring program mix and how to allocate the resources for the education program when the entrepreneurial education manager plans and executes the mentoring education program. For example, this study shows that career development and role modeling enhance educational satisfaction, and in turn increase recommendation intention and entrepreneurial intention. This means that entrepreneurship education should consist of contents that include career development functions such as sponsorship, guidance, protection, and provision of challenging work. In addition, the findings of this study indicate that mentors should perform the function of allowing the participants to have confidence and professional thinking ability at the time of start up based on their experiences.

Attitude and Management Contents of Health Workers Engaged in Visiting Health Service (보건기관(保健機關)의 방문보건사업(訪問保健事業) 담당인력(擔當人力)들의 사업(事業)에 대한 태도(態度) 견해(見解)와 환자관리(患者管理) 양상(樣相))

  • Park, Mi-Young;Park, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.91-108
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to use the feedback of health personnel to improve the Visiting Health Service. The data was collected from 471 Home Health Workers serving 24 local health organizations in the Kyung-Pook province. 62.5% of the respondents were men under thirty-nine years of age. 92.8% of the respondents are married. 47.1% had degrees from junior colleges. It was ascertained 52.7% of the workers visited their patients six to twelve times within a six month period. And one to three patients were visited per day by one worker. Workers of older age, higher job position, and more experience were more positive in their feedback about the program. In addition, local health center employees, including nurses, were more positive about the program. Younger workers with a higher level of education, less experience, and lower job position had more insight into the problems of the program. Deeper insight into these problems led to a more negative conception of the program. Older workers with higher ranking jobs were found to be most competent. in their jobs. Workers at the main health center were assessed higher than the workers at the health sub-center or the primary health post. In addison nurses at all centers were found to be slightly more competent than the nurses' aide. The primary health post established the highest degree of patient satisfaction. It was discovered that the more positive the workers felt about the program, the higher their patient satisfaction feedback. There was a positive correlation between management assessment and patient satisfaction. This means that better program management was found to produce higher patient satisfaction. Workers feel being more educated about patient management would lead to better service. However, they take no action to produce these results. Where the problems of the system are most commented upon, the need for further education is greatest. Through multiple regression analyses it is apparent that the assessment of patient management is the greatest variable affecting patient satisfaction of patients is dependent on the management by the visiting health worker. Therefore, the development of the visiting health program is highly dependant on the feedback of those workers with a negative conception of the program. So the development of programs, motivation, education and training must be established. These works would lead to active participation by visiting health workers in the improvement of the Visiting health program.

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A Study on Loyalty Program for Building Customer Loyalty of Fashion Firm (패션업체 고객 충성도 구축을 위한 로열티 프로그램)

  • Ju, Seong-Rae;Yoo, Myung-Iee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.331-342
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    • 2009
  • The purposes of this study were to provide the apparel companies with a effective marketing strategy by identifying the present condition of loyalty programs and designing the type of reward and the timing of reward, and to investigate the effects of loyalty programs on customers' satisfaction and loyalty. The experimental study was conducted to examine the relationship between loyalty programs and performances. The experiment, which adopted a scenario methodology, was a 2(type of rewards)×2(timing of rewards) between subjects factorial design. The sample was based on 362 college students. The data analysis was completed on the basis of SPSS 12.0 package, using descriptive analysis, frequency, factor analysis, Cronbach's a, ANOVA, and regression analysis. The following results were found in this research. First the respondent's recognition of reward(benefit, reserve fund, experience) was not relatively high. Second, the interaction effect of type of rewards and timing of rewards on the loyalty programs' satisfaction(p<.01) and customer loyalty(p<.001) was significant, but that on customer satisfaction was not significant. Finally, loyalty programs' satisfaction positively affected customer satisfaction and loyalty. The implications of the research and directions for future researchers were discussed.

Development of a virtual reality program in South Korea for the measurement of vital signs in children: a methodological study

  • Sun Nam Park;Hye Young Hwang;Hyun Young Koo
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: We developed a virtual reality (VR) program for use in pediatric nursing practicums to help nursing students learn to measure vital signs in children. Methods: The analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation model was employed between July 2021 and December 2021 at a university in South Korea. In the analysis phase, in-depth interviews were conducted with four nursing students, two nursing school graduates, and four experts. The topic and contents of the VR program were settled in the design phase. The VR program was developed and subsequently used and evaluated by 20 nursing students and four experts. Results: The contents of the VR program for pediatric nursing practicums included the measurement of vital signs in a newborn baby and a young child, as well as an evaluation system. The mean score for the nursing students' satisfaction with practice was 4.02 out of 5 points. The mean scores for overall satisfaction with the VR program were 4.15 and 4.79 out of 5 points for nursing students and experts, respectively. Conclusion: The VR program developed in this study allows nursing students to practice measuring vital signs in children, thus improving the students' clinical performance in pediatric nursing.

The effects of local festival's tangible·intangible resources on visitor satisfaction and revisit intention in the era of Generative AI (생성형 AI시대 지역축제의 유·무형적 자원이 만족과 재방문의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Seungjae;Lee Seungwoo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the festival's tangible and intangible resource on visitor satisfaction and revisit intention, and to provide the practical implications. To verify the purpose of this study, a survey was conducted on festival visitors who have visited in the last two years, and total 1,495 valid samples were collected. The data were analyzed through frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling by using SPSS 29.0 and AMOS 29.0. As a result, the tangible resources of the festival had a positive effect on visitor satisfaction, and in the structural relationship between the tangible resources of the festival and the intention to revisit visitors, visitor satisfaction had a mediation effect. This study suggests that the organizers and stakeholders of local festivals need to fulfill satisfaction of visitors for increase the revisit intention, and for this purpose, the supplementation of facilities and surrounding environments is needed.program and implement the program providing real case in which design pattern is used.