• Title/Summary/Keyword: SAR registration

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Comparison of Multi-angle TerraSAR-X Staring Mode Image Registration Method through Coarse to Fine Step (Coarse to Fine 단계를 통한 TerraSAR-X Staring Mode 다중 관측각 영상 정합기법 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Dongjun;Kim, Sang-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.475-491
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    • 2021
  • With the recent increase in available high-resolution (< ~1 m) satellite SAR images, the demand for precise registration of SAR images is increasing in various fields including change detection. The registration between high-resolution SAR images acquired in different look angle is difficult due to speckle noise and geometric distortion caused by the characteristics of SAR images. In this study, registration is performed in two stages, coarse and fine, using the x-band SAR data imaged at staring spotlight mode of TerraSAR-X. For the coarse registration, a method combining the adaptive sampling method and SAR-SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) is applied, and three rigid methods (NCC: Normalized Cross Correlation, Phase Congruency-NCC, MI: Mutual Information) and one non-rigid (Gefolki: Geoscience extended Flow Optical Flow Lucas-Kanade Iterative), for the fine registration stage, was performed for performance comparison. The results were compared by using RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and FSIM (Feature Similarity) index, and all rigid models showed poor results in all image combinations. It is confirmed that the rigid models have a large registration error in the rugged terrain area. As a result of applying the Gefolki algorithm, it was confirmed that the RMSE of Gefolki showed the best result as a 1~3 pixels, and the FSIM index also obtained a higher value than 0.02~0.03 compared to other rigid methods. It was confirmed that the mis-registration due to terrain effect could be sufficiently reduced by the Gefolki algorithm.

Feasibility Study on FSIM Index to Evaluate SAR Image Co-registration Accuracy (SAR 영상 정합 정확도 평가를 위한 FSIM 인자 활용 가능성)

  • Kim, Sang-Wan;Lee, Dongjun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.847-859
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    • 2021
  • Recently, as the number of high-resolution satellite SAR images increases, the demand for precise matching of SAR imagesin change detection and image fusion is consistently increasing. RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) values using GCPs (Ground Control Points) selected by analysts have been widely used for quantitative evaluation of image registration results, while it is difficult to find an approach for automatically measuring the registration accuracy. In this study, a feasibility analysis was conducted on using the FSIM (Feature Similarity) index as a measure to evaluate the registration accuracy. TerraSAR-X (TSX) staring spotlight data collected from various incidence angles and orbit directions were used for the analysis. FSIM was almost independent on the spatial resolution of the SAR image. Using a single SAR image, the FSIM with respect to registration errors was analyzed, then use it to compare with the value estimated from TSX data with different imaging geometry. FSIM index slightly decreased due to the differencesin imaging geometry such as different look angles, different orbit tracks. As the result of analyzing the FSIM value by land cover type, the change in the FSIM index according to the co-registration error was most evident in the urban area. Therefore, the FSIM index calculated in the urban was mostsuitable for determining the accuracy of image registration. It islikely that the FSIM index has sufficient potential to be used as an index for the co-registration accuracy of SAR image.

Registration Method between High Resolution Optical and SAR Images (고해상도 광학영상과 SAR 영상 간 정합 기법)

  • Jeon, Hyeongju;Kim, Yongil
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.739-747
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    • 2018
  • Integration analysis of multi-sensor satellite images is becoming increasingly important. The first step in integration analysis is image registration between multi-sensor. SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) is a representative image registration method. However, optical image and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images are different from sensor attitude and radiation characteristics during acquisition, making it difficult to apply the conventional method, such as SIFT, because the radiometric characteristics between images are nonlinear. To overcome this limitation, we proposed a modified method that combines the SAR-SIFT method and shape descriptor vector DLSS(Dense Local Self-Similarity). We conducted an experiment using two pairs of Cosmo-SkyMed and KOMPSAT-2 images collected over Daejeon, Korea, an area with a high density of buildings. The proposed method extracted the correct matching points when compared to conventional methods, such as SIFT and SAR-SIFT. The method also gave quantitatively reasonable results for RMSE of 1.66m and 2.45m over the two pairs of images.

Comparison of Co-registration Algorithms for TOPS SAR Image (TOPS 모드 SAR 자료의 정합기법 비교분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_1
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    • pp.1143-1153
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    • 2018
  • For TOPS InSAR processing, high-precision image co-registration is required. We propose an image co-registration method suitable for the TOPS mode by comparing the performance of cross correlation method, the geometric co-registration and the enhanced spectral diversity (ESD) matching algorithm based on the spectral diversity (SD) on the Sentinel-1 TOPS mode image. Using 23 pairs of interferometric pairs generated from 25 Sentinel-1 TOPS images, we applied the cross correlation (CC), geometric correction with only orbit information (GC1), geometric correction combined with iterative cross-correlation (GC2, GC3, GC4), and ESD iteration (ESD_GC, ESD_1, ESD_2). The mean of co-registration errors in azimuth direction by cross correlation and geometric matching are 0.0041 pixels and 0.0016 pixels, respectively. Although the ESD method shows the most accurate result with the error of less than 0.0005 pixels, the error of geometric co-registration is reduced to 0.001 pixels by repetition through additional cross correlation matching between the reference and resampled slave image. The ESD method is not applicable when the coherence of the burst overlap areas is low. Therefore, the geometric co-registration method through iterative processing is a suitable alternative for time series analysis using multiple SAR data or generating interferogram with long time intervals.

Matching and Geometric Correction of Multi-Resolution Satellite SAR Images Using SURF Technique (SURF 기법을 활용한 위성 SAR 다중해상도 영상의 정합 및 기하보정)

  • Kim, Ah-Leum;Song, Jung-Hwan;Kang, Seo-Li;Lee, Woo-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.431-444
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    • 2014
  • As applications of spaceborne SAR imagery are extended, there are increased demands for accurate registrations for better understanding and fusion of radar images. It becomes common to adopt multi-resolution SAR images to apply for wide area reconnaissance. Geometric correction of the SAR images can be performed by using satellite orbit and attitude information. However, the inherent errors of the SAR sensor's attitude and ground geographical data tend to cause geometric errors in the produced SAR image. These errors should be corrected when the SAR images are applied for multi-temporal analysis, change detection applications and image fusion with other sensor images. The undesirable ground registration errors can be corrected with respect to the true ground control points in order to produce complete SAR products. Speeded Up Robust Feature (SURF) technique is an efficient algorithm to extract ground control points from images but is considered to be inappropriate to apply to SAR images due to high speckle noises. In this paper, an attempt is made to apply SURF algorithm to SAR images for image registration and fusion. Matched points are extracted with respect to the varying parameters of Hessian and SURF matching thresholds, and the performance is analyzed by measuring the imaging matching accuracies. A number of performance measures concerning image registration are suggested to validate the use of SURF for spaceborne SAR images. Various simulations methodologies are suggested the validate the use of SURF for the geometric correction and image registrations and it is shown that a good choice of input parameters to the SURF algorithm should be made to apply for the spaceborne SAR images of moderate resolutions.


  • Kim, Sang-Wan;Won, Joong-Sun;Moon, Wooil-M.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.474-478
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    • 1999
  • SAR interferometry (InSAR) using the space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) have recently become one of the most effective tools monitoring surface changes caused by landslides, earthquakes, subsidences or volcanic eruption. This study focuses on examining the feasibility of InSAR using the RADARSAT data. Although the RABARSAT SAR with its high resolution and variable incidence angle has several advantages for repeat-pass InSAR, it has two key limitations: first, the orbit is not precisely known; and second, RADARSAT's 24-day repeat pass interval is not very favourable for retaining useful coherence. In this study, two pairs of RADARSAT data in the Nahanni area, NWT, Canada have been tested. We will discuss about the special consideration required on the interferometric processing steps specifically for RADARSAT data including image co-registration, spectral filtering in both azimuth and range, estimation of the interferometric baseline, and correction of the interferogram with respect to the "flat earth" phase contribution. Preliminary results can be summarized as: i) the properly designed azimuth filter based upon the antenna characteristic improves coherence considerably if difference in Doppler centroid of the two images is relatively large; ii) the co-registration process combined by fringe spectrum and amplitude cross-correlation techniques results in optimal matching; iii) the baseline is not always possible to be estimated from the definitive orbit information.

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Automatic Registration Between KOMPSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X Images (KOMPSAT-2 영상과 TerraSAR-X 영상 간 자동기하보정)

  • Han, You-Kyung;Byun, Young-Gi;Chae, Tae-Byeong;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.667-675
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose an automatic image-to-image registration between high resolution multi-sensor images. To do this, TerraSAR-X image was shifted according to the initial translation differences of the x and y directions between images estimated using Mutual Information method. After that, the Canny edge operator was applied to both images to extract linear features. These features were used to design a cost function that finds matching points based on the similarities of their locations and gradient orientations. For extracting large number of evenly distributed matching points, only one point within each regular grid constructed throughout the image was extracted to the final matching point pair. The model, which combined the piecewise linear function with the global affine transformation, was applied to increase the accuracy of the geometric correction, and the proposed method showed RMSE lower than 5m in all study sites.

Approaches for Automatic GCP Extraction and Localization in Airborne SAR Images and Some Test Results

  • Tsay, Jaan-Rong;Liu, Pang-Wei
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.360-362
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents simple feature-based approaches for full- and/or semi-automatic extraction, selection, and localization (center-determination) of ground control points (GCPs) for radargrammetry using airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Test results using airborne NASA/JPL TOPSAR images in Taiwan verify that the registration accuracy is about 0.8${\sim}$1.4 pixels. In c.a. 30 minutes, 1500${\sim}$3000 GCPs are extracted and their point centers in a SAR image of about 512 ${\times}$ 512 pixels are determined on a personal computer.

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Analysis of Image Integration Methods for Applying of Multiresolution Satellite Images (다중 위성영상 활용을 위한 영상 통합 기법 분석)

  • Lee Jee Kee;Han Dong Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.359-365
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    • 2004
  • Data integration techniques are becoming increasing1y important for conquering a limitation with a single data. Image fusion which improves the spatial and spectral resolution from a set of images with difffrent spatial and spectral resolutions, and image registration which matches two images so that corresponding coordinate points in the two images correspond to the same physical region of the scene being imaged have been researched. In this paper, we compared with six image fusion methods(Brovey, IHS, PCA, HPF, CN, and MWD) with panchromatic and multispectral images of IKONOS and developed the registration method for applying to SPOT-5 satellite image and RADARSAT SAR satellite image. As the result of tests on image fusion and image registration, we could find that MWD and HPF methods showed the good result in term of visual comparison analysis and statistical analysis. And we could extract patches which depict detailed topographic information from SPOT-5 and RADARSAT and obtain encouraging results in image registration.

Extraction of Common GCPs from JERS-1 SAR Imagery

  • Sakurai Amamo, Takako;Mitsui, Hiroe;Takagi, Mikio;Kobayashi, Shigeki;Fujii, Naoyuki;Okubo, Shuhei
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.186-191
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    • 1998
  • The first step in change detection in any SAR monitoring, including SAR interferometry, is the co-registration of the images. CCPs (Ground Control Points) for co-registration are usually detected manually, but for qualitative analyses of enormous volumes of data, some automation of the process will become necessary. An automated determination of common CCPs for the same path/row data is especially desirable. We selected the intersections of linear features as the candidates of common GCPs Very bright point targets, which are commonly used as GCPs, have the drawback of appearing and disappearing depending on the conditions of the observation. But in the case of linear features, some detailed elements may appear differently in some case, but the overall line-likeness will remain. In this study, we selected 18 common GCPs for a single-look JERS-1 SAR image of Omaezaki area in central Japan. Although the GCPs in the first image had to be selected either interactively or semi-automatically, the same GCPs in all other images were successively detected automatically using a tiny sub-image around each GCP and a dilated mask of each linear feature in the first image as the reference data.

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