• Title/Summary/Keyword: Radiology science department

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The Average Glandular Dose in Mammography and Quality Control of the Equipment Status (유방촬영검사에서 평균유선선량과 장치의 품질관리 실태)

  • Jung, Hong-Ryang;Hwang, Su-Lyun;Ha, Bon-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2011
  • A purpose of study is to develop optimization and radiation dose exposure reference level by measuring actual radiation dose in condition of quality control of mammography equipment for 39 clinics. The result were as follows. First, we measured T-test separating radiology from general clinic. According to the test, mAs was measured at average 78.58 mAs; radiology at 80.16 mAs and general clinic at 77.22 mAs. And, kerma rate was measured at average 7.71 mGy/mR; radiology at 8.94 mGy/mR and general clinic at 6.66 mGy/mR. HVL was measured at average 0.42 mmAl; radiology at 0.40 mmAl and general clinic at 0.43 mmAl. Average glandular dose was measured at average 1.14 mGy; radiology at 1.09 mGy and general clinic at 1.19 mGy. Second, we measured value of mAs, HVL, processing method and so on dividing two groups. And, we compared and analyzed average value measured using T-test. As a result, there was significance level in SID(P<0.05). There was significance level in mAs(P<0.05). Because processor was measured at 1.00 mGy and CR at 1.17 mGy according to the processing method of radiology. Third, according to the correlation analysis, radiology had significance level between average glandular dose and mAs and general clinic had significance level between average glandular dose and SID(P<0.05). Forth, as a result of regression analysis, mAs affected 22.7%t of average glandular dose and SID affected 21.7% of average glandular dose, which had significance level(P<0.05). And, mAs affected 29.0% of average glandular dose in radiology and SID affected 29.1% of average glandular dose in general clinic, which was most influential.

The increase of blood vessels using a signal during the image acquisition phase T1 shortening effect (위상영상 획득 시 T1 shortening effect를 이용한 혈관의 신호 증가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Beom;Choi, Kwan-Woo;Son, Soon-Yong;Min, Jung-Whan;Lee, Jong-Seok;Yoo, Beong-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.4704-4710
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain a useful diagnostic image by increasing the signal strength of the peripheral artery, was to use a T1 shortening effect of gadolinium contrast agents to improve the disadvantages of the phase image. From october to december 2014 thirty patients were underwent the MRI scanning, except for heart disease. Research method was evaluated comparing the image after gadolinium contrast MR image acquisition step before evaluating the difference between the signal intensity for T1 shortening effect. In frontal lobe 19.45%, temporal lobe 23.09%, occipital lobe 25.45%, parietal lobe 18.82%, cerebellum 20.93% after peripheral arterial signal strength results of gadolinium contrast agent injection was increased significantly after injection of gadolinium both statistically significant. After injecting a contrast agent gadolinium in SWI by increasing the signal strength of the T1 shortening effect can be obtained when using the phase image to give a useful image in diagnosis and treatment.

Contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain Metastases at 7.0T versus 1.5T: A Preliminary Result

  • Paek, Sun Ha;Kim, Jhi-Hoon;Choi, Sung-Hong;Yoon, Tae-Jin;Son, Young Don;Kim, Dong Gyu;Cho, Zang-Hee;Sohn, Chul-Ho
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: To compare the depiction of brain metastases on contrast-enhanced images with 7.0 tesla (T) and at 1.5T MRI. Materials and Methods: Four consecutive patients with brain metastases were scanned on 7.0T whole-body scanner and 1.5T MRI. A 3D T1-weighted gradient echo sequence (3D T1-GRE) at 1.5T (voxel size = $0.9{\times}0.9{\times}1.5mm^3$ after double-dose, gadoterate meglumine, Gd-DOTA) was compared to a 7.0T 3D T1-GRE sequence (voxel size = $0.4{\times}0.4{\times}0.8mm^3$, single-dose Gd-DOTA) in four patients after a 5 minute delay. The number of contrast-enhancing metastases in MPRAGE images was compared in each patient by two radiologists in consensus. We measured contrast ratio of enhancing brain metastases and white matter in 1.5T and 7.0T. Results: In all four patients 7.0T 3D T1-GRE images after single-dose Gd-DOTA and 1.5T after double-dose Gd-DOTA depicted 11 brain metastases equally. In the quantitative analysis of contrast ratios of enhancing brain metastases and white matter, the 1.5T 3D T1-GRE after double-dose showed an increased contrast ratio compared to 7.0T 3D T1-GRE after single-dose ($0.961{\pm}0.571$ versus $0.885{\pm}0.494$; n = 11 metastases). But this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.711). Conclusion: Our preliminary results indicate that 7.0T single-dose Gd-enhanced images were not different to 1.5T double-dose Gd-enhanced images for the detection of brain metastases.

Usefulness of contrast agent involving high gadolium content for myocardial viability assessment (심근생존능검사 시 가돌리늄 함유량이 높은 조영제의 유용성)

  • Choi, Kwan-Woo;Son, Soon-Yong;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Han, Man-Seok;Lee, Ju-Hee;Min, Jung-Whan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1294-1300
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to increase contrast to noise ratio(CNR) in myocardial viability test by using contrast agent which highly content gadolinium(1mmol/mL) maximizing diagnostic value. This research method that four hundred four patients were underwent the MRI scanning two hundred eighty four of them were injected commercial contrast media which have 0.5mmol/L and the rest of them were injected new contrast media(gadobutrol) which have 1mmol/mL of molarity to study the contrast difference depending on the molarity of the contrast agent signal intensities of normal ventricle and left ventricle were measured to compare and evaluate signal to noise ratio(SNR) and CNR of the images. As result, 1mmol/mL contrast agent showed higher SNR by 25.13% in myocardium and 30.74% in left ventricle. CNR was proved to be better in 1mmol/mL contrast agent by 31.29%. The results above were all statistically meaningful. Therefore, contrast agent contenting more gadolinium which was 1mmol/mL in this study, could more effectively shorten T1 relaxation time, increase the signal intensity and at the same time maximize CNR and diagnostic value. This study firstly report the usefulness of 1mmol/mL contrast agent in patients allegedly suffering cardiac diseases and it is considered to increase diagnostic value.

Fundamental Study of Relative Measurement for Accurate Measurement of Stent Size in Computed Tomography Angiography (컴퓨터단층 혈관조영술에서 스텐트 사이즈의 정확한 측정을 위한 상대적 측정법의 기초연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Young;Hong, Joo-Wan;Kang, Su-Mi;Kim, Su-Bin;Joon, Sang-Hoon;Heo, Yeong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.713-720
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to propose a new measurement method for accurate measurement of vessel diameter in computed tomography angiography(CTA). CTA test was performed after non-ionic iodine contrast agent was flowed at a constant rate to self-maded perfusion phantom. After obtaining raw data, images were reconstructed with multi-planar reconstruction(MPR) and maximal intensity projection(MIP). Diameters of vascular models were measured for each technique. Relative and conventional measurements were then compared. The mean diameter of the vascular model was closer to the actual measurement when relative measurement was used compared to that when conventional measurement was used both in MPR and MIP. Relative measurements of MPR and MIP were closer to actual measurement than those of conventional measurement (34% VS, 24%, p<0.05). The relative measurement method proposed in this study was closer to the actual measurement than the conventional measurement method. However, both test methods were still larger than actual results. Therefore, further study of relative measurement method is needed using this study as basic data.

Pollution Research about Radiology radiographic laboratory (방사선 영상학 실습실 오염실태 조사 (D대학교 DR장비와 방사선 발생장치, Cassette 오염실태 조사))

  • Park, Chang-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Digital Imaging in Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2013
  • We checked the existence of bacteria at DR equipment, radiation generator and cassette in 'D university' to propose optimized management method for bacteria and disinfection at DR equipment, radiation generator and cassette at used in radiographic laboratory of the department of radiology. The infected region is treated by alcohol and cresol and compared before spraying and after spraying for 1, 3, 5 and 10 minutes. As time goes on, amount of bacteria colony decreases significantly. The Cresol is useful to disinfect the diminutive devices. However alcohol disinfection, at least 5 minutes later, and hand washing before practical training and shooting image is recommended due to the big and fixed radiography equipment which cause the soakage.

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Three types of ossifying fibroma: A report of 4 cases with an analysis of CBCT features

  • Jih, Myeong Kwan;Kim, Jin Soo
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2020
  • Ossifying fibroma is a slow-growing benign neoplasm that occurs most often in the jaws, especially the mandible. The tumor is composed of bone that develops within fibrous connective tissue. Some ossifying fibromas consist of cementum-like calcifications, while others contain only bony material; however, a mixture of these calcification types is commonly seen in a single lesion. Of the craniofacial bones, the mandible is the most commonly involved site, with the lesion typically inferior to the premolars and molars. Ossifying fibroma of the jaw shows a female predominance. Some reports of ossifying fibroma have been published in the literature; however, this report continues the research on this topic by detailing 3 types of ossifying fibroma findings on panoramic radiographs and cone-beam computed tomographic images of 4 patients. The radiographs of the presented cases could help clinicians understand the variations in the radiographic appearance of this lesion.

Transrectal ultrasonographic findings of diffuse hypoechogenic parenchyma in canine prostate gland (개의 전립선에 있어서 경직장 초음파 검사법을 이용한 미만성 저에코영역의 성상)

  • Eom, Ki-dong;Sung, Jai-ki
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.687-692
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    • 1997
  • 개의 전립선에서 경직장 초음파상에 나타나는 미만성 저에코영역의 성상과 경직장 초음파 검사법의 유용성을 알아보기 위해 히스토그람 분석방법과 color doppler 초음파를 이용하여 전립선 맛사지에 따른 전립선 실질의 에코변화를 비교하였다. 전립선 맛사지 후 히스토그람상의 휘도치는 전립선 요도부 기준 상부측 실질내에서 유의성(p<0.01) 있게 고에코로 변화되어 나타났으며, 전립선내에 분포하는 혈관은 저에코영역에서 보다 고에코영역에서 발견되었다. 이상의 결과로 보아 경직장 초음파 검사법은 전립선의 미세한 변화에 대해 보다 상세한 실질내의 정보를 제공할 수 있는 효과적인 검사 방법이며, 맛사지에 따른 휘도치의 변화는 전립선의 물리적 자극에 대한 전립선액의 분비에 따른 결과로 사료되고, 저에코영역은 혈관보다는 전립선액이 점유하고 있는 것으로 생각된다.

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Cone-beam computed tomography: Time to move from ALARA to ALADA

  • Jaju, Prashant P.;Jaju, Sushma P.
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.263-265
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    • 2015
  • Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is routinely recommended for dental diagnosis and treatment planning. CBCT exposes patients to less radiation than does conventional CT. Still, lack of proper education among dentists and specialists is resulting in improper referral for CBCT. In addition, aiming to generate high-quality images, operators may increase the radiation dose, which can expose the patient to unnecessary risk. This letter advocates appropriate radiation dosing during CBCT to the benefit of both patients and dentists, and supports moving from the concept of "as low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA) to "as low as diagnostically acceptable" (ALADA).

Cone beam CT findings of retromolar canals: Report of cases and literature review

  • Han, Sang-Sun;Park, Chang-Seo
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.309-312
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    • 2013
  • A retromolar canal is an anatomical variation in the mandible. As it includes the neurovascular bundle, local anesthetic insufficiency can occur, and an injury of the retromolar canal during dental surgery in the mandible may result in excessive bleeding, paresthesia, and traumatic neuroma. Using imaging analysis software, we evaluated the cone-beam computed tomography (CT) images of two Korean patients who presented with retromolar canals. Retromolar canals were detectable on the sagittal and cross-sectional images of cone-beam CT, but not on the panoramic radiographs of the patients. Therefore, the clinician should pay particular attention to the identification of retromolar canals by preoperative radiographic examination, and additional cone beam CT scanning would be recommended.