• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preschool-Age Children

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Effectiveness of Sonic and Manual Toothbrush in Preschool Children (미취학 어린이에서 음파 칫솔과 일반 칫솔의 효과)

  • Shin, Youngseob;Lee, Hyoseol;Song, Jeseon;Lee, Jaeho
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.374-381
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of sonic and manual toothbrushes using the $L{\ddot{o}}e$ and Silness plaque index (PI). This was an examiner-blind, randomized study with a cross-over design. A total of 34 children (17 males and 17 females) aged 3-6 years were included. Subjects were randomly assigned to two groups: one group used the sonic brush for two weeks before using the manual brush for two weeks, while the other group used the manual brush for two weeks followed by the sonic brush. During each dental visit, plaque indices were recorded and compared to baseline. The results were analyzed using a paired t-test or Pearson correlation test (${\alpha}=0.05$). Thirty children (mean age 4.37 years) complied with the protocol and completed the study. The PI score was 0.09 lower compared to baseline after using a manual toothbrush and 0.26 lower after using the sonic brush. The reduction was statistically significantly greater in the sonic group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the sonic toothbrush is more effective for reducing plaque than a manual toothbrush.

Analysis of Primary Molar Relationship using Digital Photograph (구강 내 사진을 이용한 유구치 관계에 대한 분석)

  • Lim, Soyoung;Kang, Chung-min;Hwang, Dong hwan;Choi, Hyung-jun;Kim, Seong-Oh
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2020
  • The aim of this study was to assess the occlusal relationships of primary dentition of Korean preschool children in Hwaseong city. Total 444 children of age group between 2 and 5 years were selected. One pediatric dentist took intraoral photos of children. Evaluation and categorization of the primary molar relationships were done by single examiner. Statistical analysis was performed with Pearson chi-squared test. Total 389 samples, which is consisted of 185 boys, 204 girls were satisfied with inclusion criteria. Bilateral mesial step was seen in 61.7%. Bilateral flush terminal plane was seen in 15.4%. When the primary molar relations of the right and left sides were not the same, the combination of the mesial step and flush terminal plane was 14.7%. The present study provides insight into occlusal relationships in the primary dentition of 2 - 5 years old of Korean children in Hwaseong city. Pediatric dentists should understand occlusal relationships of primary dentition for establishment of appropriate treatment strategies and occlusal guidance.

Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children (어린이의 수면호흡장애)

  • Yeonmi, Yang
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.357-367
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    • 2022
  • Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is a disease characterized by repeated hypopnea and apnea during sleep due to complete or partial obstruction of upper airway. The prevalence of pediatric SDB is approximately 12 - 15%, and the most common age group is preschool children aged 3 - 5 years. Children show more varied presentations, from snoring and frequent arousals to enuresis and hyperactivity. The main cause of pediatric SDB is obstruction of the upper airway related to enlarged tonsils and adenoids. If SDB is left untreated, it can cause complications such as learning difficulties, cognitive impairment, behavioral problems, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and poor growth. Pediatric dentists are in a special position to identify children at risk for SDB. Pediatric dentists recognize clinical features related to SDB, and they should screen for SDB by using the pediatric sleep questionnaire (PSQ), lateral cephalometry radiograph, and portable sleep monitoring test and refer to sleep specialists. As a therapeutic approach, maxillary arch expansion treatment, mandible advancement device, and lingual frenectomy can be performed. Pediatric dentists should recognize that prolonged mouth breathing, lower tongue posture, and ankyloglossia can cause abnormal facial skeletal growth patterns and sleep problems. Pediatric dentists should be able to prevent these problems through early intervention.


  • Lim Seoung-Hu;Jeong Seoung-Shim;Park Jeone-Hwan;Kim Ji-Hae;Hong Sung-Do
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : The object of this study was to examine computer game playing patterns and psychopathologies related to computer game addiction in school-age children. Methods : The subjects were 533 elementary school students (4th to 6th grade) in Kangdonggu, Seoul. We evaluated computer playing patterns of all subjects using computer game playing pattern questionnaire, and determined the risk group of computer game addiction by internet game addiction scale score. We evaluated subscale score of K-CBCL from parents of all subjects, and conducted correlation analysis and logistic regression analysis between computer game addiction and subscale score of K-CBCL. Results : In 488 responders, 10.2% of started playing computer game in preschool age, and 67.2% started at low grade of elementary school. The mean frequency of computer game play per week was 3.66 days. Mean time spent playing computer games per day was 1.89 hours. 'Simply for fun' was the most common reason far playing computer games (40.8%). Male subjects showed statistically significant differences in age of starting computer game, frequency of computer game play per week, reasons for playing computer game and computer game addiction scale scores. There were significant correlations between computer game addiction scale scores and academic performance, somatic complaints, attention problems, and internalizing problems in K-CBCL. But In logistic regression analysis, only attention problems among K-CBCL subscales showed significant predictability to computer game addiction. Conclusion : Upper grade elementary school students experienced computer game playing at the very early age, and spend much time in playing computer games. There were significant correlation and predictability between computer game addiction and attention problems.

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Development and Effect of Safety Education Program in Preschooler (학령전기 아동의 사고예방을 위한 안전교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과)

  • Kim ShinJeong
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.118-140
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to measure the effect of safety education program in preschool children for accident prevention and improve their health through more systematic method. Data were collected from 584 preschoolers(247 preschooler are assigned to experimental group and 337 preschoolers are assinged to control group) from 4 to 6 years old using APP paper test which consists of questions and drawings. To experimental group, safety education were done 4 times within the time of 30 minutes per 1 time using education books, drawings, OHP. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. There were significant difference in movement(χ²=18.732, p=.0000), behavioral character(χ²=27.785, p=.000), synthetic judgement(χ²=12.02, p=0.002). So, safety education program have effect on preschooler. 2. In the accident proneness on preschooler between experimental group and control group according to general characteristics, it proved significant difference in the case of accident prevention education were done, reasoning power(χ²=10.48, p=.005), movement speed(χ²=7.341, p=.025) and behavioral character(χ²=18.86, p=.000), in the case of housing pattern is private house(individual house, yard?), reasoning power(χ²=6.683, p=.035), movement speed(χ²=12.76, p= .002) and behavioral character(χ²=12.24, p=.002), in the case of housing pattern is mixed-type, movement speed(χ²=6.935, p= .031) and behavioral character(χ²=10.816, p=.004), in the case of housing pattern is over six stories, movement speed(χ²=7.543, p=.023), in the case of subjects' age is 4 years old, movement speed(χ²=16.5, p= .000) and behavioral character(χ²=12.18, p=.002), in the case of subjects' age is 5 years old, movement speed(χ²=7.519, p= .023), watchfulness(χ²=6.372, p=.041), behavioral character(χ²=14.74, p=0.001) and synthetic judgement(χ²=14.5, p=.001), in the case of subjects' sex is male, life safety(χ²=6.406, p=.041), movement speed(χ²=22.86, p= .000), behavioral character(χ²=13.72, p= .001) and synthetic judgement(χ²=13.82, p=.001), in the case of subjects' sex is female, reasoning power(χ²=12.57, p=.002) and behavioral character(χ²=13.16, p= .001), in the case of childrens have past accidental experience, traffic safety(χ²= 6.683, p=.035), in the case of childrens have no past accidental experience, reasoning power(χ²=8.384, p=.015), movement speed(χ²=20.6, p=.000), behavioral character(χ²=25.1, p=.000) and synthetic judgement(χ² =10.79, p=.005), in the case of children's order is first, reasoning power(χ²=11.15, p=.004), movement speed(χ²=11.92, p= .003) and behavioral character(χ²=7.003, p=.030), in the case of children's order is second, movement speed(χ²=6.694, p= .035), behavioral character(χ²=26.9, p= .000) and synthetic judgement(χ²=14.3, p= .001), in the case of nuclear family, reasoning power(χ²=8.777, p=.012), movement speed(χ²=19.0, p=.000), behavioral character (χ²=26.4, p=0.000) and synthetic judgement (χ²=9.999, p=.007), in the case of mothers' school career is under high school graduate, life safety(χ²=8.023, p=.018), movement speed(χ²=10.99, p=.004) and behavioral character(χ²=6.777, p=.034), in the case of mothers' school career is beyond college graduate, reasoning power(χ²=6.717, p= .035), movement speed(χ²=8.963, p=.011), behavioral character(χ²=25.03, p=.000) and synthetic judgement(χ²=15.19, p=.001), in the case of mothers' age ranged 31-34, movement speed(χ²=12.29, p=.002) and behavioral character(χ²=14.17, p=.001), in the case of mothers' age ranged 35-39, movement speed(χ²=9.859, p=.007), behavioral character(χ²=9.095, p=.011) and synthetic judgement(χ²=7.810, p=.020), in the case of mothers' age is over 40, life safety(χ² =5.593, p=.025), in the case of mothers' job is full-time, traffic safety(χ²=6.032, p=.049) and reasoning power(χ²=8.502, p= .014), in the case of mothers' job is part- time., movement speed(χ²=10.99, p=.004) and behavioral character(χ²=7.895, p= .019), in the case of mothers have no job, movement speed(χ²=6.410, p=.041), movement stability(χ²=6.879, p=.032), behavioral character(χ²=27.72, p=.000) and synthetic judgement(χ²=18.11, p=.000). The difference of accident proneness between experimental group and control group according to general characterists, it also showed that there were significant difference in behavioral character compared to other area.. From this findings, we can guess that safety education program change and guide preschoolers' behavioral character to desirable direction.

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Evaluation of Methods Used in Nutrition Surveys in Korea(1960-1990) (국내 영양조사(1960-1990년)에서 적용된 영양평가 방법의 내용 및 추이분석)

  • 최영선
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.187-199
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of the study is to assess and evaluate methods employed in nutrition surveys and to give an information on methodological considerations for future studies in Korea. Three hundred thirty six papers of nutritional surveys published from 1960 to 1990 were classified into 9 groups according to the survey subject and analyzed for methods used in survey. The frequency of publications according to the survey subject was as the following order : 'in-fants and preschool children' 'school age children' 'adolescence' 'college students' 'preg-nant and lactating women' 'housewives' 'the elderly' 'workers' and 'patients' Eighty five percents of papers applied methods of dietary assessment. of which weighing method recall method an record method were extensively used in the order. Questionnairs included items related to nutrition such as food habit nutrition knowledge etc. Anthropometric techniques were employed in 53% of papers and in general growth measurement were undertaken for children and body composition was emphasized for adults. biochemical assessment was limited to 32% of papers and assessment of anemia was the major test. Clinical studies were applied to 26% of the studies. of which only 5% employed examination of clinical signs of malnutrition Recently self-reported health status assessed using questionnaires has been adopted frequently. Further researches are required for evaluation of the methods employed in nutrition surveys in order to develop the standard model for nutrtion survey so that obtained data can become more reliable and utilized efficiently.

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Status and Training Demand on Dietary Education of Kindergarten Teachers in Jeonbuk Province (전북지역 유치원교사의 식생활교육 실태와 연수 요구도)

  • Park, Eun-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the kindergarten teachers operation and demand of dietary education in Jeonbuk province. The study was carried out using a self administered questionnaire and the subjects were 148 kindergarten teachers. The questions were general characteristics of the subjects, operating status as frequency, place, education time, and training demand on dietary education. The results are as follows. All subjects were female(100.0%), more than half were 20's(62.8%) in their age, teaching career was 31.8% in less than 3 years, and 68.2% in more than 3 years. Frequency of the dietary education operation was 3 times per week(53.4%), place of education were classroom(81.9%), and education time was lunch time(87.5%). Twenty three point eight percent of the subjects recognized the facilities for education was lack, 32.6% of them did the education materials was lack. The desirable frequency of dietary education was 1~2 times per week(40.4%). About two third of the subjects(73.6%) recognized the objects of the dietary education was not only preschool children but also their parents. Most of the subjects(83.8%) had willing to get training, the proper training program was 10 hours(87.8%), and they prefer semester weekday(64.9%) than semester weekend(30.5%). Proper ratio in the core value of dietary education as environment : health : thanks was 31.8% : 40.9% : 27.2%. It is concluded that the demand on dietary education of kindergarten teachers is necessary for their education program in kindergarten.

The Relationship between Motor Proficiency and Executive Function in Preschoolers (유아의 운동 능력과 실행 기능의 관계)

  • Lee, Yun Ah;Lee, Wan Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.135-151
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between preschoolers' motor proficiency and their executive function. Participants were 72 children who participated in individual tests. Motor proficiency was measured by a shortened form of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency Second Edition(BOT-2). Executive functions were assessed by utilizing the revised version of the four tasks: 'Day-Night Task', 'Dimensional Change Card Sort Task', 'Lift Flag Task' and 'Digit Span Task'. The major findings were as follows. First, the 5-year-olds motor proficiency was found to be better than the 4-year-olds. Second, the 5-year-olds executive function was found to be better than the 4-yeat-olds. Last, the 4-year-olds' and 5-year-olds' motor proficiency was related to their executive function. Concretely, fine manual control of motor proficiency was executive function and there was a high correlation. And behavior response inhibition and working memory of executive function was motor proficiency and there was a high correlation. Data analysis showed that preschoolers' motor proficiency and their executive function were different by their age level and that preschoolers' motor proficiency was correlated with their executive function.

Effects of Health-Promoting Behaviors of Grandmothers Participating in Their Grandchildren's Nurture on Entrapment (손자녀 양육에 참여하는 조모의 건강증진행위가 속박감에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Mi Ae;Park, Ok Im;Moon, Hee;Kim, Jin Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.457-469
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    • 2015
  • This study examines the effects of health-promoting behaviors of grandmothers participating in their infant grandchildren's nurture and provides data for enhancing the quality of their lives. The sample included 218 consenting subjects who understood the purpose of the study. These subjects resided in three cities in Jeollanam-do, Korea, and were grandmothers entrusted by their adult children with a considerable amount of nurturing for their preschool-aged grandchildren under the age of six. First, the subjects scored an average of 3.05 for health-promoting behaviors and 2.42 for entrapment. Second, the entrapment measurement based on general characteristics showed a higher level of entrapment for those with better health, a lower education level, no religion, male grandchildren to nurture, and unsatisfactory compensation. Third, health-promoting behaviors and entrapment (r=-.304) were negatively correlated. Fourth, the analysis results for effects of health-promoting behaviors of grandmothers on entrapment based on general characteristics of grandmothers as a control variable reveal a significant effect of health-promoting behaviors on entrapment. In other words, the greater the employment of health-promoting behaviors, the less likely the entrapment was to be perceived. Fifth, the results for effects of subcriteria for health-promoting behaviors on entrapment reveal a decrease in entrapment when the subjects engaged in an appropriate level of physical activity with a relaxed state of mind. These results suggest that health-promoting behaviors of grandmothers participating in their infant grandchildren's nurture are likely to influence entrapment and thus that grandmothers should make efforts to actively engage in health-promoting behaviors to reduce any maladaptive effects on nurturing. Social support and related programs should be fostered to enable grandmothers to better practice health-promoting behaviors while nurturing their grandchildren.

A Clinical Observation of Children with Urachal Anomalies (요막관 기형의 임상적 고찰)

  • Lee, Sang-Bae;Jung, Chang-Hyun;Kim, Kang-Sung;Ryu, Min-Hyuk;Lee, Dong-Jin
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.213-221
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Urachal anomalies are rare but are known to develop several complications, especially infection. Moreover, uniform guidelines for management have not been presented because of the variable clinical characteristics of these anomalies. The purpose of this report is to review our experience with urachal anomalies and attempt to determine the optimal management. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed the records of fourteen children with a variety of urachal anomalies who had been treated from January 1996 to June 2005 at Dong Kang General Hospital. Results : The age distribution of the patients(mean age; 3.8 years) was six neonates, one infant, five preschool-age and two school-age children. The male to female ratio was 1:1. Six cases of urachal cyst, four cases of patent urachus, two cases of urachal sinus and two cases of urachal diverticulum were found. Three patients with patent urachus and one with urachal cyst had hydronephrosis. Other associated anomalies included an inguinal hernia in one patient with urachal sinus and a vesicoureteral reflux in one patient with urachal diver ticulum. As a first-line diagnostic tool, high-resolution ultrasound examination was performed in thirteen cases and computed tomography in one case. Surgical excision was performed in nine patients with urachal anomaly. Five cases out of six neonatal cases experienced spontaneous improvement during a three-month follow up period. Due to frequent infection of the umbilicus, surgical excision was performed on one neonate with urachal sinus. Conclusion : All patients with urachal anomalies should undergo investigation for associated anomalies. The neonate with urachal anomalies, especially patent urachus, do not require surgical excision unless the patient has multiple episodes of recurrent infection. (J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2005;9:213-221)

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