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A Status of Technology and Policy of Nuclear Spent Fuel Treatment in Advanced Nuclear Program Countries and Relevant Research Works in Korea (선진 원자력발전국의 사용후핵연료 처리기술 및 정책현황과 우리나라의 관련연구 현황)

  • You, Gil-Sung;Choung, Won-Myung;Ku, Jeong-Hoe;Cho, Il-Je;Kook, Dong-Hak;Kwon, Kie-Chan;Lee, Won-Kyung;Lee, Eun-Pyo;Hong, Dong-Hee;Yoon, Ji-Sup;Park, Seong-Won
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.339-350
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    • 2007
  • Status on the spent nuclear fuel management policy and R&D plan of the major countries is surveyed. Also the prospect of the future R&D plan is suggested. Recently so-called fuel cycle nations, which have the reprocess policy of the spent fuel, announced new spent fuel management policy based on the advanced fuel cycle technology. The policy is focused to transmute highly radioactive material and material having a very long half-life, and to recycle the Pu and U contained in the spent fuel. In this way the radio-foxily of the spent fuel as well as the amount of the high level waste to be eventually disposed can greatly be reduced. Most of countries selected the wet process as a primary option for the treatment of the spent fuel since the advanced wet process, which is based on the existing PUREX process, looks more feasible as compared with the dry process. The wet process, however, is much more sensitive in terms of proliferation-resistance compared with the dry process. The pure Pu can easily be obtained by simply modifying the process. On the other hand the pure Pu can not be extracted in the dry process based on the high temperature molten salt process such as a pyroprocess. Even though the pyroprocess technology is very premature, it has a great merit. Thus it is necessary for Korea to have a long term strategy for pursuing a spent fuel treatment technology with a proliferation resistance and a great merit for the GEN-IV fuel cycles. Pyroprocess is one of the best candidates to satisfy these purposes.

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A Study on the Adolescent Growth Spurt of Skinfold, Muscle and Bone Variables Aligned on Peak Height Velocity in Boys and Girls (PHV 척도를 기준한 피하지방후, 근과 골 변인의 사춘기 발육분출에 관한 연구)

  • Shin Sang-Keun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.16 no.2 s.75
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study was to examine the timing and magnitude of growth spurt in skinfold, body musle and bone related variables aligned on peak height velocity in boys and girls. In the study design, the subjects and the method were used by the cross-sectional investigation. The subjects participated in this study were 7 through 18 years of age belonged to typical primary, junior, senior high school students, and about 250 males and 250 females in each age group. The total subjects were 2,798 males and 2,762 females. All subjects of this study were lived in Pusan metropolitan city, Korea. The growth velocity magnitudes of sum of the four sites sknfold thickness, body musle and bone related variables. Velocity curve chart of physique was the smoothed according to an approximation of splines by the Sigma Plot-2001 graphic program. In this study, age at PHV of girls occurred eariler about 2 years than boys. In sum of four sites skinfold thickness, PV occurred -2 years from PHV in boys, and PV occurred +2 years from PHV in girls, respectively. In humerus breadth, two PV occurred before and after PHV in boys, whereas PV occurred -1 year from PHV in girls, respectively. In femur breadth, PFV and PHV appeared to occure the same time in boys, PV occurred -2 years from PHV in girls, respectively, In arm circumference, PV occurred after PHV in both sexes. In calf circumference, PV occurred +2 years from PHV in boys, PCCV and PHV appeared to occure the same time in girls, respectively. In magnitudes of peak velocity of body height, humerus breadth, femur breadth, arm circumference and calf circumfence, boys obtained higher than girls, on the other hand, girls obtained higher than boys in sum of four sites skinfold variable. we need to longitudinal and scientific investigation by Korean government level in adolescent growth spurt study, because childhood and adolescence achive higher positive physical education effect than the other ages.


  • 김모임
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1973
  • This study is designed to meet the following objectives: (1) To study attitude and behavior regarding marriage and age at marriage, (2) To learn correlates of age at marriage and to examine their relations, (3) To measure relative importance of the correlates of age at marriage, and (4) To study relations of age at marriage and family planning practice to fertility and their relative importance as correlates of fertility. The data are obtained by an independent cross-sectional survey in three study areas purposively selected to represent metropolitan. semihuman. rural population. The study population is confined to women age 17-50 as of survey. The overall response rate is 90%. Reliability of data is measured by . individual and aggregate inconsistency based upon a 15% subsample of the original interviews. The individual inconsistency (31%) is found to be high compared to the aggregate inconsistency (6%) for all 85 variables. However, the magnitude of differences between means is small, and the mean absolute shifts and proportional shifts are also small on the whole. In a word respondents did not change their answers too extremely or radically. The study populations of each study area are compared on some basic characteristics. It is found that the three study populations have more dissimilarities than similarities. The findings on seven different attitudinal positions of women toward marriage indicate that there have been tremendous changes in all study areas Iron "traditional" attitudes which have been prevalent for a long time in Korean society to "liberalized" or "modernized" attitudes. An apparent tendency is that women generally take a position of a "golden mean" attitude by not preferring either extreme of marriage attitudes. Nevertheless, the young, single, educated, and urbanite appears more "liberalized. " There has been some increase in ideal age at marriage from 1958 to 1970 for both sexes. No age group, marital status, or study area differentials in ideal age at marriage are found, the average ideal age at marriage in every sub-group being 24-25. Awareness of existing legal marriageable ages is low; only 4.4% are aware that "with parental permission: minimum age for males is 18 years and for females 16 years,"and only 3.7% are aware that "without parental permission: 27 years for males and 23 years for females." People in Korra tend to marry spouses who are in various social ways like themselves: the similarities include (a) education, occupational status of father, (c) economic status, (d) usual residence before marriage, and (e) religion. Both singulars and actual mean ages at marriage in this study confirm the trend of rising age at marriage previously established by other independent studies. The urban-rural differential in age at marriage is observed, but the differential narrows down gradually from 1935 to 1970. All socio-economic, demographic, and other variables pertaining to wife before and at first marriage, excluding (a) religion, (b) father′s of occupation, and (c) as: of menarche, are correlated with respondent's age at first marriage, whereas only three variables out of all socio-economic variables relating to husband before and at wife′s first marriage, viz., (a) education, (b) usual residence, and (c) economic level of his old home, are correlated with respondent′s age at marriage. Among socio-economic and modernity variables related to either husband or wife at the time of survey, only education and duration of residence are correlated with wife′s age at first marriage. Among the correlates of respondent′age at first marriage, education is in general the most important variable. However, it is found that wife′s education is more important than husband′s. The combined effects or the correlates studied explain no more than about 40% of variance for any of the selected groups of variables. Points which might counteract the effects of late marriage on fertility are not serious in Korea. For each of the correlates of the three fertility indices chosen for this study. namely, (a) number of living children, (b) number of live births, and (c) number of pregnancies, age at marriage is the major contributor to the variance in all age groups except the age group of 20-29 in which the index of family planning practice is the major contributor. The proportion of variability in fertility indices accounted for by the correlates is never more than 40% of the total variance in any age group. Based upon the findings from this study, it could be concluded that in the foreseeable future (a) celibate group will no! be increased to a point that would slow down population growth rate in Korea, (b) age at marriage will not increase continually, (c) although education stands out as the major contributing variable which independently explains the variation in age at marriage, it seems probable that education may not be the major variable in the near future, and (d) despite the fact found by this study that age at marriages has been the major contributor to the variance of each of the fertility indices used, family planning practice will play a more important role in the reduction of fertility in the Korean society. Therefore, factors interrupting practice of family planning must be eliminated and family planning program should be strengthened if further fertility reduction is needed.

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A Study and Survey on Clinical Nurses concerning the General Items, the Motives of Determining their Profession, the Attitudes toward their Profession and the Desire and Expectation to their Profession and Society (임상간호원에 대한 연구조사)

  • 이귀향;우옥자;서문자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.78-96
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    • 1973
  • This study of 855 clinical nurses was conducted using a questionnaire that include tour different scales; the motives of determining their profession, the attitudes toward their profession, the general items, and desire and expectation to their profession and society. The data were analyzed by Chi-Square Test and Percentage. The results of this study included Hypothesis are as follows; The respondents were 855 (78.6%) among 1088 clinical nurses who were employed by General of Educational hospitals through the city of Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Daejun, Kwangju, and Wonju. 1) a. In the Age Distribution, the majority of respondents were under the age of 30yrs(88.2%) and the minority were above 31yrs(11.2%), and the preponderance of the majority to minority(9:1) was noted. In compared with area, a group above 31yrs old in Seoul (6.9%) was lower than other area (16.3%). b. The types of Educational background were 16.3% in Voc.Tr. School, 66.5% in Diploma and 17.1% in Degree.146 clinical nurses were from the Degree course, and 142 (97.3%) CN among those of them were occupied around Seoul and 4(2.7%) around other area. c. In the Marital Status,71,5% were the unmarried and 28.5% were the married. And compared with the area was 20.4% in Seoul and 41.4% in other area. d. Most common Length of Clinical Experience after graduation was under tile 2yrs (55.4%), 3yrs(14.2%, and 4yrs (6.2%). In compared with area, Seoul (15.3%) was lower than other area (38.1%) above 5yrs of clinical experience, and the preponderance of tile other area to Seoul as 2.5: I was noted. 2) a. Hypothesis 1 was significant relation between the types of Educational Background of the CN and their motives for selection of Nursing, P-value was below 0.01. b. There was a significance on hypothesis 2 (P<0.01): that was relation between their motives for selection of clinical nursing field after their graduation and the area which they were employed. c. Hypothesis 4 was accepted as significant relation between the level of satisfaction of their clinical experience after their graduation and the types of educational back ground, P-value was below 0.01. d. There was a significance on hypothesis 5(P<0.01) that was relation between the CN's response about the orientation program and the area which they were employed. e. Hypothesis 6 was retained as significant relation between the area and inservice educational programme of their employed hospital was practising or not. P-value was 0.01. f. Hypothesis 7 was retained as significant relation between the area and the CN's response about the inservice educational programme of their employed. P-value was below 0.01. g. There was a significance on hypothesis 8 (P<0.0l) that was relation between the CN's experience on attending the professional meeting and the area. h. Hypothesis 10 was accepted as significant relation between the response about the present licence system and their educational background. p-value was below 0.01. i. There was a significance on hypothesis 11 (P fO.01) that was relation between the carrying out the regular and delivery vacation and the area. J. Hypothesis 12 was accepted as significant relation between the CN's consideration of the lack of leisure and their marital status. p-value was below 0.01' k. There was a significance on hypothesis 13 (P <0.01) that was relation between the CN's response about their salary and their marital status. l. Hypothesis 14 was significant relation between the most difficulties of CN during their working and the hospital which they were employed. p-value was below 0.01.

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Menstrual Experience of Adolescent Girls (사춘기 여성들의 월경경험)

  • 정현숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.257-270
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    • 1996
  • Studies on menstruation have focused only on menstruation itself and menstrual disorders. The menstruating girls or women have been neglected. So, the purpose of this study was to understand menstrual experience of adolescent girls in their perspective and build a theory on it, The specific purpose of this study were to find initial reaction of the girls, their strategies to adapt to menstruation. consequences of their efforts, influencing factor, and patterns of experience. The subjects of this study were eleven adolescent girls who experienced menarche three months to twenty-six months before the interview time. They were selected purposively. Their ages were in range of twelve and sixteen. One of them was a elementary school girl, three high school girls, and seven middle school girls. Two girls were handicapped because of cerebral palsy. All of them had some knowledge about menstrual physiology and hygiene during menstruation. Data were collected from September, 1994 to July, 1995. Data collection & analysis were done according to the grounded theory methodology by Strauss & Corbin(1990). Data collecting method was the long interviews and observation. Each interview took from 1 hour to 2 hours. Interview were tape-recorded and transcribed later by author. Data were analyzed immediately after interviews. Based on the results of previous interview, next interview were planned until gathered data reached the saturation point. Results were as follows. One hundred and six concepts were found. Those concepts were grouped into twenty eight categories and then fourteen higher categories. Twenty eight categories were as follows. “want to hide”, “bewildered”, “sense of burden”, “sense of heterogeneity”. “gladness”. “sense of superiority”, “negative empathy”, “positive empathy”, “limited hygenic control”, “sense of timing”, “lack of knowledge”, “lack of support”, “advance knowledge”, “informational support”, “emotional support”, “endurance”, “prayer”, “disclosing”, “avoidance”, “diversion”, “sense of powerlessness”, “discovery of sex identity”, “sense of maturation”, “sense of stability”, “acceptance of menstruation ”. fourteen higher categories were as follows. “negative feeling”, “posive feeling”, “exchange of feeling”, “limited hygenic control”, “sense of timing”, “accumulated experience”, “dysmenorrhea”, “level of knowledge”, “need for support”, “perceived support”, “sharing of feeling”, “self-control”, “passive acceptance”, “active acceptance”. The core category was “emotional shaking”, which consisted of “positive feeling” and “negative feeling”. “Emotional shaking”comes up to every adolescent girls experiencing menarche, independently of any contextual conditions, and its dimension has two directions : positive one and negative one. Its influencing factors were time of menarche, advance knowledge, support from the significant persons, expression and self-regulation. Even if they showed different process of adaptation to menstruation, general process of adaptation were as follows : 1. stage of emotional shaking 2. stage of acceptance 3. stage of internalization of the menstrual experience. Seven patterns existed on the process of adaptation to menstruation after menarche. Those are as follows. 1. If girls thought their menarche came too early and they had not much knowledge on menstruation, they had a kind of negative feeling. If they did not get enough support and dysmenorrhea superimposed, they came to accept menstruation passively. 2. If girls had menarche too early. they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge. But support helped them accept menstruation easily. 3. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. But by experiencing subsequent menstruations and disclosing feeling, they began to accept menstruation. 4. If girls had menarche too lately and they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. they had positive feeling. If dysmenorrhea superimposed later, their feeling turned in to negative one. But they came to accept menstruation positively by disclosing feeling and getting support. 5. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. In addition to this. if dysmenorrhes superimposed while they did not get enough support, they felt powerless and came to accept menstruation passively. 6. If girls had menarche too early and did not get enough advance knowledge, they had negative feeling. But disclosing feeling and support made them get sense of homogeneity and began to accept menstruation. 7. If girls had handicap, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge and menarche was late. But Menarche made them get feel sexual identity. Their limited hygenic control and negative empathy from their mothers made them accept menstruation passively. To let adolescent girls take their menstrual experience as a part of their lives forming a positive sense of feminine identity, it needs qualified teaching and, support and deep concern of the significant others. Nurses including school nurses should try to develop an educational program, which include menstrual physiology. hygiene during menstrual period, meaning of menstruation and impact of menstruation on the development of female sexual identity.

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Comparision of Family Environment, Health Behavior and Health State of Elementary Students in Urban and Rural Areas (도시.농촌 지역 초등학생의 가족환경, 건강행위 및 건강상태에 관한 비교)

  • Bae, Yeon-Suk;Park, Kyung-Min
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.502-517
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    • 1998
  • This research intends to survey family environment, health behavior and health status of the students in urban-rural elementary schools and analyze those factors comparatively, and use the result as basic material for school health teacher to teach health education in connection with family and regional areas. It also intends to improve a pupil's self-abilitiy in health care. The subjects involve 2,774 students of urban elementary schools and 583 student in rural ones, who were selected by means of a multi -stage probability sampling. Using the questionnaire and school documents, we collected data on family environment, health behavior and health status for 19 days. Feb. 2nd 1998 through Feb. 20th 1998. The R -form of Family Environment Scale (Moos, 1974) was used in the analysis of family environment(Cronbach's Alpha =0.80). Questionnaires of Health Behavior in School-aged children used by the WHO in Europe(Aaro et al., 1986) and the ones developed by the Health Promotion Committee of the Western Pacific(WHO, 1995)(adapted by long Young-suk and Moon Young-hee(1996)) were used in the analysis of health behavior, as well documents on absences due to sickness, school health room-visits, levels of physical strength, height, weight and degree of obesity were used to determine health status. In next step, We used them with an $X^2$-test, t-test, Odds Ratio, and a 95% Confidence Interval. 1. In two dimensions of three, family-relationship (t=3.41, p=0.001) and system -maintenances(t= 2.41, p=0.0l6) the mean score of urban children were significantly higher than those of rural ones. In the personal development dimension however, there was little significant difference. Assorting family environment into 10 sub-fields and analyzing them, we recognized that urban children were superior to rural children in the sub-fields of expressiveness (t =3.47, p=0.001), conflict (t=0.48, p=0.001), active-recreational orientation (t = 1.97, p=0.049) and organization (t=4.33, p=0.000). 2. Referring to the Odds Ratios of urban-rural children's health behaviors, urban children set up more desirable behavior than rural children wear ing safety belts (Odds Ratio =0.32, p=0.000), washing hands after meals(Odds Ratio = 0.43, p= 0.000), washing hands after excreting (Odds Ratio = 0.39, p=O.OOO), washing hands after coming - home ( Odds Ratio = 0.75, p = 0.003), brushing teeth before sleeping(Odds Ratio =0.45, p=0.000), brushing teeth more than once a day (Odds Ratio =0.73, p=0.0l2), drinking boiled water (Odds Ratio = 0.49, p=0.000), collecting garbage at home(Odds Ratio=0.31, p=0.000) and in the school(Odds Ratio =0. 67, p=0.000). All these led to significant differences. As to taking milk(Odds Ratio = 1.50, p=0.000), taking care of eyesight(Odds Ratio=1.41, p=0.001) and getting physical exercise in(Odds Ratio = 1.33, p=0.0l9) and outside the school(Odds Ratio = 1.32, p=0.005), rural children had more desirable behavior which also revealed a significant difference. There was little significant difference in smoking, but the smoking rate of rural children(5.5%) was larger than that of urban children(3.9%). 3. Health status was analyzed in terms of absences, school health room-visits, levels of physical strength, and the degree of obesity, height and weight. Considering Odds Ratios of the health status of urban-rural children, the health status of rural children was significantly better than that of the urban ones in the level of physical strength(t=1.51, p=0.000) and the degree of obesity(t=1.84, p=0.000). The mean height of urban children ($150.4{\pm}7.5cm$) is taller than that of their counterparts($149.5{\pm}7.9$), which revealed a significant difference (t =2.47, p=0.0l4). The mean weight of urban children($42.9{\pm}8.6kg$) is larger than that of their counterparts($41.8{\pm}9.0kg$), which was also a significant difference(t=2.81, p=0.005). Considering the results above, we can recognize that there are significant differences in family environment, health behavior, and health status in urban-rural children. These results also suggestion ideas for health education. What we would suggest for the health program of elementary schools is that school health teachers should play an active role in promoting the need and importance of health education, develop the appropriate programs which correspond to the regional characteristics, and incorporate them into schools to improve children's ability to manage their own health management.

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Weight Reduction Dieting Survey and Satisfaction Degree and Diet Related Knowledge among Adult Women by Age (연령별 성인 여성의 체중감량 다이어트 실태와 만족도 및 관련지식)

  • Kim, Myung-Kyung;Lee, Gui-Chu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.572-582
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    • 2006
  • This survey was conducted from June 2004 to August 2004, through questionnaires given to 432 women aged ranging from 20 to 50 years, who were living in the Seoul metropolitan area. The questionnaires were designed to determine the physique, level of obesity and dieting survey as well as to uncover which diets were in fashion and their satisfaction degree. Dieting-related knowledge and dieting side effects were also investigated. The results were as follows: In dieting survey, as the age increased, dieting for health reason (52.3%) increased, whereas that for aesthetic reasons (32.6%) decreased (p<0.05). The most effective methods of dieting were exercise (50.2%) and diet (45.0%) regimens. In regards to exercise frequency, 46.5% for none, 23.5% for 1-2 times a week, suggesting that most respondents do not practice exercise for dieting purposes (p<0.05). Major source for dieting was shown to be obtained from relative family or friends (31.7%), newspapers or magazines (29.3%) and internet (14.9%). As the age decreased, information from the latter increased, whereas that from TV program (21.2%) decreased (p<0.05). Reasons for excess weight were bad eating habits (39.6%), lack of exercise (38.3%), pregnancy and childbirth (10.6%). In fad dieting, while organic foods and aerobic exercises scored the highest satisfaction degree among diet and exercise regimens, on the other hand, sauna, steam baths and high temperature half-immersion baths scored the highest among surgery and other special therapies. As the age increased, the satisfaction degree for organic foods such as organic vegetable and high functional boiled cooked rice increased (p<0.05). As the age increased, scores on dieting-related knowledge decreased. Side effects of dieting included dizziness 06.2%) fatigue (15.1%) indigestion/constipation (11.1%) physical weakness 00.5%), loss of concentration (7.8%), dry skin (7.4%) loss of motivation (6.7%). The above results showed that attitude toward dieting among adult women varied with age and in light of the well-being trend, organic foods and aerobic exercises scored the highest satisfaction degree through all age.

Estimation of Uranium Particle Concentration in the Korean Peninsula Caused by North Korea's Uranium Enrichment Facility (북한 우라늄 농축시설로 인한 한반도에서의 공기중 우라늄 입자 농도 예측)

  • Kwak, Sung-Woo;Kang, Han-Byeol;Shin, Jung-Ki;Lee, Junghyun
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2014
  • North Korea's uranium enrichment facility is a matter of international concern. It is of particular alarming to South Korea with regard to the security and safety of the country. This situation requires continuous monitoring of the DPRK and emergency preparedness on the part of the ROK. To assess the detectability of an undeclared uranium enrichment plant in North Korea, uranium concentrations in the air at both a short and a long distance from the enrichment facility were estimated. $UF_6$ source terms were determined by using existing information on North Korean facility and data from the operation experience of enrichment plants from other countries. Using the calculated source terms, two atmospheric dispersion models (Gaussian Plume Model and HYSPLIT models) and meteorological data were used to estimate the uranium particle concentrations from the Yongbyon enrichment facility. A maximum uranium concentration and its location are dependent upon the meteorological conditions and the height of the UF6 release point. This study showed that the maximum uranium concentration around the enrichment facility was about $1.0{\times}10^{-7}g{\cdot}m^{-3}$. The location of the maximum concentration was within about 0.4 km of the facility. It has been assumed that the uranium sample of about a few micrograms (${\mu}g$) could be obtained; and that few micrograms of uranium can be easily measured with current measurement instruments. On the contrary, a uranium concentration at a distance of more than 100 kilometers from the enrichment facility was estimated to be about $1.0{\times}10^{-13}{\sim}1.0{\times}10^{-15}g{\cdot}m^{-3}$, which is less than back-ground level. Therefore, based on the results of our paper, an air sample taken within the vicinity of the Yongbyon enrichment facility could be used to determine as to whether or not North Korea is carrying out an undeclared nuclear program. However, the air samples taken at a longer distance of a few hundred kilometers would prove difficult in detecting a clandestine nuclear activities.

Conceptual Design of the Three Unit Fixed Partial Denture with Glass Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composites (Glass fiber 강화 복합레진을 사용한 3본 고정성 국소의치의 개념 설계 연구)

  • Na, Kyoung-Hee;Lee, Kyu-Bok;Jo, Kwang-Hun
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 2002
  • The results of the present feasibility study are summarized as follows, 1. The three unit bridge of knitted material and UD fibre reinforcement has both the rigidity and the strength against a vertical occlusal load of 75N. 2. Stress concentration at the junctional area between the bridge and the abutments, i.e. between the pontic and the knitted caps was observed. In the case of the bridge with reinforcement straps, it was partly shown that the concentration problem could be improved by simply increasing the fillet size at the area. Further refining in the surface of the junctional area will be needed to ensure a further improvement in the stress distribution. This will require some trade off in the level of the stress and the available space. A parametric study will help to decide the appropriate size of the fillet. 3. Design refinement is a must to improve the stress distribution and realize the most favourable shape in terms of fabrication. The current straight bar with a constant cross section area can be redesigned to a tapered shape. The curve from the dental arch should also be placed on the pontic design. In accordance with design refinement, the resistance of the bridge frame to other load cases should be evaluated. 4. Although not included in the present feasibility study, it is estimated that bridges of the anterior teeth can be made strong enough with the knitted material without further reinforcement using unidirectional materials. In this regard, a feasibility study on design concepts and stress analysis for 3, 4, 5 unit bridge is suggested. 5. Two types of bridge were analysed in terms of fatigue. The safe life design concept, i.e. fatigue design concept, looks reasonable for the bridge where if cracks should form and propagate there is virtually nothing a dentist to do. The bridge must be designed so that no crack will be initiated during the life span. In the case of crowns, however, if constructed with composite resin with knitted materials, it might be possible to repair them, which in general is impossible for crowns of PFM or of metal. Therefore for composite resin crowns, a damage tolerance design concept can be applied and reasonably higher operational stresses can be allowed. In this case, of course, a periodic inspection program should be established in parallel. 6. Parts of future works in terms of structural viewpoint which need to be addressed are summarized as the following: 1) To develop processing technology to accommodate design concepts; 2) More realistic modelling of the bridge and analysis-geometry and loading condition. Thickness variation in the knitted material, taper in the pontic, design for anterior tooth bridge, the effect of combined loads, etc, will need to be included; 3) To develop appropriate design concepts and design goals for the fibre composite FPD aiming at taking the best advantage of knitted materials, including the damage tolerance design concept; 4) To develop testing method and perform test such as static ultimate load test, fatigue test, repair test, etc, as necessary.

The Effect of Home economic education teaching plans for students in academic and those in vocational high schools' 'Preparation for Successful aging' in the 'Family life in old age' unit -A comparative study between practical problem-teaching lesson plans and instructor-led teaching and learning plans- (인문계와 가사.실업 전문계 고등학생의 '성공적인 노후생활 준비교육'을 위한 가정과 수업의 적용과 효과 -실천적 문제 중심 수업과 강의식 수업을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jong-Hui;Cho, Byung-Eun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.105-124
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    • 2011
  • To achieve this objective, practical problem-teaching lesson plans and instructor-led teaching and learning plans were developed and integrated into the Technology Home Economics, and Human Development curricula at both academic and vocational high schools. The impact of these plans was examined, as were connections between the teaching methods and types of schools. As part of this study, a survey was conducted on 1,263 students in 46 classes at 6 randomly selected high schools: 4 academic and 2 vocational. A total of 9 teachers conducted classes for both experimental and comparative groups between October 2009 and November 2010. Pre- and post-tests were used to study the impact of the lessons on the experimental and comparative groups. In terms of data analysis and statistics processing, this study implemented mean and standard deviations, t-test, and analysis of covariance using the SPSS 12.0 program. The results of this study are as follows. The practical problem-teaching lessons produced more positive results in the students than the instructor-led lessons, in terms of their image of the elderly, their level of knowledge about them, their understanding of their need for welfare services, and preparation for Successful aging. When comparing the results by type of school, the experimental groups at academic high schools appeared to have a more positive image and better understanding of the elderly and their need for welfare services, and were better prepared for Successful aging than during their previous lessons. They also showed an increase in independence from their children in aging. As for the comparative groups, students at academic high schools showed an increase in preparation for Successful aging compared to the previous lessons. Finally, as for future research on preparation for aging in high schools, more schools should include this subject in their regular curriculum for Technology Home Economics, Human Development and Home Economics in order to generalize the results, and they need to evaluate the content. Additionally, this study suggests that new high school curricula should include lessons on preparation for aging so that students can deal successfully with our aging society.

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