• Title/Summary/Keyword: Residence College

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Comparative Epidemiologic Survey of Measles in Two Primary Schools (2000년 영덕군 홍역 유행시 유행 차이에 따른 2개 초등학교 일부 학생에 대한 역학 조사)

  • Park, Sue-Kyung;Kim, Jee-Hee;Lee, Joo-Yeon;Na, Byoung-Kuk;Kim, Woo-Joo;Cheong, Hae-Kwan
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : During March-May, 2000, a measles outbreak occurred at Youngduk, Korea. This county is divided into two areas with different historical and socioeconomic background. The outbreak occurred in one of these areas. We conducted a comparative epidemiologic study on the two areas in order to evaluate the factors related to the epidemic. Materials and Methods : We selected two groups, grades 3 and 5 in a primary schools in each area. We investigated outbreak-related factors using parent-questionnaires, the vaccination history from the student's health record and the records concerning the recent measles-outbreak from the local health center. Serologic test on measles-IgG and -IgM antibody was done. Results : The infection rate was 31.5% for the epidemic area and 3.7% for non-the epidemic area according to clinical or serological criteria (p<0.001). No difference was seen in the measles vaccination rate, residence at the time of vaccination or past measles infection history between the two areas. In the epidemic area, the attack rate for the 4-6 year-old MMR booster group(20.5%) was higher than the non-booster group(32.4%), but was not found significantly. Vaccine efficacy was 29.6% in the epidemic area and 87.0% in the non-epidemic area (p<0.001). The IgG level and positive rate were significantly different between the two areas (median 10727 IU/ml, 98.9% in epidemic area; median 346 IU/ml, 85.9% in the non-epidemic area, p<0.001). However, the IgG level and positive rate between the measles-cases and non-cases were not significantly different. Conclusions : This outbreak took place in mostly vaccinated children. These results suggest that a reduction of herd immunity for immunity failure after vaccination may be one of the feasible factors related to the outbreak pattern in the two areas. The results of the IgG level and positive rate suggest that re-establishment of a normal value for IgG level and of a qualitative method for IgG are needed.

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Evaluation of Oxalic Acid Pretreatment Condition Using Response Surface Method for Producing Bio-ethanol from Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) by Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (바이오에탄올 생산을 위한 백합나무(Liriodendron tulipifera)칩의 동시당화발효 및 Response Surface Method를 이용한 옥살산 전처리 조건 탐색)

  • Kim, Hye-Yun;Lee, Jae-Won;Jeffries, Thomas W.;Choi, In-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2011
  • The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential of producing bioethanol from yellow poplar ($Liriodendron$ $tulipifera$) wood chips by oxalic acid pretreatment and to examine the pretreatment conditions by response surface methodology (RSM). Based on $2^3$ factorial design, adjusted variables were reaction temperature ($^{\circ}C$), residence time (min), and acid loading (g/g), and a series of distinct 15 experimental conditions was organized with duplication at central point (total 16 performances). After pretreatment, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) was subjected on solid fraction with yeast strain $Pichia$ $stipitis$. Maximum ethanol yields of the most samples were measured at 72 hours and applied to RSM as a dependent variable. 9.7 g/${\ell}$ of ethanol was produced from the solid pretreated at $180^{\circ}C$ for 40 min with 0.013 g/g of oxalic acid loading. According to the response surface methodology, it was determined that the temperature is the most governing factor via statistic analysis.

A Survey of the Adaptation and Preference for South Korean Food in North Korean Refugees (새터민들의 남한음식에 대한 수용과 선호도 조사)

  • Lee, Eun-Jung;Pei, Yong-Qin;Kim, Eun-Mi
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.93-110
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the adaptation and preference for South Korean food among North Korean refugees. A survey was conducted on 220 North Korean refugees regarding general questions, adaptations, and preference on consuming dishes in South Korea. The results of the survey showed that the average difficulty degree scored with the adaptation to South Korean food was 3.06 points out of 5.00 points. The adaptation to Korean food was investigated as 'average' and some North Korean refugees had some difficulties in South Korean food. Some respondents described South Korean food as having very strong flavor that tastes more sweetened, seasoned, and spicy than North Korean food. The extended residency in South Korea allowed North Korean refugees to become more familiar with sweetened flavors. Most of them enjoy an oily and spicy taste more than South Koreans. North Korean refugees like Ssal bap, Naengmyeon, Doenjang-guk, Galbi-jjim, Bulgogi(beef, pork), Chaesobokkeum, Oi-saengchae, Chaeso-jeon, Baechu-kimchi, Saengsun-twigim, Soondae, pears, fruit juice, and spring water. North Korean refugees over the age of 30 years enjoy classic foods such as Japgokbap, Gimbap, Jumeokbap, Hwedeopbap, and Chobap. On the other hand, North Korean refugees less than 30 years old enjoy new foods like ramen and spaghetti.

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Community periodontal index treatment needs in relation to dental health care of migrant worker (이주 노동자의 구강건강관리에 따른 치주치료요구도)

  • Jung, Myung-Hee;Kim, Ju-Yeong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.553-567
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    • 2007
  • Migrant Worker are rapidly increasing in Korea since 1990. They are nowadays main sources of laborer groups engaging in medium-sized factories. The purpose of this study is to provide the basic information to establish proper oral health policy. Dental caries and periodontal disese are the most common disease that occur in the mouth. Periodontal disease is the most common disease in humans and the biggest reason for the loss of the teeth in the adult population. The CPITIN has been developed jontly by the international Dental Federation and the World Health Organization. CPITN is now an established index of level, of periodontal condition in populations for which specific intervention might be considered. This study was conducted to obtain the information regarding to CPITN of migrant workers located in Daegu, Questionaire survey was carried out for 289 workers from July 9 to August 8, 2006. Total survey was 289, 224 males and 65 females. The result was as follows: First, The number of nationality was 14. The first majority was China as 31.8% Among 14 nationalities were Cambodia 18.0%, Vietnam 12.8%, Sri Lanka 12.1%, Indonesia 7.3%, Nepal 4.2%, the other 13.8%, those who are aged from 20 to 29 were 43.9%, and salary from 1,000,000 won to 1,490,000 won 51.2%.(as for their residence, those who resided) over 3 years were 42.6% and not insured reached 68.5%. Second, more than 93.4% of the subjects need periodontal treatment, only 4.9% of non-smoker was health periodontal states, four times frequency of tooth brushing per a day was 16.7%. Third, 28.7% of migrant workers had experienced visit of dental clinic, and 22.9% had received treatment of decayed tooth. Fourth, It is difficult for them 65.1% of them to visit dental clinic in korea, the First was a communication problem and the second was time. Fifth, Most of them didn't have a oral health education but 85.1% of them said that they wish they attend oral health education. We conclude that the situation of migrant workers was very bad considering their working conditions, circumstances, and health condition. According to this study, more than 93.4% of the people need periodontal treatment. Besides they didn't have accurate knowledge about prevention of periodontal disease. Therefor our considering these facts, the policy of dental health by government should be established for migrant workers.

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A Study on the hair fashion feeling - Objecting to capital area university women students - (헤어 패션 감각(感覺)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 수도권(首都圈) 대학(大學) 여학생(女學生)을 대상(對象)으로 -)

  • An, Hyeon-Kyeong;Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.59-78
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to know the deferences of hair fashion feeling group in accordance with hair styling activities, general characteristics, life styles objecting to capital area university women students and aid to hair fashion design. So the results are as belows. 1. Frequency Analysis of Categories A. Hair fashion feeling - Natural, sexy, romantic pretty, sophisticate, ethnic are 90% in total hair fashion feeling variables in sequence of frequency, so it can be said these are in vogue. B. Hair styling activities - The objections visit the hair salon once 1-2months, spend about 42,000 won a month, perform cut & wave perm to sentimental reasens & hair style changes, determine the hair style well coordinated in her image and managed easily. In her home, they manage her hair style 12 minutes a day, spend 17,000 won to buy hair aids, do hair blow dry or pin or pony tail mainly in the morning, scarcely use the hair styling aids but if use, essence or wax mainly. And the degree of interest to hair style is high. C. General Characteristics - The objections's average age is 21.1, residence is seoul kangnam 23.3%, seoul kangbook 18.4%, other capital areas 58.4%, the degree of education is university students 94.9%, graduated student 5.1%, marriage is married 96%, unmarried 2.8%, family who live with is married are mainly man & woman and living with father & mother in low in man's, unmarried are mainly live alone & nuclear family, personal expenses a month is 300,000 won in average, income of home is 4,000,000 won a month. D. Life style - The objections are not in interest of physical exercises but if are, do yoga & health, like drama & comedies program, watch TV or meet friend in leisure time, like balad & dance music, fashion magazine, meet friend in cafe or college. 2. Relationship of hair fashion feeling & other variables Using the $x^2$-test, level p<0.05, Hair styling activities(frequency of hair salon coming in and out, ordinary time representing hair style, preferred hair styling aids, the amount of hair style interest), General Characteristics(age), Life style(leisure time) variables are meaningful.

A Study on the Eating Behaviors of Self-Purchasing Snack among Elementary School Students (초등학생의 군것질 행동에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ki-Wan;Lee, Hee-Sun;Lee, Min-June
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.594-602
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate eating behaviors related to snack and self-purchasing snack (SPS) among elementary school children. Self-administered questionnairs were completed by 352, 5th and 6th grade elementary school students living in 3 different regions which included apartment region in Bundangn, Sungnam (apartment group, n=116), residences in Seodaemun-Gu and Mapo-Gu, Seoul (kang-buk group, n=103) and residence in industrial region in Sungnam (industry group, n=133). The results were as follows: A significantly higher proportion (64.7%) of the apartment group had breakfast every morning than those of kang-buk (48.6%) or industry (52.1%) group (p<0.01). As for the frequency rate of snack and self-purchasing snack (SPS), 53.9% of the subjects answered taking snack more than once per day, 22.8%, once for few days and 23.3%, almost not. However, 15.5% of the subject had SPS once or more per day, 30.7%, 1-2 times per week and 22.4%, almost not. Those of apartment group showed significantly lower SPS frequencies (p<0.01), since higher proportions answered having SPS 1-2times per week (40.9%) and almost not (31.3%) compared to other groups. The reasons for having SPS turned out to be 'hunger' 54.7%, 'being habitual', 15.9%, 'bing bored', 15.7% and 'with peers' 13.7%. When subjects selected SPS foods, they considered taste (31.5%), price (23.0%), mood at the time (14.1%), sanitorial aspect (10.2%) and quantity (10.1%) rather than nutritional aspect (7.2%). Subjects' pocket money was estimated as 3736 won per week and SPS expense per time as 706 won. But subjects who spent more than 2000 won for SPS expense were significantly higher (33.0%) in apartment group than those of other groups (p<0.01). The favorite snack items that subjects having at home were fruit, ice cream, milk and yoghurt, cookies, ramen and bread in order. And favorite SPS items turned out to be ice cream, cookies, duckbokki, frozen bars, gum, chocholate and candy in order. The frequency rate of SPS were evaluated to be significantly related by several variables: those living in apartment area (p<0.01), those taking breakfast regularly (p<0.01), those of normal weight status by Rohrer index (p<0.05) and those receiving less pocket money (p<0.01) showed lower SPS frequency rate.

A Study on the Developmental Governance of Hyunpo Port (울릉도 현포항 개발 거버넌스 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Yunwon;Song, Yongchan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated development method of governance of local residence, central and local government based on fishing ports as a new paradigm for restoration of sustainable space environment on Hyeonpo Harbor in Ulleung Island. According to the result of conducting a questionnaire survey on residents of Ulleung Island in order to carry out the research purposes, vulnerable living environment as poor accessibility and lack of hospital, community health center, and shopping district were pointed out as the biggest problem of residential environment in Ulleung Island of today. Secondly, there was a high recognition that development project on Ulleung Island of the government and local government is not actually contributing to the revitalization of regional economy and improvement in quality of life of Ulleung Island residents, and thirdly, lack of understanding on the importance or usage of various resources in Ulleung Island and insufficient support of the central government and local autonomous entity were pointed out as the bottleneck factors in implementation of the Ulleung Island development project. Fourthly, they perceived the current management level of Hyeonpo Harbor to be unsatisfactory. The results of this study demonstrated the importance of durability of development entities, vision of development of Hyeonpo Harbor, effort for the change of ownership mind, phased implementation considering reality of the area, and development that can provide small-scale profitable contents than a large theme.

Effects of Liver Function in Blood of Drug Users(Herbal and Western) in Koreans (한.양약 복용이 간기능에 미치는 영향-피부과치료 한약복용 환자를 중심으로-)

  • Lee Jung-Seok;Lee Sun-Dong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.59-74
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    • 2004
  • We have conducted questionnaire and measured serum liver function tests on 153 patients whom have received a treatment at a local Oriental medicine clinic in Seoul from Sept. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002. Patients were categorized into the groups of control(10), decoction group(41), herbal group(5), western medicine group(45), and the group taking both herbal and western medicines(55) concurrently or separately. This study was conducted to investigate how these treatment methods can affect the liver functions. Following results were obtained : 1) Most of the research subjects were male(l03 individuals) living in large urban area, with drinking habit, highly educated, and with normal marriage. For the treatment history, 45 individuals received western medicine treatment(28.85%), 46 with Oriental medicine (29.49%), and 55 patients(35.26%) experienced both forms of treatment. 2) Measuring SD of serum liver functions for all the research subjects, T-protein was 6.95(0.73)g/dl, 4.07(0.51)g/dl for albumin, 0.44(0.19)mg/dl for T-bilirubin, 23.18(18.68)U/L for ALT, 27.42(27.43)U/L for AST, and 22l.27(64.58)mg/dl for LDH. 3) Among the research subjects with the liver functions outside of normal range were 0.64% for T-protein, 3.21% for T-bilirubin and ALT, 36.62% for AST, 0.64% for LDH, and none for Albumin. 4) Confusion variables which may affect the liver functions such as age, smoking, drinking, occupation, and residence were eliminated in calculation and no significant differences were witnessed between the control and experiment groups. 5) In measuring affects of treatment duration on the liver functions, no statistical significances were shown in multiple regression's ,${\beta}$(SE) values. 6) The values of odd ratio in the experiment groups compared to the control were in the range of $0.26(0.22){\sim}0.62(1.23)$. but T-bilirubin of the group receiving both Oriental and western medicine was 1.47(1.90) which showed statistical increase(p<0.001). 7) Factors affecting the liver functions are drinking volume per round duration of alcohol intake, western medicine treatment, gender, and age difference caused significant influences. 8) 57 individuals with serum liver functions out of normal range were mostly male, living in large urban area, median age of 38.89, with normal marriage, highly educated drinking less than once a week with less than 2 bottles per round, and with prior treatment in either western or Oriental medicine. Summarizing above results, we can carefully deduce that taking herbal medicine (both decoction and pills) or western medicine doesn't cause much affect in the liver functions. But taking two forms of medication simultaneously or altering dosage affect significant increase in the T-bilirubin level, thus one needs to take precaution when taking both. Further research is needed in this field to verify this evidence.

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Characteristics of chemical water quality and the empirical model analysis before and after the construction of Baekje Weir (금강수계 백제보 건설 전·후의 화학적 수질특성 및 경험적 모델 분석)

  • Kim, Yu-Jin;Lee, Sang-Jae;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.48-59
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzed the water quality characteristics and developed empirical models prior to and after the construction of Baekje Weir, in the Geum River watershed between 2004-2017. The comparative evaluation of the surface water chemistry before and after the four major river projects on the weirs indicated that total phosphorus (TP), based on annual data, rapidly decrease after the construction of the weir while the total nitrogen(TN) decreased. Conversely, chlorophyll-a (CHL) concentration, which is a good indicator of primary productivity, increased after the construction of the weir together with an increase in specific conductivity. Simply put, the construction of the weir led to the decrease in concentrations of N and P due to the increased water residence time (WRT), whereas the CHL :TP ratio greatly increased in magnitude. The regression analysis of the empirical model indicated that CHL had no significant relation (r=0.068, p=0.6102, n=58) with TP before the weir construction, but had a relation with TP after the weir construction (r=0.286, p<0.05, n=56). Therefore, such conditions resulted in an increase in primary productivity on a given unit of phosphorus, resulting in frequent algal blooms. In contrast, seasonal suspended solids (SS) and TP increased during the monsoon period, compared to the pre-monsoon, thereby showing positive correlations (r>0.40, p<0.01, n=163) with precipitation. If the government consistently discharges water from the weir, the phosphorus concentration will be increased due to its reversion to a lotic waterbody from a lentic waterbody hereby reducing algal blooms in the future.

Economic Value of Mountainous Urban Park Based on Contingent Valuation Methods - Case of Gyeyangsan in Incheon - (가상가치평가법을 이용한 산지형 공원의 경제적 가치 평가 - 인천광역시 계양산을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Mi-Ri;Lee, Jae Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2022
  • COVID-19 led to an increased need for mountainous urban parks in the city that can be enjoyed while moving rather than staying put. However, studies on the economic value of mountainous urban parks have been insufficient. As a result, this study investigates the economic value of Gyeyangsan, a mountainous urban park located in the city, by quantifying the value of natural resources provided to residents and analyzing the factors affecting these values. The results are summarized below. First, according to the economic value assessment of Gyeyangsan, the use value was 2,210 won per person or 4.42 billion won per year, and the preservation value was 6,182 won per household, or 129.37 billion won. Gyeyangsan's total assets value was assessed as 3.68 trillion won. Second, according to the estimates of the willingness to pay and the determinants for the use-value, the frequency of visits, age, and use satisfaction significantly impacted the intention to pay for the use-value. Third, according to the estimates of the willingness to pay and the determinants for the preservation value, the intention to revisit, volunteer participation, educational level, gender, and residence significantly influenced the intention to pay for the preservation value. According to the findings of this study, it will be possible to make crucial policy implications when setting a direction for future park management by presenting a practical policy plan for the maintenance of mountain parks in downtown areas and will broaden the scope of research.