• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quality attributes

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Development of Potential Customer Demand Improvement Index Based on Kano Model : Focused on Educational Service (Kano 모델 기반의 잠재적 고객 요구 개선 지수의 개발 : 교육서비스 분야를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyung-Jun;Chung, Young-Bae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.118-127
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    • 2018
  • Recently, service quality must reflect several demands of customers who show rapid and various changes so as to be compared with the past. So, objective and rapid measuring methods for service quality are necessary. For them, first of all, service company must calculate their standard of service quality accurately by measuring service quality exactly. Kano classified the degree of influence that is the degree of correspondence of the quality attributes of products and services to the subjective satisfaction of customers. As a result, the types of qualities are classified as attractive, must be, one dimensional, and indifference attributes. They have been widely used quality attributes in various industrial fields up to now. However, Kano model has a limit that it ignores the characters of the next frequent numbers even though there are not much gap comparing to the most frequent number in the questionnaire answers. The limit is attributed to the character of Kano model that the most frequent number is accepted as the only quality character. Timko calculated the customer satisfaction coefficient by using Kano's method and studied the differences in quality character by classifying the quality characteristics in a graphical way through the relationship between the satisfaction and the dissatisfaction coefficient. In this study, we used the quality level determination method of the 7-point Likert scale, which takes the weight into account, to complement the deficiencies of the existing Kano model. We also developed and applied a Potential Satisfaction Level (P) and Potential Customer Demand Improvement (PCDI) Index to present a new approach to the determination of service quality attributes. To measure the level of potential service satisfaction and to understand the degree of improvement, we collected specimens of 51 participants who has been trained in the National Strategy Business Training Program, which has been managed by government agent, and analyzed the results.

Development of LSM(Local Store Marketing) Strategy Using the IPA Analysis of Service Quality Attributes by the location in a Theme Restaurant (서비스 품질 속성 IPA 분석을 활용한 테마 레스토랑 입지별 LSM 전략수립)

  • Park, Mun-Gyeong;Kim, Jae-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.277-294
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this study were to a) examine using status, b) measure the service quality attributes, c) analyze IPA and customer satisfaction, d) develop the LSM(Local Store Marketing) by location of K theme restaurant such as residential type(A), complex type(B) and downtown type(C). The questionnaires were handed out to 346 of 450(usage rate 76.9%). The statistical data analysis was completed using SPSS(ver 12.0) for descriptive analysis, $X^2$, t-test, ANOVA, reliability analysis, factor analysis, multiple linear regression. From an analysis on service quality attributes, most importance of service quality attributes was more highly perceived than performance of those, except for 'attractive exterior', 'variety of kid's menu', 'convenient facilities for kid' and perceived importance and performance were also significantly different by location of branch restaurant. The attributes to be improved were 'convenience of restaurant's parking lot', 'food tast', 'speedy service' and 'service competency' as branch A(residential type) restaurant, 'convenience of the restaurant location' as branch B(complex type) restaurant and 'convenience of the restaurant location' and 'speedy service' as branch C(downtown type) through IPA analysis. The Overall customer satisfaction was 3.74 and service quality factors had significant effect on overall customer satisfaction. Location of restaurant, which gives a great effect on its operation and marketing, has a important correlation with success or failure of restaurant business enterprises. Therefore, marketing strategy by restaurant location should be developed.

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A Quality-Attribute-Driven Software Architecture Brokering Mechanism for Intelligent Service Robots (지능형 서비스 로봇을 위한 품질특성 기반의 소프트웨어 아키텍처 브로커링 방법)

  • Seo, Seung-Yeol;Koo, Hyung-Min;Ko, In-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2009
  • An intelligent service robot is a robot that monitors its surroundings, and then provides a service to meet a user's goal. It is normally impossible for a robot to anticipate all the needs of its user and various situations in the surroundings ahead, and to prepare for all the necessary functions to cope with them. Therefore, it is required to support the self-growing capability by which robots can extend their functionality based on users' needs and external conditions. In this paper, as an enabler of the self-growing capability, we propose a method that allows a robot to select a component-composition pattern represented in an architectural form (called a sub-architecture), and to extend its functionality by obtaining a set of software components that are prescribed in the pattern. Sub-architecture is selected and instantiated not only based on the functionality required but also based on quality requirements of a user and the surrounding environment. To provide this method, we constructed a quality-attributes-in-use ontology and developed a brokering mechanism that matches quality requirements of users and surroundings against quality attributes of sub-architectures. The ontology provides the common vocabularies to represent quality requirements and attributes, and enables the semantically-based reasoning in matching and instantiating appropriate sub-architectures in supporting services to users. This ontology-based approach contributes to provide a great flexibility in extending robot functionality based on available software components, and to narrow the gap between users' Quality requirements and the Quality of the actual services provided by a robot.

A Study of the Consumers and Providers' Perception on the Factor of Nursing Service Quality and the Hospital Revisiting Intent (소비자와 제공자가 지각하는 간호 서비스 질의 요인과 병원 재이용 의도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Aie
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.473-484
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This study was performed to investigate the perception gap about the factor of nursing service quality and the hospital revisiting intend between consumers and providers. Method: The questionnaire was developed and distributed to 300 patients and 210 nurses at the three general hospitals in three provincial city, Korea. For data analysis, SPSS/PC program was used. Result: the 20 attributes of nursing service are perceived as satisfaction factors by consumers and the 14 attributes are by providers. No attributes is perceived as hygiene factor by consumers and providers. The gender of consumers' demographic characteristics has a significant difference and don't have affection for hospital revisiting intent, and the position and education level of providers' demographic characteristics have a significant difference and explain 4.5% of hospital revisiting intent. The 12 attributes of nursing service by consumers and 3 attributes by providers correlate to hospital revisiting intent, and the only 'nurse's sincerely attitude' attribute in consumers and the only 'credible nursing service' attribute in providers explain of hospital revisiting intent. Conclusion: there are definitely perception gap between consumers and providers. So nursing organization have to recognize and try to overcome these perception gaps.

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Logistics Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in E-commerce (전자상거래에서 물류서비스 품질과 고객만족에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Ho;Park, Kwang-Tae
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.237-253
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    • 2002
  • E-commerce is now widely used as the new business opportunity for most companies in Korea. The purpose of this study is first to find the attributes of the logistics service quality in e-commerce environment. We, then, try to find the relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions. The results of empirical study show that five attributes(responsiveness, empathy, reliability, accuracy and tangible) are identified as key factors of service quality. Customer satisfaction has also significant effect on repurchase intentions.

Quality Improvement Priorities for Cosmetic Medical Service Using Kano Model and Potential Customer Satisfaction Improvement Index (Kano 모델 및 잠재적 고객만족 개선 지수를 이용한 미용성형의료서비스 품질 개선 우선순위)

  • Park, Youyoung;Jung, Hunsik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.176-183
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    • 2019
  • The environmental changes in the Korean cosmetic medical service industry in the $21^{st}$ century are forming intense competition among medical institutions due to the quantitative expansion of its market. For stable growth of the cosmetic medical service industry, continuous quality improvement is necessary based on empirical research on the quality of cosmetic medical services rather than external expansion. The purpose of this study is to classify the quality attributes of cosmetic medical service using Kano model and to derive the degree of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of each quality attributes through Customer Satisfaction Coefficient (CSC). Through this, the study identified strategic priorities and suggested specific step-by-step approaches and quality improvement priorities that can increase customer satisfaction using the Potential Customer Satisfaction Improvement Index (PCSI Index). Based on SERVPERF, this study used measurement tools consisting of five dimensions : tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. In addition, it was used of measurement items reconstructed into positive, negative, and satisfaction questions for Kano model analysis, CSC analysis, and PCSI Index analysis. A total of 300 medical consumers who experienced cosmetic medical services for the past one year in medical institutions such as plastic surgery and dermatology were collected with convenient sampling. As a result, urgent items for improving the quality of service using the PCSI Index, 'Consideration for customer benefits' in empathy category was followed by 'Immediate help' and 'Sincere response' in responsiveness category, and 'Understanding customer needs' in empathy category, respectively. That is, it is required to improve human service quality attributes such as empathy and responsiveness rather than physical service quality attributes. This study contributes practically in that it provides specific and discriminatory approaches to improve customer satisfaction on cosmetic medical service quality and suggests improvement priorities.

Identifying Satisfiers and Dissatisfiers in the Service Encounter

  • Bo, Edvardsson;Lars, Nilsson-Witell
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.8-23
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    • 2005
  • Service attributes are important for customer perceptions of service quality. However, in spite of huge amount of research, the role of service attributes as satisfiers and dissatisfiers in service encounters is not understood well enough. An empirical investigation is conducted concerning a problem resolution service in the telecommunication industry. We use both qualitative and quantitative service performance data to describe and analyze how critical incidents can be used to identify and understand which service attributes are perceived as satisfiers and dissatisfiers. Our study reveals that there is a subset of critical incidents, so called critically critical incidents, which are perceived differently and are different in content compared to critical incidents. These incidents are extremely rich of information and have the possibility to reveal the real satisfiers and dissatisfiers in a service encounter.

A Study on Service Quality Satisfier and Dissatisfier Factors for Family Restaurants in Korea (한국 패밀리 레스토랑 서비스 품질 만족, 불만족 세부 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.509-515
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the service quality satisfier and dissatisfier factors of family restaurants in Korea by using a qualitative research method, the critical incident technique(CIT). The CIT helps researchers find new factors or attributes by grouping key issues and categorizing common factors from the raw data, critical incidents which critically satisfied or dissatisfied customers. The respondents must describe the incidents in details. There are many previous studies on the attributes related to service qualities, selections, and revisiting intentions and the relationships between the attributes. These studies offer many insights for general trends and directions for managing service qualities, but not how to improve service quality practically. It is difficult to know specific service quality factors especially influencing Korean customers because the factors come from previous research and not from the respondents themselves. Therefore, this research categorized key satisfier and dissatisfier factors from 402 critical incidents described by 261 respondents into 5 groups and 33 subcategories. Real cases and examples are also explained that either critically satisfied for dissatisfied customers at family restaurants.

Importance-Performance Analysis of the Quality Attributes of Bean Coffee and Instant Coffee for the Koreans and the Mongolians (한국인과 몽골인의 원두 커피, 인스턴트 커피 품질 속성에 대한 중요도 및 수행도 분석)

  • Jo, Mi-Na;Purevsuren, Bolorerdene
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.211-230
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate importance and performance about the quality attributes of bean coffee and instant coffee for the Koreans and the Mongolians. The survey was conducted in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, Korea and in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from April to May, 2012. The questionnaire was distributed to 380 Koreans and 380 Mongolians, and 253 and 250 copies were collected from the Koreans and the Mongolians, respectively, for statistical analyses. For the importance-performance analysis(IPA), 14 quality attributes of bean coffee and instant coffee were investigated. The main results of this study were as follows. In the importance and performance comparison about the bean coffee quality, taste, aroma, quantity, price, hygiene, freshness and shelf life were more important to the Koreans than to the Mongolians. On the other hand, nutrition and ingredient were regarded as more important attributes for the Mongolians. Also, price, nutrition, temperature and ingredient were better performance to the Mongolians than to the Koreans. In the importance and performance comparison about the instant coffee quality, quantity and price were more important to the Koreans than to the Mongolians. However, nutrition and temperature were more important to the Mongolians. Moreover, nutrition, temperature, variety and freshness were better performance to the Mongolians than to the Koreans. According to the IPA results of 14 quality attributes of bean coffee, the selection attributes with high importance but low performance were price and shelf life for the Koreans, while nutrition, hygiene and ingredient for the Mongolians. For instant coffee, the selection attributes with high importance but low performance were hygiene and concentration for the Koreans, while concentration and ingredient for the Mongolians.

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The Store Attributes of Fashion Specialty Store with Fashion Involvement (유행관여에 따른 패션 전문점의 점포 속성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Su-Jin;Hwang, Seon-Jin;Byeon, Yu-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.346-356
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    • 1997
  • This study explored the attributes of the fashion specialty store according to the level of fashion involvement. Data were obtained from 262 female college student. For analysis of the data, conjoint analysis, T-test, factor analysis were employed. The results of this study were as follows; 1) Fashion involvement could be used as an importants segment variable and that attitude toward store attributes differed by the level of fashion involvement. 2) The high fashion involvement group preferred a downtown area in location, high fashion in fashionability and fashion couture quality in terms of product quality. On the other hand, the low involvement group preferred a residential area in location, basic staple goods in fashionability, and easy to care clothes in terms of product quality. 3) Five store attributes were grouped into two attribute groups: merchandising function (including product quality, assortment and fashionability) and store atmospheric function (including location and atmosphere). The results showed that the high fashion involvement group placed more importance on the store atmospheric function rather than the merchadising function. For the low fashion involvement group, the importance was reversed.

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