• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public attitude

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Influence of a Semi-Public Management System of Intra-City Bus Service on the Decrease of Traffic Accidents and the Attitude Change of Intra-City Bus Drivers (시내버스 준공영제가 시내버스 교통사고 및 시내버스 운전자의 운전태도 변화에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Choe, Jae-Won;Jeong, Heon-Yeong;Jang, Seok-Yong;Kim, Gwang-Uk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2010
  • The main objective of this paper is to analyze the factors of a semi-public management system of intra-city bus that influence the decrease of traffic accidents which are caused by intra-city buses and the attitude change of intra-city bus drivers over their driving. The results show that the traffic accidents decreased generally as a result of definition of the progresses and characteristics of traffic accidents of intra-city buses before-and-after the system is implemented and with the passing of time after the system began operations. Second, the factors which influence the decrease of traffic offenses before-and-after semi-public management system of intra-city bus are the decrease of violations, safe driving, and job security. Also, the causes which mostly influence the decrease of traffic accidents are defined. Finally, the changing degrees of driving attitudes before-and-after the system is implemented and the causes of the changes are determined. The effects on the decrease of traffic accidents before-and-after the system is implemented as well as the problems and the solutions over time are the main products of this study.

A Study on Middle-Aged Jobholders' Financial Planning for After-Retirement Period : Focused on the Differences Among the Members of Participated Public Planned Pension Types (중년기 직업종사자의 은퇴 후를 대비한 재정적 준비: 공적 연금 유형에 따른 차이를 중심으로)

  • Kim In-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.67-87
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    • 2006
  • This study examined how middle-aged jobholders anticipate their living after retirement, how they plan their post-retirement financial welfare and what attitude they have towards old age. The data came from 290 middle-aged male and female people in Incheon, Suwon and Cheongju city and were analyzed to find the differences among public planned pension types, such as the National Pension System (NPS), the Government Employee Pension Corporation (GEPC), and the Korea Teachers Pension (KTP). The major results were as follows: First, the expected income level after retirement in GEPC members was the highest and the lowest in KTP members. Second, the expected living period after retirement is the main criteria used when determining the amount of money needed for old age. Third, KTP members were of the most inferior at financial planning and practice, especially self-reflection of their expending behavior, thrift and saving practice for old age.

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A Study on The ′Doughnut Effect′in Siting A Nuclear Waste Repository (방사성폐기물 처분장의 입지선정에 있어서 ′도우넛효과′에 관한 연구)

  • 김지용;최기련
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.220-229
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    • 1997
  • Siting a nuclear waste facility in a specific area, the public show some different attitudes for newly suggested nuclear facility as a function of distance from the existing facilities, namely 'Doughnut Effect'. This Doughnuts Effect indicates not only indirect public assessment for the existing facilities, but transition of public attitude between socio-economic expectation and risk perception. Ulchin area was selected as a case study model and the possibility to success in siting a nuclear waste facility in that area was shown. Thus, availability of the 'Doughnut effect'as a prestudy for siting radioactive waste disposal facilities was practically suggested.

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  • Han, Eun Ok;Kim, Jae Rok;Choi, Yoon Seok
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.447-460
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    • 2014
  • The results of this study, suggest public communication to promote the use of radiation as follows: first, suitable information for the recipient's perception patterns should be provided, as there is a difference in risk perception and acceptance between the experts and the public. Thus, information on the necessity of nuclear power should be provided to the public, while information based on technical risks is provided by the experts. Second, since the levels of perception, knowledge, and attitudes increased highly for sectors which use radiation after the class, classes should be provided continuously to increase students' perception, knowledge, and attitude, which are all preemptive variables which induce positive behavioral changes. Third, since the seven sectors which use radiation are highly correlated, arguments for the necessity of other sectors should be based on the necessity of the medical sector.

The Effect of Case Management for Clients with Hypertension in Home Visiting Health Services (일 보건소 방문건강관리사업 고혈압대상자의 사례관리 효과)

  • Jang, Hyo Soon
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.258-269
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was conducted in order to present the effects of case management of a home visiting health service for clients with hypertension. Method: One-group pretest-posttest design was used. The subjects were 280 clients who received case management among the first and second registered group. The data were eight-week-case management results from January to December, 2010. In order to evaluate the effect of the visiting nursing service, biological indexes(blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, BMI) and self-care abilities(knowledge/attitude of hypertension, management of medication, nutritional care, confidence of self care) were measured. Result: Biological indexes and self-care abilities were improved, except total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein. Conclusion: The case management of home visiting health service by public health centers is considered to be an effective nursing service. Therefore, greater effort is needed for better maintenance of case management, and more research is needed in order to examine a variety of biological indexes.

A Field Study on the Loss Factors of IS Development Project in the Public Sector: Perspectives of Project Management (공공부문 IS 개발 프로젝트 손실요인에 대한 현장연구: 프로젝트 관리를 중심으로)

  • Jang, Sung-Bong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2004
  • This research analyzes the causes of delay and resulting additional expenses on the IS project in the public sector, and then proposes some solutions to the problem. Through a field study, the research found that the causes include employer's attitude, the leadership and risk management ability of the project manager, and qualifications of project members. In order to avoid those problems, the project manager should secure various communication channels and good relationship between the employee and the contractor.

A. Model for the Elderly Health Care Management (노인보건의료 관리모형)

  • Rhee Seonja
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 1994
  • The article reviewed the elderly health care management problems in policy development issue of the nation. Policy of Korean government on elderly health care has still not yet developed. The main stream of policy which is effective on elderly welfare policy is 'Elderly care are responsible by their families'. Now only those aged whose family members are not able to take care of their parents are receive custodial care at the non-profit nursing homes. This article examined the main stream policy in pro and cons aspects in relation to social changes such as: demographic changes. family structure changes. attitude changes. health care delivery system. and political settlement view points in connection with medical insurance program. Finally. a model for the elderly health care management was proposed which will provide chronic care services at the community level. such as nursing homes. day care centers. day hospitals, respite care units, and special care institute for dementia.

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Creating a Networked Community for the Training of Teachers: A Case of Public Presentation Caravan in Japan

  • NAGAO, Takashi;ICHIKAWA, Takashi;KOBAYASHI, Naoyuki;ISHIBE, Mutsuo
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.139-154
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    • 2005
  • There were misgivings that the teachers in charge might not have enough understanding of the true purpose of teaching "Information". To learn about the general attitude of those teachers, the research group of private schools in Osaka began a project, 'The Public Presentation Caravan', in which teachers who had already started using information tools opened their class to teachers from other schools and exchanged ideas. It may be deduced that the combination of the two forums for exchanging opinions, one is held on the internet and the other face to face, is important. Teachers' community exists on the point where these two environments meet. Through this project, we might suggest creating a new mode of teachers' community using a network will be indispensable for the new teachers training.

The Relationship between Hardiness, Job-seeking Stress and Smoking Attitude among Male College Students (남자 대학생의 강인성 및 취업스트레스와 흡연태도와의 관련성)

  • Lee, In Sook;Song, Min Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.443-452
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    • 2021
  • College students face serious difficulties while seeking jobs, leading to a high degree of stress, which is thought to affect their attitude towards smoking. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between hardiness, job-seeking stress, and the attitude towards smoking among students, and to further identify the factors influencing smoking attitude. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire administered to 145 students. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS program, t-test, ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis test, Pearson's Correlation Coefficients, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Smokers constituted 22.1% of the sample. The study showed that smoking attitudes varied according to the smoking status (H=28.26, p<.001). The smoking attitude was seen to be desirable in the high group (t=-3.27, p=.001) and low job-seeking stress group (t=4.40, p<.001). There was a positive correlation between hardiness and smoking attitude (r=.18, p=.028). There was a negative correlation between job-seeking stress and smoking attitude (r=-.28, p=.001). Also, the factors affecting the smoking attitude were non-smoker respondent (β=.50, p<.001), job-seeking stress (β=-.23, p=.015), former smoker respondent (β=.22, p=.016) and the explanatory power was 24.3%. Therefore, school and health public center counseling and employment support programs need to help students manage and cope with stressful situations to change their attitude towards smoking in a desirable direction.

A Study and Investigation for the Attitude about Smoking of Boys' and Girls' High School in Seoul (서울시내 남녀고교생의 흡연에 관한 태도 조사연구)

  • Sim Young Ae
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.74-100
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    • 1989
  • Inspite of the lots of studies on the harmfulness of cigarette smoking to the body published by many researchers since 1950, cigarette smoking people are increasing in number especially, cigarette smoking by young and women causes a serious problem. Examining the physiological motives of youth shows that, impulse which the youth want to immitate the adults, alluring curiousity, and defiant physiology of escaping from the norm of traditional groups which has been banned are cooperated well compoundly. As the period of the youth is the one which they accumulate knowledge and charactor by learning as well as the period of growth mentally, and physically they should be rightly educated about smoking before they addicted to smoking and it is desirable for us to make the youth to understand how harmfully the smoking is to effect to their growth and mental soundness simply not as a social norm which they should not smoke. The main motive of this study on the attitude of smoking by the youth is to give basic materials related on this field. For this study, 647 questionnaires were used as studying material which were able to analyze among 720 questionnaires of 2 classes of each grade of 3 high schools among the high schools of boys, girls and co-educated in Seoul from Oct. 21, 1988 through Oct. 26, 1988. Study Instrument are graded in Likert's 5 point from 40 questions which are 20 questions m affirmations and 20 questions in negations after analyzing the factors on 60 simple sentence questions which the students showed in preliminary studies. And these are systemized to be measured from 1 point which means they think smoking IS very bad to 5points which means they think smoking is really good. In these collected materials, technical statistics of frequency. percentage, average, standard deviation are used for general character and smoking attitude, $X^2-test$ for examinning Independant variables of physical. emotional, ethical and other areas pearson's coefficient of correlation for related direction and degree" and step­regression analysis for the degree of relative contribution of all variables which effect smoking attitude. The results of this study are as follows; 1. The smoking attitude of high school boys and girls showed average of 1.78 in physical area, 2.63 in emotional area, 2.61 in ethical area, 2.29 in other area respectively in a negative attitude generally also the negative attitude are expressed most strongly in physical area. I've can also say by this results that smoking is harmful to their health and further more it can be judged that this proves the youth in the period of preparation be adults have a strong curiousity in the emotional, ethical and other areas. 2. The most influential variables in each field as related factors effecting smoking attitude of the student can be explained from 13.2 in physical area the lowest experienced variables to 25.2 in emotional area the highest of degree of smoking experience. The fact that the more the smoking experienced students are increasing in number the higher tendency which accept the' smoking tells as the importance of health education about the population of latest student's smoking as important variables shown equally in each area. Those of grade, age, numbers of smoking people in house are showed meaningful in pure interrelation. Those related to the acceptance of teacher's smoking, sex, mothors education are shown meaningful in opposite interrelations. This means that the' increasing number' of smoking people in grade age, the number of smoker in family have a affirmative attitude. And people who are not interested in teacher's smoking wants to quit it, and whose mother's education is higher have a negative attitude. 3. The most negatively answered questions of the smoking attitude In physical, emotional, ethical and other areas are as belows; Firstly too much smoking is harmful to our health is 1.12 point. Secondly smoking have a ill-effect on pregnancy and embryo is 1.13 point. Thirdly smoking is harmful· to our health is 1.27 point. Fourthly smoking in crowed area with the people such as In a bus or subway should be prohibited is 1.27point. Fifthly smoking can ruin lungs is 1.31 point. And the most affirmatively answered questions are also as below; Firstly we showed smoke depending on time and place is 3.96 points. Secondly smoking is just habit is 3.83 points. Thirdly smoking people seem to be unable and deplorable is 3.69 point. Fourthly smoking should be prohibited by law is 3.56 points. Fifthly high school student's smoking is immitation of adults is 3.52 points.

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