• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rice Variety

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The Evaluation on the Meal Pattern and Nutritional Balance for University Foodservices in Seoul - Comparison between Self-operated and Contracted management- (서울지역 대학교 구내식당의 점심식단 분석 -직영급식 및 위탁급식 식당의 식단 비교-)

  • 이심열;박수정;김진아
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the meal pattern and the nutritional balance in university foodservices of Seoul. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire with 317 students at five different cafeterias that served 23 meals. We weighed all the meals offered by the university foodservices, separated the foods, and calculated their nutritional content using a computer program $\ulcorner$DS24$\lrcorner$. We also checked the dishes and those amount students consumed from the menu. The results of this study is summarized as follows. : 1) The most prevalent menu patterns included rice, soup, two side dishes, and kimchi. 2) Most nutrient contents per meal in a given menu was lower than one third of the recommended dietary allowance(RDA). 3) The mean energy content for the amount of rice that was served was 399㎉, for the side dish, it was 107㎉, and for the kimchi, it was 9.9㎉. 4) The number of total dishes and side dishes was five and two, respectively. The dietary variety score was 16.7, and the dietary diversity score was 3. 5) The mean energy intake by students at self-operated managements were 545㎉, and at one contracted management, the energy intake were 494㎉. Both of them did not serve enough to meet one third of the RDA. Nutrient adequacy ration(NAR) was 0.4∼0.9, and Index of nutritional quality(INQ) was above 0.9 for most nutrients with the exception of calcium and vitamin B$_2$.

Effects of Ensiled Cassava Tops on Rumen Environment Parameters, Thyroid Gland Hormones and Liver Enzymes of Cows Fed Urea-treated Fresh Rice Straw

  • Khang, Duong Nguyen;Wiktorsson, Hans
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.936-941
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    • 2004
  • Four rumen-cannulated cows (330 kg average weight at 4 years) were used to evaluate the supplement of ensiled cassava tops (ECT) (variety KM 94, 39% DM) on rumen functions, thyroid hormones and liver enzymes. The treatments, arranged in a 4 $\times$4 Latin square design, were ECT at 0, 50, 100 and 150 g CP 100 kg$^{-1}$ body weight (BW), and a basal diet of urea-treated fresh rice straw (UFRS) ad libitum and 1.1 kg dry matter (DM) cassava root meal (CRM) in each 30 day study period. The results showed a continuous decrease in dry matter intake (DMI) of UFRS with increasing level of ECT supplement (p<0.001). The highest total DMI was observed for treatment ECT$_{150}$ (2.68 kg DM 100 kg$^{-1}$ BW day$^{-1}$) followed by treatments ECT$_{100}$, ECT$_{50}$ and ECT$_{0}$, with 2.47, 2.24 and 2.06 kg DM 100 kg$^{-1}$ BW⋅day$^{-1}$, respectively. Increasing levels of ECT supplement increased the concentration of total volatile fatty acids (p<0.05) and ammonia nitrogen (p<0.05) and resulted in a decrease in pH (p<0.05). Overall average plasma triiodothyronine and thyroxine concentrations were 0.80, 0.82, 0.85 and 0.69 ng ml$^{-1}$ (p>0.05), and 50.9, 49.5, 50.7 and 42.4 ng ml-1 (p>0.05) for treatments ECT$_{0}$, ECT$_{50}$, ECT$_{100}$ and ECT$_{150}$, respectively. There were non-significant differences in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase among treatments. It is concluded that ECT is a valuable protein-rich feed supplement to cattle, and the highest level of on average 2.48 kg DM ECT per cow and day (28% of total DMI) did not significantly affect thyroid gland hormones and liver enzymes in cows.

A Study on the Evaluation of Food Intake of People Living in Rural Areas (농촌지역 주민이 식품섭취평가에 관한 연구)

  • 박송이
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 1999
  • To assess the food intake and diet quality of Koreans living in rural areas with discriminative environment, this dietary survey was conducted with 553 subjects living in five different rural areas using a one-day, 24-hour recall method. The average weight of total food intake was 1066g, with vegetable and animal food comprising 83.75 and 16.3% of total food intake, respectively. The average daily food intakes of residents in the five areas were 985g, 1005g, 1028g, 1318g, and 964g, and were significantly different(p<0.001). Residents of Ulju consumed the largest amount of food, 1318g. The total number of food items consumed was 336. The foods consumed in largest amounts were rice(223g), Korean cabbage-Kimch'i(111g), and soybean curd(41g). The foods consumed most frequently were rice, Korean cabbage-Kimchi, green onion and garlic. When investigating the consumption pattern of the major five food groups, only 5% of subjects consumed all five groups. The groups most frequently missing were dairy products and fruits. The average number of foods consumed per day was 16.8, but differed significantly by area(p<0.001). The number of major food groups (DDS, dietary diversity score) and that of food items(DVS, dietary variety score) correlated positively with NAR (nutrient adequacy ratio) and MAR (mean adequacy ratio). People with a DDS of above 4 or DVS of above 20 met two-thirds of the recommended dietary allowance for most nutrients. When assessing the dietary quality of subjects using DDS and DVS, many people appeared not to have a desirable food intake. dietary guidelines should be made considering the nutritional characteristics of different areas to improve the health of people living in those areas.

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Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Dietary Intakes of Koreans by Age Groups: (2) Food and Food Group Intakes (서울 및 근교에 거주하는 한국인의 연령별 식생활 비교 및 평가: (2) 식품 섭취 비교)

  • 백희영;심재은;문현경;김영옥
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.568-579
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of Korean diet in the view of food and food group intakes. The study subjects consisted of preschool children(PC), elementary school children(EC), high school students(HS), college students(CS), and adults over 30 years old living Seoul and the surrounding areas. The subjects over 30 years old were classified to 30-49 years, 50-69 years, and over 70 years. A dietary survey was conducted using 24-hour recall method and data were collected from 2392 subjects. Rice was a major contributor to many nutrients intake because of the amount of consumption. Vegetable oil made great contribution to fat intakes and eggs, squid, and anchovy supplied much cholesterol compared to other foods in all the age groups. Milk was major contributor of fat and cholesterol as well as calcium in younger age group, and seasoning gave much contribution to iron intakes. Mean dietary variety score(DVS) was 32 for EC group and 17 for subjects over 70 years, and tended to decrease along the increasing age. EC group consumed most variable number of foods of all groups but they consumed many junk foods, therefore the MAR value was low despite their high DVS value. Mean dietary diversity score(DDS) of each age group from PC group to subjects over 70 years was 4.34, 4.28, 3.79, 3.89, 3.76, 3.56, and 3.25, respectively. Food group, which was consumed below the minimum amount, was mainly fruits in all the age groups, and many subjects in HS group and over 30 years consumed dairy products below the minimum amount. From these results, age specific nutritional problems were found. PC group and subjects over 50 years seemed to need more diverse food intake than now, EC group did nutrient dense food, and HS group and subjects over 30 years did dairy products. Also, subjects took various nutrients from rice and seasoning contributed to some nutrients intakes. (Korean J Nutrition 34(5) : 568∼579, 2001)

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Brassica rapa Sec14-like protein gene BrPATL4 determines the genetic architecture of seed size and shape

  • Kim, Joonki;Lee, Hye-Jung;Nogoy, Franz Marielle;Yu, Dal-A;Kim, Me-Sun;Kang, Kwon-Kyoo;Nou, Illsup;Cho, Yong-Gu
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.332-340
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    • 2016
  • Seed size traits are controlled by multiple genes in crops and determine grain yield, quality and appearance. However, the molecular mechanisms controlling the size of plant seeds remain unclear. We performed functional analysis of BrPATL4 encoding Sec14-like protein to determine the genetic architecture of seed size, shape and their association analyses. We used 60 $T_3$ transgenic rice lines to evaluate seed length, seed width and seed height as seed size traits, and the ratios of these values as seed shape traits. Pleiotropic effects on general architecture included small seed size, erect panicles, decreased grain weight, reduced plant height and increased sterility, which are common to other mutants deficient in gibberellic acid (GA) biosynthesis. To test whether BrPATL4 overexpression is deleterious for GA signal transduction, we compared the relative expression of GA related gene and the growth rate of second leaf sheath supplied with exogenous $GA_3$. Overexpression of BrPATL4 did not affect GA biosynthesis or signaling pathway, with the same response shown under GA treatment compared to the wild type. However, the causal genes for the small seed phenotype (D1, SRS1, and SRS5) and the erection of panicles showed significantly decreased levels in mRNA accumulation compared to the wild type. These results suggest that the overexpression of BrPATL4 can control seed size through the suppression of those genes related to seed size regulation. Although the molecular function of BrPATL4 is not clear for small seed and erect panicles of BrPALT4 overexpression line, this study provides some clues about the genetic engineering of rice seed architecture.


  • Hsieh, D.P.H.
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 1990
  • The ability of many toxigenic fungi to invade and develop in a wide variety of raw ingredients of human diet renders human exposure to mycotoxing very difficult to avoid. Most of the energy-rich commodities, such as cereal grains, oil seeds, tree nuts, and dehydrated fruits, are susceptible to mycotoxin contamination. Mycotoxins therefare have been recognized as an important class of hazardous substances in the human food chain. Although human exposure to mycotoxins is largely through ingestion, inhalation and skin contact may also be significant under conditions other than consumption of foods. Human ingestion of mycotoxins is due to consumption of contaminated dietary ingredients and the edible tissues and products of domestic animals that have been exposed to mycotoxins in moldy feed. Large scale acute human mycotoxicoses, such as ergotism in France, alimentary toxic aleukia in Russia, yellow rice syndrome in Japan, endemic nephropathy in Balkan countries, and acute aflatoxin poisonings in India and Taiwan, have been well documented, indicating that mycotoxicosis is a global problem. In some incidents, hundreds of victims were killed and many more became seriously ill. The mycotoxins that have been implicated in the etiology of these human diseases include aflatoxins, citreoviridin, cyclopiazonic acid, ergot alkaloids, moniliformin, ochratoxin A, trichothecenes, tenuazonic acid, and zearalenone. Among these, aflatoxins have been also implicated in the etiology of human primary liver cancer in those high-incidence countries in Africa and southeast Asia. It is well recognized that cause-effect relationship between mycotoxins and human diseases is very difficult to establish, especially for the cancer connection. Careful risk assessment must be performed to determine whether a mycotoxin indeed warrants costly regulatory actions.

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Germination and Dissolved Oxygen Uptake of California Rices in Water Seeding. (캘리포니아 벼 품종의 수중 용존 산소 흡수와 발아)

  • 이철원;오윤진
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.117-120
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    • 1993
  • This experiment was conducted to elucidate the characteristics of dissolved oxygen uptake and germination of California rice varieties, L-202(Long grain), M-202(Medium grain), S-201(Short grain), Italiconaverneco(Long grain) and Korean variety, Hwaseongbyeo under $25^{\circ}C$ water condition. The distilled water was saturated with oxygen by using air pump for 2 hours. Dissolved oxygen uptake of rice seed was measured everyday by using the oxygen electrode during 4 days from soaking to coleoptile and radicle appearance. Total dissolved oxygen uptake was 211.7${\mu}g$ per grain in Italiconaverneco during that period 179.5${\mu}g$ in S-201, 144.3${\mu}g$ in Hwaseongbyeo, 140.4 in L-202, 135.8$\mu\textrm{g}$ in M-202. The ratio of coleoptile and radicle appearance showed the highest value in Italiconaverneco, and next were S-201 and L-202. The coleoptile and radicle showed the longest length in Italiconaverneco, and next were S-201 and Hwaseongbyeo.

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Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Indica Rice (Indica 벼의 원형질체들로부터 식물체 재분화)

  • Sung-Ho, Lee;Young Goel, Shon;Soo In, Lee;Zhoo Hyeon, Kim;Moo Je, Cho
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.615-625
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    • 1997
  • An efficient protocol for plant regeneration from protoplasts of the indica rice variety IR43 has been developed. The procedure involved plating of embryogenic suspension-derived protoplasts on the surface of a filter membrane overlaying agarose-embedded feeder cells. Lolium multiflorum cell suspensions were preferable to these of Oryza ridleyi as feeder cells and Lolium suspensions supported colony formation from up to 0.68% of the protoplasts, depending on the age of cell suspensions. Plant regeneration frequency was significantly improved by using maltose alone or in a 1:1(w/w) combination with sucrose as carbohydrate source and a simple dehydration treatment using a high concentration of agarose in the regeneration medium. Medium containing maltose or maltose mixed with sucrose increased the plant regeneration frequency compared with medium containing sucrose alone. The plant regeneration frequency was increased to 30.7 to 70.7% following dehydration treatment, while the non-treated controls showed a regeneration frequency of 3.1 to 30.6%. Protoplast-derived plants were transferred to the glasshouse, flowered with morphologically normal.

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A Study on the Brewing in "The Hong's Zu Bang Moon" ("홍씨주방문"의 양조에 관한 분석적 고찰)

  • 손정렬;김성미;이성우
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 1991
  • The Hong's-Zu-Bang-Moon, although it is not know when and by whom it was written, is estimated to have written in the middle of 1800, but has not been published yet. In general, other cooking books in Yi's Dynasty were on the cooking methods of a variety of foods. But the book deals solely with brewing, which is the trait of it. The book comprises a total of 36 items, among which So-Gog-Ju wine was excluded because only a part of it was recorded. Another item deleted, written vaguely and difficult to understand was, on a closer analysis of its content, 'Song-Soon-Ju wine'. According to the analysis of this book, the cereals used for brewing were 59 percent of regular rice and 41 percent of sticky rice including other 12 kinds of special materials. As for the processes, the precesses using Jee-Ae-Bop was dominant. The processing technique whose special words and expressions were analyzed in this study, were divided into 18 preparation methods, 45 processing ones, and 7 heating ones. The temperature processing whose expressions were analyzed here were divided into 6 cooking processes, 7 medium ones and 3 heating ones. The measurement unit of 'Doe' was most often used. It tried to show relatively accurate measurements but showed just approximate ones. There were 19 kinds of brewing utensis. Urns were most often used, but it was impossible to discern and kind. As for the tast of the wines, the writer showed his subjective expressions. The margianal point in this study is that it was very difficult to interpret the book. The closing up of twings of on azaled over the urn had no scientific base but said something of korean folkways at that times.

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The Occurrence of Downey Mildew of Rice in Korea (벼 누른 오갈병(Downey mildew of rice plant, Sclerophthora macrospora(Sacc.) Thirum., Shaw & Naras))

  • Chung Bong Jo;Lee Soon Hyung;Lee Yong Sun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.13 no.4 s.21
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    • pp.232-234
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    • 1974
  • Downey mildew was scarcely observed in the field until 1965. Now that downey mildew was found around Gimpo are3, Gyungi Province in 1966, the disease was found sporadically every where through the country. Since the disease was found on the recommended variety, Tongil, in 1971, it has been estabilished to be serious disease on Tongil, especially this year, 1974.

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