• 제목/요약/키워드: Perceived Educational Support

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직업계고 교사의 과정평가형 자격 과정 운영에 대한 교육요구도 분석 (The Need Analysis for Operating Course-based National Technical Qualification Course of Vocational School Teachers)

  • 박병선;윤지아;이창훈
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.28-46
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    • 2019
  • 이 연구의 목적은 직업계고에서 과정평가형 자격 과정 운영 시에 수행하게 되는 직무 내용을 도출하고 각각의 직무에 대한 현장 교사들의 교육 요구도 조사하는 것이다. 이를 위해 과정평가형 자격 과정을 운영하기 위한 직업계고 담당 교사의 직무 27개를 도출하고, 도출된 직무에 대하여 11명의 전문가에게 내용타당도 검증을 실시하여 수정 및 보완하였다. 도출된 직무에 대한 중요도와 능력 정도를 리커트 5점 척도로 조사하는 조사도구를 작성하여 과정평가형 자격 과정을 운영하고 있거나 운영 예정인 직업계고 교사 90명을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 조사된 자료를 t검정, 보리치 요구도, The Locus for Focus의 세 가지 방법으로 분석하고, 교육 요구에 대한 우선순위를 결정함으로써, 과정평가형 자격 과정 운영교 및 운영 예정교 교사의 직무에 대한 교육요구도를 분석하였다. 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 우선순위 분석 결과 '자격 종목 선정 및 편성기준 확인, 교육훈련시간 편성, 교과목 편성 및 학년·학기별 능력단위 운영 계획 수립, 수업 자료 선정, 교육·훈련 실시, 평가 계획 수립, 평가 실시, 40%미만 이수자 재교육 및 재평가, 지필평가 지도, 실무평가 지도, 면접평가 지도' 직무가 최우선순위 직무로 나타났으며 '외부평가 원서 접수, 불합격자 재응시 지도'가 차우선순위 직무로 나타났다. 이 연구에서 도출된 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 추후 개설되는 과정평가형 자격 관련 교사 연수 프로그램에 최우선순위의 직무 내용을 포함한다면 좀 더 긍정적인 효과가 있을 것이다. 둘째, 운영 계획 단계의 직무들에 대한 교육 요구 우선순위가 높게 나타났으므로 과정 운영의 시작 단계부터 적극 지원해야 한다. 단순히 편성 기준에 맞추는 것에서 나아가 실제 수업이 가능토록 하는 역량 개발이 중요하다. 셋째, 외부평가 단계에 대한 교육 요구 우선순위가 높게 나타났으므로 자격 종목별 맞춤형 연수 프로그램 또는 프로그램 진행 중 종목별 분반을 통한 심화 교육, 지필평가와 면접평가의 중요성에 대한 인식 제고가 필요하다.

사춘기 여성들의 월경경험 (Menstrual Experience of Adolescent Girls)

  • 정현숙
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.257-270
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    • 1996
  • Studies on menstruation have focused only on menstruation itself and menstrual disorders. The menstruating girls or women have been neglected. So, the purpose of this study was to understand menstrual experience of adolescent girls in their perspective and build a theory on it, The specific purpose of this study were to find initial reaction of the girls, their strategies to adapt to menstruation. consequences of their efforts, influencing factor, and patterns of experience. The subjects of this study were eleven adolescent girls who experienced menarche three months to twenty-six months before the interview time. They were selected purposively. Their ages were in range of twelve and sixteen. One of them was a elementary school girl, three high school girls, and seven middle school girls. Two girls were handicapped because of cerebral palsy. All of them had some knowledge about menstrual physiology and hygiene during menstruation. Data were collected from September, 1994 to July, 1995. Data collection & analysis were done according to the grounded theory methodology by Strauss & Corbin(1990). Data collecting method was the long interviews and observation. Each interview took from 1 hour to 2 hours. Interview were tape-recorded and transcribed later by author. Data were analyzed immediately after interviews. Based on the results of previous interview, next interview were planned until gathered data reached the saturation point. Results were as follows. One hundred and six concepts were found. Those concepts were grouped into twenty eight categories and then fourteen higher categories. Twenty eight categories were as follows. “want to hide”, “bewildered”, “sense of burden”, “sense of heterogeneity”. “gladness”. “sense of superiority”, “negative empathy”, “positive empathy”, “limited hygenic control”, “sense of timing”, “lack of knowledge”, “lack of support”, “advance knowledge”, “informational support”, “emotional support”, “endurance”, “prayer”, “disclosing”, “avoidance”, “diversion”, “sense of powerlessness”, “discovery of sex identity”, “sense of maturation”, “sense of stability”, “acceptance of menstruation ”. fourteen higher categories were as follows. “negative feeling”, “posive feeling”, “exchange of feeling”, “limited hygenic control”, “sense of timing”, “accumulated experience”, “dysmenorrhea”, “level of knowledge”, “need for support”, “perceived support”, “sharing of feeling”, “self-control”, “passive acceptance”, “active acceptance”. The core category was “emotional shaking”, which consisted of “positive feeling” and “negative feeling”. “Emotional shaking”comes up to every adolescent girls experiencing menarche, independently of any contextual conditions, and its dimension has two directions : positive one and negative one. Its influencing factors were time of menarche, advance knowledge, support from the significant persons, expression and self-regulation. Even if they showed different process of adaptation to menstruation, general process of adaptation were as follows : 1. stage of emotional shaking 2. stage of acceptance 3. stage of internalization of the menstrual experience. Seven patterns existed on the process of adaptation to menstruation after menarche. Those are as follows. 1. If girls thought their menarche came too early and they had not much knowledge on menstruation, they had a kind of negative feeling. If they did not get enough support and dysmenorrhea superimposed, they came to accept menstruation passively. 2. If girls had menarche too early. they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge. But support helped them accept menstruation easily. 3. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. But by experiencing subsequent menstruations and disclosing feeling, they began to accept menstruation. 4. If girls had menarche too lately and they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. they had positive feeling. If dysmenorrhea superimposed later, their feeling turned in to negative one. But they came to accept menstruation positively by disclosing feeling and getting support. 5. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. In addition to this. if dysmenorrhes superimposed while they did not get enough support, they felt powerless and came to accept menstruation passively. 6. If girls had menarche too early and did not get enough advance knowledge, they had negative feeling. But disclosing feeling and support made them get sense of homogeneity and began to accept menstruation. 7. If girls had handicap, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge and menarche was late. But Menarche made them get feel sexual identity. Their limited hygenic control and negative empathy from their mothers made them accept menstruation passively. To let adolescent girls take their menstrual experience as a part of their lives forming a positive sense of feminine identity, it needs qualified teaching and, support and deep concern of the significant others. Nurses including school nurses should try to develop an educational program, which include menstrual physiology. hygiene during menstrual period, meaning of menstruation and impact of menstruation on the development of female sexual identity.

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학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 적응과정에 관한 질적연구 (A Study on the Adaptation Process of North Korean Immigrant Youth Discontinuing Formal Education)

  • 양영은;배임호
    • 사회복지연구
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.189-224
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 한국사회 적응과정과 사회적 지지의 경험에 관한 심층적 이해를 제시하고, 사회복지 및 거시적 차원에서 적응을 위한 적극적인 지원과 해결방안을 모색하는데 그 목적이 있었다. 본 연구는 사례연구조사를 실시하여 '범주화' 하였고, '학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 초기적응과정 네트워크' 를 도출하였다. 본 연구의 주요결과로는 첫째, 연구참여자들은 경제적 적응을 제일 힘겨워하였고, 경제적 적응은 학업적응과 매우 긴밀한 연관성을 나타내었다. 연구참여자들은 남한거주기간 1.5년 미만의 초기적응과정에 있는 20대 초반의 학업중단 청소년들이었다. 따라서 탈북과정에서 초래된 학업격차와 연령차로 인하여 정규교육체계에 편입하지 못하였고, 취업시 학력조건이 미달되어 단순노동직의 저임금과 과잉근무에 시달리며 잦은 이직과 무직의 경험을 반복하였다. 둘째, 연구참여자들은 인간관계를 적응과정의 제일 중요한 핵심요소로 인식하였고, 인간관계에서 얻어지는 사회적 지지는 한국사회 적응에 긍정적인 기능을 하였다. 특히 남한사람들과의 교류는 정보적·평가적 지지를 얻을 수 있는 귀한 자원으로 인식되었다. 이러한 정보적·평가적 지지는 연구참여자들의 언어 적응을 돕고 문화적 이질감을 완화하였으며, 심리적 적응의 부정적 측면을 개선해 주었다. 한편 북한이탈주민과의 교류는 '배울 것이 없다' 는 이유로 멀리하였지만, 북한이탈주민 중심의 친밀한 관계에서 오는 정서적 지지는 연구참여자들의 적응과 심리적 안정에 매우 긍정적인 기능을 담당하였다. 셋째, 연구참여자들은 신체건강 및 심리적 적응에 있어 큰 어려움을 경험하였다. 지병은 치료받지 못하여 악화되었고, 여성의 자각증상은 매우 높았다. 새로운 환경에서 밀려오는 스트레스는 심리적 적응에 부정적인 영향을 미쳤으며, 연구참여자들은 자신감부족, 대인기피, 소외감을 경험하였고, 스트레스가 만성적인 경우 좌절감과 패배감을, 심각한 경우에는 분노와 우울증상을 경험하였다. 한편 연구참여자들은 가족과 함께 남한에 거주하였으므로 '가족을 고향에 버리고 왔다' 는 죄책감이나 '혼자' 라는 외로움이 낮았고, 민주주의 사회에서의 자유감과 안전감에 높은 만족도를 보였다. 이상의 연구결과를 근거로, 학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 사회적 지지체계의 강화, 자립·자활을 위한 경제적 지원정책 제안, 학업적응 지원을 위한 교육정책 마련 등에 관한 구체적인 해결방향을 제언하였다.

에듀테크 활용에 대한 학교와 기업의 인식차이 분석 (Analysis of differences in perceptions between schools and companies on the utilization of Edutech)

  • 계보경;백송이;고은현;허두영;윤재희
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 교육에서의 ICT 활용의 중요성이 커짐에 따라 에듀테크 활용에 대한 교육현장과 산업체의 인식의 차이 및 특징을 분석하고, 요구사항을 도출함으로써 에듀테크 활성화를 위한 정책적 제언을 제시하고자 한다. 이에, 교사 201명과 100개 기업체를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여, 에듀테크 활용에 대한 필요도와 활용도를 알아보기 위한 IPA 분석과 Borich 요구도, 기초통계, t검증을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 에듀테크 활용의 필요도에 대해 높게 인식하고 있었으며, 에듀테크를 위한 지원이나 접근성이 부족한 것으로 인식하고 있었다. 이에, 제품 개발단계부터 활용, 사후관리에 이르기까지 현장 교사와 기업의 직접적인 교류, 에듀테크 도입을 위한 전문적 지원, 구매 프로세스 간소화 및 관련 규제 완화, 교사 특성에 따른 맞춤형 지원 및 연수 프로그램이 요구된다. 향후, 코로나-19 이후에 나타날 교육 변화를 고찰하여 알맞은 제품 개발과 활용 확산 전략이 수립되어야 할 것이다.

양로원 노인의 무력감에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Powerlessness of Elderly Adults in Nursing Homes)

  • 김정순;김미숙
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data necessary for the establishment of a nursing intervention program to relieve the powerlessness of elderly adults in nursing homes by investigating the degree of such powerlessness and factors affecting it. For the study, 353 elderly adults from S. A. D. J and Y free nursing homes located in Pusan were sampled as the subjects. The data were collected through direct interviews using a questionnaire survey and recorded by observation for a month from September 1. 1999. Data were analyzed using the statistical package SAS. The main results were as follows; 1. The mean score of the degree of perceived powerlessness of the subject were 30.4 point out of 64 point. 2. The level of powerlessness showed significant differences among the subjects in terms of educational background and monthly allowance both of which belong to socio-demographic characteristics. 3. Concerning the level of powerlessness based on health conditions. it showed significant differences in terms of the situation of common activity and the subjective perception of health condition. 4. Based on social support. the level of powerlessness was found significantly different in terms of close friends. 5. According to social activity. the level of powerlessness showed a significant difference in religious and leisure activities. In conclusion. it would be more effective in reducing powerlessness in elderly adults and in dealing with chronic diseases and physical discomfort. if we operated programs through which elderly adults can make friends and develop a nursing intervention program focusing on a variety of leisure activities.

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과학 디지털교과서 활용에 대한 초등학생들의 인식 (Elementary Students' Perceptions on the Use of Digital Science Textbooks)

  • 임희준;오필석;권경필;신영준;안성훈;김종민;박순흥
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.795-805
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we investigated elementary students' perceptions of digital science textbooks after they used the digital science textbooks based on 2009 national science curriculum. For this study, 103 $3^{rd}$ and $4^{th}$ grade students were participated. They responded to the survey items about use comfortableness and satisfaction of the digital textbook. Descriptive survey and interviews were administered to understand their perceptions of advantages and disadvantages of the digital science textbooks. The analyses of the data show that students' perceptions of the digital science textbooks were positive in general and their satisfaction appeared to be quite high. They perceived the most advantage as having chances to use multimedia like video clips, pictures, and sound. They also mentioned other advantages like viewer functions such as highlights and notes, learning support functions such as supplementary materials and videos for science experiments, and smart pad functions to operate with hands. On the other hand, they pointed out disadvantages that there were many errors and lags in operation. We also discussed the educational implications about improving digital science textbook for effective science learning.

초등학교 보건교육 교과영역에 대한 교사들의 인식도 속성: Concept mapping 기법을 활용한 실험적 시도 (Teachers' Perceived Dimensions on Elementary School Health Education Curriculum: An Experimental Trial Based on Concept Mapping Approach)

  • 박경옥
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2007
  • Background: School is a primary health education setting for children and the continuous support should be provided to renew school health education curriculum correspondent to socio-cultural changes in Korean society. Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the principals' and teachers' needs of health education topics for their students and to analyze their conceptual map for health education curriculum in Korean elementary school. Methods: The sample size of the first survey was 179 and that of the second survey was 691 of elementary school principals and teachers from stratified sampling over Korea. The self-administered mailing survey was conducted to o identify the factor structure of the health education topics and to analyze the conceptual properties with exploratory factor analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis in SPSS 12.0. Results: A total of 21 health education topics were collected from the first survey and 31 topics were, comprehensively, generated for the second survey. The five factors were determined: 'life health promotion behavior,' 'drug control and mental health,' 'bulling and aggression prevention,' 'safety perception and injury prevention,' and 'sex education and sexual harassment.' The educational need scores were the highest in 'safety perception and injury prevention.' The two-dimensional cooperates were generated for the 31 health education topics and the two dimensional properties which divided the conceptual space were 'health-safety' for one and 'public/environmental-individual/personal' for the other. Conclusions: Health education curriculum and textbook should be developed considering teachers' needs and conditions for health education in school fields. The field-based health education programs or textbook would make more possible problem-solving health education for children in real school fields.

국내 중국 유학생의 문화적응 스트레스 영향요인 (Predictors of Acculturative Stress among Chinese Students in Korea)

  • 김희경;손연정;이미라;임경춘;장혜경;한수정;양남영;유명란;고은자
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the predictors of acculturative stress among Chinese students in Korea. Methods: Between October and December 2009, two hundred one Chinese students from three universities located in Cungnam province, were included in the current study using a questionnaire survey. Data analysis was done using SPSS/WIN 17.0 program. Results: The average score of acculturative stress was $38.50{\pm}6.97$. There were significant differences in acculturative stress according to educational level, economic status, type of residence, speaking skill in Korean, listening skill in Korean, grade point average, satisfaction for studying abroad, and perceived health status. The acculturative stress was significantly correlated with depression, resilience and social support. The strongest predictor of acculturative stress among Chinese students was depression. Conclusions: The findings suggest that developing programs to improve psychological health may provide a buffer against acculturative stress experienced by migrating Chinese students. Furthermore, more studies are needed to explore variables that influence on the international students' acculturation in Korea.

관리자의 담당의지에 따른 포천시 교육·보육기관 텃밭의 운영실태 및 인식 (Operation Status and Perception for School Gardens According to Program Leader's Dedication in Pocheon City)

  • 박인;송경희;이홍미
    • 대한영양사협회학술지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.384-396
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    • 2017
  • School gardens are known to be effective for increasing vegetable consumption in children. This study was carried out to examine the perception of garden program leaders for actual conditions and barriers to promote school gardens according to their sense of dedication. The 49 garden program leaders at schools and child care centers in Pocheon city were surveyed and grouped into two groups: dedicated (57.1%) and less dedicated (42.9%) as program leaders. Compared to dedicated leaders, leaders in the less dedicated group less advocated promotion of school gardens (P<0.001) and were less willing to attend training for school garden (P<0.01), despite less experience as program leaders (P<0.01) and past training (P<0.05). Moreover, leaders in the less dedicated group less acknowledged the educational results of school garden in every aspect (P<0.001, respectively), less perceived support from parents and colleagues (P<0.05, respectively), and less used garden produce in more active activities such as donation and literature (P<0.05, respectively), compared to the dedicated group. The most answered barrier against the promotion of school gardens was work burden, followed by manpower shortage, shortage of technique, knowledge, and information, and time shortage. The results of this study provide evidence that developing strategies is needed to make more teachers and child care providers more dedicated as garden program leaders.

Disparities in Health Care Utilization Among Urban Homeless in South Korea: A Cross-Sectional Study

  • Yoon, Chang-Gyo;Ju, Young-Su;Kim, Chang-Yup
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제44권6호
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: We examined health care disparities in Korean urban homeless people and individual characteristics associated with the utilization of health care. Methods: We selected a sample of 203 homeless individuals at streets, shelters, and drop-in centers in Seoul and Daejeon by a quota sampling method. We surveyed demographic information, information related to using health care, and health status with a questionnaire. Logistic regression analysis was adopted to identify factors associated with using health care and to reveal health care disparities within the Korean urban homeless population. Results: Among 203 respondents, 89 reported that they had visited health care providers at least once in the past 6 months. Twenty persons (22.5%) in the group that used health care (n = 89) reported feeling discriminated against. After adjustment for age, sex, marital status, educational level, monthly income, perceived health status, Beck Depression Inventory score, homeless period, and other covariates, three factors were significantly associated with medical utilization: female sex (adjusted odds ratio [aOR, 15.95; 95% CI, 3.97 to 64.04], having three or more diseases (aOR, 24.58; 95% CI, 4.23 to 142.78), and non-street residency (aOR, 11.39; 95% CI, 3.58 to 36.24). Conclusions: Health care disparities in Seoul and Daejeon homeless exist in terms of the main place to stay, physical illnesses, and gender. Under the current homeless support system in South Korea, street homeless have poorer accessibility to health care versus non-street homeless. To provide equitable medical aid for homeless people, strategies to overcome barriers against health care for the street homeless are needed.