• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public attitude

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The effects of inconsistent parenting attitude on smart phone addiction of adolescents (부모양육태도가 스마트폰 중독에 미치는 영향: 양육태도 일치 집단과 불일치 집단을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jin;Kwon, Ho-Jang
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to parenting attitudes perceived by adolescents into different groups and to examine the impact of sub-factors of parenting attitudes on smart phone addiction. Methods: Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to high school students located in the nationwide regions and a total of 1,020 people were surveyed. Inconsistent parenting attitudes were divided into the consistent group and inconsistent group to carry out descriptive statistics, multiple regression, and path analysis. Results: In both the consistent and inconsistent parenting attitude groups, it was found that among the sub-factors, interest(p<.01) had the biggest impact on smart phone addiction. Inconsistent parenting attitude group was found that smart phone addiction levels in adolescents were more higher than consistent parenting attitude group. Conclusions: Through the above results, it was confirmed that smart phone addiction to directly impact parenting attitude. This implies that when raising their children, parents should display consistent attitudes in order to prevent addictive smart phone usage among adolescent.

A study on the attitude affecting the preventive behavior for hearing conservation (청력보존을 위한 예방 행위에 영향을 미치는 태도 분석)

  • Rhee, Kyung-Yong;Yi, Kwan-Hyung
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.29 no.2 s.53
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate attitude factor related to hearing conservation and to find attitude affecting the preventive behavior for hearing conservation. The research method used in this study was self-administered questionnaire. Samples of the study were composed of 353 workers exposed noise selected randomly in 10 ship-building manufacturing companies. Authors extracted following 9 factors related hearing conservation from 26 attitude propositions prepared from previous study results and health belief model; (1) general perceived susceptibility, (2) relative perceived susceptibility compared with colleagues, (3) concern to the personal protective devices, (4) perceived severity and concern to the hearing capacity, (5) concern to the hearing and noise assessment, (6) concern to the control noise and hearing conservation, (7) group pressure and reason of wearing protective devices, (8) apathy of hearing loss from noise, (9) knowledge about hearing conservation. Attitude factors affecting the preventive health behavior were general perceived susceptibility, concern to the noise control and hearing conservation, and concern to the personal protective devices in the case of wearing personal protective devices. But in the case of avoiding noise exposure as preventive health behavior, perceived severity and concern to the hearing capacity was a significant attitude factor with knowledge about hearing conservation.

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Knowledge, Attitude and Factors for Smoking Behavior in High School Students (고등학생들의 흡연지식, 흡연태도 및 흡연관련 특성)

  • Hwang, Byung-Deog
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.45-61
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    • 2007
  • Objectives: This study was to get database of health service for smoking preventing through investigating the smoking status of students and the knowledge, attitude on smoking. Methods: The subjects were consisted of 463 students who were currently enrolled in 1, 2 and 3 grade of 6 high schools located in Ulsan-city. The instruments for this study were smoking knowledge and smoking attitude questionnaire(each 20 items) developed by WHO. Results: Among the students 25.8% answered they had the experience of smoking. The experience of smoking related to general characteristics were showed significantly different according to opposite sex friends. Student's knowledge level about smoking prevention is high score to mean get obtain 0.65 out of 1. Smoking prevention knowledge level related to highest score(0.82) were have affect on pregnancy and an unborn child. Smoking prevention knowledge level related to low score(0.19) were get rid of stress. Therefore smoking prevention knowledge high level is non smoker rather than smoker. Student's attitude level about smoking prevention is high score to mean get obtain 2.0 out of 3. Smoking prevention attitude level related to highest score(2.5) were no smoking allowed public area and put a stop smoking to friends. Therefore smoking prevention attitude high level is non smoker rather than smoker. Conclusion: It follows from this study that education for smoking prevention should be continued from lower grade student and sustaining teaching for refusal skill against smoking is needed.

The Study on the Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Job Attitudes of Public Sector : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Trust (정부 조직특성이 공무원 직무태도에 미치는 영향 : 신뢰의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Choe, Yun Jung
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2015
  • According to the result of this study, democracy, efficiency and consistency of governmental organizations gave the positive effect to public trust and private trust directly. But only democracy and efficiency affected to organizational commitment. As the analysis result of mediating effect, democracy and efficiency enhanced the total effect due to the mediating effect of public trust.

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Awareness of General Public Towards Cancer Prostate and Screening Practice in Arabic Communities: a Comparative Multi-Center Study

  • Arafa, Mostafa A.;Rabah, Danny M.;Wahdan, Iman H.
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.4321-4326
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    • 2012
  • The current study aimed at exploring the knowledge and beliefs of men aged forty years and over towards prostate cancer screening and early detection in three Arab countries. The field work was conducted in three countries; Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, during the period February through December 2011. Our target population were men aged 40 years and over. It was a population-based cross sectional study comprising 400 subjects at each site. In addition to socio-demographic data, history of the present and past medical illness, practice history of prostatic cancer examination, family history of cancer prostate; participants were inquired about their knowledge and attitude towards prostate cancer and screening behavior using two different likert scales. The percentage of participants who practiced regular prostate check up ranged from 8-30%. They had poor knowledge and fair attitude towards prostate cancer screening behavior, where the mean total knowledge score was $10.25{\pm}2.5$, $10.76{\pm}3.39$ and $11.24{\pm}3.39$ whereas the mean total attitude score was $18.3{\pm}4.08$, $20.68{\pm}6.4$ and $17.96{\pm}5.3$ for Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan respectively. The respondents identified the physicians as the main sources of this information (62.4%), though they were not the main motives for regular checkup. Knowledge was the only significant predictor for participants' attitude in the multiple regression models. Participants' attitudes depends mainly on level of knowledge and quantity of information provided to the patients and their families. Such attitudes should rely on a solid background of proper information and motivation from physicians to enhance and empower behaviors towards prostate cancer screening practices.

Study on Changes of Attitude toward Ideal Number of Children and Value System for Children (이상자녀수(理想子女數) 및 자녀(子女)에 대(對)한 가치관(價値觀) 변천(變遷)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Young-Bong
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 1974
  • This study is intended to comparison of the recent ideal number of children and atrial approach for analyzing value system for children that form attitude affecting birth control with earlier study conducted 10 years ago. In general the traditional fertility pattern of Korea may be considered as 'early marriage and high fertility' backed by the confucian value system of a farming-oriented country. A selective attitude favoring sons contributes substantially to fertility. But Korea is now moving toward a late marriage and fertility pattern. This has been due to the repid introduction of western culture and a partial acceptance of western value systems, a relative weakening of traditional value systems, a gradual increase in infant and child servival rates thresh medicines, and a desire to avoid having too many children because of economic poverty. This study showed following results: Ideal number of sons and daughters in urban area was decreased by 0.2 respectively compared to earlier study. In rural area, the number of decrease of sons and daughters was 0.5 and 0.2 respectively. The conception concerning Happiness has changed to wealth from health in previous opinion. Regarding attitude toward having sons, 98 percent of them wanted to have sons positively, moreover 10 percent of them wanted two or more sons. Regarding reasons for the wanting sons, we see that economic and traditional considerations, such as dependance in old age, and inheritance of the family line, are a principle concern of about 56 percent in both areas. The rate of dependence in old age was decreased conspicuously compare to previous study while the rate of helding rituals was increased remarkably in rural area. Among reasons for limiting family size. 'for better living and for better education for their children were main rasons reted 46 percent in urban, 51 percent in rural areas. The rates were not changed compare to previous study. Regarding attitude of those who have no son or children, the rate of re-marriage with second wife was decreased remarkably in rural area and the rate of living without special behaivor for having son was increased compare to previous study.

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A Study on knowledge and attitude of college nursing students to patient with HIV\ AIDS (간호과 학생의 HIV/AIDS에 대한 지식 및 태도에 대한 조사연구)

  • Han Young Ran;Lee Kwang-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.201-220
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    • 1998
  • Given the gloval impact of the AIDS pandemic. it is necessary to take every measure to prevent an epidemic this disease in Korea. Health care givers. especially nurses, have the primary responsibility of AIDS prevention and providing comfort care of those patient with HIV/AIDS. In spite of this responsibility, many nurses are afraid of AIDS patients and refuse to care the patient with HIV/AIDS because they have a little information of AIDS and a fear of HIV infection from AIDS patient at worksite. The purpose of this descriptive study was (1) to examine nursing students' knowledge and attitude to AIDS patient. (2) to identify demographic variables influencing knowledge and attitude to AIDS patient. and (3) to examine correlation between knowledge and attitude. The subject of this study was 162 nursing students. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows. 1) The mean overall knowledge score was estimated to be 61.33 of 101. especially the mean score of transmission route according to sexual behavior was estimated to be 3.03 of 7. 2) The mean attitude score was estimated to be 32.37 of 45. 3) The total knowledge score of AIDS was influenced by these two factors; the experience of AIDS education class and religion. In the end, the study concludes that it is necessary to develop comprehensive AIDS education programs to improve knowledge about the disease as well as to allay the fears and anxiety of the nurses.

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A Study on the Dietary Behaviors of Day-Care Center Teachers and Their Meal Attitude Education during Meal Time in Jeonju Area of Korea (전주 지역 일부 보육교사의 식행동 및 급식 지도 활동에 대한 연구)

  • Rho, Jeong-Ok;Lee, Suk-In;Lee, Jin-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.342-351
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to investigate the dietary behavior of day-care center teachers and their meal attitudes during meal time in Jeonju area. Self administered questionnaires were collected from 266 day-care center teachers who worked in a national(public) or private day-care center. The Statistical data analysis was conducted using SPSS v. 12.0. All subjects were women, and 64.7% were married(p<0.001), over more than 60% were junior college graduates(p<0.05), and 73.7% had salaries greater than 1,000,000 won(p<0.001). The breakfast skipping ratio of the subjects was very high, and about 66.5% of the respondents had irregular meals. The snack intake ratios of the subjects in private day-care centers were higher than the subjects in national(public) day-care centers(p<0.001). Approximately 56% of the subjects responded that education about eating is very important for providing balanced nutrition to young children. About 84% of subjects had no experience with the continuing-education program for teachers(p<0.01), and they wanted to know more about balanced nutrition. The meal attitude education score during meal time was $4.53{\pm}0.36$. The relationship between meal attitude education and the dietary behavior of day-care teachers was significantly different based on the "frequency of overeating"(p<0.05) and "self-recognition of eating habit"(p<0.05). These findings suggest that a nutrition education program for day-care center teachers should be developed so that they can effectively manage meal attitude education for young children and provide good nutrition for themselves.

Influence of Physician's Communication Style and Quality, and Physician-Patient Relationship on Patient Satisfaction (의사의 커뮤니케이션 스타일과 질, 의사-환자관계 유형에 따른 환자만족 요인)

  • Im, Jee-Hye;Lee, Key-Hyo;Paik, Soo-Kyeong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.83-103
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    • 2009
  • The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of physician's communication styles and quality, and physician-patient relationship on patient satisfaction for improving physician's communication which is one of factors determining service quality in health care services, and providing the suggestion for building the positive physician-patient relationship. Data were collected from 341 inpatients in 13 general hospitals and university hospitals located in Busan Metropolitan City and Kyeongsang-do area using structured self-administered questionnaires. Major results of the empirical analysis are as follows; First, mutual-opened-cooperative physician-patient relationship, patient's communication receptive attitude, patient-oriented physician's communication style, and quality were significantly varied by respondents' characteristics such as age, consensual, job, and income. Second, empathy, patient's communication receptive attitude, physician-patient relationship, and patient satisfaction were significantly varied by respondents' medical-related conditions. Third, there was a significant correlation between active communication receptive attitude of patient and mutual-opened-cooperative physician-patient relationship. Fourth, patient-oriented physician's communication style and physician-patient relationship were found to have positive influence on total communication quality and effectiveness and empathy facet of communication quality both. Finally, patient-oriented physician's communication style, empathy, active communication receptive attitude of patient, and mutual-opened-cooperative physician-patient relationship were found to have positive influence on patient satisfaction. This research findings suggest that putting emphasis on effective physician's communication and enhancing positive physician-patient relationship are crucial for marketing activities and customer satisfaction management in health care settings.

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Public Trust in Community Pharmacists in South Korea: A Survey Study

  • Yoon, Sung Won;Han, Hye Sung;Park, Hae-Young;Sohn, Hyun Soon
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2021
  • Background: Trust is a key component for the good relationship between patients and healthcare professionals but trust for community pharmacists has not been studied much. Objectives: This study aimed to measure public trust in community pharmacists and to investigate variables that affect trust level in South Korea. Methods: A total of 25 questions, including 13-items for three dimensions of trust (pharmacists' behavior/attitude, technical competence, communication skills) and 1-item for overall trust were developed. The survey was conducted online and the data from 416 respondents were analyzed with a t-test, an ANOVA and a multiple linear regression analysis. Results: The average scores (mean ± standard deviation) for the three dimensions of trust in community pharmacists were 3.47±1.05 (out of 5 points) for pharmacists' behavior/attitude, 3.67 ± 0.99 for technical competence, and 3.66±0.99 for communication skills. The average of the 13 items incorporating all parameters was 3.56±1.02 and the overall trust level was 7.16±1.62 (out of 10 points). The total sum of the 13 items differed significantly by age group (p=0.02) and frequency of pharmacy visits (p=0.04). Each dimension had an independent impact on the trust level, and pharmacists' behavior/attitude had the greatest impact on trust levels. Conclusions: This study showed that pharmacists' behavior/attitude had the most significant impact on the trust level. However, the level of trust in pharmacists' behavior/attitude is not yet sufficiently satisfactory, and further improvements are required to increase trust in community pharmacists.