• Title/Summary/Keyword: Physical education attitude

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Influence of Body Weight Perception on Weight Management Behavior among Korean Female Adolescents

  • Lee, Dae Taek;Lee, Myung Chon;Kim, Jae Ho;Cho, Jung Ho;Cha, Kwang Suk;Chandler, Steve B.
    • Nutritional Sciences
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2004
  • This study investigated the influence of weight perception on weight management strategies including diet and exercise in Korean female adolescents. Junior (J) and senior (S) high school girls were divided in two groups; those who had $\leq$100% (BI) and > 100% (AI) of ideal weight (J-BI, n=376, 14.8 yr, 46.1 kg; J-AI, 11=128, 15.0 yr, 57.4 kg; S-BI, n=325, 17.4 yr, 50.1 kg; and S-AI, n=133, 17.5 yr, 58.2 kg, mean values). Questionnaires to assess weight perception, desire to lose weight, body image, eating behavior, weight control strategies and physical activity (PPA) were administered J-AI(9.4 kg) and S-AI(9.8 kg) desired to lose weight more than J-BI(2.5 kg) and S-BI(3.6 kg), respectively (p < 0.001). 85% of J-AI and 93% of S-AI perceived their weight being above average and 23% of J-BI and 34% of S-BI responded similarly (p < 0.001). Body dissatisfaction index (BDI) and eating attitude (EAT26) scores were lower in J-BI(9.7, 12.0) vs. J-AI(16.4, 14.7) and S-BI(12.4, 12.4) vs. S-AI(19.5, 15.4) (p < 0.001). However, PPA was not different for J-BI vs. J-AI, and S-BI vs. S-AL Only 17, 18, 9, and 15% of J.BI, J.AI, S-BI, and S-AI, respectively, exercised regularly. PPA and BDI were only slightly correlated in J-BI(r=0.194, p < 0.005) and S-BI(r=0.220, p < 0.005). Even that the majority of Korean female adolescents perceived they were heavy and desired to lose weight, appropriate exercise and physical activities were not practiced.

Analysis of the Dental Health in Primary School Textbooks (초등학교(國民學校) 교과서별(敎科書別) 구강보건(口腔保健)에 관(關)한 실태분석(實態分析))

  • Choi, Hee-Yeon;Chung, Yeon-Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.56-68
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    • 1993
  • The primary school age are important period that the children exchange the deciduous teeth for permanent teeth, there are so many outbreak of dental caries which is major oral diseases periodontal disease begins, and malocclusion may be brought about. The purpose of this study is to suggest the fundamental data for enforcement of dental health in primary school age as analyzing the curriculum contents and amount on dental health in primary school course. The data were investigated from 103 volumes of 139 textbooks of second semester in 1992 and first semester i 1993 except some subjects that the quantitative analysis is impossible such as arithmetic a problem in arithmetic, observation, music, fine arts and so on. The contents of all textbooks were analyzed separating into paragraph and picture, the contents for dental health were classified into amount, item, teaching method. The results are as follows: 1) The paragraphs on public health were 3.992 among total paragraphs 69,789 as 5.72%. And the picture were 7.41% as 923 pieces of total 12,457 ones. 2) For dental health, there were 73 paragraphs of 69.789 ones (0.10%) and 42 pieces of 12.457 pictures (0.34%). 3) According to the investigation of curriculum that had the paragraphs related to dental health the most, it turned out to be in order of physical education nature. Right life story, and right life story, righ life, physical education for the picture. And for the grade, it appeared to be in order of sixth, third first grade for the paragraphs and first, third, sixth grade for the pictures. 4) In the attitude and knowledge of item for dental health by grade, it turned out that the paragraph was 76.71%, the behaviour was 23.29%. On the other hand, the knowledge was 35.17% and the attitude was 64.28% for the picture. 5) At the commentary of curriculum in primary school, the goal of health education by each grade was just keep clean and strong teeth, know the role of teeth and the cause of dacayed teeth, and prevent it in second and third grade.

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The Effects of ego resilience and self-esteem on life satisfaction of senior golf participants (시니어 골프 참여자의 자아탄력성과 자아존중감이 생활만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Je-Haeng;Cho, Gun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.407-416
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ego resilience and self-esteem on life satisfaction of senior golf participants. This study sampled senior golf participants in Gyeonggi-do area. Data from a total of effective 287 subjects was analyzed. The collected data was processed using the SPSS 24.0, and For the validity of the questionnaire, exploratory factor analysis was performed, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were conducted. The results are as follows; First, The correlation between ego-resilience, self-esteem and life satisfaction of senior golf participants is statistically significant. Second, The positive attitude of ego-resilience of senior golf participants has a statistically significant effect on self-esteem. Third, The supportive relationship and positive attitude of ego resilience of senior golf participants have a statistically significant effect on life satisfaction. Lastly The positive and negative variables of self-esteem of senior golf participants have a statistically significant effect on life satisfaction.

The Influence of On-Off Line Blended Learning in Emphasizing the Interaction Between Teacher and Students on the Perception about Learning Environment and Science-Related Attitude (교사와 학생의 상호작용이 강조된 온-오프라인 혼합형 학습이 학습 환경에 대한 인식과 과학 관련 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Yohan;Kim, Jinsook;Lee, Mu Sang
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2015
  • General education is changed by accepting the change in education environment to digital generation, emphasis about student-centered education, and change of teacher's role. E-learning has taken center stage as an effective learning environment but the problems are drawn for the absence of interaction that is important in learning. In this study, on the basis of questionnaire results about learning using website, we operated blended-learning where students come and go in cyberspace and physical space to set up the lesson environment for emphasizing interaction. We selected a control group (N=40) and an experimental group (N=40) from second grade students in a middle school for this research. General instructor-led lessons were implemented in the control group and blended-learning lessons to emphasize interaction between teacher and students were implemented in the experimental group. The experiments were applied to eight class-hours in 'characteristics of matter' unit. We implemented Test of Science Related Attitude (TOSRA) to the students before and after the lessons and administered questionnaire for checking attitude changes and perception in students. The results of the test show that the experimental group students were more encouraged and became more confident and curious about scientific learning than the control group students. The analysis of the interview and results of TOSRA show that blended-learning provided guidance and feedback by the teacher to the experimental group students more than the control group students. Blended-learning is suggested as a learning-method that is helpful in improving scientific attitude in students because it enables them to express their experiences without limit of time-space and promote interaction between teacher and students.

The Effects of Convergent Reproductive Health Promotion Program for Korean University Students on Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Attitude, and Reproductive Health Promoting Behavior (대학생을 위한 융복합 생식건강증진 프로그램이 성 지식, 성 태도 및 생식건강행위에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Wonjae;Park, Junhyuck;Lee, Seungwon;Yim, Jongeun;Jeong, Hyeoncheol;Lim, Youngsook;Han, Sukjung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study is to determine whether the reproductive health promotion program (RHPP) affect the sexual knowledge, sexual attitude, and reproductive health promoting behavior in University students. The students of 108 (mean 20.84 years) were participated in the RHPP, and this program was conducted to 110 min, twice a week for 4 weeks from November 9, 2016 to December 7. We investigated sexual knowledge, attitude, and reproductive health promoting behavior by questionnaire. As the results, the sexual attitude was better than baseline, and significant correlation between the sexual knowledge and the reproductive health promoting behavior (p<0.05). However, no significant changes in outcome measure were observed in the sexual knowledge and reproductive health promoting behavior (p>0.05). We found that the RHPP improves the sexual attitude and correlate between the sexual knowledge and reproductive health promoting behavior. This study will be utilized to develop the education program for the reproductive health promotion of University students.

The Analysis of Oceanic Contents based on Vocational High School Textbook in Korea (우리나라 전문계열 고등학교 교과서의 해양관련 내용 분석)

  • Kim, Sam-Kon;Hong, Chul-Hoon;Cha, Cheol-Pyo
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.222-235
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    • 2008
  • The study analyzed 343 government-authorized and officially approved textbooks of the Seventh Curriculum's specialized subjects in high school from March to September, 2007. The textbooks were categorized into the area of agriculture, industry, commerce, household and business, science, foreign languages and physical exercise and analyzed in terms of the target and content areas of marine education. And the findings were as follows: First, among the textbooks in the seven groups serving as the focus of this study, 19.8% have oceanic-related information but pages including ocean contents occupy only 0.8%. Consequently ocean-related contents are scarcely included. The ocean-related contents are necessary to be treated goals. Second, the goals of school oceanic education are focused in vocational subjects. In order of commonality, information & knowledge are most frequent, then functionality, followed by activity & participation. There was no education provided focusing on value & attitude. Given that school oceanic educations were selected for promoting the importance of the ocean and highlighting the problems of the ocean, the lack of information & knowledge is of concern. The goals of oceanic education should be augmented to actively and positively participate in the solutions of the problems with knowledge, ocean-friendly value & attitude, and increased activity & participation. Third, the contents of school oceanic education commonly focuses on the relationships of oceans and humans, oceans and ecology, and artificial oceanic environments and facilities. Less common but still introduced are ocean resources, sea pollution, sea preservation and measures. Yet, in contrast there is a lack of education in the ethics of sea preservation.

A Study on the Obesity Index and the Physical Activities of Elementary School Children (초등학교 아동의 비만지수와 신체활동에 관한 조사연구)

  • Shin, Jae-Shin;Kim, Myung-Hee;Park, Hyung-Suk;Song, Mi-Gyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2000
  • This study researches an obesity index and the realities of physical activity of elementary school children and provide basic data to instruct correct physical activity for low weight and obese children. The subject was 813 Elementary School Children of grade 4-6 in Kyungju and data were collected with a Physical Activity Questionnaire from YHS, USA. The collected data were analyzed with real number, percentage, average and standard deviation techniques. The range was by SPSS WIN. Both of them were in the normal range, between -38.3 and 77.7, between low weight and obesity. The results are as follows : 1. An Obesity index according to grade and sex: the average obesity index of 423 boys was $7.56{\pm}15.7$, for girls it was $2.56{\pm}14.3$. Both of them were in the normal range, between -38.3 and 77.7. There were low weight($-38.85{\pm}0.9$) students as well as obese, including extremely low weight children ($-38.85{\pm}0.9$) and extremely obese children. 2. On the whole, in the Frequency of the 25 item physical activities breakdown, children reported to watch TV 1. ($2.7{\pm}0.6$), or do homework($2.1{\pm}0.9$), more than three-fourths of the week, male children, however, played more football($2.0{\pm}0.9$). As male obese children do less MET5, MET8(highly active activity) than male normal children, it was also discovered that low weight children do more severe activity in MET8(high activity). In female cases, it was revealed that neither do highly intense activity. 3. In physical activity, male children received higher points than female children with $92.94{\pm}37.95$ to $74.46{\pm}29.50$. On the whole, male and female obese children had lower score than normal children. 4. As for attitude toward physical activity, male children($31.96{\pm}4.37$) had a positive attitude than female children ($29.57{\pm}3.89$), but obese male children had a negative attitude regarding activity viewed as normal. Therefore, in preventing obesity in elementary school children the treating of under-weight children should be included in the obesity program so as to prevent mal-nutrition or deficiency. It is needed to instruct obese children to carry out intensive work-outs at least 3 times a week through systematic programs. It is also needed that parents and teachers educate elementary school children from an early age with information on the frequency and intensity of work-outs to prevent obesity. It is also desirable that children be educated to carry out physical activities that address their specific needs. As a result of this study, obesity management must be started from elementary school and children should be instructed to act in high-intensity actirities when they spend leisure time.

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A Study on Factors Influencing Exercise Intent and Behavior in Middle School Students (중학생의 운동의지 및 운동이행과 관련요인에 대한 분석연구)

  • Chung, Young Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.116-125
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    • 1991
  • The purposes of this study are to identify the degree of exercise intent and behavior and to determine factors influencing exercise and behavior in middle school students. The subjects for this study were 658 middle school students in Chonbuk area. The data were obtained by questionaire for the period from Nov. 1 to Dec. 20, 1990. The instrument used for the study were included 6 existing scales and 2 scales developed by the researcher for this study. They are: 1) The exercise intent scale to assess the exercise plan even when they had no longer physical education. 2) The current exercise behavior to measure of exercise frequency for 1 week. 3) The scale to measure the level of self -esteem. 4) The scale to measure the level of knowledge about exercise. 5) The scale to measure the level of the perceived ability to make commitment. 6) The scale to measure the level of the perceived benifit of exercise. 7) The scale to measure the level of the perceived athletic ability. 8) The scale to measure the level of the attitude toward physical education. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, one way ANOVA, Pearson Coeffecients Correlation and stepwise multiple regression. The following; results were obtained. 1. Exercise intent level was in the intermediate range(mean on five point scale of 3.66, with 1 = definitely no). 2. The current exercise behavior level was relatively low(mean=1.77, with l=less than once per week and 4 = 4 or more times per week). 3. Self -esteem levels were in the intermediate range(mean on five point scale of 2.96, a mean of 5.0 indicate highest level of self-esteem.) 4. The levels of perceived ability to make commitments were in the intermediate range(mean=3.05, with 5.0 as most able). 5. The levels of perceived exercise as benificial were relatively high(mean=3.72, with 5.0 as most benificial). 6. Knowledge levels about exercise were realatively high(mean=3.97, with 5.0 as most knowledgeable). 7. The levels of perceived athletic ability were in intermediate range(mean=3.01, with 5.0 as highest score). 8. The levels of attitudes toward physical education were in the intermediate range(mean=3.29, with 5.0 as most favorable). 9. Among the general characteristic variables, sex, interest sports activities were related to the difference of exercise intent levels. 10. Of the predictor variables analyzed, self - esteem, perceived benifit of exercise, perceived athletic ability, knowledge about exercise and attitude about physical education correlated significantly and positively with exercise intent. Correlations of predictors with current exercise behavior were similiar to exercise intent, exept knowledge about exercise. 11. The stepwise multiple regression analysis shows findings as follows: 1) The most important factor to explain the difference of exercise intent was current exercise behavior. 2) The most improtant factor to explain the difference of current exercise behavior was perceived athletic ability.

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Development and Effectiveness of the Primary Hospice Education Program for Nurses (간호사를 위한 호스피스 기초 교육 프로그램 및 효과)

  • In, Sook-Jin
    • 한국호스피스완화의료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.07a
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    • pp.100-102
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    • 2004
  • Under the current medical system, a terminal patient and his/her family who are neglected inevitably face various aspects of crises including not only physical, but also psychological, social, economic, spiritual and legal problems. Nurses often look after many terminal patents with these types of complicated problems. Therefore, educating the nurses who will take care of such patents would greatly reduce stress so the patents end could their lives in peace and without losing their dignity. This research is a quasi experimental study of nonequivalent control group. A pretest-posttest design where a basic education program is developed for nurses, who frequently treat terminal patents, to understand the importance of the role of hospice and to apply their understandings to treat terminal lancer patents. A sample of the nurses were taken from those who were working in general wards at two general hospitals in Seoul during October, 2003${\sim}$December 2003. The study was composed of 46 experimental group and 43 control group. A basic hospice education program was developed by taking emphasized and overlapping parts from advanced practice hospice nurses education course, short-term education course, an extensive literature survey and by consulting three professionals as well. With the group of 5 professors with vast experiences in oncolgy, 5 nursing administrator, 3 nursing practitioner, the tentative first version of the program was developed and reviewed. Afterwards, by utilizing person to person interviews with 2 head nurses experienced with terminal patients, 1 nurse in charge of hospice, 1 nurse on the contents of the program, and a person to person rating on the educating medium by a nurse were performed. The final version of a basic education program was developed after the second revision. The hospice basic education program consists of introduction to hospice, hospice and commucation, management of pain for terminal cancer patients, physical management for terminal cancer patients, socio-psycological caring of terminal cancer patients and management of death and separation. Total education time was four hours organized into 50 minutes of instruction and 10 minutes of break. $Powerpoint^{(R)}$ software was used as the education medium. As research tools, "Knowledge on Hospice" was developed by the author after receiving a review from one expert. "Attitude of Hospice Nursing" was revised Kim(2001)'s attitude measuring tool which was based on Wang(1998), Kwon(1989), Park and Sung(1991)'s tool. "Liability on nursing terminal patients" was used as developed by Zarits(1980) and Mongomory(1985) translated by Lee(1985). For collecting data, preliminary investigation prior to 1 week of the hospice basic education program and post-investigations after 1 week and 4 weeks of the education were carried out for the nurses at a general ward who understood and agreed on the purpose of the program. Collected data were analyzed throughout t-test, $x^2-test$, Manova test and Bonferroni correction in $SAS^{(R)}$ program. The summary of the investigation is as follows: Hypothesis 1: "Educated experimental group would possess more knowledge on hospice compared to the un-educated control group" was supported after 1 (F=12.14, p=.00) and 4 (F=5.3, p=.02) weeks of education. Hypothesis 2: "Educated experimental group would take a positive attitude toward hospice nursing compared to the un-educated control group" was supported after 1(F=3.92, p=.05) and 4(F=5.05, p=.02) weeks of education. Hypothesis 3: "Educated experimental poop would feel less liability compared to the un-educated control group in nursing terminal cancer patients' was rejected. In this study, it was found that knowledge on hospice was significantly important. By applying hospice basic education programs to nurses, the education program helped nurses to take a positive attitude toward terminal patients. It was, however, seen that the education program had no effect on alleviating liability in nursing terminal patients. Therefore, it is expected that this educational program would help hospices and nurses at general wards to understand the concept and the role of hospice so that terminal patents, now neglected under current medical system, would be able to end their lives in peace.

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Impact of a school-based culinary nutrition education program on vegetable consumption behavior, intention, and personal factors among Korean second-graders

  • Bai, Yeon;Kim, Young-Hee;Han, Young-Hee;Hyun, Taisun
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.527-534
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Veggiecation was developed to improve children's vegetable consumption through classroom lecture and cooking activities. In this study, we explored potential determinants of vegetable consumption behavior and intention, and examined the impact of Veggiecation on vegetable consumption behavior, intention and personal factors among Korean children. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The 4-week Veggiecation program was implemented for second-graders in South Korea (35 children in the intervention group, 36 in the control group). We identified personal and environmental factors influencing vegetable consumption behavior and intention using multiple regression analyses. Consumption behavior, intention and, personal factors such as preference, attitude, and self-efficacy were compared between the groups before and after the intervention. RESULTS: Children's vegetable consumption behavior was significantly correlated with personal, social-, and physical-environmental factors as well as intention. Among the variables, preference was the most influential factor on intention, and attitude and intention had great influence on the behavior. After the program, children in the intervention group demonstrated significant improvements in vegetable consumption, intention, attitude, preference, and self-efficacy compared with children in the control group. CONCLUSION: Veggiecation, a school-based culinary nutrition education program, improved vegetable consumption and intention, as well as preference, attitude, and self-efficacy, in second-graders. Veggiecation has great potential, as a global program, to increase children's vegetable consumption. This program can be expanded through various channels, such as after-school programs or camps, to provide a positive impact for children.