• Title/Summary/Keyword: Related Diversification

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Activation Measures for Rural Education Farms in Korea - focusing on IPA - (한국 농촌교육농장 활성화 방안 - IPA 기법을 활용하여 -)

  • Son, Jindong;Kim, Seonhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2015
  • The Purpose of this study is to analyze the importance and satisfaction on the items related to rural education farm management. The survey was carried out on the operators of rural education farm from October 6th, 2014 to April 30th, 2015, and 144 questionnaires were used for the final analysis. According to the analysis result, In the first quadrant, the environment of the farms(safety of the education farms, accessibility to the farms) and the existing customer management(dealing actively with the customer complaints, consulting with schools regarding the hands-on education and the feedbacks) were included. In the second quadrant, fourteen items were included. To mention these items in detail, the environment of the farms(lounge area for the guiding teachers), customer management(diversification of the publicity for the education farms, efforts to secure loyal customers, efforts to create new customers), campaigns of publicity and contents of publicity management(diversification of the publicity channels for education farms, off-line contents management, on-line contents management), ensuring professionalism(worksheet development and utilization, periodical supplemental education for operators), hands-on education programs(new program development, customized program development, distinguished program development), costs(efforts for cost reduction, fees for hands-on education) were included. In the third quadrant, the environment of the farms(size of the education farms), publicity activities and publicity contents management(enthusiastic publicity activities), strengthening professionalism(participation in the training programs related to rural education farm management) and in the fourth quadrant, the environment of the farms(environmentally-friendly and aesthetic natural landscape, convenient facilities such as powder rooms and washstands, parking lots) were included.

Residential Values Analyzed in Daily Newspapers (주요일간지의 아파트관련 기사에 나타난 주거가치 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Mi;Lee, Yeun-Sook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.91-94
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to inquire the change of residential value in the phenomena related with apartment living culture for recent 10 years. To investigate the apartment culture and residential values, articles in daily newspapers, which is related to 'apartment,' has been analysed by theme divided into physical, behavioral, valuable aspects. As a result, it han found that there were higher concern about economic value the any other values. Also, some of recent trands was found out in this study, such as, high quality, diversification, identity, healthy life, etc. Here this study is purposed to serve exploring the basis of healthier living culture for the future.

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Analysis of Education about Web For the Blind Student (시각장애 학생의 Web 교육 현황 분석)

  • Park, Seong-Je;Jeong, Jae-Won;Gang, Yeong-Mu
    • 한국경영정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.302-309
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    • 2007
  • Web is becoming a necessary element of information acquisition methods for us who live in an information and knowledge-oriented society, as it is today. It is deriving a revolutionary change on various parts of our society, such as education, culture, etc. Also due to epoch-making development and diversification of web-related technologies and content types, the knowledge, technique and complexity of web users also accompanied it. In this research web-related education of schools for the visually handicapped and current situation of web access of such students are seized, their problems related to web access are analyzed, and efficient alternatives for web implementation to solve those problems were suggested. On the other hand, since this research is a survey targeting information and computer related teachers of 12 schools for the visually handicapped within Korea, it has the restriction that it does not include the analysis of current state of charity facilities which are not regular education institutions. Moreover, the content of the survey is composed by considering totally blind students, thus more detailed survey should also be conducted for weak-sighted students as well.

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Analysis of the Building Demolition Process of the Republic of Korea Based on Case Study

  • JeWook LEE;Sung Ho HONG
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1195-1202
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the demand for building demolition in Korea has been increasing due to the rising number of old buildings and diversification of the types of buildings subject to construction demolition, and the related market size has been continuously growing. On the other hand, the laws, systems, and safety management related to building demolition are not implemented vigorously enough, so safety accidents frequently occur during the demolition process. In this study, we introduce the case of the collapse of a demolition building in Gwangju Metropolitan City in 2021, and we analyze the cause of the safety accident with the survey report published by the Korean government. Also, this study consists of institutional aspects of the demolition construction process in Korea and practical aspects such as sub-contracts, which are two main problems. Although Korean construction-related laws prohibit re-subcontracting in principle, illegal re-subcontracting is prevalent in building demolition and the supervision of building demolition is poor. Also, the dismantling plan does not function effectively as a practical checklist at the construction site due to complicated procedures and many requirements. In conclusion, for building demolition to be carried out more safely and efficiently, it is needed to reasonably improve related practices and systems in Korea.

The Effect of Family Function and Satisfaction with Life on Positive Attitude of College Students (가족기능과 삶의 만족도가 대학생의 긍정적 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Se-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.389-397
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed 308 college students to identify how family function and satisfaction with life is related to the positive attitude of college students. SPSS Win 18.0 program was used to perform ANOVA and Hierarchical Regression Analysis. As a result, first, older students had more positive attitude compare to the younger students. Secondly, among family functions, when the family cohesion was stronger, the diversification of perspective, self acception, and social adjustment was stronger, and it was identified that the diversification of perspective, self acception, and self control was higher when the family adaptability was greater. Thirdly, when the satisfaction level of life was higher, the positive attitude was high as well. Fourth, the higher the life satisfaction, the higher the positive attitude, except for self-control, all the sub-factors.

사업 포트폴리오의 기술시너지 효과 : 50대 재벌의 패널자료분석

  • 김태유;박경민
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.15-43
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    • 1997
  • This paper investigates empirically the relationship between various business portfolio properties (particularly technological properties) and chaebol's performance using data on the 50largest chaebols in Korea. In addition to the traditional indexes to measure diversification such as entropy index, we calculated inter-industry technological similarity using R'||'&'||'D expenditure data by industry and 1990 Input-output Table in korea, and obtained chaebol-level technological relatedness and internal transaction proportion from chaebols' business profile, inter-inustry technological similarity and 1990 input-output table. We applied factor analysis on 13 business portfolio property indexes and showed that they could be grouped into 3 dimensions. diversification scope, inter-business relatedness and degree of vertical integration. In this paper, using 50 largest chaebols' financial data (1989-1994), we analyzed empirically the effect of business portfolio properties on ROS(Return On Sales) which is conventional index for firm performance and on TFP(Total Factor Productivity) growth which is a pure measure of firm performance. To utilize the advantage of panel data, FEM(Fixed Effect Model) and REM(Random Effect Model) were used. The empirical result shows that the entropy index as a measurement of inter-business relatedness in not significant but technological relatedness index is significant. OLS estimates on pooled data were considerably different from FEM or REM estimates on panel data. By introducing interaction effect among the three variables for business portfolio properties, we obtained three findings. First, only VI(Vertical integration) has a significant positive correlation with ROS. Second, when using TFP growth as an dependent variable, both TR(Technological Relatedness) and VI are significant and positively related to the dependent variable. Third, the interaction term between TR and VI is significant and negatively affects TFP growth, meaning that TR and VI are substitutes. These results suggest strategic directions on restructuring business portfolio. As VI is increased, chaebols will get more profit. A higher level of either TR or VI will increase TFP growth rate, but increase in both TR and VI will have a negative effect on TFP growth. To summarize, certain business portfolio properties such as VI and TR can be considered "resources" themselves since they can affect profit rate and productivity growth. VI and TR have a synergy effect of change in profit rate and productivity growth. VI increases ROS and productivity growth, while TR increases productivity growth representing a technological synergy effect.t.

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A Study on the Phenomenon of Diversification of Modern Clothing (현대복장 기능의 다양화 현상에 관한 연구)

  • 이난희
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.181-196
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    • 2002
  • The functions of the clothing have been changed rapidly in modern society. That means people want to show oneself strongly by the clothing. In other words, the social aspect of the clothing's function which is the expression of own's personality and satisfaction one's desire is emphasized. This study is aimed at taking a look at the functions of modern clothing. The modern clothing has the various functions which are related to the changing of the social system. The result of the study are as follows: With the differentiation of society and institutionalization, the clothing is recognized as the medium which shows one's status and is restricted by people. In modern society as mass society, the system of the social position collapsed. People has the inclination to express own's consciousness, personality and existence intensely. Also, the functions of clothing became diverse. That means the clothing is influenced by the human's consciousness, a sense of values and became the medium which reflects the people's life. This change of the costume means the clothing focus on the functional factor of the free-style clothing getting out of rational value. Therefore, the change of clothing is not the change of the design but the change of value of the clothing, one's way of thinking about the clothing, the change of human life in whole society and the culture. With the changing way of life, the change of the clothing has the system in which the design changes. Therefore, I found that the we have to take a look not the change of the factors which influence the fashion but the functions of the clothing itself.

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A Study on the Late of Chosun Dynasty Food Culture in Giroyeon Paintings (조선후기 기노연 회화에 나타난 식문화에 관한 연구)

  • Koh, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.144-151
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    • 2005
  • This study examined food culture appearing in Giroyeon paintings in the late Chosun Dynasty (early $17^{th}{\sim}l9^{th}$ century), a period under political and economical difficulties in overcoming frustrations and looking for self-restoration methods after Imjinweran$(1592{\sim}1598)$ and Byungjahoran$(1636{\sim}1637)$. Paintings related to Giroyeon include Lee Gi-ryong's $(1600{\sim}?)$ painted in 1629 under the reign of King Injo $(1623{\sim}1649)$, painted jointly by Kim Jin-yeo et al. in 1720, the first year of King Gyeongjong $(1720{\sim}1724)$ and Kim Hong-do's painted in 1804 under the reign of King Sunjo $(1800{\sim}1834)$ in the early $19^{th}$ century. These paintings over three centuries of the late Chosun show changes in the character of Giroyeon, food culture and tableware culture, etc. According to these paintings, the character of Giroyeon was expanded from a feast held for high civil officials to a banquet comprehending general civil servants. These paintings show Hyangeumjueui, which means the decorum of respecting and sowing the aged men of virtue with alcohol beverage, table manner, seated culture represented by cushions and mats and individual-table culture. In addition, the expansion of demand for sunbaikja and chungwhabaikja and the diversification of vessels and dishes are demonstrated in Giroyeon paintings after Imjinweran in 1592. in this way, Giroyeon paintings show the historical characteristics of the late Chosun Dynasty, such as the collapse of Yangban-centered political system, the disintegration of the medieval system due to the emergence of the Silhak and the diversification of food culture.

Study on Expression Characteristic of Patchwork Quilt Technique Type Expressed in Modern Fashion (현대 패션에 표현된 패치워크 퀼트기법 유형의 표현특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Eun;Kwak, Tai-Gi
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2017
  • Modern society has been transformed into a digital emotional society that could gradually be seen, felt, and enjoyed by the diversification of personal consumption desires due to digital development. Accordingly, in fashion, an original fashion sense that arose out of classical and conventional thinking has become important and there is an increasing interest in patchwork quilts. The purpose of this study lies in contributing to the development and utilization of creative and emotional fashion design by expanding the mental changes that have emerged in modern society to creative areas after analyzing the classification and expression characteristics of the type cases of patchwork quilt techniques expressed in modern fashion. In addition, it is meaningful to examine how the expressive characteristics of patchwork quilts are expressed in the digital emotion era. This study paralleled literature research and empirical case studies. In the scope and method of research, the theatrical research was centered on literature data. For visual data, website photos were collected, limited to women's clothing among the collections from Fall & Winter 2014 to Spring & Summer 2017. After drawing the expression types of patchwork quilts extracted from the previous research based on the design formative factors, the fashion-related expert group analyzed the expressive characteristics of 501 photographs in which the patchwork quilt of the designer clothing collection were reflected. As a result of analysis, the expressive types appeared in the order of diversification of techniques and materials, extended dual images, new formative composition, and reconstruction of traditional patchwork. In this study, the expressive characteristics of patchwork quilts expressed in contemporary fashion are analyzed and drawn as variability, compromise, convergence, and playfulness. Through this, it is hoped that this study can be used variously in the development of fashion design by expanding the interpretation of costume culture.

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Urban industrial and structure and diversification:converging trend among urban economies (도시산업구조와 다변화:도시경제간의 수렴성향)

  • Kim, Hak-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.356-378
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    • 1993
  • This study examines the competitiveness of urban industrial structure and its changing characteristics. Cluster analysis of Arizona towns based on economic functions revealed the changing characteristics of urban functions over time. The relationship between the changes of urban functions and industrial competitiveness was confirmed through shift-share analysis. The level of industrial specialization has become more closely related to urban size in terms of both population and employment, but the relationship between metropolitan location and specialization level is not clear. Also, it is validated that the economies of Arizona towns have become more diversified and, consequently, have tended to converge toward the state average in industrial structure over time.

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