• Title/Summary/Keyword: SPOT-5 stereo images

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Evaluation of Digital Elevation Model Created form SPOT 5/HRG Stereo Images (SPOT 5/HRG 입체영상으로부터 추출된 DEM의 평가)

  • Kim Yeon-Jun;Yu Young-Geol;Yang In-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2006
  • A new High Resolution Geometry or HRG imaging instrument is developed by CNES to be carried on-board SPOT 5. The HRG instrument offers a higher ground resolution than that of the HRV/HRVIR on SPOT 1 - 4 satellites. The field width of HRG is 60 km, same as SPOT constellation. With two HRG instruments, a maximum swath of 120 km at 5 m resolution can be achieved. The generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from satellite stereo images scores over conventional methods of DEM generation using topographic maps and aerial photographs. This global availability of satellite images allows for quicker data processing for an equivalent area. In this study, a HRG stereo images of SPOT 5 over JECHEON has been used with Leica Photogrammetry Suite OrthoBASE Pro tool for the creation of a digital elevation model (DEM). The extracted DEM was compared to the reference DEM obtained from the contours of digital topographic map.

Modeling Methods for SPOT-5 HRG Stereo Pair Images (SPOT-5(HRG) 입체위성영상의 3차원 모델링 기법 연구)

  • 최선용;신대식;이용웅
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we generate the 3D geometric sensor model of SPOT-5 HRG stereo images which are processed in Supermode and have 2.5m ground spatial resolution, and calculate the RPC(Rational Polynomial Coefficients) for acquisition of topographic information using the exterior orientation parameters which are determined in the 3D geometric sensor modelling process. It is shown that SPOT-5 images can be modelled with me 3.3m accuracy by the bundle adjustment method used to model the existing SPOT series. Considering the accuracy of RPC's results with rmse 0.03m accuracy, the RPC model can replace the sensor model, if we emphasize the simplification and the cost.

Accuracy Investigation of DEM generated from Heterogeneous Stereo Satellite Images using Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC를 이용한 이종센서 위성영상으로부터의 수치고도모형 정확도 평가)

  • Song, Yeong-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated the accuracy of DEM generated by heterogeneous stereo satellite images based on RPC. Heterogeneous sensor images with different spatial resolution are SPOT-5 panchromatic and IKONOS images. For the accuracy evaluation of the DEM, we compared the DEMs generated from two kinds of sensors and that produced using homogeneous SPOT-5 and IKONOS stereo images. As results of the evaluation, accuracy of 3D positioning by heterogeneous images was substantially similar to that of homogeneous stereo images for exact conjugate points. But, in terms of quality of the DEM, DEM generated by heterogeneous sensor showed a lower accuracy about twice in RMSE and about 3 times in LE90 than that of homogeneous sensors. As a result, DEM can be generated by using heterogenous satellite imagery. But if we use a stereo image with different spatial resolution, the performance of image matching was very important factor for the production of high-quality DEM.

Correction of Mt. Baekdu DEM Generated from SPOT-5 Stereo Images (SPOT-5 스테레오 영상을 이용한 백두산 DEM 제작과 보정)

  • Lee, Hyo-Seong;Ahn, Ki-Weon;Park, Byung-Uk;Oh, Jae-Hong;Han, Dong-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.555-560
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    • 2010
  • The geoscientists are very interested in a volcanic reactivity of Mt. Baekdu. Periodical observation and monitoring are thus needed to detect the topographic and environmental changes of Mt. Baekdu. It is, however, very restrictive to survey with difficulty of observer's accessibility in the field due to political problems. This study therefore is to produce digital elevation model (DEM) of Mt. Baekdu using SPOT-5 stereo images. The produced DEM is very not accurate because of using without ground control points (GCP). To correct the previously generated DEM, scale-invariant feature transform(SIFT) matching method is adopted with shuttle radar topography mission(SRTM) DEM of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory(JPL). The results of the produced DEM to SRTM DEM matching indicate that the corrected DEM from SPOT-5 stereo images has more detail topographic structures. In addition, difference of spatial distances between the corrected DEM and SRTM DEM are much smaller than non-corrected DEM.


    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.667-670
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    • 2005
  • Ground control points(GCPs) can be extracted from SAR data given precise orbit for DTM generation using optic images and other SAR data. In this study, we extract GCPs from ERS SAR data and SRTM DEM. Although it is very difficult to identify GCPs in ERS SAR image, the geometry of optic image and other SAR data are able to be corrected and more precise DTM can be constructed from stereo optic images. Twenty GCPs were obtained from the ERS SAR data with precise Delft orbit information. After the correction was applied, the mean values of planimetric distance errors of the GCPs were 3.7m, 12.1 and -0.8m with standard deviations of 19.9m, 18.1, and 7.8m in geocentric X, Y, and Z coordinates, respectively. The geometries of SPOT stereo pair were corrected by 13 GCPs, and r.m.s. errors were 405m, 705m and 8.6m in northing, easting and height direction, respectively. And the geometries of RADARS AT stereo pair were corrected by 12 GCPs, and r.m.s. errors were 804m, 7.9m and 6.9m in northing, easting and height direction, respectively. DTMs, through a method of area based matching with pyramid images, were generated by SPOT stereo images and RADARS AT stereo images. Comparison between points of the obtained DTMs and points estimated from a national 1 :5,000 digital map was performed. For DTM by SPOT stereo images, the mean values of distance errors in northing, easting and height direction were respectively -7.6m, 9.6m and -3.1m with standard deviations of 9.1m, 12.0m and 9.1m. For DTM by RADARSAT stereo images, the mean values of distance errors in northing, easting and height direction were respectively -7.6m, 9.6m and -3.1m with standard deviations of 9.1m, 12.0m and 9.1m. These results met the accuracy of DTED level 2

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Comparison of SPOT-5 DEM Control with SRTM DEM (SRTM DEM을 이용한 SPOT-5 DEM의 조정 비교)

  • Lee, Hyo-Seong;Han, Dong-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.193-199
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    • 2011
  • It is necessary to register precisely Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generated from SPOT -5 stereo images in order to monitor the topographic and environmental changes of important topographic features such as Mt. Baekdu. The SPOT-5 DEM is registered taking SRTM DEM as a reference DEM. If SPOT-5 DEM is transformed with single 3D rigid equation, it has many errors. Therefore, this study extracted uniformly ground control points over study area and estimated locally adapted transformation equation. The accuracy of proposed method was evaluated with comparison to scale-based and GCP-based transformation method.

Extracting Topographic Information from SPOT-5 HRG Stereo Images (SPOT-5 HRG 스테레오 영상으로부터 지형정보 추출)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Lee, Seong-Sun;Jeong, Tae-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.14 no.4 s.38
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents photogrammetric processing to generate digital elevation models using SPOT-5 HRG stereo images and deals with the accuracy potential of HRG (High Resolution Geometry) supermode imagery for DEM generation. After bundle adjustment was preformed for sensor modelling, digital surface models were generated through the procedures of Epipolar image resampling and image matching. The DEM extracted from HRG imagery was compared along several test sections with the the refernce DEM which was obtained from the digital topographic maps of a scale of 1 to 5000. The ratio of the zone with DEM errors less than 5m to the whole zone was 53.8%, and about 2.5m RMSE was showed when assuming that the zones larger than 5m were affected by clouds, water bodies and buildings and excluding those zones from accuracy evaluation. In addition, the three-dimensional bird's eye view model and 3D building model were producted based on the DSM which was extracted from SPOT-5 HRG data.

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Comparison of Single-Sensor Stereo Model and Dual-Sensor Stereo Model with High-Resolution Satellite Imagery (고해상도 위성영상에서의 동종센서 스테레오 모델과 이종센서 스테레오 모델의 비교)

  • Jeong, Jaehoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.421-432
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    • 2015
  • There are significant differences in geometric property and stereo model accuracy between single-sensor stereo that uses two images taken by stereo acquisition mechanism within identical sensor and dual-sensor stereo that randomly combines two images taken from two different sensors. This paper compares the two types of stereo pairs thoroughly. For experiment, two single-sensor stereo pairs and four dual-sensor stereo pairs were constituted using SPOT-5 stereo and KOMPSAT-2 stereo covering same area. While the two single-sensor stereos have stable geometry, the dual-sensor stereos produced two stable and two unstable geometries. In particular, the unstable geometry led to a decrease in stereo model accuracy of the dual-sensor stereos. The two types of stereo pairs were also compared under the stable geometry. Overall, single-sensor stereos performed better than dual-sensor stereos for vertical mapping, but dual-sensor stereos was more accurate for horizontal mapping. This paper has revealed the differences of two types of stereos with their geometric properties and positioning accuracies, suggesting important considerations for handling satellite stereo images, particularly for dual-satellite stereo images.

Generation of Epipolar Image Using Different Types of Satellite Sensors Images (이종 위성센서 영상을 이용한 에피폴라 영상 제작)

  • Sung, Mingyu;Choi, Sunyong;Jang, Seji
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the epipolar images were created by both methods of resolution adjustment and piecewise approach using RPC(Rational Polynomial coefficients) and ancillary data of IKONOS-2 and SPOT-5 satellite images whose resolutions are different from each other. The stereo geometry of these two satellite images was analyzed and the RPC block modelling was accomplished for generating epipolar images. In order to evaluate the accuracy of created epipolar images, the y-parallaxes were analyzed for the specific points which were apparently identified in mountainous, plain and urban area. Also the RMSEs of the specific points were calculated using the coordinates from the epipolar stereo images and the coordinates from the block triangulation. Y-parallaxes were within one pixel and the RMSEs were within two meters for X, Y and Z each.

Validation and selection of GCPs obtained from ERS SAR and the SRTM DEM: Application to SPOT DEM Construction

  • Jung, Hyung-Sup;Hong, Sang-Hoon;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.483-496
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    • 2008
  • Qualified ground control points (GCPs) are required to construct a digital elevation model (DEM) from a pushbroom stereo pair. An inverse geolocation algorithm for extracting GCPs from ERS SAR data and the SRTM DEM was recently developed. However, not all GCPs established by this method are accurate enough for direct application to the geometric correction of pushbroom images such as SPOT, IRS, etc, and thus a method for selecting and removing inaccurate points from the sets of GCPs is needed. In this study, we propose a method for evaluating GCP accuracy and winnowing sets of GCPs through orientation modeling of pushbroom image and validate performance of this method using SPOT stereo pair of Daejon City. It has been found that the statistical distribution of GCP positional errors is approximately Gaussian without bias, and that the residual errors estimated by orientation modeling have a linear relationship with the positional errors. Inaccurate GCPs have large positional errors and can be iteratively eliminated by thresholding the residual errors. Forty-one GCPs were initially extracted for the test, with mean the positional error values of 25.6m, 2.5m and -6.1m in the X-, Y- and Z-directions, respectively, and standard deviations of 62.4m, 37.6m and 15.0m. Twenty-one GCPs were eliminated by the proposed method, resulting in the standard deviations of the positional errors of the 20 final GCPs being reduced to 13.9m, 8.5m and 7.5m in the X-, Y- and Z-directions, respectively. Orientation modeling of the SPOT stereo pair was performed using the 20 GCPs, and the model was checked against 15 map-based points. The root mean square errors (RMSEs) of the model were 10.4m, 7.1m and 12.1m in X-, Y- and Z-directions, respectively. A SPOT DEM with a 20m ground resolution was successfully constructed using a automatic matching procedure.