• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction for the program

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Effect of Career Development and Career Plateau on Career Satisfaction of Nurses (경력개발과 경력정체가 간호사의 경력만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yo Na
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: In this study, factors affecting career satisfaction of nurses were explored in the career development and career plateau. Methods: Participants were 143 nurses drawn from a general hospital in Busan. independent t-test, one way ANOVA and Hierarchial multiple regression with SPSS/WIN 18.0 program were used for data analysis. Results: The mean score of career satisfaction was 2.85/5, Career development was 2.99/5, and career plateau obtained 2.53/5. The extent of the career satisfaction differ according to age(F=3.60, p=.030), marital status(t=2.42, p=.017), current position(F=6.61, p=.002), total clinical career(F=3.36, p=.023), and work unit(t=0.95, p=.029). The influencing factors in career satisfaction of clinical nurses were organizational career management, career plateau and individual career planning. R2=.415. Organizational career management was the highest significant predictor of career satisfaction(β=.325). Conclusion: Factors influencing career satisfaction were organizational career management, career plateau and individual career planning. Thus a program for career development of organization is needed.

The Effects of College Student Humanity Leadership Program on Personality, Self-Esteem, Leadership and Life Satisfaction (대학생 인성리더십 프로그램이 인성과 자아존중감 및 리더십과 삶의 만족도에 미치는 효과)

  • Choi, Mi-Sug
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.441-448
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to verify whether the university-based humanity leadership program is effective in improving personality, self-esteem, leadership and life satisfaction. The subjects of this study were 45 students in the experimental group and 45 students in the control group, and the control group did not participate in the leadership program. The research was conducted from September 5, 2017 to November 28, 2017. The program was conducted twice a month for a total of six sessions. To verify the effectiveness of the program, preliminary tests were conducted before the first session and then post-tests were conducted after the program. The test consisted of a questionnaire survey on personality, self-esteem, leadership, and life satisfaction. Data analysis was performed by using SPSS 24.0 for the frequency analysis and the response sample t test for determining the differences in the post-test scores of the experimental group. First, there was a significant difference in personality, self-esteem and life satisfaction. Second, positive effects were found in three domains that included honesty, self-esteem, relationships with others, leadership, popularity, and self-assertiveness. This result suggests that it is necessary to improve the satisfaction of life through the formation of relationships with other people, and with an emphasis on honesty, in the program's development and contents.

A Study on the Influences of Authenticity of Hwasung-si Baegmi-ri Fishing Village Experience Program and Tourist Experience on Tourist Satisfaction (화성시 백미리 어촌체험마을사업의 고유성과 관광체험이 방문객의 만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Cheol-Ho;Jang, Young-Soo;Lee, Jung-Phil
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.97-112
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to redefine the concept of fishing village tourism. In addition, it aimed to carry out detailed analyses of the influences of authenticity and non-authenticity of fishing village experience on tourist's satisfaction as well as the influences of tourist's experience on their satisfaction. The study evaluated responses of people who visited research target fishing villages in the East sea area(Hwasung-si Baegmi-ri) which had been rated as successful case. The evaluation was performed to analyze how tourist satisfaction would be influenced by the authenticity of the fishing village experience program based on the authenticity theory(Wang, 1999) and the experience realms theory(Pine & Gilmore, 1999). This study tried to find out realistic factors of the experience realms theory through field investigation, conducting interviews, and holding discussions. From these, the cause-and-effect structure of authenticity, tourism experience and satisfaction could be identified. The results of hypothesis tests are as follows; With respect to the relationship between authenticity and satisfaction in hypothesis I, authenticity did not have a statistically significant effect on satisfaction, while non-authenticity had a significant influence. As a result, the research hypothesis I that authenticity influences satisfaction was partially supported. Regarding hypothesis II of the link between authenticity and tourism experience, a significant effect of authenticity was found in education experience, entertainment experience for Baegmi-ri village. The effect of non-authenticity was significant on deviation experience. Consequently, hypothesis II was also partly supported. The relationship between tourism experience and satisfaction in hypothesis III was significant in education, entertainment, and deviation experiences which lends support to hypothesis III to some extent.

Determinants affecting the Satisfaction of Crop Insurance for Pear (배 농가의 재해보험 가입 만족도 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Hye;Kim, Byung-Moo;Song, Kyung-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.299-313
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to investigate the present status and factors influencing farmers' satisfaction on the crop insurance for pear. Data analyzed were collected by survey and ordered logistic model was utilized for an empirical analysis. The results demonstrate that producers who are more highly educated and have an experience to receive an educational program related to crop insurance for pear are more likely to satisfy. In addition, it is shown that sales have a negative effect on the satisfaction whereas cultivated areas have a positive relationship with it. Based on the findings, it is necessary to develop a new educational program, strengthen public relations, and support an insurance premium for improving farmers' satisfaction of the insurance for pear.

Effectiveness of a Positive Psychology-based and Character Strengths-integrated Activity Program on Depression, Vitality, Life Satisfaction in Elderly Living Alone in Rural Areas (긍정심리기반 성격강점 통합활동 프로그램이 농촌 독거노인의 우울, 활력, 생활만족도에 미치는 효과)

  • Han, Sang Mi;Ha, Yeongmi
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.299-308
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a positive psychology-based and character strengths-integrated activity program for elders living alone in rural areas, and then to examine the effectiveness of the program. Methods: A quasi-experimental pre- and post-test design with a nonequivalent control group was used. The participants included 59 elders in total, of whom 30 were assigned to the experimental group and 29 to the control group. positive psychology-based and character strengths-integrated activity program for elders consists of sixty-minute sessions held twice per week during 6 weeks, hence 12 sessions in total. Results: There were significant differences between the experimental and control groups in depression, vitality and life satisfaction (all p<.001). Conclusion: The positive psychology-based and character strengths-integrated activity program for elders living alone in rural areas is effective in that it decreased the degree of depression and increased the vitality and life satisfaction in the participants.

A Study on Evaluation of Purpose, Program and Satisfaction for Participating Company for Industry-University Technology Cooperation (산학 기술 협력 참여기업의 참여목적, 참여프로그램, 만족도 평가)

  • Lee, Sang Cheon;Bae, Sung Moon;Park, Jong Hun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2016
  • The engineering knowledge and technology is core driving forces of continuous growth in knowledge based society. Companies, the government, and universities are the subjects of an innovation and the cooperation between them is very important. Nowadays, the main purpose of industry-university cooperation moves to train experts and develop a new product. A shift of the paradigm came from the change of recognition that the final consumers of the program are companies and the universities are supporters of the program. In this paper, we investigate the purpose, participation and satisfaction of companies to industry-academy technology cooperation through empirical studies. The need to expert training, product development and process development makes companies participate industry-academy technology cooperation and companies have different purpose of participation by the business type. Companies often feel that expert training, subsidiary purpose of industry-academy technology cooperation, is more important than product development or process development. This result is caused by the real world environment of small and mid-size companies, lacking of technology experts. The participation of companies to each technology cooperation program (technology transfer, joint technology development, consigned technology development, technology consulting, co-op. lab.) is also different by business type. The companies' satisfaction with the purpose of process development is relatively higher than that with the purpose of product development and companies show also different satisfaction value by business type and participating program. The results of this study can give a contribution to the design of demand oriented industry-academy technology cooperation model.

Development of a Web-Based Obesity Management Program for Elementary School Students (초등학생을 위한 웹기반 비만관리 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Hae Sun;Park, Jeong Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.215-227
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a 12-week web-based obesity management program for elementary school students and to evaluate the appropriateness of the developed program from experts and users. Methods: The development of a web-based obesity management program proceeded through the stages of analysis, design, development, and evaluation. After the application of the web-based obesity management program, the evaluation of appropriateness were conducted for knowledge of obesity, obesity control behavior and satisfaction of the program. Collected data has been analyzed using SPSS 19.0. Results: The name of the program developed by this study is healthful weight management and its URL is http://ihealth.or.kr. There were 6 major menus and 18 sub menus including diet, exercise and behavior modification in this program. This study showed that this web-based obesity management program had high satisfaction for a system and increase knowledge of obesity and obesity control behavior for obese children. Conclusion: We expect the web-based obesity management program for elementary school students developed by this study will be able to lead the practice and participation of obese children and decrease the degree of obesity.

A study on a Financial Education Program for the Elderly (노인 재무교육프로그램의 개발과 실시)

  • Sohn, Joo-Young
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.125-143
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and test the effectiveness of a financial education program that make the elderly recognize financial problems and find available strategy to improve their financial situation. Based on the literature review and economic structure of the elderly, a financial education program was developed with three parts: 'My elderly lift'; 'Doubling my income'; and 'Safe investment strategy.' 42 elderly people in Senior academy participate in three-session program and 39 people completed pre and post-test and satisfaction survey. In order to examine the effectiveness of the program paired t-test was used. According to evaluation results, the program was found to have a positive effect on enhancing knowledge in elderly lift and financial management, but not on changing attitude. Most of participants show high level of satisfaction with the program.

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The Effects of Community-Based Mind Subtraction Meditation Program on Quality of Life, Life Satisfaction, and Expectancy of Satisfactory Life in Cancer Survivors (마음수련 명상 프로그램이 지역사회 암 생존자의 삶의 질, 삶의 만족, 삶의 기대에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Myoungsuk;Choi, Eun-Hi;Yun, MiRa
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to develop a community-based Mind Subtraction meditation program for cancer survivors and examine the effectiveness of the developed program on quality of life, life satisfaction, and expectancy of satisfactory life in cancer survivors. Methods: This study used a one group, pretest-posttest design. A 5-week community-based meditation program for cancer survivors was offered twice a week with each session up to 2 hours. 10 cancer survivors who had completed cancer treatments participated in this study. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires and personal journals about the meditation experience from September 10 to December 11, 2015 at a health center branch in Seoul, South Korea. Results: There were statistically significant differences in physical domain of quality of life (QOL) expectancy of satisfactory life. Conclusion: This study shows that the community-based Mind Subtraction meditation program for cancer survivors can be considered as an effective nursing intervention to improve quality of life and expectancy of satisfactory life among cancer survivors in a community setting.

Investigation of Users' Satisfaction of Control & Operation Technology Development for Secure Container Transportation (컨테이너 화물 안전수송을 위한 관제 및 운용기술 개발에 관한 사용자 만족도)

  • Ha, Chang-Seung;Hwang, Seok-Jun;Sohn, Bo-Ra
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.482-493
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    • 2012
  • Logistics security has been enhanced to control cargo containers effectively and safely in global logistics. In response to the change, This study describes the system now being developed that tracks container position, watches cargo security status and gets informations of surrounding until the cargos arrived at its destination. We examine completion and satisfaction of the product for prospective users. For this, considering earlier studies about customer trust, satisfaction, service quality and purchase decision, we analyse an effect among the variables empirically. As a result, when the program is released, we examine customers' satisfaction and purchase decision for the informations to be offered from the program.