• 제목/요약/키워드: Phase potential

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An empirical study on a firm's fail prediction model by considering whether there are embezzlement, malpractice and the largest shareholder changes or not (횡령.배임 및 최대주주변경을 고려한 부실기업예측모형 연구)

  • Moon, Jong Geon;Hwang Bo, Yun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzed the failure prediction model of the firms listed on the KOSDAQ by considering whether there are embezzlement, malpractice and the largest shareholder changes or not. This study composed a total of 166 firms by using two-paired sampling method. For sample of failed firm, 83 manufacturing firms which delisted on KOSDAQ market for 4 years from 2009 to 2012 are selected. For sample of normal firm, 83 firms (with same item or same business as failed firm) that are listed on KOSDAQ market and perform normal business activities during the same period (from 2009 to 2012) are selected. This study selected 80 financial ratios for 5 years immediately preceding from delisting of sample firm above and conducted T-test to derive 19 of them which emerged for five consecutive years among significant variables and used forward selection to estimate logistic regression model. While the precedent studies only analyzed the data of three years immediately preceding the delisting, this study analyzes data of five years immediately preceding the delisting. This study is distinct from existing previous studies that it researches which significant financial characteristic influences the insolvency from the initial phase of insolvent firm with time lag and it also empirically analyzes the usefulness of data by building a firm's fail prediction model which considered embezzlement/malpractice and the largest shareholder changes as dummy variable(non-financial characteristics). The accuracy of classification of the prediction model with dummy variable appeared 95.2% in year T-1, 88.0% in year T-2, 81.3% in year T-3, 79.5% in year T-4, and 74.7% in year T-5. It increased as year of delisting approaches and showed generally higher the accuracy of classification than the results of existing previous studies. This study expects to reduce the damage of not only the firm but also investors, financial institutions and other stakeholders by finding the firm with high potential to fail in advance.

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The Yellow Sea Ecoregion Conservation Project : the Present Situation and its Implications (황해생태지역 보전사업 추진현황 및 시사점)

  • Kim, Gwang Tae;Choi, Young Rae;Jang, Ji Young;Kim, Woong-Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.337-348
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    • 2012
  • The Yellow Sea Ecoregion Conservation Project is a joint international project which is carried out under the purposes of conserving the habitats in the Yellow Sea Ecoregion and biodiversity from various threats that damage ecosystems, informing the importance and value of the Yellow Sea Ecoregion, and promoting the understanding and interests of Korea, China and Japan. Subsequent to the Yellow Sea Ecoregion Planning Programme which had been performed during the period from 2002 to 2006, the Yellow Sea Ecoregion Support Project has been performed over 7 years in total from 2007 to 2014. Panasonic is sponsoring the financing of the project, and the organizations in charge of the project by country are Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology for Korea and World Wide Fund for Nature branches for China and Japan. While the Yellow Sea Ecoregion Planning Programme was focused on the biological assessment and the selection of potential priority area by scientific review, the Yellow Sea Ecoregion Support Project is oriented toward practical activities targeting more diversified stakeholder. Especially, this project plans to support direct conservation activities in the region and participation and cooperation from local residents. The project plan is comprised of 3 phases. During the first period from 2008 to 2009, small grant projects were operated targeting 16 institutions of Korea and China, and for the second period from 2010 to 2012, one place each was selected as demonstration site for habitat conservation in Korea and China respectively and supported for three years to introduce the conservation method based on international standards such as the management of marine protected areas, ecosystem-based management and community-based management and simultaneously to develop habitat conservation activities suitable for national and regional characteristics. During the period from 2013 to 2014 which is the last phase, the project plans to distribute the performance of small grant projects and demonstration site activities through a series of forums among stakeholder. Through the activities described above, the recognition of general public on the conservation of the Yellow Sea Ecoregion was changed positively, and community-based management began to be reflected in the policies for the marine protected areas of central and local government.

Efficient Red-Color Emission of InGaN/GaN Double Hetero-Structure Formed on Nano-Pyramid Structure

  • Go, Yeong-Ho;Kim, Je-Hyeong;Gong, Su-Hyeon;Kim, Ju-Seong;Kim, Taek;Jo, Yong-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.08a
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    • pp.174-175
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    • 2012
  • (In, Ga) N-based III-nitride semiconductor materials have been viewed as the most promising materials for the applications of blue and green light emitting devices such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes. Although the InGaN alloy can have wide range of visible wavelength by changing the In composition, it is very hard to grow high quality epilayers of In-rich InGaN because of the thermal instability as well as the large lattice and thermal mismatches. In order to avoid phase separation of InGaN, various kinds of structures of InGaN have been studied. If high-quality In-rich InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) structures are available, it is expected to achieve highly efficient phosphor-free white LEDs. In this study, we proposed a novel InGaN double hetero-structure grown on GaN nano-pyramids to generate broad-band red-color emission with high quantum efficiency. In this work, we systematically studied the optical properties of the InGaN pyramid structures. The nano-sized hexagonal pyramid structures were grown on the n-type GaN template by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. SiNx mask was formed on the n-type GaN template with uniformly patterned circle pattern by laser holography. GaN pyramid structures were selectively grown on the opening area of mask by lateral over-growth followed by growth of InGaN/GaN double hetero-structure. The bird's eye-view scanning electron microscope (SEM) image shows that uniform hexagonal pyramid structures are well arranged. We showed that the pyramid structures have high crystal quality and the thickness of InGaN is varied along the height of pyramids via transmission electron microscope. Because the InGaN/GaN double hetero-structure was grown on the nano-pyramid GaN and on the planar GaN, simultaneously, we investigated the comparative study of the optical properties. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of nano-pyramid sample and planar sample measured at 10 K. Although the growth condition were exactly the same for two samples, the nano-pyramid sample have much lower energy emission centered at 615 nm, compared to 438 nm for planar sample. Moreover, nano-pyramid sample shows broad-band spectrum, which is originate from structural properties of nano-pyramid structure. To study thermal activation energy and potential fluctuation, we measured PL with changing temperature from 10 K to 300 K. We also measured PL with changing the excitation power from 48 ${\mu}W$ to 48 mW. We can discriminate the origin of the broad-band spectra from the defect-related yellow luminescence of GaN by carrying out PL excitation experiments. The nano-pyramid structure provided highly efficient broad-band red-color emission for the future applications of phosphor-free white LEDs.

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The Growth Phase and Yield Difference of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) on Soil Salinity in Reclaimed Land (간척지에서 토양 염농도별 케나프의 생육반응 및 수량성)

  • Kang, Chan-Ho;Choi, Weon-Young;Yoo, Young-Jin;Choi, Kyu-Hwan;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Song, Young-Ju;Kim, Chung-Kon
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.511-520
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    • 2014
  • Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) was recognized as a potential source of forage. To reduce the production cost, we should insure large cultivation area. The one of the best candidate places to expand the useful kenaf production was 'Saemangeum' reclaimed land. To confirm the possibility of kenaf growth in reclaimed land, we seeding and cultivated the kenaf in 'Saemangeum'. The germination percentage of kenaf on 5.0 dS/m soil salinity was 18%. It is less 66% than that of 4.0 dS/m soil salinity and at 6.0 dS/m, the germination percentage of kenaf was under 10%. The growth and development of kenaf in reclaimed land grew worse with increasing soil salinity. The stem diameter which the most important factor that decide the value and yield of product was upper 2.6 cm when soil salinity maintained under 4.0 dS/m, but if soil salinity marked over 4.0 dS/m, the stem diameter of kenaf was drop under 2.0 cm and it deteriorate the number of leaves per plant by 20~46%. The necrosis on older tip and marginal leaves were noted approximately first month after seeding which was correlated directly with the salinity levels of reclaimed soil. Reduction of total yield was coincide with increasing levels of EC. If soil salinity over 5.0 dS/m, the amount of decreased by soil salinity was 51% than that of non-reclaimed region. The allowable soil salinity level of which could be maintained within 20% reduction rate was 4.2 dS/m. Consequently kenaf can be grown successfully with moderately saline soil condition. However, salt levels in excess of 4.2 dS/m severely have restricted plant growth and development and will result in significant yield reduction.

Strategy for Development of HSE Management Framework for Offshore CCS Project in Korea (국내 해양 CCS 사업의 HSE 관리 프레임워크 구축 전략)

  • Noh, Hyonjeong;Kang, Kwangu;Kang, Seong-Gil;Lee, Jong-Gap
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.26-36
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    • 2017
  • Korea is preparing an offshore carbon capture, transport and storage (CCS) demonstration project which is recognized as one of important $CO_2$ reduction technologies to mitigate climate change. The offshore CCS project aims to transport, inject and store large amount of $CO_2$ into offshore geologic formation, and has a potential risk of leakage which might cause disastrous damage to human health, environment and property. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the offshore CCS project, a strict HSE (health, safety and environment) management plan and its implementation are required throughout the project life cycle. However, there are no HSE domestic laws or regulations applicable to CCS projects, and the related research is insufficient in Korea. For the derivation of the essential and urgent requirement in HSE management framework applicable to the offshore CCS project in Korea, we analysed the HSE management methodologies and foreign CCS HSE management guidelines and cases. First, this paper has analyzed ISO 31000, a generalized risk management principles. Second, we have investigated the HSE management practices of CCS projects in Norway and UK. Based on the analyses, we suggested the necessity of developing the HSE Philosophy and the HSE management process through the whole life cycle. Application of HSE management in early phase of an offshore CCS project will promote systematic and successful project implementation in a cost-effective and safe way.

A study of relationship between stomach cancer and selenoproteins in Korean human blood serum (한국인 혈청에서의 셀레노 단백질과 위암과의 상관관계 연구)

  • Park, Myungsun;Pak, Yong-Nam
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.417-424
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the relationship between selenoprotein concentrations in blood and stomach cancer have been searched for Korean. The concentration of each selenoprotein in blood serum was analyzed and the correlation between the concentration and stomach cancer was studied to find a potential for using Selenium as a biomarker. In concentration determination, a simple calibration curve method was used with the monitoring of m/z 78 without the use of solid phase extraction. This is a lot more simple than the method using SPE with post column isotope dilution. The result obtained from the analysis of CRM BCR-637, 72.20±3.35 ng·g−1, showed similar value of reference value (81±7 ng·g−1). The total concentration of Se for the controlled group, cardiovascular patients group, was 105.70±21.20 ng·g−1. This value was the same as normal healthy person reported earlier. Each selenoprotein concentration of GPx, SelP and SeAlb was 26.12±7.84, 65.15±14.50, 14.43±6.99 ng·g−1, respectively. The distribution of each selenoprotein was 24.7%, 61.6%, and 13.7%, which was similar to the normal person. The result of stomach cancer patients, the total concentration of Se was 76.11±28.12 ng·g−1 and each concentration of GPx, SelP and SeAlb was 15.41±9.01, 50.83±17.91, and 9.87±5.21 ng·g−1, respectively. The total and each selenoprotein concentration level showed significant decrease for the stomach cancer patients. The level of decrease was 41.0% for GPx, 22.0% for SelP, and 31.6% for SeAlb. However, the distribution of each selenoprotein was not much different. Either total Selenium or each selenoprotein could be used as a possible index for the diagnosis of cancer. However, in age group study, it is shown that young age group (30's-40's) did not show much difference.

Excretroy Urography in the Minipig (미니돼지에서 배설성요로조영술의 적용)

  • Jung, Joo-Hyun;Chang, Jin-Hwa;Choi, Min-Cheol
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.9 s.89
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    • pp.1211-1216
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    • 2007
  • Excretory urography was performed on eight healthy minipigs to evaluate radiographic anatomical status and excretive function of the urinary tracts and to get an optimal procedure. The right and left kidneys were located in $T13{\sim}L4$and $T12{\sim}L3.5$, respectively. The left kidneys were located more cra-nially than the right. The everage lengths and widths of kidneys were $8.50{\pm}0.58$ $(mean{\pm}SD)$and $4.30{\pm}0.39$ cm on the ventrodorsal projection and $8.70{\pm}0.76$, and $4.10{\pm}0.40$ cm on the lateral projection, respectively. The lengths of kidneys were twice the width. When the lengths of kidneys were com-pared with lengths of the second lumbar vertebras, the ratios of kidney lengths to L2 lengths were $3.62{\pm}0.30$ on the ventrodorsal projection and $3.63{\pm}1.10$ on the lateral projection. The lengths and 쟝손 of renal pelvis including major calices were $4.01{\pm}0.46$, and 2.20{\pm}0.41$ cm, respectively. The lengths and 쟝손 of minor calices were $0.49{\pm}0.06$, and $0.10{\pm}0.01$ cm. The lengths and widths of the ureters were $12.25{\pm}2.05$, and 2.94{\pm}0.86$ cm. The nephrogram stage was reached in 3{\sim}5$ minutes, and the pyelogram phase in $5{\sim}15$ minutes individually after injection of contrast medium. The result of this study shows similar information and procedure of excretory urography for other laboratory ani-mals and leads to the potential use of this method for minipigs.

A Study on Nursing Service of Chronic Diseases by the First Step and Third Step Medical Treatment (1차 및 3차 진료기관 이용 만성질환자의 간호서비스에 관한 연구)

  • Cho Chong Sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 1996
  • It is to be growing up the interest of community health affairs through visiting nursing care. The health medical treatment of Korea has been changed largely on the period. The juvenile population has decreased. This means that is has took the population consensus of advanced national organization to be increased by the old age. The transition of disease has changed from the contagious disease importance to the chronicity disease omportance because the domestic district population has experienced the sudden urbanization circumstance district population has experienced the sudden urbanization circumstance to be growing up $70\%$ of the whole population. When the nursing service has common function to be delivering from all direction to home, this study is getting the great important phase velocity in order to manage the kernel questional adult chronicity disease of health medical institution at the present age. (1) community over system or with people particularity (2) the first of third step medical treatments. The variety of medical treatments organization has quantity of the delivery manpower and specially between consumers and rdlated person. A qualitative difference is showed at the purpose to be seizing. That research related person is use at district health center in Seoul, by foundation on nurse registration book of H collage hospital and public health registration book. According the chronicity disease. age. and sex. nature agree-able standard 54 people took the content analysis on nurse registration book of total 108 people. The results of the study were as follows: 1. General background factors are houses or kind of medical facilities and number of patients in family. The first medical treatment is more patients than third medical treatment organization. The first medical treatment of economic environment os appering to be worse. 2. The chronicity disease frequency have been different speciality according to medical treatment organization. On case of the first medical treatment. Diabetes and High Blood Pressure were good but Cerebrum Vascular Accident(CVA) showed many for bed case. In addition. the number of family is comparative large exception of CVA on according for moving condition and health more than the first medical treatment. However. family condition. whole family percentage is decreasing preferably through the potential resource is increasing by the number of and the construction of family. The ability of real resource is considered to be low. 3. The average percentage of nurse service has appered to be differed two groups by the first step medical treatment(33.72 times) and third step medical treatment(45.70 times). However, the difference (the first step medical treatment and third step medical treatment) is to be limited to issue the medicine at the service. The condition of nurse care was the indirect nursing care. Supportiong area was to be related to volunteer service and administration support. 4. The various nursing care average percentage of the chronicity disease was increased by orders of Diabetes. High Blood Pressure. and CVA in examination result and the medical treatment. The indirect nursing care was also same. At third step medical treatment, orders of chronicity disease were same. The case of other area on service conditions were increased by order of Diabetes. High Blood Pressure, and CVA. However. it is never appearing the difference at bottleneck affairs nursing care. 5. When the visiting nursing care demand particularly. the average percentage of nursing care from the first step medical treatment that the time under a person is many more than the time over two people. However, there was no difference in statistic. Third step medical treatment is $49.81\%$ at the time under a person. The average nursing care service is appeared by more many when the visiting nursing care demand is a few by 12.83 at the time over two people. 6. By visiting nursing care percentage to be frequency that nursing care averaghe percentage and inter-relation are large. The related factor of the first medical treatment is 0.96. However, the related factor of third medical treatment has shown the decreased 0.49 for the condition of relation more than that. Therefore. the nursing care average percentage is related to the visiting times of a nurse. This result is be showing the obvious fact that the first step medical treatment is few more than third step medical treatment.

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Evaluation of Site-specific Potential for Rice Production in Korea under the Changing Climate (지구온난화에 따른 우리나라 벼농사지대의 생산성 재평가)

  • Chung, U-Ran;Cho, Kyung-Sook;Lee, Byun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.229-241
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    • 2006
  • Global air temperature has risen by $0.6^{\circ}C$ over the last one hundred years due to increased atmospheric greenhouse gases. Moreover, this global warming trend is projected to continue in the future. This study was carried out to evaluate spatial variations in rice production areas by simulating rice-growth and development with projected high resolution climate data in Korea far 2011-2100, which was geospatially interpolated from the 25 km gridded data based on the IPCC SRES A2 emission scenario. Satellite remote sensing data were used to pinpoint the rice-growing areas, and corresponding climate data were aggregated to represent the official 'crop reporting county'. For the simulation experiment, we used a CERES-Rice model modified by introducing two equations to calculate the leaf appearance rate based on the effective temperature and existing leaf number and the final number of leaves based on day-length in the photoperiod sensitive phase of rice. We tested the performance of this model using data-sets obtained from transplanting dates and nitrogen fertilization rates experiments over three years (2002 to 2004). The simulation results showed a good performance of this model in heading date prediction [$R^2$=0.9586 for early (Odaebyeo), $R^2$=0.9681 for medium (Hwasungbyeo), and $R^2$=0.9477 for late (Dongjinbyeo) maturity cultivars]. A modified version of CERES-Rice was used to simulate the growth and development of three Japonica varieties, representing early, medium, and late maturity classes, to project crop status for climatological normal years between 2011 and 2100. In order to compare the temporal changes, three sets of data representing 3 climatological years (2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100) were successively used to run the model. Simulated growth and yield data of the three Japonica cultivars under the observed climate for 1971-2000 was set as a reference. Compared with the current normal, heading date was accelerated by 7 days for 2011-2040 and 20 days for 2071-2100. Physiological maturity was accelerated by 15 days for 2011-2040 and 30 days for 2071-2100. Rice yield was in general reduced by 6-25%, 3-26%, and 3-25% per 10a in early, medium, and late maturity classes, respectively. However, mid to late maturing varieties showed an increased yield in northern Gyeonggi Province and in most of Kwangwon Province in 2071-2100.

Simultaneous Determination of Carbohydrates and Organic Acids in Various Cultured Dairy Foods by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography: A Preliminary Study (다양한 낙농 발효유제품에서 HPLC를 이용하여 탄수화물과 유기산의 동시 검출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Hwang, Dae-Geun;Chon, Jung-Whan;Kim, Hyunsook;Kim, Hong-Seok;Song, Kwang-Young;Yim, Jin-Hyuk;Kim, Young-Ji;Kang, Il-Byung;Lee, Soo-Kyung;Seo, Kun-Ho
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.263-269
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    • 2015
  • Various carbohydrates (lactose, glucose, and fructose), lactic acid, uric acid, and acetoin were separated on a ZORBAX Carbohydrate Analysis column using the Agilent 1200 HPLC ChemStation$^{TM}$, and were identified according to retention times with 325 Dual Wavelength UV-Vis Detector and Refractive Index Detector with 0.013 N $H_2SO_4$ at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min. In addition, the lactase activity of four commercial probiotic lactic acid bacteria during 6-hour incubation was determined using a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Among the tested samples, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis showed the greatest lactase activity, followed by Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus casei, with Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus showing the lowest activity. Therefore, this HPLC technique shows potential for evaluating the fermentation processes of probiotic lactic acid bacteria and could simultaneously confirm the degree of ripening in various fermented dairy foods within only a half hour.

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