• 제목/요약/키워드: Place of Praying

검색결과 13건 처리시간 0.03초

고려 초조대장경 각판의 발원 장소 및 일자에 관한 연구 (A Research on the Place and Date of Praying for the Engraving of the First Edition of Tripitaka Koreana)

  • 김성수
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.75-96
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    • 2011
  • 이 논문은 고려 초조대장경 각판(刻板: 雕造)과 관련한 발원(發願)의 장소(發願地) 및 그 일자(發願日)의 문제를 규명한 연구이다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 초조대장경 각판 발원의 단서는 이규보의 <대장각판군신기고문>에서 '초조대장경의 초창지단(初創之端)'의 내용에 입각하였다. 2) 거란군이 침략하고, 현종이 남순(南巡: 몽진)하다가 다시 개경(開京)으로 환궁하기까지의 기간 사이에, 군신(君臣)이 함께 거란군(契丹軍)을 물리치기 위한 대규모 행사의 개최 또는 신명(神明)이 보답하는 제사(報祠)를 올린 기록을 "고려사"와 "고려사절요"에서 검색하였다. 그 결과, '"고려사절요" 제3권, 현종 2년(1011) 2월 정사일(丁巳: 13일)'條의 내용이 <대장각판군신기고문>의 초조대장경 각판 발원의 내용과 일맥상통함을 파악하였다. 이에 따라 <대장각판군신기고문>의 내용 또한 역사적 진실(史實)을 담고 있는 기록임을 파악하였다. 3) "고려사절요" 현종 2년(1011) 2월 13일의 기록 즉, '거란군이 스스로 물러가도록 신명(神明)이 보답할 수 있는 제사를 올렸다'는 사항은 바로 2월 15일에 청주 행궁(行宮)에서 거행된 <연등회(燃燈會)>의 의식 및 제사를 말하는 것이며, 이 연등회의 제례(祭禮)에서 신명께 기고(祈告)한 내용은 곧 '초조대장경 각판의 발원'이었을 것임을 입증하였다. 4) 그리하여 초조대장경 각판의 발원장소는 청주행궁(淸州行宮)이며, 그 발원일자(發願日)는 1101년(현종 2) 음력 2월 15일임을 규명하였다.

조선 태조대왕 태실(胎室)의 형식과 특성 (A Study on the Type and Characteristics of the King Taejo's Taesil in Joseon Dynasty)

  • 유기원;김기주
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2017
  • Ordinary people generally bury or burn placenta when the baby was born. But, Joseon royal family put placenta in pot and then buried it in propitious site praying for good health and long life. After that baby had become the king of Joseon, people built stone figures formed fixed type at that place. It is called gabong-taesil(加封胎室). The purpose of this study is to figure out the type and characteristics of the King Taejo's taesil in Joseon Dynasty. The King Taejo's taesil had built first as soon as Joseon was established circa 1393, and repaired largely in 1689. Since then, this was damaged by the Japanese Empire and assembled in recent days at near place from the original place. Center piece of taesil remains the original form, and the rest of stone figures is assumed to be rebuilt in 1689. But, some materials like sangseok(裳石) and jeonseok(磚石) are assumed that are original stone figures or were made, assembled by the style of then. Considering most of remained taesil is a relic of the latter part of Joseon Dynasty, the King Taejo' taesil has high cultural value as the first gabong-taesil of Joseon Dynasty inheriting Goryeo Dynasty type.

여성의 불임 경험 -체외수정 실패 경험자를 중심으로- (Experiences of Infertile Women in Unsuccessful In Vitro Fertilization(IVF))

  • 강희선;김미종
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: A Phenomenological study was conducted to investigate the experiences of infertile women who had an unsuccessful in vitro fertilization(IVF) attempt and the structure of these experiences was identified in a socio-cultural context. Method: In-depth interviews were done with five participants from Nov. 1997 to Feb. 1998. Data was recorded and analyzed by Colazzi's method. Result: Significant statements were extracted from the data resulting in 4 themes and 11 concepts. The concepts were: 'lack of information', 'unable to anticipate the outcome', 'reaffirmation of need', 'financial strain', 'emotional suppression', 'change of social relationships', 'physical fatigue', 'blaming oneself or God', 'trying different ways', 'famous place shopping', and 'praying to God'. The significant themes of the participants' experiences with IVF emerged as: "uncertainty", "burden", "blaming" and "vigorous desire". Conclusion: The results indicate that the care of infertile women with an unsuccessful IVF attempt should be based on a deep understanding of their personal experiences. Also, information on alternative choices should be offered and supported.

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장소성 강화를 위한 자웅암 관광스토리텔링 방안 연구 (A Study on the Zhaungam Tourism Storytelling Method for Enhance the Placeness)

  • 이경숙;권기창
    • 지역과문화
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2019
  • 오늘날 성은 흥미의 도구로 전락되어 각종 성범죄가 끊이지 않고, 저출산 문제로 인구 절벽의 시대를 맞이하게 되었다. 이러한 문제를 극복하기 위한 대안으로 우리선조의 삶의 방식이었던 기자신앙을 새로운 인식으로 생명탄생의 신비를 간직한 성스러운 문화로 정착시켜야 한다. 이에 따라 자웅암 일원을 재미와 흥미를 주는 해학적인 장소가 아니라 생명탄생의 고귀함과 무병장수, 부귀영화를 기원하는 성스러운 장소로 재탄생 시키고자 하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 전통문화의 현재적 활용이라는 측면에서 자연사랑, 생명존중의 정신을 기반으로 소원, 만남, 치유, 사랑의 정신가치를 기획방향으로 정하고 단동 10훈 중 도리도리(道理道理)를 핵심 테마로 선정하여 "도리도리(道理道理) 시크릿 가든"이라는 명칭을 부여하여 관광스토리텔링 하였다. 문화콘텐츠는 지역의 마케팅 수단이 되고, 관광객이 지역을 방문하게 하는 힘으로 작용한다. 이런 맥락에서 "도리도리(道理道理) 시크릿 가든"의 조성은 안동의 브랜드가치를 높이고 새로운 명소가 되기에 충분한 의미와 있음을 알 수 있어 지역의 상징공간으로서의 면모를 갖추어 관광객을 유입하는 고부가가치산업으로 이어질 수 있음을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 현재까지도 자웅암과 자궁암에 사람들이 찾아와 자식을 낳기 위해 기도하고 있다는 점에 주목하여 자웅암 일원을 생명탄생의 고귀함과 무병장수와 부귀영화를 기원하는 성스러운 장소로 재탄생 시키고자 하는 것이다

사경은(寫經院)과 염승익(廉丞益) 발원(發願)의 사경(寫經) 「묘법연화경(妙法蓮華經」 7권본 1부 (A Study on the set the seven roalls of the Saddarma Pundarika Sutra Prayed by Yeom Seong-Ik and Script Center)

  • 권희경
    • 한국기록관리학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2003
  • 사경은 남계원(南溪院) 석탑의 출토품으로 1915년 남계원석탑(南溪院石塔)을 개성시(開城市)의 덕암동(德岩洞)의 원 위치로부터 경복궁으로 옮길 때 발견된 감지은니사경(紺紙銀泥寫經)의 염승익발원(廉丞益發願)의 사경(寫經) "묘법연화경(妙法蓮華經)" 7권본 1부는 권자본(卷子本)으로 세로 31.1cm이며, 표지화와 변상화(變相畵)가 안팍을 이루고 있는데 폭은 27.2cm이다. 이 사경은 또한 1행 14자로 쓰여지고 있는데, 이러한 특징은 표지화 변상화의 양식과 더불어 고려국왕별원 금 은자사경의 양식과 같다. 이 사경을 발원한 인물은 충렬왕대의 권신이던 염승익이다. 염승익은 "고려사(高麗史)" "고려사절요(高麗史節要)"에 의하면, 기인을 동원하여 지은 자신의 집을 대장경사경소(大藏經寫經所) 금자대장사경소(金字大藏寫經所)로 내놓았다는 기록이 있다. 그러므로 이 사경은 염승익이 자신과 그 일가권속의 복락을 빌기 위해 "묘법연화경(妙法蓮華經)" 7권부 1부를 금자대장사경소(金字大藏寫經所)에서 제작하고, 충렬왕(忠烈王) 9년 남계원석탑(南溪院石塔)을 수리할 때 탑에 함께 봉안했을 것으로 생각할 수 있다. 그러나 이 사경의 가장 중요한 점은 "고려사절요(高麗史節要)"의 기록처럼 금자대장소로 내놓았다는 점이라 할 수 있다. 금자대장소란 장소적 의미가 강조된 것으로 금경사와 더불어서 금자원과의 차이를 밝힐 수 있는 중요한 단서라고 할 수 있는 점이다. 그러나 이 사경이 충렬왕대 고려국왕발원 금 은자사경의 특징을 그대로 보여주고 있다는 점에서 비록 개인발원사경이라 할지라도 금자대장사경소(金字大藏寫經所)에서 제작되었기 때문에 금자원(金字院)(혹은 은자원(銀字院))의 스타일을 그대로 따르고 있다는 점과 이러한 점을 통해 남겨진 기록들과 발문을 중심으로 사경원 금 은자원의 성격을 밝히는데 힘썼다.

고려 초조대장경 조조의 가치와 의미에 관한 연구 (A Research on the Significance of the First Edition of Tripitaka Koreana)

  • 김성수
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.263-288
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    • 2012
  • 이 논문은 고려 초조대장경 조조의 가치와 의미를 도출하기 위하여 시도된 연구이다. 연구의 방법은 1) 초조대장경의 조조(雕造)는 거란의 침략을 물리치기 위한, 즉 '진병대장경(鎭兵大藏經): 거란과의 전쟁을 진압한 대장경'이라는 측면에서의 구체적인 증거와 발원지(發源地) 및 발원일(發願日)을 규명함으로써 그 가치와 의미를 더욱 명확하게 부여하고자 하였다. 2) 형태서지학적인 측면에서의 초조대장경 판본의 특징을 고찰하였다. 그 결과, 초조대장경의 목판 판각에 있어서 중국 개보칙판대장경의 인쇄본을 단순하게 복각(復刻)한 것이 아닌, 이른바 독창적이고 탁월한 예술성(藝術性)을 지니고 있다는 점에서 형태서지학적인 가치와 의미가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 3) 체계서지학적인 측면에서의 초조대장경의 편성 내용을 분석하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 초조대장경의 편성에는 중국 역대의 모든 불전목록을 빠짐없이 편입한 것으로 보아, 문종시대 이후의 초조대장경의 편성에는 개개 불전 또한 목록학적(目錄學的)인 철저한 검증을 거쳐서 대장경에 편입시켰을 것이라는 점에서 보면, 포괄성(包括性)과 누적성(累積性)을 지닌 체계서지학적인 가치와 의미가 있음을 파악하였다.

태교 실천에 대한 일상생활 기술적 연구 (An Ethnographic Study about Taegyo Practice in Korea)

  • 김현옥
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.411-422
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is twofold : (i) to investigate how much effort the married couples are making for the good health of both the pregnant woman and her unborn child from the time of their marriage to and during the period of conception : and (ii) to comprehensive investigate socio-cultural back-grounds which affect prenatal effort. Result of this study provide a basis for the prenatal care program which will be appropriate to our culture. This study has been done by the ethnographic research method. The subjects of this study are 53 people in all consisting of 33 pregnant women and 20 husbands. In order to investigate socio-cultural factors which influence Taegyo, producers of Taegyo music were interviewed. In addition the researcher surveyed the markets of Taegyo music, participated in special courses of prenatal education, analyzed the content of the books and periodicals dealing with Taegyo, and collected the concept of Taegyo distributed by the mass media. The full-fledged study continued for eight months from February to August.1996. The data were analyzed as soon as they were collected. Spradly's(1979, 1980) developmental, sequential method of domain analysis. taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and theme analysis in this order was adopted as the procedure of analyzing the data. To obtain the exactness of study, Sandelowski's (1986) four criteria, that is, Credibility, Fittingness, Auditability, and Confirmability were applied to all stages of data collection, data analysis, the interpretation of the result, and the description of the result. The following are the result : 1. The couples' Taegyo at the stage of preconception was related to their physical, psychological, spiritual conditions under which a healthy baby will be born. Specific methods they prefer are : "the choice of one's spouse." "physical check-up," "physical good health, " "praying, " and so on. 2. When the marriod couple have sex in order to conceive, their Taegyo was related to the imposition of their physical, psychological, and environmental conditions. Specific methods they prefer are : "having sex at specific time, " "having sex in nice place." "to purify their minds while having sex," and so on. 3. The married couples' Taegyo while they are in pregnancy was related to the imposition of their physical. psychological, emotionmental. environmental, social and spiritual conditions. Specific methods they prefer are : "listening to music. " "reading," "looking at beautiful things only," "to avoid looking at or listening to bad things." "to eat food in good shape, " "to avoid drugs," "eating Korean herbal medicine." "sexual abstinence," "to avoid dangerous places," "to keep emotional tranquility," "moderate exercises and rest." "leading a pure life." "praying." "being aware of their words and behavior." "for the couple to keep a good relationship." "interaction with their unborn child," "to support Taegyo for pregnant women," and so on. 4. The married couple put Taegyo into practice on the basis of the following principles : the principle of respecting an unborn child, the principle of forming a good disposition. the principle of top-down parental love, the principle of synergy between a pregnant woman and her unborn child, the principle of expecting a good child, the principle of forming a good habit, and the principle of acquiring a parental role. 5. The practice of Taegyo is influenced by such factors as the married couple, the supporting system, and the mass media. As the husband -and-wife factor, their information of Taegyo, the degree of importance is assigned to their characters, their time to spare, their healthiness, the age of pregnant woman, their conception plan, their religion, their belief of the Taegyo effects, and the birth of a baby in this order. The factor of the supporting system consists of her husband's support, her family support, and her neighbor's support. The mass media factors include the broadcasting media, books specialized in Taegyo, periodicals for pregnant women, booklets for advertizing powdered milk, Taegyo music of record manufacturing companies, and the teaching materials for gifted children. Among these the mass media is especially taking advantage of Taegyo as its main source of economic profits are leading the public behavior pattern to a prodigal one. Taegyo is a self-control behavior which requires practice for the following : the physical and psychological good health of the pregnant woman and her unborn child, the development of the unborn child's good character, the development of the unborn child's intelligence and talents, the expectation of the unborn child's good features. shape a good habit, the expectation of the unborn child's bright future, and the learning of a parental role, the expectation of male birth. Above all it is a type of our good cultural tradition which pursues a value higher than the one that the prenatal care does. The principles of pregnancy care inherent in the habit of Taegyo will provide us a guideline for the development of the prenatal care.

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한국 천주교 '연도(煉禱)'의 분석심리학적 고찰 (A Perspective of Analytical Psychology on 'Yeondo', a Prayer for Souls in Purgatory of Korean Catholic Church)

  • 여춘자
    • 심성연구
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 2016
  • 한국 천주교회에는 '연도(煉禱)'라고 하는 연옥 영혼들을 위한 독특한 방식의 위령기도가 있다. 본 논문의 목적은 '정신 안에서의 영적 변환과정'을 위한 '정신적 용기(psychic container)'로서의 '연도의례'가 담고 있는 상징성을 분석 심리학적 관점으로 고찰해 보는 것이다. 연도의례는 또한 지옥도 천국도 아닌 '중간상태'에 있는 연옥 영혼을 위한 사후 심판의 '통과의례(rites of passage)'로서 산 자인 상주와 죽은 자인 망자(亡者)가 함께 통과의례의 구조인 분리(separation), 전이(transition), 통합(incorporation)의 단계를 거치게 되는데, 특히 중간상태인 전이단계에서 상주와 망혼이 특별한 연대감을 갖는다고 할 수 있다. 연도의례에서는 죽음을 삶의 끝이 아닌 '영원한 생명'의 시작이라는 재생적 사건으로 바라보며, 연도의례의 상징적 과정은 죽음의 혼돈과 정화와 재생을 통한 낙원회복의 영적변환 과정이라고 할 수 있다. 죽음과 부활에 의한 영적인 재생과정은 집단적 무의식과 접촉함으로써 생기는 회복이라고 말할 수 있다. 또한 산 자가 죽은 자를 위해 하느님의 은총과 이미 낙원에 들어가 있는 성인들의 도움을 얻기 위해 기도를 한다는 것은, 무의식의 인식과 통합 즉 자기실현은 의식의 협력이 필요하다는 것을 의미하는 동시에 의식의 수준을 넘어서기도 한다는 것을 나타낸다고 할 수 있다. 하느님의 은총에 힘을 입은 연옥영혼이 구체적인 정화과정을 경험하면서, 하느님의 세계와 통교할 수 있는 초인적인 능력을 얻고 하느님과 합일의 경지에 이르러 낙원으로 들어가게 되는데, 이는 정화과정과 중심화를 통한 자기 인식의 길에 도달한 내적 인간, 즉 변환된 인격이 되는 자기실현을 의미한다 하겠다. 입문의례로서의 연도의례는 죽은 자와 산 자의 숙고를 위한 목적성을 지닌 개성화 과정이라고 말할 수 있다. 산 자들이 지속적으로 반복해서 연도를 바치는 의미는 전체성을 회복하기 위한 끊임없는 노력이라고 할 수 있다.

병동형 호스피스 대상자를 위한 전인적 호스피스 간호중재 프로그램의 개발 (Development of Wholistic Hospice Nursing Intervention Program for In-patient of Hospice Palliative Care Unit)

  • 강은실;최성은;강성년
    • 호스피스학술지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2007
  • People in the end of life and their families suffer in their physical disease and other aspects as a whole person. They need hospice care to palliate their total suffering in physical, emotional, social and also spiritual aspect through professional hospice team. To care their whole personal needs, hospice team must be a multi-discipline team which consists of medical doctors, nurses, social workers, pastors and volunteers. Recently those who die in hospice palliative care unit have trend to increase more than in home year by year. So it is necessary to develop the nursing intervention program to be performed by multi-discipline team approach for in-patient of hospice palliative care unit. The purposes of this study were to develop of wholistic hospice nursing intervention program for inpatient of hospice palliative care unit. The subjects of study were collected from 30 patients those who were over 18 years old and admitted in hospice palliative care unit of S hospital in P city with agreement in hospice palliative care in their terminal disease. The period of data collection was from December 15, 2003 to March 15, 2004. The result were as follows : 1. The result of Wholistic Hospice Nursing Program's development was as follow : A Wholistic Hospice Nursing Program was developed by me in this study is one of the service program for hospice palliative care unit. It was named as ‘Rainbow Program’ to be approached easily by hospice patients. The purposes of it are to improve the quality of life of the terminal patients with their dignity, to help them live in abundant and meaningful in their lives, to care them in peaceful in dying process with understanding them in whole personal, and also to palliate the grief and suffering of the bereaved. It was provided by hospice professionals(nurses, medical doctors, social worker, pastors, art therapists) and volunteers those who were educated in hospice for multi-diciplinary team approach to collaborate with each role play I 20-30 minuters of each through visiting their rooms individually and a place of hospice palliative care unit of S hospital in P city. The subjects of it were the terminal patients those who admitted hospice palliative care unit and their familes. with agreement in hospice palliative care in their terminal disease. The characteristics of it were multi-disciplinary team approach, whole personal care, individual care and total care according to their needs in their condition. The contents of it were pain control, symptom control, counseling patient, counseling family, hair cutting, hair shampooing, bed bath, recreation, taking a walk, event of culture(screen, recital, festival of praises, exhibition and so on), pastoral counseling, ritual service in bed, praying, service in bed, sing a worship praise, listening to the music, sharing remembrance of life, individual visiting music service(sing and praying), meditation Bible, art therapies(dance and drawing), social worker's counselling, confessing and sharing love and thanksgiving. The experimental group subjects participated in Wholistic Hospice Nursing Program which takes 120 minutes per session, total 10 sessions(total 1,200 minutes) altogether. In conclusion, this Wholistic Hospice Nursing Intervention can be used actively for whole personal well-being of the patients in hospice palliative in hospice palliative care unit and also applied in hospice practice as an useful model of multi-disciplinary team approach by hospice professionals.

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"삼국사기(三國史記)"에 기록된 의약내용(醫藥內容) 분석 (Study on Medical Records In ${\ulcorner}$the Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms${\lrcorner}$)

  • 신순식;최환수
    • 제3의학
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.35-54
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    • 1997
  • We tried to observe the features of ancient medical practice by analysing the records related to medicine in the book, ${\ulcorner}$the Historical Records of the Three Kingdom${\lrcorner}$ of which content includes the features of medicine in mythology, plague, delivery of twins, drugs, medical system, shamanism, constitutional medicine, psychiatry, forensic medicine, deformity, a spa, medical phrase, health and welfare work, religion, death. physiological anatomy, Taoist medicine, acupuncture, the occult af of transformation and etc. Our initial concern was about where to draw line as of medical field and we defined medicine in more broad meaning. The book ${\ulcorner}$the Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms${\lrcorner}$ describes the world of mythology by way of medicine which is not clearly a conventional one. There appears records of birth of multiple offsprings 7 times in which cases are of triplets or more. Delivering multiple offsprings were rare phenomenon though such fertility was highly admired. This shows one aspect of ancient country having more population meant more power of the nation. Of those medical records conveyed in that book includes stories of childbirth such as giving birth to a son after praying, giving birth to Kim Yoo-shin after 20 months after mother's dream of conception, and a song longing for getting a laudable child. Plagues were prevalent throughout winter to spring season and one can observe various symptoms of plagues in the record. Of these epidemic diseases, cold type might have been more common than the heat one. Appearance of epidemic diseases frequently coincided with that of natural disasters that this suggests a linkage between plague and underlying doctrine on five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors. There exists only a few names of diseases such as epidemic disease, wind disease, and syndrome characterized by dyspnea. Otherwise there appeared only afflictions that were not specified therefore it remains cluless to keep track of certain diseases of prevalence. Since this ${\ulcorner}$Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms'${\lrcorner}$ wasn't any sort of medical book, words and terms used were not technical kind and most were the ones used generally among lay people. Therefore any mechanisms of the diseases were hardly mentioned. Some of medicinal substances such as Calculus Bovis, Radix Ginseng, Gaboderma Luciderm, magnetitum were also in use in those days. 53 kinds of dietary supplies appears in the records and some of these might have been used as medicinal purpose. Records concerning dicipline of one's body includes activities such as hunting, archery, horseback riding etc. In Shilla dynasty there were positions such as professor of medicine, Naekongbong(內供奉), Kongbong's doctor(供奉醫師), Kongbong's diviner(供奉卜師). As an educational facility, medical school was built at the first year of King Hyoso's reign and it's curricula included various subjects as ${\ulcorner}$Shin Nong's Herbal classic${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Kabeul classic of acupuncture and moxbustion${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$The Plain Questions of the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Classic of Acupuncturer${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$The Pulse Classic${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$Classic of Channels and Acupuncture Points${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$Difficult Classic${\lrcorner}$. There were 2 medical professors who were in charge of education. To establish pharmacopoeia, 2 Shaji(舍知), 6 Sha(史), 2 Jongshaji(從舍知) were appointed. In Baekje dynasty, Department of Herb was maintained. Doing praying for the sake of health, doing phrenology also can be extended to medical arena. Those who survived over 100 years of age appear 3 times in the record, while 98 appears once. The earliest psychiatrist Nokjin differentiated symptoms to apply either therapies using acupuncture and drug or psychotherapy. There appears a case of rape, a case of burying alive with the dead, 8 cases of suicide that can characterize a prototype of forensic medicine. Deformity-related records include phrases as follow: 'there seems protrudent bone behind the head', 'a body which has two heads, two trunks, four arms.', 'a body equipped with two heads' In those times spa can be said to be used as a place for he리ing, convalescence, and relaxation seeing the records describing a person pretended illness and went to spa to enjoy with his friends. Priest doctors and millitary surgeons were in charge of the medical sevice in the period of the Three Kingdoms by the record written by Mookhoja(墨胡子) and Hoonkyeom(訓謙). Poor diet and regimen makes people more vulnerable to diseases. So there existed charity services for those poor people who couldn't live with one's own capacity such as single parents, orphans, the aged people no one to take care and those who are ill. The cause of affliction was frequently coined with human relation. There appeared the phenomenon of releasing prisoners and allowing people to become priests at the time of king's suffering. Besides, as a healing procedure, sutra-chanting was peformed. There appears 10 cases of death related records which varies from death by drowning, or by freezing, death from animals, death from war, death from wightloss and killing oneself at the moment of spouse's death and etc. There also exist certain records which suggest the knowledge of physiology and anatomy in those times. Since the taoist books such as ${\ulcorner}$Book of the Way and Its Power(老子道德經)${\lrcorner}$ were introduced in the period of Three Kingdoms, it can be considered that medicine was also influenced by taoism. Records of higher level of acupuncture, records which links the medicine and occult art of transformation existed. Although limited, we could figure out the medical state of ancient society.

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