• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction for the program

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Effect of Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction in Reward Programs of Tele-Communication Firms -Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Sex Role- (이동통신사의 보상프로그램에 대한 지각된 가치가 고객만족에 미치는 영향 -성별의 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Yong-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.321-330
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    • 2011
  • This study focuses on the moderating effect of sex role on the relationship between perceived values on the reward program of tele-communication firms and customer satisfaction. To test moderating effect, Difference test for distinct parameters in Amos 18.0 program was used. Results show that both kind of perceived values(utilitarian value and hedonic value) have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. And the moderating effect of sex variable was verified. For male, hedonic value has influenced on the customer satisfaction more than utilitarian value. And for female, reversely, utilitarian value has influenced on the customer satisfaction more than female value.

Development and Application Effect of Entrepreneurship Education Program for Teachers (창업 교육 역량 강화 프로그램 개발 및 적용 효과)

  • Baek, MinJung;Kang, Kyoung-Kyoon;Yoon, Eunjin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.532-540
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a training program for teachers to improve their entrepreneurial education competency for teenager entrepreneurship education. In order to achieve this objective, the training program was developed through a literature review and input from professionals. In addition, to verify field appropriateness of the entrepreneurship program for teachers, teachers participated in the program and a satisfaction survey was conducted. Results of this study are as follows. First, this study developed teaching contents and methods for entrepreneurship education which included 4 hours of online education and 26 hours of off-line education, for a total of 30 hours. Second, for verifying the applicability to schools and its effects, the satisfaction of training was examined using 88 teachers that participated in the entrepreneurship education program. Results found the satisfaction level was rated 4.58 for the curriculum suitability and 4.67 for the effectiveness of class contents, indicating that teachers were very satisfied with the training program and contents.

Relationship Satisfaction and Emotional Change between Parents and Children through the Agro-Healing Program

  • Kim, Yi Kyeoung;Ryu, Ja Yeong;Yun, Suk Young;Choi, Byung Jin
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.555-564
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    • 2020
  • Background and objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of an agro-healing program on the relationship satisfaction and emotional change between parents and children. Methods: We sent an official letter to D Office of Education with information and recruitment for the agro-healing program. Then D Office of Education has sent the official letter to elementary schools under the jurisdiction to recruit parents who were willing to participate in the programs with their children. The subjects were recruited by order of application, and 27 families participated, but 20 parent-child teams who attended all sessions and fully participated in the program were ultimately selected. From October 12 to November 16, 2019, a total of 6 sessions of the programs were held once a week at a care farm in Gyeongsangbuk-do. In the morning, they participated in a program that utilizes the resources of plants and animals in the care farm, and later participated in an indoor horticultural program in the afternoon. Results: In the parent-child relationship satisfaction test, it was found that communication was significantly increased after participating in the agro-healing program (p = .047). There were no statistically significant changes in the sentence completion tests written by the children, but their potential perception or attitude towards their parents changed more positively than before according to the content of the sentences. Conclusion: The agro-healing program could strengthen the relationship between parent and child by improving the parent-child relationship satisfaction and children's emotional attitude towards their parent.

Development and Implementation of a Self-directed Critical Care Nursing e-Learning Program (자기주도형 중환자간호 이러닝 프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Keum Soon;Kim, Jin-A;Ahn, Jung Won
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a self-directed e-learning program for ICU nurses and to evaluate how the proposed e-learning program affects the level of knowledge, nursing performance and job satisfaction of ICU nurses. Methods: The e-learning program was developed with the Computer Assisted Instruction Design Model using sources of self-efficacy which included the inactive attainment, vicarious experience, and verbal persuasion of ICU nurses. The program was evaluated by experts. Following the revision of the program, it was applied to a total of 59 ICU nurses (experimental group n=29, control group n=30) from three hospitals. Four weeks later, we measured the level of knowledge, nursing performance and job satisfaction. Results: The level of knowledge significantly improved in the experimental group (t=5.691, p<.001). Moreover, the level of nursing performance significantly increased in the areas of circulatory diagnostic test (t=2.143, p=.039), EKG (t=2.911, p=.006), aortic balloon pump (t=2.491, p=.017), and nebulizer therapy (t=2.085, p=.044). Overall, job satisfaction did not significantly increase (t=1.664, p=.105); however, job satisfaction in terms of relationships with coworkers (t=2.371, p=.023) and the needs of nursing performance (t=2.940, p=.006) were significantly increased. Conclusion: The results showed that the proposed e-learning program using sources of self-efficacy from ICU nurses was an effective learning method to increase the level of knowledge and nursing performance. The propose de-learning program would be a useful teaching tool for ICU nurses improving the quality of ICU patient care.

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A Study on length of Clinical Practice Observation/Performance of Dental and Hygiene the Degree of Satisfaction (치위생 임상실습에 대한 실습기간별 관찰/수행실습의 정도와 만족도 분석)

  • No, Mi-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.185-199
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research is to suggest a new desirable direction to a positive educational program for dental hygeine students, through the analysis of the degrees of observation and performance practice and the student satisfaction. This researched 471 senior dental hygien students from 5 separate universities. SPSS 10.0 for Windows was used to transform the results data analysis into statistics. The students' degree of satisfaction and length of observational/performance practice level were measured. For statistical anlysis the Mean and Standard Deviation were computed and the t-test and ANNOVA were carried out. The significant level of these statistics was a=0.05. 1. 12 weeks practice is the highest in the satisfaction of observation practice was the highest in clinical settings, followed by 16 weeks practice, and 8 weeks practice. 2. 12 weeks practice is the highest in the satisfaction of performance practice, followed by 16 weeks practice, and 8 weeks practice. 3. 8 weeks practice is the highest in the satisfaction of performance practice, followed by 12 weeks practice, and 16 weeks practice. 4. According to the frequency of clinical practice and satisfaction 12 week program of observation/performance practice is the most desirable, followed by 16 weeks practice, and 8 weeks practice.

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The Influence of School Sports Club Participation on Boys' Middle School Students' School Life Satisfaction (학교 스포츠클럽 참여가 남자 중학생의 학교생활만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Won, Hyo-Heon;Park, Hyoun-Seok
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.566-575
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine how school soccer league influenced the school life satisfaction of middle school student in an attempt to help improve their school life and facilitate the universalization of school soccer league. The subjects were 103 students participating in school soccer league at a boy's middle school in Busan and 148 non-participants at the same school as a comparison group. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. The students who participated in the school soccer league program expressed better satisfaction with school life than the other who didn't, and the gap between the two was statistically significant. 2. The students who participated in the school soccer league program, the students who showed higher participation frequency expressed better satisfaction with school life than the other who didn't, and the gap between the two was statistically significant. 3. The student who participated in the school soccer league program, the higher level students of soccer ability expressed better satisfaction with school life than the lower level student of that, and the gap between the two was statistically significant.

A Study on the Effect of MBTI (Myers and Briggs Type Indicator) Basic Program on the Interpersonal Relationship Between Nursing Science Major Students and Their Cohesion (MBTI 기본 프로그램이 간호대학생의 대인관계와 집단응집력에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang Seung Sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 2004
  • This study is intended to suggest fundamental data necessary for developing MBTI program that can help improve interpersonal relation skills of nursing science major students and their cohesion. This study is pre-experimental research by one group pretest-post test design to examine the effect of MBTI(Myers and Briggs Type Indicator) basic program on the interpersonal relationship between nursing science major students and their group cohesion and the relationship between interpersonal relationship and their group cohesion. I selected 39 of sophomore students in the department nursing science of K university in I metropolitan city as test group. 35 of them joined post-test. Pretest and MBTI basic program were done before conducting MBTI program. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS window 7.5. The difference in test group before and after conducting program was examined by paired t-test. The correlation between interpersonal relationship and group cohesion was measured by using Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The findings are as follows. The difference before and after conducting MBTI program by sub-factors of interpersonal relation: There was no significant difference, as the average figure of interpersonal relation in test group was 87.22 before conducting MBTI and 85.08 after conducting MBTI respectively. The average figure of sensitivity among the sub-factors of interpersonal relation was 7.71 before conducting MBTI and reduced to 7.08 after conducting MBTI and there was significant difference between before and after conducting MBTI(t=-2.484, p=.018) The difference in group cohesion before and after conducting MBTI program: The average figure of group cohesion in test group was 56.68 before conducting MBTI and increased a bit to 56.80 after conducting MBTI\, but there was no significant difference between them. The relationship between interpersonal relationship and group cohesion before and after conducting MBTI: As the relationship between interpersonal relationship and group cohesion before and after conducting MBTI is examined, there was positive correlation of the significance level. p<.05 before conducting MBTI(r=.320, p=.047), and of the significance level, p<.01 after conducting MBTI(r=.780, p=.000). The investigation on the relation between sub-factors of group cohesion and of interpersonal relation before conducting MBTI basic program revealed that there was positive correlation between openness, reliability, friendliness and satisfaction, and group intervention, between receptivity among group members and reliability, and between group atmosphere and satisfaction. The investigation on the relation between sub-factors of group cohesion and of interpersonal relation after conducting MBTI basic program revealed that there was positive correlation between openness, communication, understanding, friendliness and satisfaction. and group intervention. There was positive correlation between receptivity among group members and openness, communication, understanding, friendliness and satisfaction. There was positive correlation between openness, communication, friendliness and satisfaction, and group atmosphere. Based on the above findings, I realize that MBTI basic program is essential to the improvement of group cohesion. In addition, it is shown that the sub-factors of interpersonal relation such as openness, communication, friendliness, satisfaction, and understanding, and the sub-factors such as group intervention and receptivity among group members are major factors to improve interpersonal relationship and group cohesion. So, the future MBTI program should include sub-programs that deal with the above factors to improve interpersonal relationship and group cohesion.

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The Effects of Adlerian Encouragement Program on the Interpersonal Satisfaction, Self-efficacy and Self-esteem among Elementary School Students (아들러 심리학에 기반한 격려 프로그램이 초등학생의 대인관계 만족도, 자기효능감, 자아존중감에 미치는 효과)

  • Yu, Li-Hyang
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.419-430
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Adlerian Encouragement Program on the interpersonal satisfaction, self-efficacy and self-esteem among elementary school students. The program was consisted of 8 sessions: 1st session was for introducing programs and making positive nicknames, 2nd~5th sessions were for abandoning inferiority and discouraged thoughts, displaying posters of success experiences, creating merit trees, 6th~7th sessions were for self-encouragement and other people encouragement, 8th session was for closing the program. Subjects were 40 students who were the fifth grader students at I elementary school in G city. The subjects were divided into an experimental group(N=21) and a control group(N=19). All participants were asked to complete the Interpersonal Satisfaction scale(Kim, 2010), Self-efficacy scale(Han, 2003) and Self-esteem scale(Choi & Jeon, 1993). The pretest and post-test were taken in order to verify the effectiveness of the program. The data were analyzed with ANCOVA. The results are as follows: the Adlerian Encouragement Program had a significant impact on interpersonal satisfaction and self-esteem but didn't show a significant impact on self-efficacy. The study confirmed that the Adlerian Encouragement Program had a significant effect on interpersonal satisfaction and self-esteem of elementary school students, suggesting the encouragement, a key technique in Adlerian psychology, is an important educational philosophy and method for healthy development and democratic class management.

Development of a Multimedia Learning DM Diet Education Program using Standardized Patients and Analysis of Its Effects on Clinical Competency and Learning Satisfaction for Nursing Students (표준화환자를 활용한 당뇨식이교육 동영상학습이 간호학생의 임상수행능력과 학습만족도에 미치는 효과)

  • Hyun, Kyung-Sun;Kang, Hyun-Sook;Kim, Won-Ock;Park, Sun-Hee;Lee, Ji-A;Sok, So-Hyune
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a multimedia learning program for patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) diet education using standardized patients and to examine the effects of the program on educational skills, communication skills, DM diet knowledge and learning satisfaction. Methods: The study employed a randomized control posttest non-synchronized design. The participants were 108 third year nursing students (52 experimental group, 56 control group) at K university in Seoul, Korea. The experimental group had regular lectures and the multimedia learning program for DM diet education using standardized patients while the control group had regular lectures only. The DM educational skills were measured by trained research assistants. Results: The students who received the multimedia learning program scored higher for DM diet educational skills, communication skills and DM diet knowledge compared to the control group. Learning satisfaction of the experimental group was higher than the control group, but statistically insignificant. Conclusion: Clinical competency was improved for students receiving the multimedia learning program for DM diet education using standardized patients, but there was no statistically significant effect on learning satisfaction. In the nursing education system there is a need to develop and apply more multimedia materials for education and to use standardized patients effectively.

Investigation and Development of Competency-based Training Program for Pharmacists in a Hospital (국내외 병원약사 교육프로그램 현황 및 한 병원의 약사 역량강화를 위한 교육프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, Min Ah;Kim, Sun Ah;Park, So hyun;Rhie, Sandy Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 2018
  • Objective: This study was to investigate and develop a training program that integrated and strengthened clinical competence and capacity of hospital pharmacists which would be implemented at the pharmacy department of Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital. Methods: We assessed the training programs of hospital pharmacists in the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan and compared those of major hospitals in Seoul and Gyeonggi provinces in Korea. The survey assessed the satisfaction on the current educational programs for pharmacists at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital and a newly designed education program was suggested. Results: The major differences of the programs among the Korean hospitals and Mokdong Hospital were the training period and contents of the entry-level pharmacist education program. The overall satisfaction of the training program was >3 points on 5-Likert scale in the survey. There was no significant difference of the satisfaction level based on the employment period of pharmacists. The pharmacists were in more than 7 training programs of clinical support work. We proposed the clinical support training for the new pharmacists to be separated from orientation and concentrated on actual work duty. In order to improve the competency, it was encouraged to participate the in-house seminar or certify the related fields provided by Korean Society of Health-system Pharmacists. Conclusion: The education program was assessed among different countries and hospitals of Korea. We suggested to update education program in the hospital to enhance pharmacists' competency.