• Title/Summary/Keyword: Positioning Systems

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A Study on the Navigation Parameters of L1, C/A GPS through the Experimental and Statistical Analysis (실험 및 통계적 분석을 통한 L1, C/A코드 GPS의 항법 파라미터연구)

  • Ko, Kwang-Soob
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.1959-1964
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    • 2015
  • This research was focused on the analysis of navigation parameters from the received L1, C/A signal of the recent GPS, which has advanced with the SA policy change and the GPS modernization policy by the United States. It was done as a first step study for a comprehensive analysis on the multiple satellite navigation systems which will be adding or separating GPS signal. In particular, the statistical analysis on the GDOP change and positional accuracy based on the geocentric and spherical coordinate systems were investigated with carrier- to-noise ratio and the satellite geometry, The obtained GDOP values of HDOP, PDOP, VDOP are 0.5, 1.2, and 1.1, respectively in deviation. In addition, the positioning accuracies with these GDOP values were analyzed in the ellipsoidal and ECEF coordinates.

Improvement of Attitude Determination Based on Specific Force Vector Matching (비력벡터매칭 기법을 이용한 자세결정 알고리즘의 성능 향상)

  • Choe, Yeongkwon;Park, Chan Gook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.106-113
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    • 2017
  • Attitude determination algorithms for aircraft and land vehicles use earth gravitational vector and geomagnetic vector; hence, magnetometers and accelerometers are employed. In dynamic situation, the output from accelerometers includes not only gravitational vector but also motional acceleration, thus it is hard to determine accurate attitude. The acceleration compensation method treated in this paper solves the problem to compensate the specific force vector for motional acceleration calculated by a GPS receiver. This paper analyzed the error from the corrected vector regarded as a constant by conventional acceleration compensation method, and improve the error by rederivation from measurements. The analyzed error factors and improvements by the proposed algorithm are verified by computer simulations.

GPS/INS Data Fusion and Localization using Fuzzy Inference/UPF (퍼지추론/UPF를 이용한 UGV의 GPS/INS 데이터 융합 및 위치추정)

  • Lee, So-Hee;Yoon, Hee-Byung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.408-414
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    • 2009
  • A GPS/INS system is widely used in the UGV to estimate position during the mission. However, there are few restrictions when a GPS/INS system used alone. For example, GPS provides precise location information but easily interrupted by external factors like weather, environment, etc. INS provides continuous location data but positioning errors grew very rapidly with time. Therefore, it is necessary to integrating multi-sensors for more continuous and correct position estimation. In this paper, we propose location estimation algorithm of the UGV for GPS/INS integrated system that combines Fuzzy Inference and Unscented Particle Filter(UPF) to improve navigation. Fuzzy inference provides the simplest method integrating GPS/INS and UPF is non-linear estimation filter well suited to the correction of errors. The performance of the proposed algorithm was tested to compare with other algorithms. the results show that the proposed algorithm is more accuracy in position estimation and ensures continuous position tracking.

Acquisition of Grass Harvesting Characteristics Information and Improvement of the Accuracy of Topographical Surveys for the GIS by Sensor Fusion (I) - Analysis of Grass Harvesting Characteristics by Sensor Fusion -

  • Choi, Jong-Min;Kim, Woong;Kang, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study aimed to install an RTK-GPS (Real Time Kinematic-Global Positioning System) and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) on a tractor used in a farm to measure positions, pasture topography, posture angles, and vibration accelerations, translate the information into maps using the GIS, analyze the characteristics of grass harvesting work, and establish new technologies and construction standards for pasture infrastructure improvement based on the analyzed data. Method: Tractor's roll, pitch, and yaw angles and vibration accelerations along the three axes during grass harvesting were measured and a GIS map prepared from the data. A VRS/RTK-GPS (MS750, Trimble, USA) tractor position measuring system and an IMU (JCS-7401A, JAE, JAPAN) tractor vibration acceleration measuring systems were mounted on top of a tractor and below the operator's seat to obtain acceleration in the direction of progression, transverse acceleration, and vertical acceleration at 10Hz. In addition, information on regions with bad workability was obtained from an operator performing grass harvesting and compared with information on changes in tractor posture angles and vibration acceleration. Results: Roll and pitch angles based on the y-axis, the direction of forward movements of tractor coordinate systems, changed by at least $9-13^{\circ}$ and $8-11^{\circ}$ respectively, leading to changes in working postures in the central and northern parts of the pasture that were designated as regions with bad workability during grass harvesting. These changes were larger than those in other regions. The synthesized vectors of the vibration accelerations along the y-axis, the x-axis (transverse direction), and the z-axis (vertical direction) were higher in the central and northwestern parts of the pasture at 3.0-4.5 m/s2 compared with other regions. Conclusions: The GIS map developed using information on posture angles and vibration accelerations by position in the pasture is considered sufficiently utilizable as data for selection of construction locations for pasture infrastructure improvement.

Design of a PCB-Embedded Antenna for Bluetooth Applications (블루투스용 PCB 임베디드 안테나 설계)

  • Kim, Yun-Mi;Park, Myoung-Shil;Chyung, Ji-Young;Jung, Hae-Mi;Ahn, Bierng-Cherl
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.98-104
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    • 2006
  • In this parer, proposed a Miniature inverted F Antenna for Bluetooth applications using folded structure and confirm it through producing and measurement. The proposed antenna as PIFA is optimized the impedance matching and the radiation pattern by positioning of feed line and short line. This antenna is designed with Microwave Studio presented CST and the optimized antenna structure is fabricated. The optimized miniature antenna size is 17.3 * 6 * 0.8 mm, the measured return loss bandwidth is 220MHz at 2.45GHz, the radiation pattern is quasi omni, and the gain is -1 dBi. these results are similar to the simulation data. It is comparatively appropriate for Bluetooth system.

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FPGA based HW/SW co-design for vision based real-time position measurement of an UAV

  • Kim, Young Sik;Kim, Jeong Ho;Han, Dong In;Lee, Mi Hyun;Park, Ji Hoon;Lee, Dae Woo
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.232-239
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    • 2016
  • Recently, in order to increase the efficiency and mission success rate of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), the necessity for formation flights is increased. In general, GPS (Global Positioning System) is used to obtain the relative position of leader with respect to follower in formation flight. However, it can't be utilized in environment where GPS jamming may occur or communication is impossible. Therefore, in this study, monocular vision is used for measuring relative position. General PC-based vision processing systems has larger size than embedded systems and is hard to install on small vehicles. Thus FPGA-based processing board is used to make our system small and compact. The processing system is divided into two blocks, PL(Programmable Logic) and PS(Processing system). PL is consisted of many parallel logic arrays and it can handle large amount of data fast, and it is designed in hardware-wise. PS is consisted of conventional processing unit like ARM processor in hardware-wise and sequential processing algorithm is installed on it. Consequentially HW/SW co-designed FPGA system is used for processing input images and measuring a relative 3D position of the leader, and this system showed RMSE accuracy of 0.42 cm ~ 0.51 cm.

Development of a Redundant Shoulder Complex Actuated by Metal Wire Tendons (텐던 구동 기반 여유자유도를 가지는 로봇의 어깨 메커니즘 구현)

  • Choi, Taeyong;Kim, Doohyung;Do, Hyunmin;Park, Chanhun;Park, Dongil
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.853-858
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    • 2016
  • Cooperation and collaboration with robots are key functions of robotic utility that are currently developing. Thus, robots should be safe and resemble human beings to cope with these needs. In particular, dual-arm robots that mimic human kinetics are becoming the focus of recent industrial robotics research. Their size is similar to the size of a human adult; however, they lack natural, human-like motion. One of the critical reasons for this is the shoulder complex. Most recent dual-arm robots have only 2 degrees of freedoms (DOFs), which significantly limits the workspace and mobility of the shoulders and arms. Therefore, a redundant shoulder complex could be very important in new developments that enable new capabilities. However, constructing a kinematically redundant shoulder complex is difficult because of spatial constraints. Therefore, we propose a novel, redundant shoulder complex for a human-like robot that is driven by flexible wire tendons. This kinematically redundant shoulder complex allows human-like robots to move more naturally because of redundant DOFs. To control the proposed shoulder complex, a hybrid control scheme is used. The positioning precision has also been considered, and the ability of the shoulder complex to perform several human-like motions has been verified.

A System of Guiding Path for Parking Lots based on RFID to Consider Real-time Constraints (실시간 제약을 고려한 RFID 기반 주차 경로 안내 시스템)

  • Kang, Ku-An;Kim, Jin-Deog
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2008
  • There have been many studies and technologies that define a current location of a moving vehicle with GPS(Global Positioning System). However, the navigation system with GPS has troubles to search an optimized route considering data such as realtime parking status and road conditions. Moreover, the GPS systems show malfunction in the downtown with very tall buildings, underground parking lot and the inside of buildings. On the contrary, the RFID systems are able to reflect real-time status of parking lots and roads in the downtown. This paper proposes a system of guiding path for parking lots to consider real-time constraints based on RFID. The results obtained from the implemented system show smooth guiding of a new route after immediately sensoring the change of the information of parking lots and roads: if a parking lot that a vehicle is heading to is fully occupied, the system re-searches a new route for a neighbor parking lot and immediately transfers it to customer's mobile, and if the designated route is under construction, the system guides a detour path. The proposed method will be useful for advanced integrated parking control system.

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Use of a Drone for Mapping and Time Series Image Acquisition of Tidal Zones (드론을 활용한 갯벌 지형 및 시계열 정보의 획득)

  • Oh, Jaehong;Kim, Duk-jin;Lee, Hyoseong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2017
  • The mud flat in Korea is the geographical feature generated from the sediment of rivers of Korea and China and it is the important topography for pollution purification and fishing industry. The mud flat is difficult to access such that it requires the aerial survey for the high-resolution spatial information of the area. In this study we used drones instead of the conventional aerial and remote sensing approaches which have shortcomings of costs and revisit times. We carried out GPS-based control point survey, temporal image acquisition using drones, bundle adjustment, stereo image processing for DSM and ortho photo generation, followed by co-registration between the spatio-temporal information.

Combining GPS and accelerometers' records to capture torsional response of cylindrical tower

  • AlSaleh, Raed J.;Fuggini, Clemente
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2020
  • Researchers up to date have introduced several Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) techniques with varying advantages and drawbacks for each. Satellite positioning systems (GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO) based techniques proved to be promising, especially for high natural period structures. Particularly, the GPS has proved sufficient performance and reasonable accuracy in tracking real time dynamic displacements of flexible structures independent of atmospheric conditions, temperature variations and visibility of the monitored object. Tall structures are particularly sensitive to oscillations produced by different sources of dynamic actions; such as typhoons. Wind forces induce in the structure both longitudinal and perpendicular displacements with respect to the wind direction, resulting in torsional effects, which are usually more complex to be detected. To efficiently track the horizontal rotations of the in-plane sections of such flexible structures, two main issues have to be considered: a suitable sensor topology (i.e., location, installation, and combination of sensors), and the methodology used to process the data recorded by sensors. This paper reports the contributions of the measurements recorded from dual frequency GPS receivers and uni-axial accelerometers in a full-scale experimental campaign. The Canton tower in Guangzhou-China is the case study of this research, which is instrumented with a long-term structural health monitoring system deploying both accelerometers and GPS receivers. The elaboration of combining the obtained rather long records provided by these two types of sensors in detecting the torsional behavior of the tower under ambient vibration condition and during strong wind events is discussed in this paper. Results confirmed the reliability of GPS receivers in obtaining the dynamic characteristics of the system, and its ability to capture the torsional response of the tower when used alone or when they are combined with accelerometers integrated data.