• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reservation Wage

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A Study for Estimating the Compensation to Homemaker in Accident (주부의 사고발생시 손해배상액 산정에 관한 연구)

  • 문숙재
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.131-150
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data to measuring proper compensation for the homemakers. For this purpose, the value of household work is measured by variables and methods: overall substitute(OSE), specialised substitute (SSE), opportunity cost(OCE), reservation wage(RWE), subjective evaluation(SE). The Main Results are as follows: 1. The values by OSE, SSE, OCE, RWE and SE are respectively 497, 996, 676, 847, 616, 683, 707, 601 and 540, 366 won. 2. The values of homemakers are calculated individually by her demographic characteristics. 3, The values by SSE and OSE are increased in the order of type I.IV.III.II which are divided by the number of family member and age of homemaker.

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The Effects of Job Search Behaviors on Re-employment of the Unemployed in Korea (실직기간 구직활동이 실직자의 재취업에 미치는 영향분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Rok
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.43
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    • pp.299-327
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    • 2000
  • Although economic crisis is allaying in Korea, the more effective unempoyment policies are requried in this present. So in this paper, we analyze the effects of relevant factors, especially job search behaviors of the unempyoed on reemployment and look for implications to the improvement of unemployment policies. Major findings are as follows: First, we find that job search behaviors, especially the effectiveness of job search activity and job search attitude are significantly different between the unemployed and the re-employed. Second, we find that the variables of job search behaviors - the effectiveness of job search activity (number of job offers), job search attitude (reservation wage), positive use of job search methods - significantly affect the re-employment of the unemployed from logistic regression analysis results. These findings' implications are as follows: First, the approach based on search theory may be useful in finding out determinants of re-employment. Second, the effects of job search behaviors on the reemployment and their implications should be actively accepted to policy makers in order to improve the effectiveness of un-employment policies. It meams that the effects of job search behaviors must be carefully considered in making or restructuring unemployment policies and their administrations.

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한국의 이혼율 변동에 관한 사회$\cdot$인구학적 변인고찰

  • 변화순
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1987
  • This work examines reemployment processes through the use of event history unemployment data in the United States. Two aspects of these processes, the duration of unemployment and changes in the reemployment rate, are modelled and analyzed in terms of individual characteristics and their structural positions in the labor market. The secondary labor market is a competitive market in which unemployment occurs because people quit their jobs to devote more time in search for better jobs. Using search theory, the rate of reemployment has a positive time dependence as the searcher lower her reservation wage with the passage of time. By contrast, the primary market is characterized by long-term employment relations which reduce voluntary turnovers but generate layoffs temporarily. Relying on contract theory, because workers on temporary layoffs wait for recall, reemployment rates have a constant time dependence. Empirical results of unemployment durations indicate that reemployment processes are influenced by individual's positions in dual labor market structures. While the analysis suggests that the amount of search reemployment seems to be positively related to the degree of competitiveness of a market, somewhat weaker results are noted in the search reemployment processes in competitive markets.

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Dual Labor Markets and Reemployment Processes (A Case of the U.S. Labor Market) (이중노동시장의 재취업과정 (미국 노동시장의 경우))

  • Lee, Kun
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.43-66
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    • 1997
  • This work examines reemployment processes through the use of event history unemployment data in the United States. Two aspects of these processes, the duration of unemployment and changes in the reemployment rate, are modelled and analyzed in terms of individual characteristics and their structural positions in the labor market. The secondary labor market is a competitive market in which unemployment occurs because people quit their jobs to devote more time in search for better jobs. Using search theory, the rate of reemployment has a positive time dependence as the searcher lower her reservation wage with the passage of time. By contrast, the primary market is characterized by long-term employment relations which reduce voluntary turnovers but generate layoffs temporarily. Relying on contract theory, because workers on temporary layoffs wait for recall, reemployment rates have a constant time dependence. Empirical results of unemployment durations indicate that reemployment processes are influenced by individual's positions in dual labor market structures. While the analysis suggests that the amount of search reemployment seems to be positively related to the degree of competitiveness of a market, somewhat weaker results are noted in the search reemployment processes in competitive markets.

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