• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public Sector Services

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Comparative Analysis of the Role of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) according to the Characteristics of Business Districts - Based on a case study on BIDs in London, UK -

  • Youngseo Park
    • Architectural research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2023
  • London's BID, introduced in the early 2000s, has grown significantly to fill the gap between government services which have been decreased by the global recession and localism, and the demand for better services to strengthen competitiveness on a global level. Based on this background, this study comparatively analysed two BIDs in London with contrasting regional characteristics to find how BID works differently for the regeneration and sustainable development of regional business districts according to regional characteristics. As a result, the two BIDs ultimately had the goal of improving the local business environment and strengthening the competitiveness of local businesses and had a common point of working in close partnership with the public sector such as the local government. However, depending on the local situation and characteristics, it has been observed that there are differences in the strategies of work and the roles and relationships in the partnership with the public sector.

A Study on the Service Support Program for the Work-Family Balance in the Community (일-가정 균형을 위한 지역사회의 지원에 대한 고찰)

  • Jeong, Jee-Young;Cho, Seung-Eun
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate service support programs for the work-family balance in the community. Service support programs in the community are at beginning stages of development, because it has taken about 10 years to put a self-governing system into practice in Korea. This study concentrates on service support programs developed by various service organizations in the city and does not include any rural districts. First, the developmental process of the work-family balance model and type of the service support program in the community were studied. Next, the situation of care service support was examined based on written articles. Finally, a few suggestions were made f3r work-family balance in the community. The developmental situation of work-flmily balance in Korea is in a stage which is shifting from the company-leading model to a family-company-community model. The most common type of service support program offered in the community until now has been the informal sector through relatives, neighbors or friends. However, service support programs, in the public sector by the government and in the voluntary sector by nonprofit organizations and corporations, has rapidly been growing and the number of services from each sector has also increased. Profit organizations in the private sector, such as medical and care service centers, are also now rapidly increasing. It appears that service support programs contributing to the work-family balance in the community come from a number of sectors, including public, voluntary, private and informal sectors, to suit consumer needs.

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A Historical Study on the Children's Libraries in Korea During the Period from 1945 to 2002 (한국 어린이도서관의 발전과정에 대한 역사적 연구: 1945-2002)

  • Kim, Jeewan;Chung, Yeon-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.95-119
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the development process of Korean children's libraries from 1945 to 2002. The development process of Korean children's library is divided into stages as follows. First, the preparation period (after colonial liberation in 1945~1976) is the time when library services for children were started, focusing on children's rooms in public libraries. The children's libraries were not recognized enough to be established. Second, the growing period (1977~2002), was primarily aimed at providing library services to children. In this period, the children's libraries were mainly established in the private sector rather than the public sector.

A Case Study on Classification System Design for Public Sector Information Typology (공공데이터 유형화를 위한 분류체계 설계에 관한 사례 연구 -미래창조과학부 산하기관의 공공데이터를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dae-Gi;Joo, Won-Kyun;Kim, Eunjin;Lee, Yong-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.51-68
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    • 2014
  • Today's public sector information is considered an important national asset that has social and economic value. Hence, developed countries are competitively promoting various policies to actively promote access to public sector information and the use of such information for private purposes. The Korean government is also boosting the Government 3.0 policy as a new governmental management paradigm that supports the creative economy. Despite these governmental efforts, since open public sector information is only classified from the supplier's perspective, it is difficult to have access to information for private application from the consumer's perspective and expand private applications because of the problems in identifying the information source. In this study, the concept of data from the user's perspective for the activation of private applications was defined by focusing on public sector information obtained by affiliated organizations of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning(MSIP). The new classification system was designed by analyzing the classification system of conventional open services of public sector information through investigation.

Energy Maestro and Development Status of the DNA-oriented Energy-ICT Technology for Carbon Neutrality (에너지 거장과 탄소 중립을 위한 DNA(데이터, 네트워크, 인공지능) 중심 에너지ICT 기술 개발 현황)

  • Park, W.K.;Ku, T.Y.;Lee, I.W.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2021
  • The Korean government recently announced a plan of the Carbon Neutral policy in addition to the Green New Deal of the Korean New Deal and the Renewable Energy 3020. The energy sector is entering the era of major transformation involving the expansion of decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization. DNA-oriented ICT technology will be incorporated into the sector. Further, new energy industries and services are being realized via efficient and smart operation and by appropriately managing the energy-environment changes. Recently, ETRI presented a technology development map for 2035 comprising 12 new concepts in four major fields(personal, social, industrial and public) of national intelligence. This map includes the concept of "Energy Maestro" associated with the field of public intelligence for human sustainability. This paper briefly introduces this concept and ETRI's Energy-R&D status. Based on the domain knowledge and the experience acquired through the R&D, ETRI will lead to a new paradigm with respect to the creation of new energy services and industries via the incorporation of the new ICT technologies including AI and big-data into the energy sector.

Exploring Working Group's Psychological Subjectivity on Public Smart Work Services in a Cloud-based Social Networking

  • Kim, Ki Youn;Song, In Kuk
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.4748-4762
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the COVID 19 pandemic has affected on our daily lives and society in many ways. Specifically, it has brought rapid changes in the working environment from office working to smart telecommuting. In addition, cloud computing technology and services not only provided ubiquitous access, but also led to a sharing of information, internal-external communication channels, telework, and innovative smart work for the business process. As a result, smart work services based on social cloud networking have spread to the public sector. However, existing academic research examining smart work merely remains to focus on the theoretical conceptualization or to deal with merely several examples of private views. Best practices of smart work services based on cloud computing technology in the public field rarely exists. Moreover, many studies have been differently measured the values of smart work for private and public sectors depending on organizational singularities. Therefore, the study aims to define new theoretical implications and to explore future business strategies and policy directions based on a technical working group's personal psychological subjectivity. The research applied Q methodology, and selected five public organizations in Korea, that they have adopted or currently plan to adopt some part of smart work services.

Present and Future Agricultural Extension System of Malawi (말라위 농촌지도사업의 현재와 미래)

  • Magomero, Siliro Nkhukuzalira;Park, Duk-Byeong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.211-254
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    • 2014
  • Malawi's agricultural extension system has been subjected to a number of criticisms in recent times for failing to contribute significantly to agricultural development and for not responding to the needs of the smallholder farmers. Despite this, extension is still seen as key to improving poverty and rural livelihoods.There is a number of challenges facing extension that require a response from the public sector and other stakeholders. A clear and positive response to these challenges will help shape the future of agricultural extension in Malawi for the benefit of all farmers and the attainment of the broad policy objectives of government: democratization, market liberalization, decentralization, HIV/AIDS crisis, shrinking public sector resources, public sector reform, and co-ordination, etc. The mission is to provide pluralistic demand driven extensions services and promote equalisation and co-ordination in service provision in order to achieve food security at household level, there-by reducing poverty. On the other hand the vision is that 'All farmers' demand and access high quality extension services from those best able to provide them'. DAES implements its extension policy through the District Agricultural Extension Services System (DAESS), based on Model Village Approach.

Introducing Contract-out in the Policing Service : Focusing on Policing segregated System (치안서비스의 민간위탁 도입에 관한 연구 : 치안분업모델을 중심으로)

  • Choe, Jung-Taek
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.12
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    • pp.309-333
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    • 2006
  • These days, the majority of public service area presents increment of utilizing a contracting-out with the following reasons such as cost-efficiency, maintenance of population changes in flexible manner, and convenience of management. The social changes have influence on policing structure and regional security system as well as problems associated with accepting the contracting-out in the public policing sector. However, many issues such as limited contracting-out sector, difficulty of encouragement of participation to private sector, and limitation of making a contract with contracting-out would be brought up when initiate contracting-out to the public policing sector. Changing security system to lower budget, planning restructure of organization, developing alterable partial contracting-out, establishing private and public cooperate system and rationalizing contract system are the suggestions to solve and modify the raising problems. This study suggests a differentiate regulation of policing services compare to currently existing contracting-out method to consider a distinctive working environment. The suggestions are as follows: 1. develop a security segregate model, 2. build a cooperative system between private and public policing sector, 3. broaden opportunity of participation of private policing sector, 4. open-competition among qualified private tender to make a contract. The private contracting-out in the public security service sector should be manage in different manner compare to other private contracting-out in government-oriented public service sector. Since work performance of each private contracting-out agency is strongly bond to safety of every civilian in the nation, it is essential to increase its standard of qualification of each agency.

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Key Factors Affecting the Development of Public-Private Partnerships in Water and Wastewater Services in the Jiangsu Province, China

  • Oh, Jihye;Lee, Seungho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.211-211
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    • 2022
  • The marketization reform from the open-door policy in 1978 was not only booming export-oriented industries with foreign investment but also expanding the role of private actors in the Chinese water sector. Private Sector Participation (PSP) has become an important element in developing urban infrastructure by providing better services with advanced facilities. The rapid development of PSP-driven urban water infrastructure in China has a positive impacted on Chinese economic development, particularly in coastal areas. PPPs in some coastal areas have successfully spread out over China since China applied the first Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) mode in the water sector in the early 1990s. The market-oriented water and wastewater, Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mechanism in the initial period of China has been transformed into a state-dominated PPP mechanism. The development pattern of the water and wastewater PPPs in China has been divided in four stages: the first period from 1984 to 2002, the second period from 2003 to 2008, the third period from 2009 to 2014, and the last period after 2015. The study aims to investigate the successful process of water and wastewater PPPs in local areas through five socioeconomic elements: export-oriented economic strategy, urbanization, cheap land policy, infrastructure investment, and water issues and climate change. In addition, the study focuses on analyzing the extent to which the Chinese government re-asserted its control over the PPP mechanism by classifying five elements in three different development Phases from early 2000 to 2020. The Jiangsu Province in the estern coastal area has actively invited PPP projects in the water and wastewater sectors. The successful introduction and rapid growth of PPPs in the urban water infrastructure has made the province an attractive area for a foreign investor.

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A Study on Activation of Oriental Medicine in Public Health Sector : The role of Oriental Public Health Physicians (한방 공공의료의 활성화에 관한 연구 - 공중보건 한의사의 활동을 중심으로 -)

  • Yi Sang-Gu;Moon Ok-Ryun;Piao Song-Lin;Lee Shin-Jae;Yoon Tae-Ho;Jeong Baek-Geun;Wen Yong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2000
  • From 1998, Oriental Medical Physicians(OMP) is distributed in Public Health Sector. but long term plan for Oriental Medicine in Public Health is not existed. So, this study is designed for the activation of OMP Subjects in this study were comprised 3 groups of oriental medicine related persons, the group of which are Students of 11 Oriental Medical Schools, Oriental Medical Physicians in Public Health Sector, Specialist Croup of Oriental medicine Policy(total 1,458 persons). Data were collected from July 1st to November 30, 1999. Direct interview with key persons, systematic interview by using of interview protocol, e-mail and facsimile have been conducted. The results of survey were coded by Excel 5.0, and analysed with SAS 6.12 statistical package. Inter-group difference determined by T-test, and descriptive statistics have been examined. Major findings can be epitomized as follows. 1) OMP disposition to multifarious organizations and institutes such as Public Health Centers, Public Health Sub-centers, Public Hospitals, Private Hospitals in Remote-Vulnerable Area, Community Social Welfare Centers, Institutes for Heath Policy Research, etc, will promise an effective use of Oriental Medical Physician. 2) Average number of patients treated by OMP was 22.8, average budget for oriental medical department, in which OMP were affiliated, was 39.6 million Won per year. Direct cost per every patient visit was 7,210.9 Won, which is considered expensive for public health service. Therefore, development and transformation for Oriental Medical Service in Public Health Sector is desirable in economic and political aspects. 3) It is recommended that ${\ulcorner}Advisory\;Committee{\lrcorner},{\ulcorner}Planning\;Commission\;for\; Public\;Health\;in\;Oriental\;Medicine{\lrcorner}$ should be established for the activation and for the support of Oriental Medical Physician in Public Health Sector, 4) Most effective programmes for oriental public health doctor are health service programmes for the elderly, Home health visit, chronic degenerative disease control services(p<0.001). 5) Standard guideline for facilities and equipments of Oriental Medicine Department in Public Health Center is needed for optimal supply of resources and activation of public health activity.

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