• Title/Summary/Keyword: SOIL EROSION

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Trend Analysis of North Korean Forest Science Research (1962-2016) by Data Mining (데이터 마이닝을 활용한 북한 산림과학 연구 동향 분석(1962~2016))

  • Lim, Joongbin;Kim, Kyoung-Min;Kim, Myung-Kil;Yi, Jong Min;Park, Jin Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.109 no.1
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    • pp.81-98
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    • 2020
  • In this study, forest-related research papers published in North Korean journals were analyzed to understand the research trends in North Korean forest science. The Korea Science and Technology Information Institute (KISTI) North Korea Science and Technology Network (NKtech) is constructing a database related to science and technology in North Korea. From this, a total of 1,389 articles published from 1962 to 2016 were collected with forest science key words based on the South Korean National Science and Technology Standard Classification System. The topics were divided into four categories: afforestation, forest protection, forest use, and forest management. In the field of afforestation, research activities on nursery and agroforestry were active, and the survival rate was emphasized. In the forest protection field, there was a significant research effort into forest pests, and efforts were being made to reduce soil erosion through agroforestry. In the field of forest use, research activities on pulp/paper and mushrooms were active. In the forest management field, activities related to "ecological information" were conspicuous, and efforts were being made to reduce carbon. These results suggest that the perspective of North Korean forest research has changed from nature reorganization to nature protection. Thus, a comparative study on forest science and technology in each sub-sector of the forest research field, along with analysis of the relationship between policy direction and research direction of North Korea over time, would be worthwhile future investigations. To overcome the problem of technical terminology, a compilation/dictionary of inter-Korean forestry terminology would be useful for effective communication between the two Koreas.

Development of Vegetation Structure after Forest Fire in the East Coastal Region, Korea (동해안 산불 피해지에서 산불 후 경과 년 수에 따른 식생 구조의 발달)

  • 이규송;정연숙;김석철;신승숙;노찬호;박상덕
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2004
  • We developed the estimation model for the vegetation developmental processes on the severely burned slope areas after forest fire in the east coastal region, Korea. And we calculated the vegetation indices as a useful parameter for the development of land management technique in the burned area and suggested the changes of the vegetation indices after forest fire. In order to estimate the woody standing biomass in the burned area, allometric equations of the 17 woody species regenerated by sprouter were investigated. According to the our results, twenty year after forest fire need for the development to the normal forest formed by 4 stratum structure, tree, sub-tree, shrub and herb layer. The height of top vegetation layer, basal area and standing biomass of woody species show a tendency to increase linearly, and the ground vegetation coverage and litter layer show a tendency to increase logarithmically after forest fire. Among vegetation indices, Ive and Ivcd show a tendency to increase logarithmically, and Hcl and Hcdl show a tendency to increase linearly after forest fire. The spatial variation of the most vegetation factors was observed in the developmental stages less than the first 5 years which were estimated secondary disaster by soil erosion after forest fire. Among vegetation indices, Ivc and Ivcd were the good indices for the representation of the spatial heterogeneity in the earlier developmental stages, and Hcl and Hcdl were the useful indices for the long-term estimation of the vegetation development after forest fire.

Development of PDA-Based Software for Forest Geographic Information (PDA기반의 산림지리정보 소프트웨어 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Suk, Sooil;Lee, Heonho;Lee, Dohyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2007
  • This study was done to develop PDA based application system for forest geographic information with GPS. The major results obtained in this study were as follows. A PDA based application program was developed to work on $Microsoft^{TM}$ PocketPC 2002 and 2003 operating system. The screen of PDA displays a 1:25,000 digital topographical map adopted DXF format converted from PC, and the map data with 1:2,500 to 1:30,000 on PDA can be zoomed in or out to five levels. Current position and navigating path received from GPS can be displayed on the screen and be saved in PDA. Information selected among layers of digital topographic map in DXF format can be converted into binary files which can be used on forest geographic information software. This can compress DXF files to 90% in size, and the processing speed of PDA was improved. The forest geographic information management system can be used to manage sample plots on which forest inventory is done, with the help of the sub-menus and grid index values with position information received from GPS. Forest workers can in quire forest geographic information such as forest type, location, forest roads, soil erosion control dams using forest geographic information management system in the field. The forest geographic information management system can provide current position and mobile path information to people who enjoy forest related activities like mountain-climbing, sightseeing, and visiting to historic spots.

Temporal and Spatial Evaluation of Water Pollution Loads of the Tributaries in Gohyeon Stream Watershed (고현천 유입지류에 대한 오염부하량의 시.공간적 평가)

  • Kim, Sung Jae
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.607-628
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    • 2012
  • The watershed of Gohyeon Stream was divided into the 10 sub-basins, and 19 sampling points were selected in their tributaries, which the characteristics of the water quality and pollution loads variance were investigated for during the rainy and dry seasons. The results of water quality analysis revealed that the upper watershed(T1~T8) of Gohyeon Stream had a feature of rural area, and its lower watershed(T9~T19) had a feature of the municipal area. The non-point pollution loads of the tributaries were estimated with 2,063, 601, 365, and 45 ton/yr of SS, COD, DIN, and DIP, respectively. The pollution loads of the parameters except DIP were generated about 60% during the rainy season, which suggested that a precipitation significantly influenced on the discharge of non-point source pollution. Meanwhile, the non-point pollution load of DIP was generated about 60% during the ordinary and dry seasons, which suggested that control of a phosphorus pollution source was significantly required during these seasons. Pearson's correlation analysis revealed that SS pollution source of the upper watershed was definitely different from that of the lower watershed, that is, the pollution load from the upper watershed was mainly caused by the discharge of SS due to soil erosion in the farmland and forest land during the rainy season, and that of the lower watershed by the discharge of sewage and municipal run-off.

Effect of Seeding Rate (Sheep fescue 90% + wildflowers 10%) on the Growth Characteristics, Seasonal Anthesis Distribution and Botanical Composition in Wildflower Pastures (쉽 페스큐(90%)와 야생화(10%)의 파종비율이 야생화초지의 생육특성, 계절개화분포 및 식생변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Byong-Chul;Lee, Hyung-Suk;Lee, In-Duk;Do, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out in order to find out the growth characteristics, the seasonal anthesis distribution and the botanical composition of the wildflower pastures which were altogether composed of 90% sheep fescue and 10% wildflowers in the Chungnam National University experimental field from October, 2007 to December, 2009. The experimental species contained 34 species in total consisting of sheep fescue (fundamental turfgrass), 4 native wildflowers, and 29 induced wildflowers belonged. At the time of the anthesis of the wildflowers, the average length was 28.7 cm one year later and 36.7 cm two years later. They bloomed out into from six to nine colors, but into one or three colors during August, September, and October. The blooming season leant toward May and June, and from August, there was lots of difficulty in the wildflower blooming and the maintenance of their consistency. Especially, at the age of two (2009) the color, seasonal distribution, and consistency emerged as problems owing to the reduction of annual wildflowers after winterization. The annual botanical composition of wildflowers, sheep fescue, and weeds came to 22%, 68%, and 10% each one year later (2008) and 19%, 72%, and 9% each two years later (2009). Based on this result, cultivating wildflower in grassland (90% sheep fescue and 10% wildflowers) is the proper method not only for maintaining green space, to prevent soil erosion by sheep fescue, but also for commanding a fine view of wildflowers.

Research on Standard Cross Sectional Survey Length of Cross-to-Nature Sanggachun Stream (자연형 소하천의 종단측량 표준간격 연구)

  • Park, Seung-Ki;Jung, Nam-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.347-352
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    • 2010
  • There is a lack of survey standard for cross-to-nature small stream. In this research, we analyzed cross sectional survey data of Sanggachun stream, calculated variant quantity of soil, and suggested a survey interval. Descriptive analysis of cross sectional survey data shows the trend of stabilization; mean interval of survey is 14.91m(min: 7.0m, max: 39m), mean cross sectional variances are $0.82m^2$(min: $-3.80m^2$, max: $8.11m^2$) in 2004, $0.24m^2$ (min: $-5.25m^2$, max: $8.55m^2$) in 2005. Calculating results of variance quantity based on data of 65 cross sections show similar trends in 15m, 30m, 45m, 60m but different with results of 75m, 90m with Post-Hoc Test in statistical verification. We suggested standard cross sectional survey length of cross section for natural style small stream as 50m based on fitting results of standard variation of erosion and cumulation quantity by survey interval.

Effects of Monsoon Rainfalls on Surface Water Quality in a Mountainous Watershed under Mixed Land Use (토지이용이 다변화된 산림 유역의 수질에 미치는 몬순 강우의 영향)

  • Jo, Kyeong-Won;Lee, Hyun-Ju;Park, Ji-Hyung;Owen, Jeffrey S.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 2010
  • To provide baseline information essential for assessing environmental impacts of monsoon rainfalls in a mountainous watershed under mixed land use, we investigated spatiotemporal variations in water quality using a combined approach of seasonal water quality survey and intensive storm samplings. Biannual water sampling at nine locations encompassing major land use types showed generally lower electrical conductivity and Cl- concentrations during the typical wet period compared to the dry period, indicating rainfall-induced dilution of dissolved ions. Total metal concentrations, however, were significantly higher during the monsoon period, probably associated with rainfall-induced increases in suspended sediments. Intensive storm sampling during a small monsoon rainfall event (18 mm) and an extreme event (452 mm) showed rapid changes in both suspended sediments and dissolved solutes in an agricultural stream draining the Haean Basin where arable lands have expanded rapidly over the recent decades. By contrast, a nearby forest stream derived from North Korea showed little responses to the small event compared to larges changes during the extreme event. In the agricultural stream total Pb concentrations showed significant positive relationships with suspended sediments. Although limited sampling frequency and locations require a cautious interpretation, the overall results suggest that expansion of agricultural fields in steep mountainous watersheds can increase the susceptibility of soil erosion and its off-site environmental impacts under increasing rainfall variability and extremes.

Planning of Alternative Forest Road Network Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 대안별 임도노망의 계획에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Kwon-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.1 s.24
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2003
  • This study was aimed at suggest a proper planning method to select a optimal forest road network in mountains forest using GIS(Geographic Information System). To examine the field applicability, the method was applied to the National Forest at Mt. Kumsan in Namhae-gun, Gyungsangnam-do. The main results from altogether six alternative road route plans were derived from these criteria obtained the alternative route plan No.2 has two layout criteria, longitudinal gradient and earth work volume, and it showed similar pattern of existing forest road network which was designed mainly ground slope and longitudinal gradient. The alternative route plan No.6 has four criteria, longitudinal gradient, earth work volume, investment effect and landscape impact. It was different for the lowest forest road density among the alternatives and the pattern of the forest road layout was radial form, which was also quite different to other alternatives. For optimal forest road network planning, GIS provide the efficient and resonable solutions for decision making to provide the support for evaluation about various alternative road networks. If detailed inventory and relevant data are provided and also clear and objective indicators for evaluations are set up, it could be applied to preliminary analysis and detail planning stage to prevent undesirable effect such the land slide and soil erosion due to inadequate planning for forest road network.

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Plant Growth-promoting Ability by the Newly Isolated Bacterium Bacillus aerius MH1RS1 from Indigenous Plant in Sand Dune (해안 사구에서 서식하는 토착식물로부터 분리된 근권미생물 Bacillus aerius MH1RS1의 식물성장 촉진 능력 연구)

  • Lee, Eun Young;Hong, Sun Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.687-693
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    • 2013
  • Coastal sand dunes have been seriously damaged caused by the development thoughtless for the environment and coastal erosion and destruction due to artificial structures like coast roads and breakwater. Hereupon, in this study we made a library of rhizobacteria that have the plant growth-promoting ability for plant rhizosphere of indigenous plants inhabiting in a coastal sand dune as well as the strong tolerance to salt, and evaluated the plant growth-promoting ability of these strains. Furthermore, we evaluated the effect of rhizobacteria on the growth rate of saline tolerant plants in sandy soil; selected out the most useful micro-organism for the restoration of a damaged sand dune. The effect of inoculation of strains selected from the first experiment on the growth of Peucedanum japonicum and Arundo donaxes planted in a coastal sand dune was evaluated. As a result, Bacillus aerius MH1RS1 had plant growth promoting activities: indole acetic acid (IAA) production, siderophores and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase (ACC deaminase) activity, and also had a salinity tolerance. Also, in case of Peucedanum japonicum, the length of stems and weights of roots were enhanced by the inoculation of B. aerius MH1RS1. Fresh weights of stems and weights of roots in experimental group were, in particular, increased by 25% comparing with the control group. For an Arundo donax in experimental group, plant length increased by 18%, and weight of roots by 20% which is significant.

A Study of the Farm Land Use Classification and the Tree Plantation Planning of the Western Farm District in Brazil using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems -Jangada and Jamaica Farm of the State Mato Grosso do Sul- (위성사진과 지리정보체계(GIS)에 의한 브라질 서부농장지역의 토지이용구분과 인공조림계획에 관한 연구 - Mato Grosso do Sul 주의 장가다 및 쟈마이카 농장 -)

  • 우종춘;죠세이마나-엔시나스
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.281-291
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    • 2000
  • In this study tree plantation planning for the plantation blocks of Eucalyptus species was constructed in order to apply to the two farms Jangada and Jamaica, where are located in the western district of the state Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil. At first the satellite photo was analyzed for the land use classification and the forest ecosystem was classified with GIS technique, and then on the basis of this result the planting available area was accounted for the two farms. According to the request of the land owner the planting planning was established for the planting available area for 3 years. The total area for the two farms is 5,301 ha, and the planting available area is estimated to be 3,913ha(74%). The rest area is 1,388ha(26%), and should be classified to the permanent legal reserve forest area. In order to minimize the soil loss and the erosion, the planting blocks were divided according to the parallel to the contour line: for the first planing year the plantation area was divided to the 27 blocks and the total area was 1,308ha, for the second planing year the area also divided to 27 blocks(1,327.4ha) and for the third planning year 30 blocks divided (1276.5).