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Tidal-Flat Sedimentation in a Semienclosed Bay with Erosional Shorelines: Hampyong Bay, West Coast of Korea (해안침식이 우세한 반폐쇄적 조간대의 퇴적작용: 한국 서해안의 함평만)

  • Chang, Jin-Ho;Kim, Yeo-Sang;Cho, Yeong-Gil
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 1999
  • Hampyong Bay is a semienclosed and macrotidal bay which opens to the eastern Yellow Sea through a narrow inlet in the southwestern coast of Korea. In order to understand the tidal-flat sedimentation in the semienclosed setting, morphology, sediments, accumulation rate and sea cliff erosion were investigated in the tidal flat of Hampyong Bay. The tidal flat of Hampyong Bay lacks intertidal drainage systems, and generally shows the concave-upward profile whose relief is designated by marked morphological features such as high-tide beaches, intertidal sand shoals and tidal creeks. Surfacial sediments of the tidal flat mainly consist of mud, sandy mud, gravelly mud, gravelly sand and muddy gravel, thus showing the textural characteristics of multimodal grain-size distribution, poorly sorting and positive skewness. The sediments generally coarsen landward due to the increase in coarse fraction content. Sedimentary structures are deeply bioturbated, but parallel lamination and lenticular bedding are locally found in the mudflat near mean low water line. Annual accumulation rates across the tidal flat (along Line SM) average -5.2 cm/yr with a range of -45.8~+4.2 cm/yr, indicating that the tidal flat is erosional. In general, erosion rates of upper and lower tidal flat are higher than those of middle tidal flat. Seasonally, the erosion rates are much higher during spring and winter when dominant wind direction corresponds to the long axis of Hampyong Bay. Sea cliffs are eroded at a rate of 1.4 m/yr. The biggest sea cliff erosion generally occurs 1~2 months later after tidal flats were extensively eroded. Such erosions of tidal Oats and sea cliffs in the semienclosed bay setting are interpreted to be due to wind waves coupled with local sea-level rise.

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Origin of Layering and Its Relation to Magma Convection in the Skaergaard Intrusion (Skaergaard 암체에서 layering의 기원과 그의 마그마 대류와의 관계)

  • Yun D. Jang
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.627-648
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    • 2001
  • At least two distinct types of layering are present in the middle zone of the Skaergaard intrusion; alternating plagioclase-rich and pyroxene-rich, macro-rhythmic layers, and smaller scale, modally-graded, rhythmic layers. The macro-rhythmic layers are ubiquitous in the middle zone of the Layered Series, but are not observed in the lower and upper zone of the Layered Series or in the wall or roof tories of the intrusion. They range from 0.3 to 17.3 m in thickness, have sharp upper and lower boundaries, and can be traced laterally for over 2 ]fm in outcrop. Although individual macrorhythmic layers are not internally graded, many contain smaller-scale, modally-graded layers. Modally-graded. rhythmic layers are a common feature of the Layered Series but are not abundant in either the Upper Border Series or the Marginal Border Series. They range in thickness from 1 to 50 cm and can be traced laterally in outcrop for up to 100 m. Their lateral termination ranges from abrupt to gradational, and they are often associated with cut and fill structures and crossbedding suggestive of current activity. They are characterized by sharp lower and gradational upper contacts, and by strong intra-layer modal grading with olivine, ilmenite, and magnetite concentrated at the base, pyroxene concentrated above the base, and plagioclase concentrated at the top. The layers are also grain-size graded with the maximum size for each phase occurring at the horizon in the layer where the phase is most abundant. Modally-graded, rhythmic layers in the middle zone of the Layered Series occur within both plagioclase-rich and pyroxene-rich macro-rhythmic layers.

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Petrochmical study on the Volcanic Rocks Related to Depth to the Benioff Zone and Crustal Thickness in the Kyongsang Basin, Korea: A Review (경상분지 화산암류의 지화학적 연구. 섭입대(베니오프대)의 깊이와 지각의 두께)

  • Jong Gyu Sung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.323-337
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    • 1999
  • Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary volcanic rocks in the Kyongsang basin exhibit high-K calc-alkaline characteristics, and originated from the magmatism related genetically to subduction of Kula-Pacific plate. They represent HFSE depletion and LlLE enrichment characteristics as shown by magmas related to subduction. Early studies on the depth of magma generation has been estimated as 180-230 km based on K-h relation should be reevaluated, because the depth of peridotite partial melting with 0.4 wt. % water is 80-120 km at subduction zone, and subducting slab in premature arc can melted even lower than 70 km. Moreover the increase of potassium contents depends on either contamination of crustal material and fluids of subducting slab or low degree of partial melting. If the inclination of subduction zone is 30 degrees and the depth to the Benioff zone is 180-230 km, the calculated distance between the volcanic zone and trench axis would be 310-400 km. It is unlikely because the distance between the Kyongsang basin and trench during late Cretaceous to early Tertiary is closer than this value and not comparable with generally-accepted models in subduction zone magmatism. $K_{55}$ of the volcanics in the Kyongsang basin is 0.3-2.3 wt.% and the average indicate that the depth ranges between 80-170 km on the diagram of Marsh, Carmichael (1974). Fractionation from garnet lherzolite, assumed the depth of 180-230km, is not consistent with the REE patterns of the volcanoes in the Kyongsang basin. Futhermore, the range of depth suggested by many workers, who studied magmatism related to subduction, imply shallower than this depth. Crustal thickness calculated by the content of CaO and $Na_2O$ is about 30 km and about 35 km, respectively. Paleo-crustal thickness during late Cretaceous to early Tertiary times in the Kyongsang basin inferred about 30 km calculated by La/Sm versus LaJYb data, which is also supported by many previous studies.

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Geological Structure of Okcheon Metamorphic Zone in the Miwon-Boeun area, Korea (미원-보은지역에서 옥천변성대의 지질구조)

  • 강지훈;이철구
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.3_4
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    • pp.234-249
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    • 2002
  • The Miwon-Boeun area in the central and northern part of Okcheon metamorphic zone, Korea, is composed of Okcheon Supergroup and Mesozoic Cheongju and Boeun granitoids which intruded it. The Okcheon Supergroup consists mainly of quartzite (Midongsan Formation), meta-calcareous rocks (Daehyangsan Formation, Hwajeonri Formation), meta-psammitic rocks (Unkyori Formation), meta-politic rocks (Munjuri Formation), meta-conglomeratic rocks (Hwanggangni Formation) in the study area, showing a zonal distribution of NE trend. Its' general trend is locally changed into NS to EW trend in and around high-angle fault of NS or NW trend. This study focused on deformation history of the Okcheon Supergroup, suggesting that the geological structure was formed at least by four phases of deformation. (1) The first phase of deformation occurred under ductile shear deformation of top-to-the southeast movement, forming sheath fold or A-type fold, asymmetric isoclinal fold, NW-SE trending stretching lineation. (2) The second phase of deformation took place under compression of NW-SE direction, forming subhorizontal, tight upright fold of M trend in the earlier phase, and formed semi-brittle thrust fault (Guryongsan Thrust Fault) of top-to-the southeast movement and associated snake-head fold in the later phase. (3) The third phase of deformation formed subhorizontal, open recumbent fold through gravitational or extensional collapses which might be generated from crustal thickening and gravitational instability. (4) The fourth phase of deformation formed moderately plunging, steeply inclined kink fold related to high-angle faulting, being closely connected with the local change of NE-trending regional foliation into NS to EW direction of strike in the vicinity of the high-angle fault.

Effect of Grass Filter Strips on PO4-P and Soil Loss in Runoff from Forage Cropland (사료작물 재배지에서 초지식생대가 PO4-P 및 토양유실 저감에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, Nam-Chul;Yoon, Sei-Hyung;Kim, Ki-Young;Lee, Ki-Won;Kim, Meng-Jung;Yook, Wan-Bang;Jung, Min-Woong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.309-316
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    • 2010
  • The performance of grass filter strips (GFS) in reducing $PO_4$-P concentrations and soil loss from the forage cropland was tested in an experiment on the 10% slope in Grassland and Forages Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration (RDA) from October 2007 to September 2009. Forage cropland with rye-corn double cropping system receiving inorganic fertilizer or livestock manure (LM) were compared in a natural condition. The plots were hydrologically isolated in a randomized block layout of 3 treatments $\times$ 2 factors $\times$ 3 replicates. Main plots consisted of the length of GFS, such as $25\;m^2$ ($5{\times}5\;m$), $50m^2$ ($5{\times}10\;m$), $75m^2$ ($5{\times}15\;m$). Sub plots consisted of the type of LM, such as chemical fertilizer (CF), cattle manure (CM) and swine manure (SM). Concentrations of $PO_4$-P in surface runoff water were reduced as the length of GFS increased. Especially, GFS with 10 m and 15 m reduced $PO_4$-P concentrations significantly compared to that with 0 m (p<0.05). However, there was not significant different between $PO_4$-P concentrations of GFS with 10m and that of GFS with 15 m. Moreover, Soil loss in surface runoff water were reduced as the length of GFS increased. GFS with 15 m reduced soil loss significantly compared to that with 5 m and 10 m (p<0.05). The results from this study suggest GFS improve the removal and trapping $PO_4$-P and soil loss from forage cropland.

Effect of Interaction between Nutritional Level and Breed on Performance of Broiler Production (BROILER 사료의 영양수준이 육용계종의 산육능력에 미치는 영향)

  • 오봉국;오세정
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 1979
  • This experiment was carrid out to investigate the interaction between boilelr strains and nutrition levels, and the performances of four broiler strains such as Han Hyup 603, Hubbard, Anak and Filch when they were fed by four different nutrition levels (High Protein and energy; HP. HE., Medium Protein and energy; MP. ME., Low Protein ana energy; LP. LE., and low protein and energy; LLP. LLE.). The data used in this study were obtained from a total of 1200 broiler type chicks in Poultry Testing Station, Korean Poultry Association from June 16, to August 11, 1978. Differences of all characters among four nutrition levels were significant except viability and carcass rate. HP. HE and MP. ME treatments showed nearly the same performances in body weight, feed efficiency and point, spread but they were significantly superior to those of LP. LE and LLP. LLE. There were not significant differences among four strains in feed efficiency and viability but other characters, body weight, point spread and carcass rate were observed that the performance of the best strain B was significantly superior to strain D but it was not recognized significance compared with strain A, C in tile result of statisticel analysis. In the interaction between strains and nutrition levels, body weight at high and levels showed significantly differences but at low and low nutrition levels were nearly same among four strains. Therefore this study demonstrated that comparision of body weights between strains should be performed at medium nutrition level or above. Also point spread calculated as index of body weight and feed efficiency was observed that strain B at low nutrition level is excellently higher than other strains and there were little differences at low nutrition level among all strains. It was found that ]it tie differences between performances of high arid medium levels seemed to be as the reason of high fat addition for energy source to high mutrition feed, and in general superior strain showed good performance at all the nutrition levels in$.$all characters but in body weight and point spread there were significantly different responses with different nutrition level, The most superior strain B among four strains earned the most profit per bird, Although performances of high and medium nutrition levels were nearly the same, medium nutrition level also showed the most profit because the feed cost of high nutrition level was higher than that of medium nutrition level.

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A Study of Coloration of Topaz(I): Mineralogical and Chemical Study on the Topaz Selected from Some Localities of the World (토파즈의 人工着色 處理를 위한 硏究(I) : 世界 主要 産地別 토파즈의 鑛物學的 및 化學的 特性)

  • Han, Yi-Kyeong;Park, Maeng-Eon;Jang, Yong-Nam
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 1992
  • For the purpose of mineralogical and chemical study on the topazes from various localities of world(Brzail, China, India, Nigeria and Sri Lanka), electron microprobe analysis(EPMA), neutron activation analysis(NAA), X-ray diffractometry, Raman spectroscopy, etch test, scanning electron microscopy, refractive index, specific gravity, fluid inclusion were performed. The chemical composition in topaz was discussed along with its physical and structural properties. Variations in the unit-cell dimension and physical properties of topaz were found to have a close relations in the unit-cell dimension and physical properties of topaz were found to have a close relationship with extent of substitution of $OH^-\;for\;F^-$. According to neutron activation analyses, the trace elements had no effects on the physical properties of topaz. Raman spectra showed that the peaks of topaz were different in intensity from one locality to another. Etching defects in topaz includes negative crystal defect o point-bottom pit(India, Nigeria) and net work defect of curl-bottom pit(Brazil, China). Fluid inclusions in topaz may be classiffied into liquid $CO_2$-bearing inclusion, gaseous inclusion, halite, sylvite-bearing inclusion and liquid inclusion. The results of this study can be useful to devising artificial coloring methods for topaz with different mineralogical compositions.

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Macrocyclic Complexes of Actinide and Lanthanide Metals (Ⅰ). Formation and Properties of Cation Complexes with Macrocyclic Ligands (악틴 및 란탄족금속의 거대고리 착물 (제 1 보). 거대고리 리간드의 금속착물의 형성과 성질)

  • Jeong, O Jin;Choe, Chil Nam;Yun, Seok Jin;Son, Yeon Su
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.143-158
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    • 1990
  • Metal complexes were prepared by reacting uranium (Ⅵ), thorium (Ⅳ) and rare earth metal (Ⅲ) ions including Nd (Ⅲ), Sm (Ⅲ) and Ho (Ⅲ) with macrocyclic ligands including five crown ethers, nine crownands and one cryptand ligands, and subjected to NMR studies in order to examine coordination sites of the ligands and compositions of the complexes formed. Among the marcocyclic ligands, crown ethers and crownand ligands have shown down-field shifts of the methylene protons of the lcigands by forming stable complexes with all the metal ions and the differences of chemical shifts were decreased as increasing of the cavity-size of crown ethers for the same metal ions and decreasing of the atomic number of the rare earth metals for the same ligands. It has been found that crownand 22 gave a stable complex with uranium(Ⅵ) ion by the coordination through both oxygen and nitrogen atoms of the ligand whereas no complex was formed with the rare earth metal(Ⅲ) ions, which on the other hand were found to form stable complexes with cryptand 221. The rest of the crowand ligands have also been found to form stable complexes with uranium(Ⅵ) ion by coordinating through all the oxygen and nitrogen atoms of the ligands whereas no complexes were formed with the rare earth metal(Ⅲ) ions. It has also been shown by 1H-NMR study that uranium(Ⅵ), thorium(Ⅳ) and rare earth metal(Ⅲ) ions formed 1:1 complexes with the macrocyclic ligands except for thorium(Ⅳ) complex of 12C4 in which the mole ratio of metal to ligand is 1:2. More stable metal complexes show larger changes in chemical shifts of the coordinated ligand protons. Finally, the rare earth metal(Ⅲ) complexes of 18C6 have shown ligand exchange reaction with the solvent molecules in acetylacetone solution, which was not observed for the uranium (Ⅵ) complexes.

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Drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in children (소아 결핵 환자에서의 항결핵제 내성 II)

  • Lee, Soo Jin;Ahn, Young Min;Kim, Hee Jin
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : The rate of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) in children is an indicator of the effectiveness of TB control programs in the community. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of DR-TB in children and evaluate TB management. Methods : Between January 1999 and July 2007, drug susceptibility tests for anti-TB drugs were employed for patients aged less than 19 years with culture-positive TB. Results : A total of 607 cases (16.6%) were resistant to at least one anti-TB drug as follows: isoniazid (INH; 13.8%), rifampin (8.9%), pyrazinamide (4.2%), streptomycin (3.7%), ethambutol (EMB; 5.9%), and para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS; 1.9%). Multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB was found in 276 cases (7.6%); extensive drug resistant (XDR) TB, in 5 cases (0.2%). The rate of resistance to at least one anti-TB drug in children aged >15 years (16.1%) was significantly lower than that in children aged <15 years (20.5%) (P=0.016). The rate of resistance to at least one anti-TB drug and multidrug-resistance in this survey decreased significantly (P<0.001) as compared to the previous survey (1987-1995). The rate of resistance to INH, EMB, and PAS also significantly decreased (P<0.05). Conclusion : The rate of DR-TB in children in Korea has decreased over time; however, it remains higher than that in other countries. MDR-TB and XDR-TB are the emerging problems in Korean children. Therefore, the selection of effective drugs through drug susceptibility tests and evaluating risk factors of resistant TB is essential to successful therapy and a decreased incidence of DR-TB.

The Correlation between the Expression of E-cadherin, VEGF-C, VEGF-D and the Real Extent of Lymph Node Metastases using Cytokeratin 18 in Early Gastric Cancer (조기위암에서 E-cadherin, VEGF-C, VEGF-D의 발현과 Cytokeratin 18로 면역화학염색 한 림프절 전이와의 연관성)

  • Kim, Dae Hoon;Yun, Hyo Yung;Song, Young Jin;Ryu, Dong Hee;Min, In Choel;Sung, Rohyun;Lee, Sang Eok
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: VEGF-C and VEGF-D are angiogenetic factors, and abnormal expression of E-cadherin hasa role in the progression of gastric carcinoma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the expression of E-cadherin, VEGF-C and VEGF-D with the presence of lymph node metastases (LNM) using cytokeratin 18 in early gastric cancer (EGC). Materials and Methods: Immunohistochemical staining for E-cadherin, VEGF-C and VEGF-D was performed in 49 EGC patients from March 1997 to December 2002. To evaluate the real extent of LNM, 1,562 lymph nodes from 49 patients were re-examined with the use of cytokeratin 18. Results: Eleven (0.7%) LNM were newly found in 12.2% (n=6) of patients. The real LNM rate was 3.6% in mucosal invasive (m) cancer and 38.1% in submucosal invasive (sm). Stage migration was seen in three patients (6.1%). Abnormal expression of E-cadherin was detected in 36.7% of the patients and expression of VEGF-C and VEGF-D was detected in 16.3% and 36.7% of the patients, respectively. Abnormal expression of E-cadherin was significantly correlated with tumor differentiation (P=0.0103) and Lauren classification (P<0.0001). There was no positive relationship of VEGF-C and VEGF-D expression with the clinicopathological findings for EGC including LNM. However, the frequency of lymph node metastases was significantly higher in patients that demonstrated abnormal expression of E-cadherin with positive immunoreactivity of VEGF-C or VEGF-D (P=0.031). Conclusion: In present study, we could not demonstrate a relationship between the presence of LNM and expression of VEGF-C and VEGF-D in EGC. However, VEGF-C or VEGF-D expression, in addition to the abnormal expression of E-cadherin, was correlated with the real extent of LNM in EGC.

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