• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantitative interpretation

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The Trend and International Comparison of Overseas School Health Indicators (학교보건지표의 해외 동향과 국제 비교)

  • Shin, Sun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the trend of overseas school health indicators and to investigate indicators comparable internationally. Methods: Using the key words, school, health, indicators and policy through formal literature and web sites, the resources were used after the completeness of resources such as the presence of author, year published and place, and reproducibility was evaluated. Results: In overseas, the interest of school health indicators has increased gradually since 1960. Quality indicators as well as quantitative indicators are important as the good school health indicators. The overseas school health indicators have been very comprehensive, not only including students, but also including the expanded population such as school personnel, parents, family and community, process and outcomes, policies, social and cultural environment. The trend of school health research is from traditional issue-based to indicatorbased which makes comprehensive interpretation including development of school health service and life satisfaction. Among internationally comparable indicators, Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) and Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS) were chiefly for students' health and behavior level, and the School Health Service Survey (SHS) was for school health service personnel and policy. Conclusion: Characteristics of overseas school health indicators were expanded population, and comprehensive and internationally comparable indicators. Therefore, Korea school health indicators need to be comprehensive using expanded population and qualitative indicators, and consider standardized indicators comparable internationally.

The Perception about the Climate of the Korean Peninsula by Westerners Visited in Enlightenment Period (1876~1910) (개화기(1876~1910) 서양인이 본 한반도 기후 해석)

  • Shin, Jieun;Chun, Youngsin;Kwon, Won-Tae
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.161-181
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    • 2012
  • The Enlightenment period (1876~1910) of Joseon was the age of turbulence in terms of introduction of the Western science and technology. The interaction of modern and oriental science in the enlightenment period can be got insights from the records of Westerners. This study especially focuses to the viewpoints of Western visitors toward the weather and climate of the Korean peninsula. As a result, there are three characteristics in Westerners' awareness of Korean climate: quantitative records using numeric; interpretation of weather in the system of the modern science; and the distinct records about rainfall. In conclusion, from these result, it can be suggested that the Western visitors systematically grasped the climate of Korean peninsula.

The Development of a Rainfall Correction Technique based on Machine Learning for Hydrological Applications (수문학적 활용을 위한 머신러닝 기반의 강우보정기술 개발)

  • Lee, Young-Mi;Ko, Chul-Min;Shin, Seong-Cheol;Kim, Byung-Sik
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2019
  • For the purposes of enhancing usability of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), the quantitative precipitation prediction scheme by machine learning has been proposed. In this study, heavy rainfall was corrected for by utilizing rainfall predictors from LENS and Radar from 2017 to 2018, as well as machine learning tools LightGBM and XGBoost. The results were analyzed using Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Normalized Peak Error (NPE), and Peak Timing Error (PTE) for rainfall corrected through machine learning. Machine learning results (i.e. using LightGBM and XGBoost) showed improvements in the overall correction of rainfall and maximum rainfall compared to LENS. For example, the MAE of case 5 was found to be 24.252 using LENS, 11.564 using LightGBM, and 11.693 using XGBoost, showing excellent error improvement in machine learning results. This rainfall correction technique can provide hydrologically meaningful rainfall information such as predictions of flooding. Future research on the interpretation of various hydrologic processes using machine learning is necessary.

Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring for Spinal Dysraphism

  • Kim, Keewon
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2021
  • Spinal dysraphism often causes neurological impairment from direct involvement of lesions or from cord tethering. The conus medullaris and lumbosacral roots are most vulnerable. Surgical intervention such as untethering surgery is indicated to minimize or prevent further neurological deficits. Because untethering surgery itself imposes risk of neural injury, intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM) is indicated to help surgeons to be guided during surgery and to improve functional outcome. Monitoring of electromyography (EMG), motor evoked potential, and bulbocavernosus reflex (BCR) is essential modalities in IONM for untethering. Sensory evoked potential can be also employed to further interpretation. In specific, free-running EMG and triggered EMG is of most utility to identify lumbosacral roots within the field of surgery and filum terminale or non-functioning cord can be also confirmed by absence of responses at higher intensity of stimulation. The sacral nervous system should be vigilantly monitored as pathophysiology of tethered cord syndrome affects the sacral function most and earliest. BCR monitoring can be readily applicable for sacral monitoring and has been shown to be useful for prediction of postoperative sacral dysfunction. Further research is guaranteed because current IONM methodology in spinal dysraphism is still deficient of quantitative and objective evaluation and fails to directly measure the sacral autonomic nervous system.

Determinants of the Effectiveness of Internal Shariah Audit: Evidence from Islamic Banks in Bangladesh

  • ISLAM, K.M. Anwarul;BHUIYAN, Abul Bashar
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2021
  • The concept of Shariah-based internal audit has received increasing attention from researchers in recent times especially since Islamic financial institutions have been developing in several Asian countries like Bangladesh. To avoid financial irregularities and to maintain Shariah-based financial transactions, an effective Shariah-based internal audit system is extremely important for Islamic financial institutions such as Islamic banks. Hence, the objective of this study is to determine the factors that influence the effectiveness of the Shariah-based audit system. Study data has been gathered from Shariah auditors, members of the Shariah board and audit committee of six private Islamic banks in Dhaka, Bangladesh. A total of 210 survey questionnaires were sent and finally 136 responses were retained, indicating a final sample size of n=136, with a survey feedback rate of 65%. The study adopted a quantitative measure and collected only primary data, followed by convenience sampling. SPSS has been used to run necessary statistical interpretation. Results reveal that auditor's work autonomy, level of competency, and work performance significantly impact the Shariah-based internal audit effectiveness. The study findings can be adopted as guidelines to improve the overall effectiveness of the Shariah-based internal audit system in Islamic financial institutions.

Estimation of Phosphorus Concentration in Silicon Thin Film on Glass Using ToF-SIMS

  • Hossion, M. Abul;Murukesan, Karthick;Arora, Brij M.
    • Mass Spectrometry Letters
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2021
  • Evaluating the impurity concentrations in semiconductor thin films using time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) is an effective technique. The mass interference between isotopes and matrix element in data interpretation makes the process complex. In this study, we have investigated the doping concentration of phosphorus in, phosphorus doped silicon thin film on glass using ToF-SIMS in the dynamic mode of operation. To overcome the mass interference between phosphorus and silicon isotopes, the quantitative analysis of counts to concentration conversion was done following two routes, standard relative sensitivity factor (RSF) and SIMetric software estimation. Phosphorus doped silicon thin film of 180 nm was grown on glass substrate using hot wire chemical vapor deposition technique for possible applications in optoelectronic devices. Using ToF-SIMS, the phosphorus-31 isotopes were detected in the range of 101~104 counts. The silicon isotopes matrix element was measured from p-type silicon wafer from a separate measurement to avoid mass interference. For the both procedures, the phosphorus concentration versus depth profiles were plotted which agree with a percent difference of about 3% at 100 nm depth. The concentration of phosphorus in silicon was determined in the range of 1019~1021 atoms/cm3. The technique will be useful for estimating distributions of various dopants in the silicon thin film grown on glass using ToF-SIMS overcoming the mass interference between isotopes.

The EU's Public Diplomacy in Asia and the World through Social Media: Sentiment and Semantic Network Analyses of Official Facebook Pages of European External Action Service and EU Delegation to the Republic of Korea

  • Yoon, Sung-Won;Chung, Sae Won
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.234-263
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to assess the quality of the EU's public diplomacy efforts through social media. Specifically, this research explores the headquarters of European public diplomacy (European External Action Service, EEAS) and its subordinate agent (EU Delegation to South Korea, EUDK). The main research question is "how coherently and effectively does the EU execute public diplomacy strategies in the third countries?'' This study employs both quantitative and qualitative approaches―the former for the results presentation and the latter for the results interpretation. The results are summarized in two points. First, both the EEAS and the EUDK maintained an objective position by posting only neutral perspectives on their social media. Second, the narratives of the main actors were the same, but the main themes were different according to their contexts. The analysis discusses the effectiveness of the EU's strategic narratives by focusing on measuring message reception. Its limited findings were that social media postings could not induce the audiences' active discussion of the EU's diplomatic performances. The conclusion suggests that the EU should identify the expectations from its global counterparts and use these to forge the Union's strategic narratives.

Analysis of the Corporate Life Cycle using the Gompertz Model Focused on Korean Pharmaceutical Longevity Companies

  • Kyu-Jin, CHOI;Kang-Sun, LEE;Sung-Wook, KANG;Dae-Myeong, CHO
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aims to figure out the characteristics of corporate life cycle and resource input in terms of the sustainability diagnosis of pharmaceutical companies in Korea. Research design, data, and methodology: Using the Gompertz model under the assumption that companies have finite resources, this study tries quantitative interpretation of life cycle and resource input pattern for longevity companies with 25 years of experience among 158 pharmaceutical companies listed on Korean stock market based on maturity of revenue. Results: The study found revenue maturity through Gompertz model was statistically correlated with enterprise value. According to the life cycle analysis, more than 95% of 59 pharmaceutical companies were in the growth and maturity phase and have an average life cycle of 88 years and an average remaining life of 52 years. Regarding maturity profile of resource input, maturity of employees was generally high more than 60% and this meant there was jobless growth in Korean pharmaceutical industry. Conclusion: This study demonstrated there is a high statistical correlation between the maturity of a company's resource input and its revenue and enterprise value. It is believed that these results could be utilized as a basis for high fidelity function that predict revenue and enterprise value based on resource input information.

Means of Visualization in Teaching Ukrainian as a Foreign Language to Modern Students with Clip Way of Thinking

  • Kushnir, Iryna;Zozulia, Iryna;Hrytsenko, Olha;Uvarova, Tetiana;Kosenko, Iuliia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2022
  • Acceleration of the pace of life, increasing the amount of information, the emergence of "clip way of thinking" as a phenomenon has led to the problem of choosing forms of presentation of educational materials to students. One of the ways to solve this problem is to use the means of visualization of information flow, forasmuch as the thinking of modern youth is more effective in perceiving visual images than verbal means. The purpose of the research is to prove the effectiveness of the use of visualization in the process of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to students with clip way of thinking. The following methods have been used, namely: analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization and generalization of scientific literature; testing and surveys; pedagogical experiment; quantitative and qualitative analysis of data, interpretation and generalization of the research results. The essence of visualization means has been revealed; the expediency of their use in the methodology of teaching foreign students the Ukrainian language has been substantiated. It has been proven that the role of Ukrainian teachers lies in taking into account all new trends in teaching, integrating computer perception of information by foreign students into teaching technology and using cognitive visualization in order to intensify the learning process.

Interpretation of the influence of hydrogeological characteristics on rainwater inflow into Sumgol, Jeju Island, South Korea (제주도 수리지질 특성이 빗물 숨골 유입에 미치는 영향 해석)

  • Koh Chang-Seong;Koh Eun-Hee;Kim Min-Chul
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2024
  • Sumgol in Jeju Island plays a significant role in groundwater recharge due to its permeable hydrogeological characteristics. However, a quantitative assessment of the interrelationship between rainfall characteristics and rainwater inflows into Sumgols has not yet been conducted. Therefore, this study examined the characteristics of rainwater inflow into three Sumgols located in the eastern and western regions of Jeju Island and assessed hydrogeologic factors influencing these inflows. During two rainfall events, the studied locations in Sumgol exhibited different characteristics of rainwater inflows, despite experiencing similar rainfall events. Additionally, the delay time for rainwater to reach the Sumgol locations after the rainfall was influenced more by rainfall intensity than by cumulative amount of rainfall. In Sumgols located in non-volcanic ash soil with low hydraulic conductivity, such as those in agricultural areas, rainwater inflows were observed even with small rainfall and low rainfall intensity. This study suggests that rainfall intensity, soil characteristics, permeability of lava flows, and land use are key factors influencing rainwater inflow into Sumgols, revealing that soil characteristics and the permeability of lava flows have a greater impact on surface runoff than land use.