• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rural Road

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Analysis of Location Characteristic for Farmstead using GIS Method - With Rural Areas of Cheonan-city - (GIS 기법을 이용한 축산농장의 입지특성 분석 - 천안시 농촌지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yong-Hoon;Kim, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2012
  • This study used GIS method for the characteristic analysis of farmstead location in study area. The present study surveyed the coordinates of location for 76 livestock farmsteads with big size in rural areas within city of Cheonan. Based on the surveyed data, this study analyzed the spatial characteristics of location for the farmsteads by using both new evaluation criteria and their corresponding GIS (geographic information system) layers developed in this research. The criteria consist of six factors, which are 2 geographic factors for slope(SLO) and aspect(ASP) of earth surface, 3 accessability factors for distance from water area(DWA), road(DRO), and built-up area(DBA), including type of landuse(TLA). In the analysis results of six criteria using the grid funcations of GIS, the highest distributed ratios of the farmsteads per criterion were found at the lower slope area less then 2% in SLO, the area with south and south-east direction in ASP, the area with distance between 500m and 1,000m in both DWA and DRO, the area within 500m in DWA, and the paddy and upland area in TLA. As new finding of this study, these analysis results seemed that the farmsteads have been located at the better places with the priority to build and manage conveniently and economically.

Study on the Basic Ways for Propulsion of Land Consolidation Project -Laying Stress on Rural Integral Development (耕地整理事業의 推進 基本方向에 관한 調査硏究 -農村整備를 中心으로-)

  • Kim, Choul-Kee
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 1992
  • Many problems were found out the remarkable unbalance between paddy fields and up-land areas, or between plain and mountainous areas, unreasonable establishing of land consolidaton boundaries without consideration of rural development, lower leverl of construction technology of the roads and canals for agricultral use ad operation and maintenance of them by human power far apart from the ages of high technology, high information and free internationalisation, and too slow progress to overcome the weak agricultural circumstances etc. through the survey in the past executed land consolidation projects. The basic ways for solution of these problems for propulsion of land consolidation project through investigation are summarized as follows : 1. Land consolidation project should be executed to the direction of balanced regional development, laying stress on the upland and mountainous areas in order to carry out the agriculture effectively. 2. the acreage of land consolidation project to be conducted anually should be increased to overcome the serious underdeveloped agricultural development. 3. It should be developed to the way in accordance with the order of land use from the view point of rural integral development including the rural readjustment. 4. The level of the structures of road and canal, the size of standard lot and the grouping of land substitution should be to incraese the productivity of land and labour more than ever and reached to a degree in cope with the age of industrialization, information and free internationalisation. 5. The level of the management of agricultural water use and the maintenace of the various facilities should be developed to be automatization, remote control, central control and information processing instead human work. 6. Land substitution should take a measure of grouping method in accordance with the agricultural plan and farming organization, which can overcome high industrialized society in place of the substition by origin land. 7. Land consolidation project should be planned in order to fulfil a conservative function of ecosystem and resources together with improvement of land and labour productivity.

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Evaluation of Agricultural Water Supply Potential in Agricultural Reservoirs (농업용 저수지에서의 농업용수 잠재능 평가)

  • Kim, Jin Soo;Lee, Jae Yong;Lee, Jeong Beom;Song, Chul Min;Park, Ji Sung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2016
  • The new concept of agricultural water supply potential, which is mean annual turnover rate times unit storage capacity, was introduced for agricultural reservoirs. We investigated characteristics of mean annual turnover rate and unit storage capacity for agricultural reservoirs with storage capacity of over $1million\;m^3$. The curve of agricultural water supply potential represents change in mean annul turnover rate according to change in unit storage capacity. The mean annual turnover rate and unit storage capacity in the reservoirs with high minimum storage ratio are significantly higher than those in the reservoirs with low minimum storage ratio. Most of unstable water supply reservoirs showed low mean annual turnover rate or low unit storage capacity, indicating that mean annual turnover rate may be an index of stability degree for agricultural water use. The reservoirs with mean annual turnover rate of over 2 and unit storage capacity of over 0.8 m may be estimated as the stable water supply zone for 10 frequency dry year. The reservoirs with high agricultural water supply potential can belong to the wide range of stable water supply zone. The results suggest that relation between mean annual turnover rate and unit storage capacity may be used in evaluating stability degree for agricultural water supply in the reservoirs.

A Study on the Analysis of Village Characteristics for Planning Rural Settlement Area Development - Mainly on Sungnae-Myun District - (농어촌 정주생활권 개발계획 수립을 위한 마을특성분석 방안 연구 -성내면을 대상으로-)

  • 김학응;오무형;이신호
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 1996
  • This study is about the problems found in the process of the current governments planning rural settlement area development. As a measure to solve them, It proposed the analysis method of village characteristic in terms of standard score and tried to use this method as a basic material in planning more effective rural settlement area development. On the basis of the above analysis, which is an objective basic material to solve the problems revealed in the process of the bottom-up development planning by the residents' demands, It shows the following conclusion about what method should be applied to each part according to a village's characteristics and its development level. 1. Accessibility can be a basic material for setting the local area, analyzing its settlement system, and them such development facilities as village-linking roads, rural road, or various kinds of bridges and determining the investment priority. 2. With the index of the industrial basis, we can see what village has plenty of social, economical resources including advanced industrial facilities and looking into the advance level of the industrial basis, we can get some information about determining the local area development direction such as estashing the plan to build a farm product gathering center, a collective work place, storage facilities, and special housing development. 3. Since the issue about living environment is raising it's head, compared to weakened agricultural competitive power, with the analysis of this living environment, we can get an objective basic material for solving problems caused by the local egoism and the effective investment strategy of the limited resources. Therefore, It is necessary that we should abstain from expert-centered planning and formal public opinion-collecting and on the basis of this analytic result, we should plan development. We need to continue our research about index selecting and differentiation, weight etc. and using these analysis methods, we should make up a systematic development plan by analyzing village characteristics and setting the development direction.

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Red Light Violations Analysis Using Statistical Methods - in case of Chungbuk 4-Legged Signalized Intersections - (통계적기법을 이용한 신호위반 분석(충청북도 4지 신호교차로를 중심으로))

  • Park, Jeong-Soon;Kim, Yun-Hwan;Jung, Woo-Teak
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2010
  • This case study investigated red light violations at CBD, suburban and rural signalized intersections in chungbuk. The goal of this study is to understanding the collection between red light violations and various driver, vehicles and environmental factors. This study uses descriptive statistics analysis and logistics analysis with SPSS 12.0 software. The major results of this study are as follows. First, red light violations occurred at rural and CBD more than suburban area. Second, About 81.1% of the violators were traveling at or below the posted speed limit. Moreover, 77.3% of the violations occurred within 2 seconds after the on set of red light. Finally, the logistic regression model, which is statistically significant(chisquare=0.000, McFadde=0.265)was developed, and includes the local type(CBD/suburban/rural), violators' gender, season, vehicle type, time of day, vehicle speed as the independent variables. In this study did not find significant relationship between red light violators' age and their driving behavior approaching signalized intersections.

National Highway's Design Criteria Based on Analysis of Functional Classification (일반국도의 수행 기능 분석에 의한 적정 설계기준 연구)

  • 강원의
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2001
  • This study shows that a functional order relationship of national highways in rural areas, which provides the functional system as a principal and minor arterial highways, can be established by the use of statististics. As a result, the adequate functional design criteria of those highways are proposed on the basis of the traffic characteristics in those areas. According to those statistical studies, a function of national highways in the national road network is proved to form three categories broadly. Especially, the survey results based on the traffic characteristics on each road sections show that the initially constructed national highways can not provide an adequate functional role as the arterial highways in the studied areas. In order to operate the intended national highways functionally as the arterial highways, the functional design criteria of highways and the standard order of highway facilities based on the design traffic speed should be considered as an alternative.

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Driving behavior Analysis to Verify the Criteria of a Driver Monitoring System in a Conditional Autonomous Vehicle - Part I - (부분 자율주행자동차의 운전자 모니터링 시스템 안전기준 검증을 위한 운전 행동 분석 -1부-)

  • Son, Joonwoo;Park, Myoungouk
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to verify the criteria of the driver monitoring systems proposed by UNECE ACSF informal working group and the ministry of land, infrastructure, and transport of South Korea using driving behavior data. In order to verify the criteria, we investigated the safety regulations of driver monitoring systems in a conditional autonomous vehicle and found that the driver monitoring measures were related to eye blinks times, head movements, and eye closed duration. Thus, we took two different experimental data including real-world driving and simulator-based drowsy driving behaviors in previous studies. The real-world driving data were used for analyzing blink times and head movement intervals, and the drowsiness data were used for eye closed duration. In the real-world driving study, 52 drivers drove approximately 11.0 km of rural road (about 20 min), 7.9 km of urban road (about 25 min), and 20.8 km of highway (about 20 min). The results suggested that the appropriate number of blinks during the last 60 seconds was 4 times, and the head movement interval was 35 seconds. The results from drowsy driving data will be presented in another paper - part 2.

Spatio-temporal change detection of land-use and urbanization in rural areas using GIS and RS - Case studies of Yongin and Anseong regions - (GIS와 RS를 이용한 농촌지역 토지이용 및 도시화 변화현상의 시공간 탐색 - 용인 및 안성지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Gao, Yujie;Kim, Dae-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed the spatio-temporal change detection of land-use and urbanization in Yongin and Anseong regions, Kyunggi Province, using three Landsat-5 TM images for 1990, 1996, and 2000. Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques were used for image classification and result analysis. Six land-use types were classified using supervised maximum likelihood classification. In the two study areas, the land-use changed significantly, especially the decrease of arable land and forest and increase of built-up area. Spatially, the urban expansion of Yongin region showed a spreading trend mainly along the national road and expressways. But in Anseong region the expansion showed 'urban sprawl phenomenon' with irregular shape like starfish. Temporally, the urban expansion showed disparity - the growth rates of urbanized area rose from the period 1990-1996 to 1996-2000 in both study areas. The increased built-up areas were converted mainly from paddy, dry vegetation, and forest.

A Study on Cheongju Townscape in the 1960s through the Restoration Model (1960년대 청주 도심경관고 -도심 복원모델의 제작을 통하여-)

  • Kim, Tai-Young;Oh, Sungjin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2018
  • This study examines the 1960s' townscape through the small-scale restoration model in Seongan-dong and Jungang-dong, Cheongju, one of the historical cities in South Korea. In the 1960s, Jungang-dong actively was developed outside the north gate of Cheongju castle, and Cheongju's townscape was changed by the relocation of railway station and construction of city hall. In the streetscape, the new roads, the east-west Sajik-ro and north-south Sangdang-ro were opened instead of old railroads, and they clarified the typical grid road system with the existing Seongan-ro, which connected north and south gate of the old castle. In the buildingscape, city hall was built in front of the railway station outside the north gate of old castle, and had a great effect on the existing buildings and facilities. The public, educational, and commercial buildings had been replaced by reinforced concrete, and the cement brick & block public housing were distributed widely. But the existing dwelling areas, located in the inside of old castle and outside south gate, showed the low and dense townscape, sustaining the former streets and building types.

Analysis of Field Infrastructure Improvement Types according to Geographic Characteristics and Spatial Distribution of Upland - Comparison of Muan-gun and Hwasun-gun - (지형 특성과 경작지 분포를 고려한 밭정비 유형 분석 - 무안군과 화순군 비교 -)

  • Lee, Jimin;Yoo, Seung-Hwan;Oh, Yun-Gyeong;Kim, Ara
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2018
  • To suggest the field maintenance plan considering the geographical characteristics of the region, we selected representative regions(plain regione and mountain region) and compared spatial distribution of cultivated land in Muan-gun and Hwasun-gun. Firstly, we examined the distribution characteristics of cultivated land according to the scope of the maintenance object with Fragstats. As a result of that, it was found that the cultivated area except rice paddy had the highest aggregation effect. And then, we developed type classification of maintenance considering geographic characteristics and cultivated crops information. As a result of classification, plain land type Muan region was mostly cultivated land suitable for integrated maintenance. On the other hand, Hwasun, a mountainous terrain, needs small-scale maintenance and road maintenance. Based on these results, it was found that more detailed planning is needed for the upland field infrastructure improvement considering the topographic characteristics.