• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preschool-Age Children

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Effect of mother's oral health knowledge and behaviour on dental caries in their preschool children (어머니의 구강보건지식 및 행동이 자녀의 유치우식증에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Soo-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.165-177
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of child's general property, mother's social and economic property, mother's knowledge and behavior in oral hygiene upon the appearance and treatment of child's primary tooth decay. For the purpose, oral examination was applied to one hundred three(103) small children who were at the age between four(4) and seven(7) and went to two(2) places of day care centers located in Seoul, and questionnaire was done to their mothers. The results of the study are as follows. 1. The number of children's dt is 1.55, the number of their ft is 1.42, dft index for primary tooth is 2,98, ft rate is 45.61%, and the higher child's age is, the higher their value is. 2. Mother's age, educational background, and occupation does not show significant difference with dft index for primary tooth. The higher mother's monthly average income is, the higher child's ft rate is. 3. dft index for primary tooth does not show significant difference according 10 mother's knowledge in oral hygiene. And, the child of mother using dental floss does show higher it rate in comparison with the one of mother who does not use dental floss, 4. Experience using dental clinic to treatment tooth decay does show significant difference with dft index for primary tooth. And experience using dental clinic for the purpose of oral examination and preventive treatment does show significant difference with ft rate. 5. From the result of multiple regression with dependent variable of dft index for primary tooth, there is no variable having significant influence. From the result of multiple regression with dependent variable of ft rate, explanatory variable is 43%, child's age, mother's occupation, mother's monthly average income, and experience using dental clinic to prevent tooth decay are significant explanatory elements. Through the above results, we can know that mother should practice positive behavior in oral hygiene for child to improve oral health. Under the reason, oral health education should be applied toward mothers as soon as possible, and governmental support should be followed so that mothers can participate in the education.

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A Translation and Construct Validity Study of the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration® (EASI) (Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration® (EASI)의 번역 및 구성타당도 연구)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Mi;Lee, Ji-Hyun;Jung, Hyerim;Choi, Jeong-Sil;Hong, Eunkyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.24-38
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This study aimed to create a Korea translation of the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI) and to then test the adapted version for construct validity. Methods : The translation and content validation process were conducted in accordance with a four-step process, namely translation, integration, content validity examination, and backward translation. The construct validity of the translated version was evaluated using the EASI for children aged 3~12 years with and without sensory integration problems, comparing the two groups as well as preschool and school-aged groups. The group comparison was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test in SPSS. Results : In terms of content validity, all 20 items averaged more than 3.17 points. Of the four EASI categories, there was a difference in Sensory Perception (p=0.044) between the typical and sensory integration groups, and there was a statistical difference between tactile and vestibular sensations. Between the preschool and school-aged children, statistical difference was observed in two categories, namely Praxis and Ocular-Postural-Bilateral Motor Integration. Conclusion : Based on its construct validity, the Korean version of EASI is suitable for use in research. The construct validity study highlighted items that explain differences between typical and diagnostic children and items that explain those differences by age. Our findings could therefore be considered when interpreting EASI results.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in Korean children, from 1979 to 2006-a meta-analysis (국내소아에서 발생한 마이코플라스마 폐렴 메타분석)

  • Kim, Jin Woo;Seo, Hyun Kyong;Yoo, Eun Gyong;Park, Sung Jin;Yoon, So Hwa;Jung, Hye Young;Han, Man Yong
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.315-323
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : This study aimed to perform a systematic review of the reports on Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in the last 30 years (1980-2006) to investigate the intervals between outbreaks, change in the peak incidence age, and diagnostic methods. We also aimed to validate the proper diagnostic criteria for M. pneumoniae pneumonia. Methods : We reviewed 62 original articles on M. pneumoniae pneumonia in Korean children. We analyzed the annual or seasonal variation, study areas, patient age, journal names, and the date of each report. Further, we checked the methods and criteria used for the diagnosis of M. pneumoniae pneumonia. We also confirmed the proper mycoplasma antibody cutoff using the mycoplasma IgM titer as the gold standard. Results : In the last 30 years, epidemic outbreaks of M. pneumoniae pneumonia occurred every 3 years, except in 1993-1994 and 1996-1997. Seasonal variations were also present and were most prevalent in October and November. The number of preschool children, especially those aged 3 years or younger, with M. pneumoniae pneumonia has increased (P<0.05). The mycoplasma antibody titer of 1:640 or greater was appropriate for diagnosing M. pneumoniae pneumonia, with an acceptable sensitivity and specificity of detection. Conclusion : We analyzed the results of studies on M. pneumoniae pneumonia in Korean children during the last 30 years. Infection in younger children is increasing, and further research is required to reveal the major cause of the changing epidemics.


  • Kim, Haeng-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 1990
  • 60 Attention-deficit hyperactive patients treated with stimulant drugs such as methylphenidate and pemoline were evaluated in regards to the therapeutic benefit and side effects of these drugs. The results were as follows : 1) Of the 60 subjects 34 showed considerable imporvement and only 8 showed little or no improvement. 2) Hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity were improved markedly by stimulants These behavioral changes were accompanied by improved performance in classroom. 3) School age children tended to show more improvement than preschool children or adolescence. 4) Of the 60 subjects 25 showed no side effect and only 6 showed severe side effects, and common side effects were decreased appetite, insomnia and irritability or nervousness. It is the author's impression that despite of the therapeutic efficacy of these drugs when they were administered on a short-term basis, long-term outcome dose not seem to be altered by the administration of these agents.

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Dietary Supplements Use and Related Factors of Preschoolers in 3 Korean Cities

  • Kim, Hye Sil;Lee, Hye Young;Kim, Mi Kyung
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.104-115
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: To estimate the prevalence of dietary supplement (DS) use, investigate the related factors associated with DS use among preschoolers and support the adequate nutrition. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey of mothers of children aged between 1 and 6 years who visited pediatric clinics in 3 Korean cities (Jeonju, Suncheon, Jeongeup) between October and November 2012 at Presbyterian Medical Center. The responses from 929 questionnaires were analyzed. Results: Approximately 45.1% of the preschoolers used DS in the past month. The following factors were associated with greater use of DS: older age (p<0.001), whether or not the preschoolers attended kindergarten (p<0.001), higher mother's concern about the nutritional facts (p<0.001), whether or not the mother use DS (p<0.001), whether or not the mother counsel with a doctor or pharmacist about DS use (p<0.001). Vitamin mineral supplements (77.5%) were the most commonly used DS among the preschoolers, followed by ginseng (49.3%) and probiotics (25.6%). Additionally, of the DS users, 95.9% gave DS to their healthy children. Of the users and non-users, 97.6% and 62.2%, respectively, indicated that they would like to have their children take DS. The information on DS was obtained from family or friends in 48.2% of the DS users and from doctors in only 6.1%. Conclusion: Approximately half of the preschoolers in our study used DS, which might not have been medically indicated for most of them. Therefore, the role of professionals in counseling on desirable diet behaviors and DS use for preschoolers is warranted.


  • Kim, Dong-Joon
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 1978
  • In order to know cephalometric norms for the preschool children, this roentgeno cephalometric study was undertaken in each 50 Korean male and female children of primary dentition age from 4 to 5 year. The following results were obtained. 1. In the skeletal analysis, there was no significant difference between male and female in angular measurement and the linear measument of the male was generally greater than that of the female. 2. Saddle angle was $122.3^{\circ}$, articular angle was $147.6^{\circ}$, gonial angle was $119.4^{\circ}$ and the sum of each angle was $396.1^{\circ}$ in male and $396.6^{\circ}$ in female. 3. The ratio of mandibular body to anterior cranial base was about 1 : 0.91. 4. In the primary dentition, suggested that the nasion and point A move forward relative to sella turcica in a fashion, pogonion and point B are equal in angular position relative to plan S-N, bony chin and chin button was yet underdeveloped, and the forward growth of mandible was seen rapid than maxilla after 4 years. 5. Suggested that the percentage of anterior facial height to the posterior facial height were 64.4% in male and 64.1% in female. 6. Maxillary primary incisors was more upright than the permanent incisors, mandibular primary incisors was inclined lingually relative to the permanent incisor, and primary incisors was more upright than the permanent incisors. 7. Maxillary primary incisors in female was inclined labially than male. 8. In the the relationship of the upper lip and lower lip to the esthetic line, the upper lip was 2.11mm and the lower lip was 2.33mm front of the esthetic line.

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Causes of Burn and Emergency Care on the Spot for the Patients Admitted to Three Hospitals in Taegu (대구시내 종합병원에 입원한 화상환자의 화상원인과 현장에서 취한 응급처치)

  • Chu, Min;Park, Jung-Han
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.21 no.2 s.24
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 1988
  • This study was conducted to investigate the causes of burn and emergency cares taken on the spot for the burn patient. Study population included 161 burn patients admitted to 2 university hospitals and 1 general hospital in Taegu from November 1, 1987 to April 30, 1988. Patients or guardians were interviewed with a structured questionnare. Out of 161 burn patients 111(68.9%)were males and 50(31.1%) females. Preschool children of 1-4 years old accounted for 29.8% of the total patients. Burns of children under 15 years of age took place at home in 91.0%, while 48.3% of burns of adult (15 years and over)males occurred at the working place, and 68.0% of adult females occurred at the home. Out of total burns occurred at home 39.8% took place at kitchen/dining room and 24.1% in the room. The most common cause of burns in children was the boiling water or hot food (74.3%). In adults the common causes were electrical burn(22.4%), hot water or food(19.0%) and explosion(12.1%) for males, and hot water or food(32.0%) and explosion (20.0%) for females. Common emergency cares for the burn taken on the spot were undressing(64.6%), pouring Soju(liquor)(13.7%), and pouring cold water(5.0%). There were a few cases who applied ash, soy or salt. To prevent burn, it is recommended to remodel the traditional kitchen and coal-briquet hole, to strengthen the safety control of LP Gas and LN Gas supply, to educate the public for the handling method for such gases, to strengthen the occupational safety control, to improve the safety device for the electric wire and socket, and to limit the temperature of hot water at home and public baths.

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Relationship between General Safety Behaviors and Oral Health Behaviors among South Korean Children (우리나라 어린이의 생활안전행동과 구강보건행동의 관련성)

  • Noh, Hie-Jin;Sohn, Woosung;Choi, Choong-Ho;Kim, Hae-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.311-317
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this analysis was to investigate the relationship between the level of safety behavior and the level of oral health behavior among Korean children. Data used in this analysis were from the 2005 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). A representative sample of 4,292 children aged from three to eleven years who completed both health interview and health behavior survey. Simple and multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted. All analyses were weighted and SAS 9.1 survey data analysis procedures were used to estimate standard errors accounting for the complex sampling design of the KNHANES. More than seventy percent of children did not keep general safety behaviors except seat on back seat in a car. About seventy five percent of children had experience of preventive oral care during last one year, but about fifty six percent of children brush their teeth twice a day. Socioeconomic status and health behaviors were significantly related in three to six old age group only (p<.05). Generally significant relationship was not found between general safety and oral health behaviors. Among Korean children, general safety and oral health behaviors might be not related each other. Education for general safety behaviors should be underlined for all children. Especially preschool-children with low socioeconomic status need to be educated for healthy behaviors.

A Study on Nutritional Status of Young Children in Rural Korea (농촌영유아의 영양상태(營養狀態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Kim, Kyoung-Sik;Kim, Pang-Ji;Nam, Sang-Ok;Choi, Jung-Shin
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 1974
  • The writers have conducted the investigation to assess the nutritional status of young rural Korean children aged from 0 to 4 years old in August 1971. The survey areas were Kaejong-myon. Daeya-myon, Okku-gun, Jeonra-bukdo, Korea. These survey areas were typical agricultural plain areas. The total numbers of children examined were 2,706 comprising 1,394 male and 1,312 female. The weight, height, and chest circumference of children were measured and means and standard deviations. were calculated for each measurement. In addition, the nutritional status of each child was classified by the four levels of malnutrition and the Gomez classification, The examination of red blood cell count, haematocrit value, and intestinal parasite infection were carried out at the same time. In general, recent work tend to suggest that environmental influences, especially nutrition, are of great importance than genetic background or other biological factors for physical growth and development. Certainly the physical dimensions of the body are much influenced by nutrition, particularly in the rapidly growing period of early childhood. Selected body measurements can therefore give valuable information concerning protein-calory malnutrition. Growth can also be affected by bacterial, viral, and parasitic infection. For the field workers in a developing country, therefore, nutritional anthropometry appears to be of greatest value in the assessment of growth failure and undernutrition, principally from lack of protein and calories. In order to compare and evaluate the data obtained, the optimal data of growth from the off-spring of the true well-fed, medically and socially protected are needed. So-called 'Standards' that have been compiled for preschool children in Korea, however, are based on measurement of children from middle or lower socio-economic groups, who are, in fact, usually undernourished from six months of age onwards and continuously exposed to a succession of infective and parasitic diseases. So that, the Harvard Standards which is one of the international reference standards was used as the reference standards in this study. Findings of the survey were as follows: A. Anthropometric data: 1) Comparing the mean values for body weight obtained with the Korean standard weight of the same age, the rural Korean children were slightly haevier than the Korean standard values in both sexes. Comparing with the Japanese children values, the rural Korean children were slightly haevier in male and in the infant period of female but lighter in female of the period of 1 to 4 years old than Japanese children. 2) Comparing the mean values for height obtained with the Korean standard height of the same age, the rural Korean children were taller than the Korean standard values except the second half of infatn period in both sexes. Comparing with the Japanese children, the rural Korean children were slightly smaller than Japanese children except the first half of infant peroid in both sexes. 3) Mear values of chest circumference of rural Korean children obtained were less than the Korean standard values of the same ages in both sexes. B. Prevalence of Protein-Calory Malnutrition: Children examined were devided into two groups, i. e., infant(up to the first birthday) and toddler (1 to 4 fears old). 1) Percentages of four levels of malnutrition: a) When the nutrtional status of each child was classified (1) by body weight value, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 52.8%(infant 83.3%, toddler 44.4%) and 39.7% (infant 74.5%. toddler 30.5%), the first level of malnutrition were 31.9%(infant 13.7%, toddler 36.9%) and 31.7%(infant 15.3%, toddler 36,0%), the second level of malnutrition were 12.3%(infant 1.7%, toddler 15.3%) and 23.3% (infant 7.7%, fodder 27.5%), the third level of malnutrition were 2.7%(infant 0.7%, toddler 3.2%) and 4.6%(infant 1.8%, toddler 5.3%) the fourth level of malnutrition were 0.3% (infant 0.7%, toddler 0.2%) and 0.7% (0.7% for infant and toddler) respectively. (2) by height value, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 80.3% (infant 97.3%, toddler 75.6%) and 75.1% (infant 96.4%, toddler 69.5), the first level of malnutrition were 17.9% (infant 2.0%, toddler 22.3%) and 23.6% (infants 3.6%, toddler 28.8%), the second level of malnutrition were 1.2% (infant 0.3%, toddler 1.5%) and 1.1% (infant 0%, toddler 1.4%), the third level of malnutrition were 0.4%(infant 0.3%, toddler 0.5%) and 0.2%(infant 0%, toddler 0.3%), the fourth level of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0%, toddler 0.1%) and 0% respectively. (3) by body weight in relation to height, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 87.9% (infant 77.6%, toddler 87.9%) and 78.2% (infant 77.4%, toddler 78.2%), the first level of malnutrition were 12.2% (infant 18.4%, toddler 10.6%) and 18.2% (infant 17.9%, toddler 18.3%), the second level of malnutrition were 1.9%(infant 3.3%, toddler 1.5%) and 3.0%(infant 3.3%, toddler 2.9%), the third level of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0%. toddler 0.1%) and 0.5% (infant 0%, toddler 0.6%), the fourth level of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0.7%, toddler 0%) and 0.3% (infant 1.5%, toddler 0%) respectively. b) When the nutritional status of each child according to the mother's age at perturition, i. e., young aged mother (up to 30 years old), middle aged mother (31 to 40 years old) and old aged mother (41 years or above) was classified (1) by body weight, among infants and toddlers, at each year of age, with increasing the mother's age, there was an increase in percentage of subjects underweight. This tendency of increasing percentage of underweight was more significant in the infant period than the toddler period. (2) by height value, no significant differences between each mother's age group were found. c) When the nutritional status of each child according to the birth rank, i. e., lower birth rank (first to third) and higher birth rank (fourth or above) was classified (1) by weight value, children of higher birth rank were slightly more often underweight than those of lower birth rank, but not significant. (2) by height value, no differences were found between children of lower and higher birth rank. 2) Gomez Classification: When the nutritional status of each child was classified a) by body weight value, the percentages for male and female of children. attained standard growth were 53.1% (infant 82.6%, toddler 44.9%) and 39.2% (infant 73.4%, toddler 30.1%), the first degree of malnutrition were 39.4% (infant 14.7%, toddler 46.2%) and 47.1% (infant 21.9%, toddler 53.8%), the second degree of malnutrition were 7.3%(infant 2.3%, toddler 8.6%) and 12.9% (infant 4.0%, toddler 15.2%). and the third degree of malnutrition were 0.2%. (infant 0.3%, toddler 0.2%) and 0.8% (infant 0.7%, toddler 0.9%) respectively. b) by height value, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 80.8% (infant 97.0%, toddler 76.3%) and 73.8%(infant 95.6%, toddler 68.0%), the first degree of malnutrition were 18.5% (infant 2.7%, toddler 22.9%) and 24.6% (infant 4.4%, toddler 30.0%), the second degree of malnutrition were 0.6%(infant 0.3%, toddler 0.7%) and 0.5% (infant 0.1%, toddler 0.7%), and the third degree of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0%, toddler 0.1%) and 1.1% (infant 0%, toddler 1.3%) respectively. C. Results of clinical laboratory examination: 1) Red blood cells: The ranges of mean red blood cell counts for male and female were $3,538,000/mm^3\;to\;4,403,000/mm^3\;and\;3,576,000/mm^3\;to\;4,483,000/mm^3$ respectively. The lowest red cell counts were seen at the age of 0-3 months for male and 1-2 months for female. 2) Haematocrit value : The ranges of haematocrit value of male and female were 35.1% to 38.8% and 34.7% to 38.8% respectively. The lowest haematocrit values were seen at the age of 2-3 months for male and 1-2, months for female. 3) The prevalence rates of intestinal parasites for male and female children with Ascaris lumbricoides were 34.1% (infant 18.8%, toddler 38.1%) and 36.0%(infant 18.4%, toddler 40.7%), with Trichocephalus trichiuris were 6.8% (infant 2.9%, toddler 7.9%) and 9.0% (infant 3.0%, toddler 10.6%), with Hookworm were 0.3% (infant 0.5%, toddler 0.2%) and 0.3% (infant 0.5%, toddler 0.3%), with Clonorchis sinensis were 0.4%(infant 0%, toddler 0.5%) and 0.1%(infant 0%, toddler 0.1%) respectively.

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The Effects of Mothers' Parenting Stress on Chilren's Learning Readiness Mediating Effects of Paren-Child Interactions and Parental Attitudes (어머니의 양육 스트레스가 아동의 학습준비도에 미치는 영향: 부모-자녀 상호작용과 온정적 양육태도의 매개효과)

  • Kim, Yeoung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.563-573
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to confirm whether the parenting stress of mothers with preschool children mediated the parent-child interaction and parenting attitude on children's learning readiness. Data was used from the 5th (2012) to 7th (2014) Korean Children's Panel, and a total of 1,480 data sets were used for the analysis. The age of study participants was five years old. The Amos 23.0 program was used as an analytical tool, and the structural equation model analysis was applied to estimate the path coefficient corresponding to the research question. First, it was expected that mothers' parenting stress negatively affected the parent-child interaction, mother's parenting attitude, and children's readiness. Second, it was assumed that parent-child interaction and the mother's warm parenting attitude were positively significant to children's readiness. Third, the relationship between the parenting stress of mothers and children's learning readiness was partially mediated by a positive parenting attitude. The current study supplies valuable data to establish the educational support and efficiency strategy for domestic children. This study is meaningful in that it provides basic data in preparing a plan to more effectively provide educational support for domestic children.