• Title/Summary/Keyword: Production scheduling

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A Two-Stage Heuristic for Capacitated Disassembly Scheduling (자원제약을 고려한 분해 일정계획 문제에 대한 2 단계 발견적 기법)

  • Jeon, Hyong-Bae;Kim, Jun-Gyu;Kim, Hwa-Joong;Lee, Dong-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.715-722
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    • 2005
  • Disassembly scheduling is the problem of determining the quantity and timing of disassembling used products while satisfying the demand of their parts or components over a planning horizon. The case of single product type with assembly structure is considered for the objective of minimizing the sum of disassembly operation and inventory holding costs. In particular, the resource capacity constraint is explicitly considered. The problem is formulated as an integer programming model, and a two-stage heuristic with construction and improvement algorithms is suggested in this paper. To show the performance of the heuristic, computational experiments are done on a number of randomly generated problems, and the test results show that the algorithm can give near optimal solutions within a very short amount of computation time.

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Development of a Computer System for the Lot-sizing and Scheduling of the Side Frame Press Shop (상용차 Side Frame 공정의 생산계획 및 일정계획 수립 시스템 개발)

  • Hwang, Hark;Cha, Chun-Nam;Sun, Ji-Ung;Hann, Kyu-Hun;Moon, Seong-Woo;Lee, Suk;Hong, Seong-Pyo
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.3-17
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    • 1996
  • Productivity improvement is one of the most challenging problem facing the motor industry. This paper deals with the lot sizing and production scheduling problems of the side frame press shop in a domestic truck manufacturing company. The problems can not be solved simultaneously due to the computational complexity. Thus, we present a heuristic method which solves the two problems sequentially with the objective of maximizing the press utilization while maintaining a minimum inventory level. A micro-computer-based software is developed for easy implementation of the heuristic in the shop floor level.

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No-Wait Lot-Streaming Flow Shop Scheduling (비정체 로트 - 스트리밍 흐름공정 일정계획)

  • Yoon, Suk-Hun
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.242-248
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    • 2004
  • Lot-streaming is the process of splitting a job (lot) into a number of smaller sublots to allow the overlapping of operations between successive machines in a multi-stage production system. A new genetic algorithm (NGA) is proposed for minimizing the mean weighted absolute deviation of job completion times from due dates when jobs are scheduled in a no-wait lot-streaming flow shop. In a no-wait flow shop, each sublot must be processed continuously from its start in the first machine to its completion in the last machine without any interruption on machines and without any waiting in between the machines. NGA replaces selection and mating operators of genetic algorithms (GAs), which often lead to premature convergence, by new operators (marriage and pregnancy operators) and adopts the idea of inter-chromosomal dominance. The performance of NGA is compared with that of GA and the results of computational experiments show that NGA works well for this type of problem.

A Lagrangian Relaxation Method for Parallel Machine Scheduling with Resource Constraints

  • Kim, Dae-Cheol
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 1998
  • This research considers the problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines with non-common due dates and additional resource constraints. The objective is to minimize the total absolute deviation of job completion times about the due dates. Job processing times are assumed to be the same. This problem is motivated by restrictions that occur in the handling and processing of jobs in certain phases of semiconductor manufacturing and other production systems. We examine two problems. For the first of these, the number of different types of additional: resources and resource requirements per job are arbitrary. The problem is formulated as a zero-one integer linear programming and the Lagrangian relaxation approach is used. For the second case, there exists one single type of additional resource and the resource requirements per job are zero or one. We show how to formulate the problem as an assignment problem.

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A Study on Computer-Generated time Standard Calculations with Applications (작업표준시간산출(作業標準時間算出)의 전산화(電算化)와 적용사례(適用事例))

  • Yu, Byeong-Nam;Sin, Hyeon-Pyo
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 1988
  • Since many small and medium sized enterprises in Korea have lack of funds to install a commercial computer packages for work standards and work scheduling. This study has been attempted to develop the computer-generated package to ease those problems. The system consisted of three major parts. The first part is a work measurement program applying W.F.(work factor) predetermined time standards for work standards. The second part is a work scheduling program which calculates each operator's machine and job allocation. The last part is a control program for the production outputs and the machine utilization monitoring. The system is programmed by dBASE III for the IBM-PC compatibles for the sake of user's conveniences.

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A Genetic Algorithm with a New Repair Process for Solving Multi-stage, Multi-machine, Multi-product Scheduling Problems

  • Pongcharoen, Pupong;Khadwilard, Aphirak;Hicks, Christian
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.204-213
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    • 2008
  • Companies that produce capital goods need to schedule the production of products that have complex product structures with components that require many operations on different machines. A feasible schedule must satisfy operation and assembly precedence constraints. It is also important to avoid deadlock situations. In this paper a Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been developed that includes a new repair process that rectifies infeasible schedules that are produced during the evolution process. The algorithm was designed to minimise the combination of earliness and tardiness penalties and took into account finite capacity constraints. Three different sized problems were obtained from a collaborating capital goods company. A design of experimental approach was used to systematically identify that the best genetic operators and GA parameters for each size of problem.

An approach to building factory scheduling expert system by using model-based AI tool

  • Maruyama, Tadsshi;Konno, Satoshi
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1992.10b
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    • pp.446-451
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    • 1992
  • In this paper, we propose a method to manage production system easily for operators when either equipments or products are changed. And we explain the scheduling AI tool which realizes the proposal method. The tool's knowledge expression consists of models, rules, mathematical expression and fuzzy logic. The model expresses the relations between products and manufacture, and properties of products. The models are separated into three type, equipment model, operation model, and product model. These models are classified by applicable fields as the assembly process or continuous plant process, The model expression of each type is based on object oriented paradigm. We report systems utilizing our approach.

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Evaluating Schedule Uncertainty in Unit-Based Repetitive Building Projects

  • Okmen, Onder
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2013
  • Various risk factors affect construction projects. Due to the uncertainties created by risk factors, actual activity durations frequently deviate from the estimated durations in either favorable or adverse direction. For this reason, evaluation of schedule uncertainty is required to make decisions accurately when managing construction projects. In this regard, this paper presents a new computer simulation model - the Repetitive Schedule Risk Analysis Model (RSRAM) - to evaluate unit-based repetitive building project schedules under uncertainty when activity durations and risk factors are correlated. The proposed model utilizes Monte Carlo Simulation and a Critical Path Method based repetitive scheduling procedure. This new procedure concurrently provides the utilization of resources without interruption and the maintenance of network logic through successive units. Furthermore, it enables assigning variable production rates to the activities from one unit to another and any kind of relationship type with or without lag time. Details of the model are described and an example application is presented. The findings show that the model produces realistic results regarding the extent of uncertainty inherent in the schedule.

Operations Scheduling for Multi-item, Small-sized Production (다종소량생산(多種少量生産)의 일정계획(日程計劃))

  • Jo, Gyu-Gap;O, Su-Cheol;Yang, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 1985
  • Group scheduling problem in a multi-stage manufacturing system is reviewed and two heuristic procedures for minimizing the makespan are developed by employing the methods of flow shop sequencing heuristics with a slight modification. The comparisons among the five heuristics, three previously reported heuristics and two heuristics suggested by this study, are made on different problem sizes. The computational results indicate that NEH-GS method gives better group schedules than the other heuristics tested, but its computation time increases rapidly as the problem size increases. On the other hand, CDS-GS method provides relatively good group schedules with less computation time compared with NEH-GS method.

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Scheduling of the Bottleneck Operation with Capacity-Dependent Processing Time (장비능력에 의존적인 처리시간을 가진 애로공정의 일정계획 수립(몰드변압기 공장을 중심으로))

  • Seo, Jun-Yong;Koh, Jae-Moon
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.385-393
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, a scheme of scheduling a bottleneck operation is presented for production planning of make-to-order. We focus on the problem of capacity-dependent processing time in which processing time of the bottleneck operation is not fixed, but varies with job sequence or equipment capacity. For this, a genetic algorithm is applied for job sequencing with an objective function of mean square of weighted deviation. An experimental study is implemented in power transformer plant and results are compared with those of the EDD rule. It shows that the genetic algorithm is relatively good for most cases.

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