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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Relative Wage

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Comparison Analysis of a Cost Price for Dental Prosthetic Restoration (치과기공물 원가계산의 비교분석)

  • Park, Myoung-Ho;Lee, Sang-Rak
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.153-178
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    • 2000
  • Dental prosthetic restoration shows a big difference of cost per itemized unit depending on the size of dental labs, facility standard, manpower, and performance. Even the same dental labs have distinctive cost according to manufacturing performance, inflation, and the number of workers. However, in apite of such a change of circumstances, it appears to be quite stable in the relative cost per itemized unit unless the manufacturing trend of particular item changes dramatically. Therefore, if the relative number of cost per itemized unit, which is produced by costing, is indicated, we are able to utilize it effectively as a standard wage estimate. If the wage of dental prosthetic restoration is determined on the basis of cost, it is desirable that the relative value of cost and that of wage are identical. But, by means of comparative analysis, since the relative value of wage reveals mostly lower than that of cost depending on an item, it is considered that the wage is not reflecting the cost approproately. Due to the subdivision and the profession of medical technology, the new development of wage items for dental prosthetic restoration is required. This means that the need for the establishment of new wage items should be presented as the general concept of dental prothetic restroation changes and the level of pathologic technology increases. The current wage structure has differences in the degree of difficulty accroding to unit items and in the cost factors. Nevertheless, the differences are not reflected enough to the wage, so there is potential to lower the medical quality through the use of low-proce materials to avoid the increase of cost and the work process which skips a manufacturing step. The new items of dental prosthetic restoration also increases, but the development of proper numerical value system is not supported. Thus, the right proce is set mostly by applying to the wage of a similar item. Since most wages are established by an individual agreement between the dental clinic institute and the dental labs, the propriety of wage level lacks. Therefore, it is urgent to provide and promote the system of a fair work charge by a standard cost which can be applied to all medical institute.

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Changes in Wage Differentials among College Graduates in South Korea, 1999-2008 (1999~2008년 한국에서 대졸자 간 임금격차의 변화)

  • Ko, Eunmi
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.103-138
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    • 2011
  • This paper examines the changes in relative wage of top 10 college graduates to the other college graduates among the age group of 26-28 years using Korean Labor and Income Panel Study (KLIPS). From 1999 to 2008, the wage differential between top 10 college graduates and the other college graduates increased in South Korea. This wage differential seems to persist along with their age. Within industry wage differential among college graduates also rose but in the late 2000s it became smaller than the wage differential within firm size and industry. Increase in elite college wage premium has led to recent changes in college wage premium.

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Relative Effects of Income Transfer and Wage Subsidy (소득 이전과 임금 보조금 정책의 효과 비교)

  • Kim, Dae Il
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.1-35
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    • 2019
  • This paper compares the effects of income transfer and wage subsidy in a simple general equilibrium model. The redistributive effects of both policies are smaller, the more intensive in low wage workers are the luxury goods production. Wage subsidy contributes more to employment and GDP relative to income subsidy, but its redistributive effects can be smaller depending on the elasticities of labor demand supply. More complete empirical analysis appears due on the effects of both policies in order to design an optimal mix of efficiency and equity.

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Monopsony Power of General Hospitals in Nurse Labor Market (간호사 노동시장의 수요독점에 대한 연구 - 종합병원을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Hyun-Jin;Yang, Bong-Min
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.40-58
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    • 2000
  • Nurses are medical personnel, who play a key role in supporting patient care, so it is important to supply them adequately in balance with ever increasing medical demand. But there appears severe shortage of nurses in some hospitals because of their uneven distribution, especially in small sized-hospitals and rural-hospitals. As nationwide distorted distribution of nurses in Korea is just like what monopsony model(a kind of market structure model) tells us, it is attempted to explain this situation of nurse labor market in Korea on the basis of monopsony model and presented in this paper. Specifically, determinants of nurse wage and the level of their relative employment were examined, and monopsony impact on their wage and the level of relative employment controlling those determinants were studied. Major results of this study arc as follows. The most important determinant of nurse wage level in this study was the wage level of a local community where each hospital located Hospital owner's characteristics an educational function of each hospital were also important factors. With these factor controlled, it was found that monopsony power of each hospital was negativel associated with nurse wage level as expected. 1% increase in monopsony power of hospital(measured by Herfindah-Hirschman Index) reduced nurse wage by 5,67419,19 won(in Korean currency). With regard to the level of relative employment, the most important determinant wa the capacity for supplying nurses of the local community. Again, hospital owner characteristics and educational function of each hospital were also important. With these factors controlled, it was found that monopsony power of each hospital was negative associated with the number of nurses per bed, as expected. 1% increase in monopsony power of each hospital(again measured by Herfindah-Hirschman Index) reduced the number of nurses per 100 bed as much as 0.460.67. In conclusion. structural factors of nurse labor market influence the instability of nurse labor supply in Korea. Further consideration for these market structural characteristics needed for policy making related to nurse resource allocation.

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The Changes Over Time in Union Wage Premium in Korea: 1998-2007 (노동조합 임금효과의 변화 : 1988~2007)

  • Kim, Jang-Ho
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.75-105
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    • 2008
  • This paper examines the changes over lime in union relative wage effects during the period of 1988 and 2007. The union wage premium was 3.4 percent in average during the last 20 years. It has fallen in the boom years up to the mid-1990s, but has rapidly risen since the Asian financial crisis of 1997. Time series evidence suggests that the union wage premium is counter-cyclical, which means that it responds to economic conditions with a reverse direction. There has been also a fast increase in the unadjusted wage gap relative to regression-adjusted wage gap during the last 10 years in particular, implying favorable changes in the selection of workers into unionized companies.

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Analysis of Wage Compression Effect of the Minimum Wage within Establishment (최저임금의 사업체 내 임금압축 효과)

  • Kang, Seungbok
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.31-56
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzes the effect of a minimum wage on the wage compression within Korean establishments. The results are as follows. Firstly, increases of a ratio of workers who get minimum wage within establishments have a effect to compress the wage distribution within establishments. Secondly, the establishment average wages get lower as their minimum wage ratios get larger. In this situation, high wage group's wages fall deeply than low wage group's these. Thirdly, the relative wages of high wage group to low wage group tend to be small as their minimum wage ratios get larger. To conclude, a increase of minimum wage has a effect to raise low wage workers' wages directly, and to reduce high wage workers' wages or increase rates indirectly. And the wage distributions are compressed as a result. So government's policy to increase minimum wage will have a result in reducing wage inequality.

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Does Learning Matter for Wages in Korea? International Comparison of Wage Returns to Adult Education and Training

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2022
  • This study compares the wage equation in Korea to those in other countries, focusing on the wage returns to adult education and training (AET) participation. It is found that the wage compensation structure in Korea is associated mainly with job characteristics such as tenure and workplace size rather than with worker characteristics such as AET participation and cognitive abilities. It is also found that Korea's AET participation is skewed toward non-job-related AET, relative to the situations in other countries. These findings imply that the link between a worker's productivity and wage should be strengthened in order to incentivize workers to invest in AET relevant to the labor market.

The Labor Market for College Professors in Korea (교수시장의 수급구조와 교수의 경제적 지위)

  • Ryoo, Jaewoo
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2011
  • This paper analyzes the demand and supply structure of the market for college professors, and then characterizes the changes in the economic status of them for the last three decades. On the supply side, the number of Korean recipients of doctorate degrees from the U.S. institutions, relative to the number of newly hired professors, has declined dramatically since early 1990s. The relative remuneration of professors, which is found to be closely related to the 'number of students per professor', has also declined steadily. These suggest that the decline in the relative wage of professors has been a driving force for the decline in the relative size of new PhD's in the U.S.

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Analysis of Certification Effects on Wage and Labor Mobility : Evidence from Craft II Class Certification (자격증이 임금, 노동이동에 미치는 효과: 기능사 2급 자격증을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sangjun
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.145-169
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    • 2006
  • This study analyze the effect on wage, labor mobility by using Craft II Class certification out of National skill certification. In this article, we used the parametric and nonparametric method. In the former we used IV that the fraction of certification by occupation by firm scale to solve the selection problem. In the latter, it's used matching method and kernel regression. The paper shows that certification effect on wage has about 5.1~9.9%. The result of analysis between certification and labor mobility indicates better certification effects on long term tenure to the same firm than certification effects on wage from labor mobility. Also, we knew that the employee which have no certification relative is difficult to be established in the same workplace.

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