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Prevalence Rates of Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome, and Its Related with Obesity Indices Among the Health Checkup Examinees (건강검진 수검자들의 대사증후군 위험인자별 유병률 및 비만지표와의 관련성)

  • Park, Kyu-Ri;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome risk factors for adults in the general population, understand the relationship of each factor with the obesity indicators, and examine the relevance and validity for predicting the metabolic syndrome in obese indicators. The study subjects were 1,051 adults aged 20 years and over, who underwent a health package check-up at the Korea Association of Health Promotion, D-branch from Feb. to Nov. 2014. As a result, the prevalence rates of metabolic syndrome of the study subjects were 21.5%, and the prevalence rates of the metabolic risk factors were as follows: 31.8% of men and 41.6% of women for abdominal obesity; 35.6% of men and 17.3% of women for TG; 17.6% of men and 34.2% of women for HDL-C; 53.5% of men and 35.9% of women for blood pressure; and 14.9% of men and 6.8% of women for FBS. The prevalence rates of metabolic syndrome were significantly higher in the older age group, in the group with the higher BMI, and in the group of higher level of drinking frequency. In the predictive indicators of obesity on metabolic syndrome risk factors, the waist / height ratio was higher than other indicators. Conclusively, WHtR appeared to be a useful indicator to show abdominal obesity and is better in selecting metabolic syndrome patients compared to other obesity indicators.

Analysis on Predictive Factors of Digital Accessibility Level of Middle-old Age Group: Focused on Gender Difference (중고령자의 디지털정보접근수준 예측요인 분석 : 성별차이를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Su-Kyoung;Shin, Hye-Ri;Kim, Young-Sun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.55-71
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    • 2020
  • Digital accessibility of the middle-aged and elderly has been increasing at a faster pace than other groups such as the handicapped and adolescents. However, studies related to the digital accessibility of middle and older adults are scarce. In order to examine variables affecting accessibility to digital information of the middle-aged and elderly people, this study researches the impacts of sociodemographic, physical and mental health and social activity variables on the accessibility of digital information. We analyzed data of 1,661 people between the ages of 55 and 84 from the 2018 Status Survey on Digital Divide conducted by the National Information Society Agency. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis shows the higher education, economic, and life satisfaction levels are, the higher digital accessibility levels of both male and female are. The result of the analysis also shows that the aged male has a higher accessibility level when he does not live alone; meanwhile, the aged female has higher digital capability as her age is lower, which describes that there are differences between gender. We expect the result of this study to be used as an important reference to understand factors related to digital accessibility level and active intervention for improving digital accessibility of the middle-aged and elderly male and female.

Characteristics of Joint Systems and Their Relationship with Groundwater System in the Nakdong River Mid-basin (낙동강 중류 유역의 단열계 특성 및 지하수계와의 관련성)

  • Kim, Deuk-Ho;Lee, Jong-Hyun;Park, Kyu-Tae;Kim, Seong-Chang;Choi, Yu-Mi;Seo, Yu-Ri;Noh, Gyung-Myung;Hamm, Se-Yeong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.483-492
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    • 2008
  • The characteristics of joint system (joint orientation and density) were studied for Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the Nakdong River mid-basin (Haman-Gun, Changnyeong-Gun, and Uiryeong-Gun areas), and were related with faults, river system, and groundwater usage in the study area. The joint system was classified into JI (N90110E), J2 (N035E), and J3 ((N035W), and was dominant along N-S and E-W directions. The N-S trending joint system is dominant in Haman Formation in the eastern and western parts of the study area, while the E-W trending joint system is prevalent in Chilgok Formation in the central part. The joint system may be associated with the faults located in the eastern and western parts in the study area which are elongated to NNE-SSW direction. Additionally, the joint density is higher along the Nakdong River, indicating close relationship between E-W trending joints and the river. Daily groundwater discharge versus joint density shows weak positive relationship, and specific capacity versus joint density appears negatively related. This indicates that groundwater occurrence does not greatly rely on joint density.

Management Strategies and the Relationship between Argyroneta aquatica and Environmental Factors in Aquatic Ecosystem (천연기념물 물거미(Argyroneta aquatica)와 수생태 환경 요인과의 관계와 관리 방안)

  • Jeong, Heon Mo;Kim, Hae Ran;Cho, Kyu Tae;Lee, Seungyeon;You, Young Han;Hong, Seungbum
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.136-142
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    • 2019
  • Water spider(Argyroneta aquatica) inhabits only a small size wetland in Eundae-ri, Yeoncheon-gun. In this study to investigate environmental factors influencing on population of A. aquatica, we analyzed the relationship between density of A. aquatica and various physicochemical and biological factors. Density of A. aquatica increased with small habitat area and high NH4 and electric conductivity. The relationship between density of A. aquatica and prey or predator was low but the water spider decreased with density of Pomacea canaliculata. And density of A. aquatica was not related to the coverage of emergent plant. However density of A. aquatica decreased as the increase of floating plant and increased as the increase of submerged plant. These results indicated that aquatic plants are important in the habitat environment of A. aquatica. Therefore we suggest necessity of management strategies for the invasive species, P. canaliculata which is a notorious predator of aquatic plants.

The Validation Study of the Korean Version of Zero-sum Belief Scale (한국판 제로섬 신념 척도 타당화 연구)

  • Joeng, Ju-Ri
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.285-303
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the zero-sum belief scale among a sample of Korean adults. The original scale was developed by Różycka-Tran, Boski, and Wojciszke (2015) based on the Belief in a Zero-Sum Game (BZSG) model. A total of 508 participants (252 college students and 256 non-student adults) completed an online survey comprised of the scales of zero-sum belief, social trust, subjective socioeconomic status, individualistic-collectivistic tendencies, and social comparison orientation. Results of the exploratory factor analysis and the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that zero-sum belief scale has one factor. The internal consistency of the zero-sum belief scale was good. The Zero-sum belief scale did not have a significant relationship with social trust and subjective socioeconomic status. However, the scale was positively associated with vertical individualistic and vertical collectivistic tendencies and negatively associated with horizontal collectivistic tendencies. There was no significant relationship between zero-sum belief and horizontal individualistic tendencies, but there was a significant positive relationship between zero-sum belief and social comparison orientation. However, the results from the college student sample and the non-student adult sample were different. Lastly, this study could facilitate future research on zero-sum belief in South Korea, and future studies are needed to reveal the predictors and effects of zero-sum belief.

A Study on the Background of the Rock-cut Sculpture of Two Buddhas Seated Side-by-Side in Wonpung-ri, Goesan (괴산 원풍리 마애이불병좌상의 조성 배경)

  • Jeong, Seongkwon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.224-243
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    • 2020
  • The rock-cut relief of two Buddhas seated side-by-side in Wonpungri is a large Buddha sculpture in relief on the side of a cliff in Wonpung-ri, Goesan. This Buddha sculpture is from the Buddhist scripture Sutra of the Lotus. <法華經> Two seated Buddhas statues were prevalent in the Balhae Kingdom, but this was not popular in Silla and Goryeo. In the main text, the time that the two seated Buddhas in Wonpung-ri was created is identified as being during the 10th century. King Gwangjong created a Buddha statue for political purposes. The relief of two seated Buddha image carved on a cliff is located on an important traffic route over the Sobaek Mountain Range. After King Gwangjong took the throne, he paid close attention to the reigning powers of Jincheon and Cheongju because the people of Jincheon and Cheongju were engaged in a power struggle against Gwangjong. The huge relief of two seated Buddhas statue shows the authority of King Gwangjong. In particular, the people of Jincheon and Cheongju had to see this Buddha statue when crossing the Sobaek Mountain Range. The image contained in the relief of the two seated Buddhas features many characteristics of the sculpture style of the Balhae Kingdom. After the fall of Balhae, many of the Balhae people settled in Mungyeong. Balhae people from Mungyeong participated in the production of the relief of the two seated Buddhas. Through the relief of the two seated Buddhas, King Gwangjong wanted to show the people of Jincheon and Cheongju that the Balhae people were supporting him. The relief of two seated Buddhas reflects the historical situation of the King Gwangjong era in the late 10th century and the style of sculpture.

The Changes of Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans and Its Application to the New Text Book (한국인 영양섭취기준에 대한 이해 및 새 교과서에의 적용 방안)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Min-June
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this paper are to describe the newly established reference values of nutrient intakes: to apply the changed dietary reference intakes to the new text book based on the revised curriculum: and to contrive substantial contents in the domain of dietary life(foods & nutrition) of new text book. Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans(KDRIs) is newly established reference values of nutrient intakes that are considered necessary to maintain the health of Koreans at the optimal state and to prevent chronic diseases and overnutrition. Unlike previously used Recommended Dietary Allowances for Koreas(KRDA), which presented a single reference value for intake of each nutrient, multiple values are set at levels for nutrients to reduce risk of chronic diseases and toxicity as well as prevention of nutrient deficiency. The new KDRIs include the Estimated Average Requirement(EAR), Recommended Intake(RI), Adequate Intake(AI), and Tolerable Upper Intake Level(UL). The EAR is the daily nutrient intake estimated to meet the requirement of the half of the apparently healthy individuals in a target group and thus is set at the median of the distribution of requirements. The RI is set at two standard deviations above the EAR. The AI is established for nutrients for which existing body of knowledge are inadequate to establish the EAR and RI. The UL is the highest level of daily nutrient intake which is not likely to cause adverse effects for the human health. Age and gender subgroups are established in consideration of physiological characteristics and developmental stages: infancy, toddler, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Pregnancy and lactation periods were considered separately and gender is divided after early childhood. Reference heights and weights are from the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. The practical application of DRIs to the new books based on the revision in the 7th curriculum is to assess the dietary and nutrient intake as well as to plan a meal. It can be utilized to set an appropriate nutrient goal for the diet as usually eaten and to develop a plan that the individual will consume using a nutrient based food guidance system in the new books based on the revision in the 7th curriculum.

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An Inquiry into the Iron Seated Buddha Excavated from Pocheon in the National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관 소장 포천 출토 철조여래좌상에 대한 소고)

  • Kang, Kunwoo
    • MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal
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    • v.96
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2019
  • The Iron Seated Buddha sculpture in the National Museum of Korea had long sat unregistered in storage at the museum. However, a new accession number "bon9976" has recently been assigned to it. This sculpture was excavated from the neighborhood of Heungnyongsa Temple in Baekun-ri, Yidong-myeon, Pocheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do Province together with another Iron Seated Buddha sculpture(bon9975) called "Iron Buddha from Pocheon." A comparison and examination of Gelatin Dry Plate and official documents from the Joseon Government-General Museum during the Japanese occupation period have revealed that these two Iron Buddha sculptures were transferred to the Museum of the Government-General of Korea on December 17, 1925. The Iron Seated Buddha sculpture(bon9976) has a height of 105 centimeters, width at the shoulders of 57 centimeters, and width at the knee of 77 centimeters. The Buddha is wearing a robe with rippling drapery folds and the right shoulder exposed. He is seated in the position called gilsangjwa(the seat of good fortune) in which the left foot is placed over the right thigh. The features of the Buddha's oval face are prominently sculpted. The voluminous cheeks, eye sockets in a large oval shape, slanted eyes, short nose, and plump lips can also be found in other ninth-century Iron Seated Buddha sculptures at Silsangsa Temple in Namwon, Jeollanam-do Province, Hancheonsa Temple in Yecheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, and Samhwasa Temple in Donghae-si, Gangwon-do Province. Moreover, its crossed legs, robe exposing the right shoulder, and rippling drapery folds suggest that this sculpture might have been modeled after the main Buddha sculpture of the Seokguram Grotto from the eighth century. The identity of this Iron Seated Buddha can be determined using the Gelatin Dry Plate(M442-2, M442-7). In them, the Buddha has its right palm facing upwards and holds a medicine jar on its left palm. Until now, the Iron Seated Bhaiṣajyagura(Medicine) Buddha(bon1970) excavated from Wonju has been considered the sole example of an iron Medicine Buddha sculpture. However, this newly registered Iron Seated Buddha turns out to be a Medicine Buddha holding a medicine jar. Furthermore, it serves as valuable material since traces of gilding and lacquering clearly remain on its surface. This Iron Seated Buddha sculpture (bon9976) is presumed to have been produced around the ninth century under the influence of Esoteric Buddhism by the Monk Doseon(827~898), a disciple of the Monk Hyecheol, to protect the temple and help the country overcome geographical shortcomings. According to the records stored at Naewonsa Temple(later Heungnyongsa Temple), Doseon selected three significant sites, including Baegunsan Mountain, built "protector" temples, created the Bhaisajyagura Buddha triad, and enshrined them at the temples. Moreover, the inscription on the stele on the restoration of Seonamsa Temple states that Doseon constructed temples and produced iron Buddha sculptures to help the country surmount certain geographical shortcomings. Heungnyongsa Temple is located in Dopyeong-ri, Yidong-myeon, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do Province. This region appears to have been related to rituals directed to the Medicine Buddha since Yaksa Temple(literally, "the temple of medicine") was built here during the Goryeo Dynasty, and the Yaksa Temple site with its three-story stone pagoda and Yaksadong Valley still exist in Dopyeong-ri.

The Establishment and Development of Wooden Coffin Tombs in the Jinhan and Byeonhan Confederacies: An Examination of the Wolseong-dong Type (진·변한 목관묘 문화의 성립과 전개 -월성동 유형의 검토와 함께)

  • Lee Donggwan
    • Bangmulgwan gwa yeongu (The National Museum of Korea Journal)
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    • v.1
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    • pp.150-173
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    • 2024
  • The Gyeongsang region experienced an epoch-making social transformation approximately around the second to first century BCE, including the replacement of Bronze Age types of tombs (such as dolmens, stone cist tombs, and earthen tombs with flat capstones) with clusters of wooden coffin tombs and the emergence of wajil pottery (soft stoneware) and ironware. These shifts in the archaeological material evidence have been discussed in the context of the formation of the states that comprised the three Han confederacies and in relation to wooden coffin tombs built in later periods. This paper explicates the appearance of clustered wooden coffin tombs with accompanying ironware by categorizing them. In particular, it examines the emergence of wooden coffin tombs by creating the Wolseong-dong type, which differs from Tomb No. 5 in Joyang-dong and Tomb No. 1 in Daho-ri with their deep burial pits and large quantities of prestige goods and soft stoneware items. The Wolseong-dong type of tomb commonly features ironware, including flat-bladed iron axes, oblong cast iron axes, iron wire, iron chisels, and iron swords; a small slender, rectangular wooden coffin tomb with a shallow burial pit of less than sixty centimeters; and pottery of a type preceding soft stoneware, such as long-necked jars, triangular attached-rim pottery bowls and pots, and mounted vessels. There are also a few bronzeware items found in them, but no prestige goods. This study scrutinizes tombs in Tamni-ri in Uiseong, Hagu-ri in Gyeongju, and Hakjeongdong in Daegu by comparing them with the Wolseong-dong type, and it confirms that in Sinseodong in Daegu, Wolseong-dong type tombs and later Joyang-dong type tombs have separate spatial distributions within the site. This also indicates that the Wolseong-dong type is a valid categorization among wooden coffin tombs. Although the rise of the Wolseong-dong type tomb is associated with the migration of a group, I reserve judgement on whether its origins should be understood in the context of the iron culture in the southwestern region of South Korea that was sparked by King Jun's advance to the south or if they lie in the western region of North Korea. Either way, the Wolseong-dong type is thought to be the tombs of a group of people with lower hierarchical status than the occupants of the later Joyang-dong type.

Association between Type D Personality and the Somatic Symptom Complaints in Depressive Patients (우울증 환자에서 D형 인격과 신체 증상 호소와의 관련성)

  • Park, Wu-Ri;Jeong, Seong-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : Type D personality was originally introduced to study the role of personality in predicting outcomes of heart disease. However, researches showed that other medical conditions are also affected by this personality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between type D personality and somatic symptom complaints in depressive patients. Methods : Eighty-two individuals diagnosed with depressive disorder were included. Type D personality was measured with DS14. Patient Health Questionnaire(PHQ) 9 and 15 were used to measure depression severity and somatization tendencies. For alexithymia, TAS-20 was used. Student T-test and linear regression analysis were performed. The best regression model was determined by stepwise variable selection. Results : More than half of the subjects(56%) complained at least medium degree somatic symptoms according to PHQ-15 criteria. Two-thirds of the subjects were classified as Type D personality(63.4%). The mean PHQ-15 score of the Type D individuals was significantly higher than the remaining subjects(PHQ-15 mean=12.7, p=8.2×107). The best regression model included age, PHQ-9 score and NA subscale score as predictor variables. Among these, only the coefficients of age(p=1.5×103) and NA score(p=1.5×107) were found to be statistically significant. Conclusions : The result showed that Type D personality was one of the strong predictors of somatic complaints among depressive individuals. The finding that negative affectivity rather than social inhibition was more closely associated with somatization tendencies does not fully agree with the traditional explanation that inability to express negative emotion predispose the individuals to somatic symptoms. The finding that alexithymia was not shown to be a significant predictors also substantiated this discrepancy. However, it might be possible that the high correlation between NA and SI subscore(r=0.65) and between NA and TAS-20 score(r=0.44) hid the additional effects of social inhibition and alexithymia. Further research with a larger sample would be needed to investigate the effects of the latter two components over and above the effect of negative affectivity on the somatic complaints in depressive patients.

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