• Title/Summary/Keyword: Radiation safety knowledge

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Radiation Distribution Around Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Decade After the Accident

  • Yukihisa Sanada;Miyuki Sasaki;Hiroshi Kurikami;Fumiya Nagao;Satoshi Mikami
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.95-114
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    • 2023
  • During the decades after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) accident, ambient dose rates have markedly decreased when compared to those at the early state of the accident. Government projects have been continuously conducted by surveying the ambient dose rate and radiocesium distributions. Airborne surveys using crewed helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are the best methods for obtaining an overall picture of the distribution. However, ground-based surveys are required for accurate measurements near the population. The differences between these methods include the knowledge of the post depositional behavior of radionuclides in land use. The survey results form the basis for policy decisions such as lifting evacuation zones, decontamination, and other countermeasures. These surveys contain crucial findings regarding post-accident responses. This paper reviews the survey methods of government projects and current situation around the FDNPS. The visualization methods and databases of ambient dose rates are also reviewed to provide information to the population.

Study on the Role and Adoption of Medical Laser Safety Officer (MLSO) (의료레이저안전관리자의 역할과 국내 적용 방안 연구)

  • Heo, Jin-Wook;Park, Hyung-Jae;Lee, Young-Woo;Chon, Kwon-Soo;Cho, Woon-Kap;Kim, Yong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2012
  • According to the development of laser technology, applications of laser in medical area, and the resulting risks are increasing. To ensure the safe use of laser, it is necessary to assign a person who has the knowledge of laser safety as MLSO(medical laser safety officer). In many countries, the system of laser safety officer management is operating. MLSO has the responsibilities and duties of the operation of the laser safety program, training, and education. In this study, we analyzed the adoption of MLSO through the investigation of the MLSO management status in United States.

Knowledges, consciousnesses, and attitudes of some university students on the use of radiations (일부 대학생의 방사선이용에 대한 지식, 의식도 및 태도)

  • Han, Eun-Ok;Park, Byung-Sub
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2005
  • This study attempts to extract certain directions for the education program to provide right information by investigating knowledges, consciousnesses, and attitudes of some university students. They have a high level of knowledges among average persons on the use of radiations in order to recognize the radiation safety in daily lives including the change in national recognitions for radiations safety that is consistent with the situation in these days. The survey was performed for 528 university students from Oct. 10 to Oct. 15, 2005. The results of this survey can be summarized as follows; students who didn't get educations for the use of radiations were recorded as 415 students (80.7%) in which the reason that they didn't get such educations was there were no chances to receive the education' as 265 students (77.9%). The basic knowledge on the use of radiations was presented as a low level of $5.96{\pm}2.90$ points based on the sum of 15 points, and the consciousness on the use of radiations was investigated as $3.65{\pm}0.50$ points based on the sum of 5 points. In addition, the attitude on the use of radiations was investigated as $3.23{\pm}0.46$ points based on the sum of 5 points.

Beyond Nuclear Power: Risks, Alternatives, and Laypersons' Role (원자력발전을 넘어: 위험, 대안, 그리고 비전문가 역할)

  • Huh, Chan Rhan;Kwon, Sangcheol
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 2021
  • Nuclear power has been an attractive energy efficient and to the pressure with the climate change despite of its risks. There are safety, security, and environmental concerns with the nuclear radiation, but the techno-optimism forms the mainstream by experts and the state to be able to control and manage the risks yet occurred. The disastrous Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents brought about alternative action and thought including renewable energy expansion, efficient energy delivery and use, and enhancing stewardship to environmental carrying capacity. More significant alternative movement is sought by victims of nuclear radiation, technicians, and the general public who realized the pitfalls of expert and state centered policy formation. These laypersons become counter-expertise competent in recognizing local contamination and considering the risks and emotions seriously affecting peoples' everyday lives. They play important roles in the construction and legitimation of alternative knowledge about nuclear power widely realized across regions.

Analysis on Study Cases of Safety Assessment and Cases for Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool Accident (사용후핵연료 습식저장시설 사고 안전성 평가 연구 현황 및 사고 사례 분석)

  • Shin Dong Lee;Hyeok Jae Kim;Geon Woo Son;Kwang Pyo Kim
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2023
  • Spent nuclear fuel corresponds to high-level radioactive waste that has high decay heat and radioactivity. Accordingly, Spent nuclear fuel withdrawn from the reactor core is primarily stored and managed in a spent nuclear fuel pool in the nuclear power plant to reduce decay heat and radioactivity. In Korea, most nuclear power plant store all spent nuclear fuel in a spent nuclear fuel pool. For wet storage, there are no defense in depth different with reactor core. The study related to spent nuclear fuel pool accident should be carried out to ensure safety. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze previous study cases related to safety of spent nuclear fuel pool and accident cases to build foundational knowledge. The Objective of this study is to analyze study cases of safety assessment and cases for spent nuclear fuel pool accident. For analyzing study cases of safety assessment, possible phenomena when spent nuclear fuel pool accident occurring identified, Subsequently, study cases for safety assessment about each phenomena were investigated, and materials & methods and results for each study are analyzed. For analyzing cases for spent nuclear fuel pool accident, we analyzed accident cases caused by loss of cooling and loss of coolant in spent nuclear fuel pool. Subsequently, causes and change of water level and temperature by each accident case are analyzed. As a result of the analysis on study cases of spent nuclear fuel pool accident, the results of the study conducted by each research institute were vary depending on the computer code, materials & methods of experiment and major assumptions used in the study. As a result of analyzing cases for spent nuclear fuel pool accident, it was found that accident cases for loss of cooling is more than cases for loss of coolant accident. Even though the types of accident in spent nuclear fuel pool were similar, the specific causes were different by each accident case. All the accident cases analyzed did not lead to severe accidents, such as nuclear fuel being exposed to the air. The result of this study will be used as fundamental data for study on spent nuclear fuel pool accident that will be conducted in the future.

Analysis of Adolescent Awareness of Radiation: Marking the First Anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident (청소년의 방사선 인식도 분석: 일본 후쿠시마 원전사고 1주년 계기)

  • Park, Bang-Ju
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2012
  • Marking the first anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear accident, which took place on March 11th, 2011, the level of adolescent awareness and understanding of radiation was surveyed, and the results were then compared with those for adults with the same questionnaires conducted at similar times. A qualitative survey and frequency analysis were made for the design of the study methodology. Those surveyed were limited to 3rd grade middle school students, 15 years of age, who are the future generation. The questionnaire, which is a survey tool, was directly distributed to the students and 2,217 answers were analysed. The questionnaires were composed of 40 questions, and it was found that Cronbach's coefficient was high with 'self awareness of radiation' at 0.494, 'risk of radiation' at 0.843, 'benefit of radiation' at 0.748, 'radiological safety control' at 0.692, 'information sources of radiation' at 0.819, and 'impacts of Fukushima accident'. The results of the survey analysis showed that the students' knowledge of radiation was not very high with 67.4 points (69.5 points for adults) calculated on a maximum scale of 100 points (converted points). The impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident were found to be less significant to adolescents than adults, and the rate of answer of "so" or " very so" in the following questions demonstrates this well. It was also shown that the impacts of the Fukushima accident to adolescents were comparatively low with 27.0% (38.9% for adults) on the question of "attitude changed against nuclear power due to the Fukushima accident," 65.7%(86.6% for adults) on the question of "the damages from the Fukushima accident was immeasurably huge," and 65.0% (86.3% for adults) on "the Fukushima accident contributed to raising awareness on the safety of nuclear power plants". The adolescents had a high rate of "average" answers on most of the questions compared with adults, and it can be construed that this resulted from adolescent awareness of radiation not being firmly rooted on themselves. This study was the first of its kind for surveying adolescents regarding the level of awareness of radiation after the Fukushima accident, and the results were compared with the survey results of adults, and they are expected to greatly contribute toward establishing a radiation policy by the government in the future.

Panel Session toward Improved Communication and Engagement with the Public after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: Study Reports and Discussion with Specialists from Relevant Fields

  • Yoshida, Hiroko;Kuroda, Yujiro;Kono, Takahiko;Naito, Wataru;Sakoda, Akihiro
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.134-142
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    • 2021
  • Background: From 2018 to 2020, the Expert Study on Public Understanding after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident (the Expert Study Group) identified and analyzed activities designed to promote public understanding of science and radiation since the Fukushima accident, and held discussions on how to achieve public understanding in the situation where public confidence has been lost, and how experts should prepare for dealing with the public. This panel session was held at the 53rd meeting of the Japan Health Physics Society on June 30, 2020. Materials and Methods: First, three subgroup (SG) leaders reported their research methods and results. Then, two designated speakers, who participated as observers of the Expert Study Group, commented on the activities. Next, the five speakers held a panel discussion. Finally, the rapporteur summarized. Results and Discussion: SG leaders presented reports from researchers and practitioners in health physics and environmental risks who provided information after the Fukushima accident. During the discussion, experts in sociology and ethics discussed the issues, focusing on the overall goals of the three groups, local (personal) and mass communication, and ethical values. Many of the activities instituted by the experts after the accident were aimed at public understanding of science (that is, to provide knowledge to residents), but by taking into account interactions with residents and their ethical norms, the experts shifted to supporting the residents' decision-making through public engagement. The need to consider both content and channels is well known in the field of health communication, and overlaps with the above discussion. Conclusion: How to implement and promote the public engagement in society was discussed in both the floor and designated discussions. Cooperation between local communities and organizations that have already gained trust is also necessary in order to develop relationships with local residents in normal times, to establish an information transmission system, and to make it work effectively.

Recognition and Behavior of Female Workers for Irradiated Food (여성 근로자의 방사선 조사식품에 대한 인식 및 행태)

  • Do, Wan-Jung;Lee, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to determine the recognition and behavior of female workers on irradiated food. A total of 326 surveys have been analyzed. The results of the study showed that the level of knowledge was 3.411 points and the level of recognition was 2.542 points. There was a significant difference in purchase of irradiated food by level of education, affiliation, and job type; in consumption of irradiated food by affiliation, level of education, job type and work experience; in preventive behavior of irradiated food by affiliation, work experience and job type. In a correlation analysis on the factors of irradiated food, those with more knowledge and better recognition had more experience of purchase and consumption. However, preventive behavior had no significant correlation with knowledge, recognition, purchase and consumption. Therefore, for a rational selection of irradiated food, it is important to provide information and safety training on them.

Relation of Self-Efficacy and Cognition of Irradiated Food among High School Students (고등학생의 방사선조사식품에 대한 인식과 자기효능감과의 관련성)

  • Han, Eun Ok;Choi, Yoon Seok
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.106-118
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we analyzed the Cognition of irradiated food and its relation with self-efficacy. The most important variables described behaviors based on health choices compared with the choice to choose irradiated food items. According to the survey, 33.1% of respondents said that the reason why irradiated food is considered to be a health risk is because "radiation is dangerous". 27.9% of respondents answered that "eating irradiated food is like eating a radioactive substance", 21.1% said radiated food is comparable to a "genetic variation in food" while 10.1% said "food goes bad during the irradiation process". On this basis, it is reasonable to conclude that respondents have a misunderstanding of irradiated food without reference to the general theory of irradiated knowledge. In this respect, it would be helpful to provide education showing that irradiated food is not related to eating harmful or genetically modified food to help high school students create informed opinions of irradiated food. In terms of relevance with health-specific self-efficacy, experience of acquiring information about irradiated food was marked at r=0.148 (p<0.01), experience of purchasing irradiated food was marked at r=0.077 (p<0.05), experience of eating irradiated food was marked at r=0.113 (p<0.01) while knowledge of irradiated food, attitude towards irradiated food and behavior was marked at r=0.103 (p<0.01), r=0.076 (p<0.05) and r=0.105 (p<0.01) respectively. This shows that self-efficacy is high when one has experience of acquiring information about irradiated food, purchasing or eating irradiated food resulting in a high level of knowledge, attitude and behavior. Education which serves to improve the level of self-efficacy needs to be provided along with an educational program which will increase the public's understanding of irradiated food. It is expected that if this education which increases the level of self-efficacy is provided together with correct information of irradiated food, behavior to choose and eat irradiated food will also improve.

The Fukushima Nuclear Accident and Environmental Risk: A Survey of Fukushima Residents

  • Miyawaki, Takeshi;Sasaoka, Shinya
    • Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2017
  • The Fukushima nuclear accident caused by an earthquake and a subsequent tsunami on March 11, 2011 has seriously impacted the environment surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. While all the residents near the plant were evacuated from the area deemed uninhabitable after the accident, residents of the neighboring area outside of the evacuation zone still seem to live in fear of invisible radiation. To understand Fukushima residents' thinking about the environmental risks that accompany a nuclear disaster, we utilize a poll of the residents of Fukushima conducted in 2013. Based on the survey data, we reveal factors that seem to strongly affect their knowledge and concerns about nuclear power plants. The results of the multivariate analysis show the importance of the following two factors: (1) confidence in mass media, and (2) trust in institutions in charge of administering the accident, especially the central government, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, and Tokyo Electric Power Company. We conclude that the more people trust mass media and particular institutions, the more likely it is that they are have an elevated sense of anxiety and fear of the presence of nuclear plants.