• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rating prediction

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Design and Performance Measurement of a Genetic Algorithm-based Group Classification Method : The Case of Bond Rating (유전 알고리듬 기반 집단분류기법의 개발과 성과평가 : 채권등급 평가를 중심으로)

  • Min, Jae-H.;Jeong, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to develop a new group classification method based on genetic algorithm and to com-pare its prediction performance with those of existing methods in the area of bond rating. To serve this purpose, we conduct various experiments with pilot and general models. Specifically, we first conduct experiments employing two pilot models : the one searching for the cluster center of each group and the other one searching for both the cluster center and the attribute weights in order to maximize classification accuracy. The results from the pilot experiments show that the performance of the latter in terms of classification accuracy ratio is higher than that of the former which provides the rationale of searching for both the cluster center of each group and the attribute weights to improve classification accuracy. With this lesson in mind, we design two generalized models employing genetic algorithm : the one is to maximize the classification accuracy and the other one is to minimize the total misclassification cost. We compare the performance of these two models with those of existing statistical and artificial intelligent models such as MDA, ANN, and Decision Tree, and conclude that the genetic algorithm-based group classification method that we propose in this paper significantly outperforms the other methods in respect of classification accuracy ratio as well as misclassification cost.

Meteorological Determinants of Forest Fire Occurrence in the Fall, South Korea

  • Won, Myoung-Soo;Miah, Danesh;Koo, Kyo-Sang;Lee, Myung-Bo;Shin, Man-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.99 no.2
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2010
  • Forest fires have potentials to change the structure and function of forest ecosystems and significantly influence on atmosphere and biogeochemical cycles. Forest fire also affects the quality of public benefits such as carbon sequestration, soil fertility, grazing value, biodiversity, or tourism. The prediction of fire occurrence and its spread is critical to the forest managers for allocating resources and developing the forest fire danger rating system. Most of fires were human-caused fires in Korea, but meteorological factors are also big contributors to fire behaviors and its spread. Thus, meteorological factors as well as social factors were considered in the fire danger rating systems. A total of 298 forest fires occurred during the fall season from 2002 to 2006 in South Korea were considered for developing a logistic model of forest fire occurrence. The results of statistical analysis show that only effective humidity and temperature significantly affected the logistic models (p<0.05). The results of ROC curve analysis showed that the probability of randomly selected fires ranges from 0.739 to 0.876, which represent a relatively high accuracy of the developed model. These findings would be necessary for the policy makers in South Korea for the prevention of forest fires.

Dynamic Line Rating Prediction in Overhead Transmission Lines Using Artificial Neural Network (신경회로망을 이용한 송전선 허용용량 예측기법)

  • Noh, Shin-Eui;Kim, Yi-Gwhan;Lim, Sung-Hun;Kim, Il-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2014
  • With the increase of demand for electricity power, new construction and expansion of transmission lines for transport have been required. However, it has been difficult to be realized by such opposition from environmental groups and residents. Therefore, the development of techniques for effective use of existing transmission lines is more needed. In this paper, the major variables to affect the allowable transmission capacity in an overhead transmission lines were selected and the dynamic line rating (DLR) method using artificial neural networks reflecting unique environment-heat properties was proposed. To prove the proposed method, the analyzed results using the artificial neural network were compared with the ones obtained from the existing method. The analyzed results using the proposed method showed an error of 0.9% within ${\pm}$, which was to be practicable.

Study on the Development of Truck Traffic Accident Prediction Models and Safety Rating on Expressways (고속도로 화물차 교통사고 건수 예측모형 및 안전등급 개발 연구)

  • Jungeun Yoon;Harim Jeong;Jangho Park;Donghyo Kang;Ilsoo Yun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the number of truck traffic accidents was predicted by using Poisson and negative binomial regression analysis to understand what factors affect accidents using expressway data. Significant variables in the truck traffic accident prediction model were continuous driving time, link length, truck traffic volume. number of bridges and number of drowsy shelters. The calculated LOSS rating was expressed on the national expressway network to diagnose the risk of truck accidents. This is expected to be used as basic data for policy establishment to reduce truck accidents on expressways.

Prediction of temperature rise of Electric Switching Device Using CFD-CAD Integrated Analysis (CFD-CAD 통합해석을 이용한 전력기기 온도상승 예측)

  • Ahn, Heui-Sub;Lee, Jong-C.;Choi, Jong-Ung;Oh, Il-Sung
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.07b
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    • pp.808-810
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    • 2002
  • Higher current-rating and improved thermal performance are being sought for existing medium-voltage vacuum circuit breakers(VCB) in order to meet market needs which require to be compact and downsized. In this paper, thermal performance of medium voltage vacuum circuit breaker was investigated through experiments and numerical analysis. We changed several major parameters of current-rating and heat sink affecting on thermal behaviors in the breaker and observed the results. To predict the temperature distribution in complex three-dimensional (3-D) VCB components and gas, the commercial package was used to simulate conjugate heat transfer. Although some assumptions and simplifications were introduced to simulate the model, results from the computational model were in good agreement with actual temperature rise measurements obtained from experiments.

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Simplified method on measurement and evaluation of floor impact sound using impact ball (임팩트 볼에 의한 바닥충격음 측정 및 평가 간편법)

  • Kim, Yong-Hee;Lee, Sin-Young;Jeon, Jin-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.631-635
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    • 2006
  • In this study, simplified methods on measurement and evaluation of heavy-wight impact sound was proposed due to provide easy quality control method to construction engineers. The simplified methods include using of rubber impact ball instead of bang machine, reduced number of measuring and impact positions which is prescribed as over 4 points, using of hand-held sound level meter as a frequency analyser and prediction equation for $L_{i.Fmax.AW}$, single number rating, using $L_{Amax}$, and $L_{Lmax}$ at each frequency band. The results showed that a method of boundary driving and boundary measuring is the most similar to the current rating method.

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Prediction of Dynamic Line Rating by Time Series Weather Models (시계열 기상 모델을 이용한 동적 송전 용량의 예측)

  • Kim, Dong-Min;Bae, In-Su;Kim, Jin-O;Chang, Kyung
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.11b
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    • pp.35-38
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    • 2005
  • This paper suggests the method that forecast Dynamic Line Rating (DLR). Thermal Overload Risk (TOR) of next time is forecasted based on current weather condition and DLR value by Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS). To model weather element of transmission line for MCS, we will propose the use of weather forecast system and statistical models that time series law is applied. Also, through case study, forecasted TOR probability confirmed can utilize by standard that decide DLR of next time. In short, proposed method may be used usefully to keep safety of transmission line and reliability of supply of electric Power by forecasting transmission capacity of next time.

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Assessment of System Reliability and Capacity-Rating of Concrete Box-Girder High-Girder Highway Bridges (R.C 박스거더교의 체계신뢰성해석 및 안전도평가)

  • 조효남;이승재;임종권
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 1993
  • This paper develops practical and realistic reliability models and methods for the evalusion of system reliability and system reliability-based rating of R.C box-girder bridge superstructures. The precise prediction of reserved carrying capacity of bridge as a system is extremely difficult expecially when the bridges are highly redundant and significantly deteriorated or damaged. This paper proposes a new approach for the evaluation of reserved system carrying capacity of bridges in terms of equivalent system-strength, which may be defined as a bridge system-strength corresponding to the system reliability of the bridge. This can be derived from an inverse process based on the concept of FOSM form of system reliability index. The strength limit state models for R.C box-girder bridges suggested in the paper are based on the basic bending and shear strength. and the system reliability problem of box-girder superstructure is formulated as parallel-series models obtained from the FMA(Failure Mode Approach) based on major failure mechanism or critical failure states of each girder. AFOSM and IST(Importance Sampling Technique) simulation algorithm is used for the reliability analysis of the proposed models.

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Study of Influence Factors for Prediction of Ground Subsidence Risk

  • Park, Jin Young;Jang, Eugene;Ihm, Myeong Hyeok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2017
  • This Analyzed case study of measuring displacement, implemented laboratory investigation, and in-situ testing in order to interpret ground subsidence risk rating by excavation work. Since geological features of each country are different, it is necessary to objectify or classify quantitatively ground subsidence risk evaluation in accordance with Korean ground character. Induced main factor that could be evaluated and used to predicted ground subsidence risk through literature investigation and analysis study on research trend related to the ground subsidence. Major factors of ground subsidence might be classified by geological features as overburden, boundary surface of ground, soil, rock and water. These factors affect each other differently in accordance with type of ground that's classified soil, rock, or complex. Then rock could be classified including limestone element or not, also in case of the latter it might be classified whether brittle shear zone or not.

Prediction Models of Conflict and Intimacy in Teacher-Child Relationships: Investigation of Child Variables Based on Decision Tree Analysis (교사-유아 관계의 갈등 및 친밀감에 대한 예측 모형: 의사결정나무분석을 적용한 유아변인의 탐색)

  • Shin, Yoolim
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.69-86
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The purpose of this research was to examine the prediction models of conflict and intimacy in teacher-child relationships based on decision tree analysis. Methods: The participants were 297 preschool children from ages three to five including 166 boys and 131 girls. Teacher-child relationships were measured by the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale(STRS). Physical aggression, relational aggression, social withdrawal, and prosocial behaviors were measured by teacher ratings. Moreover, ADHD-RS(Attentive Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Rating Scale) was used to measure ADHD. The data was analyzed with decision tree analysis. Results: According to the prediction model for teacher-child conflict, the significant predictors were physical aggression and social withdrawal. According to the prediction model for teacher-child intimacy, the significant predictors were prosocial behaviors and relational aggression. However, children's age, gender and ADHD were not significant predictors. Conclusion/Implications: The findings suggest that social behaviors may be closely related with teacher-child relationships for preschool children. Based on the results of this study, intervention suggestions were made.