• Title/Summary/Keyword: Return to Skills

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A Study on the Improvement of Engineer Rating System in the Age of 4th Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명시대 엔지니어링 기술자 등급체계의 개선전략 탐구)

  • Yoon, Sang Pil;Kim, Beop Yeon;Choi, Jeong Min;Yoon, Ki Chan;Kim, Mi Ryang;Kwon, Hun Yeong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.53-74
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    • 2018
  • This study theoretically examines the essence of the competencies, qualifications and grades newly required in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, points out that the engineer rating system does not reflect the new talent and practical capability, and conducts theoretical and empirical analyzes on improvement of the rating system. The current rating system need to be improved because it is not possible for graduates and experience workers to upgrade. Also, it is reasonable that the current highest grade of engineer, the Professional Engineer, which is a sort of qualification, is not a grade but a function of calculating the grade. Based on this theoretical background, empirical analysis of the question investigation and focus group interview shows that the rating system should be improved to four grades or return to the previous system in 2013. And if it is reduced to four grade, it should go in the way that the professional engineer and the qualified engineer combined. In the industry, the future skills of engineers are as follows : qualification, ability to use emerging technology, problem solving, understanding and utilization of major, and data management, etc. These can be summarized as qualification, education (degree) and career. In particular, the engineering industry considers qualifications, degrees, and career experience, and career experience as the most important elements of the rating system. In this regard, it is necessary to introduce a method that accurately reflects the career experience in the improvement of the engineer rating system.

Systems for Production of Calves from Hanwoo IVM/IVF/IVC Blastocyst. IV. Direct Transfer of Vitrified and One-Step Diluted Hanwoo Blastocysts

  • 김은영;박세필;김덕임;이문걸;이종우;이금실;박세영;박은미;윤지연
    • Proceedings of the KSAR Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.73-73
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    • 2001
  • This study was to examine whether the vitrified, one-step diluted and direct transferred Hanwoo IVM/IVF/IVC blastocysts can be successfully survived in vivo and they were succeeded into the live birth. For vitrification, blastocysts were serially exposed in glycerol (G) or/and ethylene glycol (EG) mixtures [10% (v/v) G for 5 min, 10% G plus 20% EG (v/v) for 5 min, and 25% G plus 25% EG (v/v) for 30 sect] which is diluted in 10% FBS added D-PBS. Thawing of straw was carried out in air for 10 sec and then in water bath of $25^{\circ}C$ for 20 sec. One-step dilution within the straw was done in water bath of $25^{\circ}C$ for 1 min. Vitrified and one-step diluted embryos were directly transferred into 36 (natural or hormone induced synchronized) recipient cows in 6 areas of Kyungsang Buk-Do. Pregnancies were confirmed at first when recipient cows did not return to the subsequent estrus cycle, and later by manual palpation per rectum on day 45, 90 and then living calves were derived into parturition. Overall pregnancy was 33.3%(12/36), However, higher pregnancy was obtained when the recipients exhibited estrus one day earlier than the age of transferred embryos (53.3 vs 25.0-27.3%), irrespective of synchronization methods. Also, parous recipients became pregnant higher than nulliparous heifers, And, there were not different in pregnancy rates by the aspect of corpus luteum (CL) quality of recipients (good, 29.4; fair, 37.5; poor, 33.3%). One hundred eight of frozen-thawed Hanwoo blastocysts were directly transferred into 36 recipient cows. In 12 of pregnant cows, 3 cows were aborted and 9 cows were calved [single, 66.7% (6/9): twin, 33.3% (3/9)]. Total embryo implantation rate was 11.1% (12/108). However, 9 Hanwoo calves were lived. Therefore, these results demonstrate that direct transfer technique of vitrified and one-step diluted bovine blastocysts can be applied easily and effectively with the higher pregnancy rate on field trial without the equipment and embryological skills.

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A Study on a Direction of Modification of the Trade and International Business Curriculum for Global Trade Expert (글로벌무역인력 양성을 위한 합리적인 무역학 교과과정 개편방향에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kwang-So;Yu, Kwang-Hyun
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    • v.37
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    • pp.329-360
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    • 2008
  • In Korea, the major of international trade and business introduced in the 1960s to supply trade expert to trading companies, and the heyday of the trade major was in the 1980s. However the trade major fell into decay from the middle of 1990s. The purpose of trade education in university is to supply high qualified employees to societies and companies. The problem is that companies have difficuties for recruiting of trade expert, on the other hand university graduates have few job oppertunies. It has some discrepancies between education and field. The object of this paper is to propose a direction of modification of the trade and international business curriculum for global trade expert. We research international trade and business departments' curriculums of GTEP universities. GTEP stands for global trade expert incubating program started from 2006 which have charge of MOCIE and KITA. First, in the title of department, a lot of former researchers have taken up the position to return "Trade" or "International Trade". We think more important fact is not the title of department but the curriculum, so we insist on a harmony between the department title and curriculums. The focus of modification of curriculum is to educate global trade expert, so we need to know about global business environment and companies' needs also. Second, We propose the directions for modification of curriculum are "convergence" and "specialty". Trade major is a mixed study in nature and trade major try to treat lots of subjects such as trade, business adminstration, economics, international law, international commerce, logistics and marketing etc to catch up changing global business circumstanses and companies' needs. So convergence of adjacent field is very important in study and training. Specialty means selection and concentration strategy for global trade expert. It is difficult to learn every knowledge and skills for employer's needs in 4 years and 140 credits. A students who has studied basic subject in trade, management, economics can choose 1 or 2 specailty subject such as trade and e-commerce, global marketing, logistics and transportation, commerce and policy, servive trade, foreign language and cross culture etc. In concusion, the concept of convergence and specialty is not separation but harmony each other, so we propose to promote two concept together for modification of the trade and international business curriculum for training of global trade expert.

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The Effects of the Recognition of Collaborative Classes between Native English Speakers and Korean English Teachers on the Definition Factors of the Learner (원어민과 한국인 영어교사의 협동수업에 대한 인식이 학습자의 정의적 요인에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Young-Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.572-583
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    • 2019
  • This study sought to find out what the most ideal and appropriate native English speakers-Korean English teacher cooperative class model and the defining factors for organizing effective cooperative classes in the English education environment of our country. To achieve this goal, a total of 165 sixth graders of five elementary schools in Seoul were subject to the study. For about a month from April 1 to April 30, 2019, the survey and statistical analysis were conducted, including multiple return analysis, correlation analysis, cross analysis, and t/F verification. In summary, the results of the study are as follows. First, it was found that among the recognition of cooperative classes between native English speakers and Korean English teachers, it affected the defining factors in the order of class-related skills, task orientation, teaching-learning strategies, and motivation. Second, based on learner characteristics, the difference in perception of cooperative classes between native English speakers and Korean English teachers was verified, and the perception of native-Korean English teachers' cooperative classes was different depending on gender and the type of English cooperative classes currently participating, but the recognition of native-Korean English-Korean English cooperative classes, which were statistically significant, was not confirmed. Third, according to learner characteristics, the difference in the definition factors of the learner was verified and the difference between the sexes occurred, but the learner-defined factors according to the current type of English cooperative class did not occur. Also, there was no difference in the definition factors of scholars according to the type of English cooperative classes desired.

The Effects and Development of a Hospital Based Community Reintegration Support Program for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury (척수손상 환자를 위한 병원기반 사회복귀지원 프로그램의 개발 및 효과)

  • Ho, S.H.;Yu, S.Y.;Kim, Y.S.;Bang, M.S.;Lee, B.S.;Kim, D.A.;Kim, E.J.;Kim, H.K.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.89-103
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research attempted to developed the Community Reintegration support Program(H-CRsP) on patients with Spinal Cord Injury(SCI) and identity the effect. To assess the effectiveness of a Hospital based H-CRsP with a comprehensive team approach for treating inpatients with Spinal Cord Injury(SCI), offered by the Korea National Rehabilitation Hospital. Participants with SCI were recruited from the Korean National Rehabilitation Hospital. Twenty-five participants who met inclusion criteria were provided with a H-CRsP. A H-CRsP with modules related to the training of daily living skills, driving, vocations and school support activities, leisure or recreational activities, peer counseling, sexual rehabilitation, and others support activities. The 25 enrolled patients had been treated with average of 6.1 programs 2 times a week for over 2 or 3months. COPM, HADS, WHOQOL-BREF, AD-R were administered before the treatment(pre-test) and also at the time of discharge(post-test) to compare the treatment outcomes in the 25 program participants. Measured level of community integration by CIQ at discharge. The data were analyzed by such statistical methods as frequency and paired t-test analysis. Significant improvements were found on the Occupational Performance and Satisfaction, Acceptance of Disability, Quality of Life score in the COPM, AD-R, WHOQOL-BREF (p<0.05). In addition, 10 of the 25 patients returned to home, work or school. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of the H-CRsP in helping patients with SCI return their communities to which they belong. It considered development of the variety of programs and prepare systematically related system.

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A Study on the Improvement of LNGC Re-liquefaction System (LNG선 재액화 시스템의 성능 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Cheol;Song, Young-Uk
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.659-664
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    • 2009
  • LNG carriers have, up to 2006, mainly been driven by steam turbines. The Boil-Off Gas from the LNG cargo tanks has so far been used as fuel. This is a costly solution that requires special skills during construction and operation. Alternative propulsion systems offer far better fuel economical efficiency than steam turbines. Instead of previous practice using Boil-Off Gas as a fuel, the Re-liquefaction system establishes a solution to liquefy the Boil-Off Gas and return the LNG to the cargo tanks. This Re-liquefaction of Boil-Off Gases on LNG carriers results in increased cargo deliveries and allows owners and operators to choose the most optimum propulsion system. In this study, thermodynamic cycle analysis has been performed on two type of LNG Re-liquefaction system which was designed and adopted for the Q-Flex(216,000$m^3$) and Q-Max(266,000$m^3$) LNG carrier under construction at Korea ship yards and variable key factor was simulated to compare efficiency, power and nitrogen consumption of each Re-liquefaction system.

Analytic Hierarchy Process approach to estimate weights of menu management in the school foodservice (계층적 분석과정을 적용한 학교급식 식단 구성의 중요도 분석)

  • Hyo Bin Im;Seo Ha Lee;Hojin Lee;Lana Chung;Min A Lee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.349-364
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study used the Analytic Hierarchy Process to evaluate the relative importance of the factors that school nutrition teachers and dietitians consider during menu planning for school foodservices across various educational levels. Methods: An online survey was conducted from December 2023 to January 2024. The hierarchical structure for school foodservice menu management was developed through content analysis, consisting of five high-level categories and 3-4 low-level factors. Questionnaires were distributed to 395 nutrition teachers and dietitians from kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high schools nationwide. One hundred and sixty-six responses were received, resulting in a 42.0% return rate. These responses were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS Statistics. Results: The most commonly referenced sources for school foodservice menu planning were 'menus obtained from websites' (19.4%). The most significant challenge encountered was 'incorporating students' preferences' (18.6%). In the hierarchy of categories considered for school foodservice menu management, 'employees and facilities' ranked highest (0.2347), followed by 'preference' (0.2312), 'nutrition balance' (0.2027), 'cooking process' (0.1726), and 'food materials' (0.1588). Within each category, the top-ranked factors were 'employees' cooking skills' (0.3759), 'students' preferences' (0.4310), 'dietary reference intakes' (0.4968), 'foodservice hygiene' (0.4374), and 'food costs' (0.4213). The study also compared the relative importance of factors according to the educational levels, and the top-ranked factors were the same across all educational levels. In particular, 'students' preferences', 'dietary reference intake', and 'food costs' aligned with the top three challenges in school foodservice menu planning. Conclusion: Enhancing working conditions for school foodservice employees and developing menu planning methods that accommodate students' preferences are necessary. These findings will provide foundational data for future school foodservice menu management strategies.

Investment Priorities and Weight Differences of Impact Investors (임팩트 투자자의 투자 우선순위와 비중 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Sung Ho;Hwangbo, Yun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2023
  • In recent years, the need for social ventures that aim to grow while solving social problems through the efficiency and effectiveness of commercial organizations in the market has increased, while there is a limit to how much the government and the public can do to solve social problems. Against this background, the number of social venture startups is increasing in the domestic startup ecosystem, and interest in impact investors, which are investors in social ventures, is also increasing. Therefore, this research utilized judgment analysis technology to objectively analyze the validity and weight of judgment information based on the cognitive process and decision-making environment in the investment decision-making of impact investors. We proceeded with the research by constructing three classifications; first, investment priorities at the initial investment stage for financial benefit and return on investment as an investor, second, the political skills of the entrepreneurs (teams) for the social impact and ripple power, and social venture coexistence and solidarity, third, the social mission of a social venture that meets the purpose of an impact investment fund. As a result of this research, first of all, the investment decision-making priorities of impact investors are the expertise of the entrepreneur (team), the potential rate of return when the entrepreneur (team) succeeds, and the social mission of the entrepreneur (team). Second, impact investors do not have a uniform understanding of the investment decision-making factors, and the factors that determine investment decisions are different, and there are differences in the degree of the weighting. Third, among the various investment decision-making factors of impact investment, "entrepreneur's (team's) networking ability", "entrepreneur's (team's) social insight", "entrepreneur's (team's) interpersonal influence" was relatively lower than the other four factors. The practical contribution through this research is to help social ventures understand the investment determinant factors of impact investors in the process of financing, and impact investors can be expected to improve the quality of investment decision-making by referring to the judgment cases and analysis of impact investors. The academic contribution is that it empirically investigated the investment priorities and weighting differences of impact investors.

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A Study on Effects of the vocal psychotherapy upon Self-Consciousness (성악심리치료활동을 통한 자기의식 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun Joo
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.66-83
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to learn both effects of the vocal psychotherapy on the self-consciousness and the variety of the self-consciousness on the vocal psychotherapy in return. The research for this study was performed to three subjects who were students of E university, Seoul, ten times for sixty minutes. The subjects were all volunteers for the advertisement on a music-therapy program searching for them on the web site of E university. The vocal psychotherapy program consists of four steps and each of them consists of two to four short terms again. Both before and after the experiment, examinations on self-consciousness were done to recognize the change of the subjects' self-consciousness which would be caused by the vocal psychotherapy activity. After every short term, the subjects were asked to write reports to closely analyze the change of self-consciousness according to the terms and the variety of the subjects. The effect of the vocal psychotherapy activity on the changes of scores in the self-consciousness examination is the first thing to point out on this study. There appeared some personal varieties on the total scores of the examination and scores of some sub-categories. Especially, there were different scores on the private self-consciousness, the public self-consciousness, and the social anxiety between before and after performing the vocal psychotherapy program. Subject A, who had got the best score of all on the scope of the private self-consciousness, showed the steepest decrease on the very scope. On the contrary, the subject showed decrease of scores of the public self-consciousness and the social anxiety in the relatively little rate. Subject B, who had got the highest score of the three on the public self-consciousness, showed the steepest decrease on that of all scopes and showed no difference on the social anxiety scope. In the case of the last one, subject C, who had relatively low scores on the private and public self-consciousness than the others, the private self-consciousness score increased but the public self-consciousness and the social anxiety scores decreased. The changes of the scores of each questions were examined in order to see possible other changes that had not been exposed on the changes of the total and sub-categories scores. As a result of that, of all twenty-eight questions, there were changes about one to two points. Subject A showed the difference with thirteen questions, subject B with sixteen and subject C with nineteen questions. The rate of change of subject C was relatively small but more questions changed and the change of score was wider than the others. Considering all those results, It can be possibly said that the vocal psychotherapy affects the changes of the scores of sub-categories in self-consciousness examination. The next thing to point out on this study is the change of recognition that was exposed on the subjects' report after every short term of the program. As a result of the close analyzing, according to the short terms and variety of self-consciousness, recognizing the way express subjects themselves by voice and recognizing their own voices appeared to be different. How much they cared about others and why they did so were also different. According to the self reports, subject A cared much about her inner thought and emotion and tended to concentrate herself as a social object. There appeared some positive emotional experiments such as emotional abundance and art curiosities on her reports but at the same time some negative emotions such as state-trait anxiety and neuroticism also appeared. Subject B, who showed high scores on the private and public self-consciousness like subject A, had a similar tendency that concentrates on herself as a social object but she showed more social anxiety than subject A. Subject C got relatively lower points in self-consciousness examination, tended to care about herself, and had less negative emotions such as state-trait anxiety than other subjects. Also, with terms going on, she showed changes in the way of caring about her own voice and others. This study has some unique significances in helping people who have problems caused by self-estimation activated with self-consciousness, using voices closely related to one's own self, performing the vocal skills discipline to solve the technical problems. Also, this study has a potentiality that the vocal psychotherapy activity can be effectively used as a way affects the mental health and developing personality.

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A study of poverty experiences among Korean elderly women in the United States (재미 한인 여성노인의 빈곤경험에 관한 연구)

  • Yeom, Jihye
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.801-821
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    • 2020
  • There are a number of prior studies on the poverty experience of Korean women, but little is known about the poverty experience of Korean elderly women in the U.S. The purpose of this study is to examine the poverty experiences of Korean elderly women who immigrated to the U. S. Qualitative case study methods were used to achieve these research objectives. Three Korean elderly women living in Oakland of California who received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) from the U.S. federal government were included in the study. The data were collected by conducting a total of six meetings per participant, and the researcher read the consent form directly to the participants and obtained a hand-written signature. The analysis and interpretation began by repeating the interview transcript several times, and the repeated keywords were to be understood in the context, focusing on time, space, and relationships with other people. The contextual understanding of Korean elderly women's experiences in poverty was interpreted in three dimensions: extending poverty in their mother country, double torture as female immigrants, and limiting labor due to aging and diseases. Before moving to the U.S., they had a difficult livelihood by farming and one of them had to live in poverty due to the bereavement to her husband. But even after moving to the U.S., they have continued to live in poverty. As female immigrants with low education and no special skills, they were incorporated into the periphery of the labor market in the industrialized U.S. and were forced to make a living with low wages. Korean elderly women were unable to return to the labor market in the surrounding areas due to aging and diseases, and were continuing their impoverished lives relying on SSI. From the findings, we discussed the role of the Korean immigrants community as a way to improve the quality of life for Korean elderly women in the U.S.