• Title/Summary/Keyword: Patient-based

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Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Parkinson's Disease (파킨슨병 환자에서의 우울증상)

  • Lee, Moon-Sook;Yang, Chang-Kook;Hah, Hong-Moo;Kim, Jae-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate 1) the prevalence of depressive symptoms, 2) the severity of depressive symptoms, 3) the correlation of depressive symptoms with clinical variables, and 4) factors that contribute to depressive symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease. Methods: One hundred eighteen patients with Parkinson's disease referred from the Parkinson's Disease Clinic of Dong-A University Hospital, Busan, Korea, completed a self-administered questionnaire package, which included basic demographic data, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Parkinson's disease quality of life questionnaire, the Symptom Checklist-90-Revision(SCL-90-R), and the Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. In addition, a structured interview and a complete neurological examination, including the Hoehn and Yahr stage, the motor part of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale(some selected scales of UPDRS part III), the Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living scale(ADL), and the Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination were performed. Results: 1) Based on BDI score, subjects were divided into four groups:severely(40.7%), moderately(13.6%) and mildly(12.7%) depressive and non-depressive(33.1%). 2) The severity of depressive symptom in Parkinson's disease was positively correlated with Hoehn and Yahr(H & Y) stage(r=0.34, p<0.0001), the severity of motor symptom(r=0.35, p<0.0001), and trait anxiety inventory(r=0.33, p<0.001). On the other hand, the severity of depressive symptom was negatively correlated with educational level(r=-0.34, p<0.001), ADL(r=-0.37, p<0.0001) and Parkinson's disease quality of life (PDQL)(r=-0.69, p<0.0001). Among several clinical variables, the PDQL was the most influential factor predicting whether the depressive symptom was present or not. Conclusion: This study suggests that depressive symptom is very prevalent among patients with Parkinson's disease. Data from this study indicate that medical staffs who take care of patients with Parkinson's disease should pay attention to finding and treating depressive symptom among their patients. With appropriate psychiatric intervention, patient's depressive symptom can be minimized or alleviated and thus, the quality of life in these patients is likely enhanced.

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A Literature Review for Approach of Oriental Nursing (한방간호접근을 위한 이론적 고찰)

  • 강현숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.118-129
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    • 1993
  • In order to approach the nursing care of clients who are using oriental medicine and to understand the perception of the client who uses oriental medicine practices and the need to develop a model of nursing related to oriental medicine it is important to examine the major nursing concepts as they are found in oriental medicine and as they are differently defined according to the basic thought, theory and philosophical perspectives between East and West. Oriental medicine developed based on Sung Confucianism the teachings of Chut-zu, especially Tai-Chi-Tu Shuo and energy thought which are similar to traditional Korean Sasang Constitutional medicine. The basic theory on which oriental medicine is build is the theory of the five elements of Yin / Eum-Yang Theory(cosmic dual forces) and Meridian Theory. The most important attribute of Yin Yang is the concept of duality, confrontation and dependence, within Yin Yang but which do not exist separately. That is, the universe is a vast, indivisible entity within which all things exist in harmonious interdependence and balance. Harmony is achieved only when the two primorial forces, Yin and Yang, are brought into perfect balance. Each is contained within the other and there is a continuing interchange between the two. This also applies to the human body including human health which is defined as balanced harmony. The most universal connection of Yin and Yang is found in the universe where the five elements of life, fire, water, earth, wood and metal can be explained as having either Yin or Yang and therefore being in a state of connectedness but systematically circulating between the two, that is essentalilly one (the control of the unified ) or as coexistant poles of individual wholes (the pluralism of Yin Yang Theory) so that it is all unified(balanced) in the Great Absoulte. Human beings also maintain a balance of Yin and Yang in the five elements and this relationship is very important in approaching ·oriental medicine, The meridians are the channels in the body through which the life force flow throughout the body. In oriental medicine the meridians are seen as the railroad, the acupuncture points on the meridians as the stations and energy as the train. In the normal healthy organism, all are maintained in balance and in a contiuous circulation of energy. illness is the result of the energy flow becoming disarranged. Although practitioners of oriental medicine approach the client differently than do practitioners of Western medicine and their method of examining the patient is different, the basic objectives of the examination are the same for practitioners of both types of medicine. Therefore if each could be used to supplement the defiencies in the other and achieve a harmonious cooperation between the two, a higher level of care which is culturally appropriate to korean culture could be achieved. The traditional korean concept of health is a naturalistic view which emphasizes being in harmony with nature. Any manifestation of disease is considered a sign that the body is in a state of disequilibrium and is thus no longer in harmony with the universe. The wholistic view of the world held by practitioners of oriental medicine can be used by nursing in the development of a world view of nursing in which the human being is seen within the macrocosm as part of the natural phenomenon of the universe and but also as a microcosm of the universe, a universe which is a vast and indivisible entity within which all things exist in harmonious interdependence and balance. Interaction between human beings and their environment and the relationship of this interaction to health are concepts that are also found in nursing. Nursing views human brings, not as an accumulation of separate cells and organs but, as unified wholes interacted in very close relationship nth their environment. Nursing also maintains a view of human beings in which emphasis is placed on the role of the mind in explaining the concepts of harmony and balance in health. Although there are differences between oriental medicine and nursing in approaches to clients, the basic point of view and philosophy have many fundamental similarites. An understanding of the basic thought and philosophy of oriental medicine if applied to nursing, would allow for the development, not only of nursing related to oriental medicine, but of a nursing theory appropriate to the korean context.

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Effects of Self Care Program on Hypertensive Control in Hypertensive Patient (고혈압환자에게 적용한 자가관리프로그램 중재 효과)

  • Kim, Ok-Ran
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.568-578
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to estimate the effects of self-care program on knowledge and symptoms related hypertension self-care and physiological index in essential hypertensive patients aged between 35-74 year. The subjects for the experiment group and the control group of this study were 70 men and women selected through random sampling from adults at Sangju Red Cross Hospital in Gyeongsanbuk-do, and the experiment was carried out during the period from the 15th of September to the 30th of April in 2002. This study measured systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP, the mean value of the two measures) and total cholesterol (TC) and surveyed the subjects' diet and life style in relation to hypertension using a self-report questionnaire. In order to study the significance of the effects of self-care program, the author carried out t-test, paired t-test, ANCOVA, chi-square analysis and effectiveness index (EI) analysis. Results of the study are as follows: The experiment group got higher mean scores than the control group in the degree of low sodium intake and the degree of high calcium and high potassium intake, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The effectiveness index of the self-care program in smoking was 0.797 at the 1st posttest and 0.601 at the 2nd posttest, and in physical activities 0.600 at the 1st posttest and 0.849 at the 2nd posttest. The rate of regular antihypertensive drugs intake of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. and the effectiveness index of the self-care program was 0.715. The mean score of the systolic blood pressure of the experimental group was lower than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). In conclusion, these findings support usefulness of self-care programs in reducing systolic blood pressure and in promoting self-care related to diet and life style for treating and preventing hypertension.

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Clinical Analysis and Surgical Results of Skull Base Meningiomas (뇌기저부 수막종의 임상분석 및 수술성적)

  • Kim, Young Wook;Jung, Shin;Kim, Jae Sung;Lee, Jung Kil;Kim, Tae Sun;Kim, Jae Hyoo;Kim, Soo Han;Kang, Sam Suk;Lee, Je Hyuk
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.1437-1444
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : Traditionally intracranial meningiomas are regarded as benign and curable tumors. About half of all intracranial meningiomas locate in the skull base region. However, surgical removal of these tumors may be challenging and require special considerations. Here general aspects of skull base meningiomas including clinical presentation, surgical approaches, complications and their recurrence rate are discussed based on our experiences. Methods : A retrospective analysis of 61 consecutive patients with skull base meningioma among 210 patients of meningioma between 1989 and 1998 were done. Results : There were 41 women and 20 men ranging from 13 to 74 years(mean 52 years). These tumors were divided into seven categories according to location : olfactory groove(n=9), sphenoid ridge(n=16), cavernous sinus(n =2), tuberculum sellae(n=8), tentorium(n=13), cerebellopontine angle(n=12), and foramen magnum meningiomas (n=1). Surgical approaches were selected on the basis of the tumor attachment, size and extension on preoperative radiologic findings. Total removal(Simpson grade I and II) was achieved in 50 cases(82%), and subtotal removal (Simpson grade III) in 11 patients(18%). According to WHO classification, there were 52 of cases of benign meningioma( 86%), 6 atypical cases(10%), and 3 malignant cases(5%). The most common postoperative complications were CSF leakage(23.0%) and cranial nerve injury(8.2%). Three patient died related with tumor(one was due to surgical complication and the other two due to recurrence) but three patients died from other systemic causes. Mean follow-up period was 51.7 months after surgery. Recurrence occurred in six patients(10.9%) ; three with tentorial meningioma, two with sphenoid ridge, and one in cerebellopontine angle. Conclusion : With advances in neuroradiology and microsurgical techniques, the surgical outcome of miningiomas has been markedly improved with acceptable morbidity and mortality rates. Overall, our surgical results of skull base meningiomas is comparable to other reports. Therefore, with the appropriate operative strategy and techniques, these tumors can be completely removed and good surgical results can be expected.

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The concept of Sang(象) and its application in the Oriental Medicine (상(象)의 개념(槪念)과 한의학적(韓醫學的) 적용(適用))

  • Baek, Yu-Sang;Park, Chan-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.92-109
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    • 1999
  • They say Y$\breve{o}$k'ak(易學) is the root of Oriental studies. This means philosophy, astronamy, geography, medicine, music, numbers are all based on Yin-Yang, and Five phases theory of Y$\breve{o}$k'ak. Nowadays studies are very much specialized but as we go back to old times, we cannot dearly set these studies apart. All the studies can be comprehensively understood with Y$\breve{o}$k'ak(易學). The original purpose of Y$\breve{o}$k'ak is to predict future with highly symbolized signs, Sang-Su(象數). However you cannot fully understand Y$\breve{o}$k'ak without knowing the principle of change in Sang-Su itself. We have to keep thinking about how we should further study Y$\breve{o}$k'ak, treat diseases with Sang-Su, and how Sang-Su can be used in medicine. As a previous step to this process, I will consider relationship of Y$\breve{o}$k'ak and medicine in this paper. This study will help us to set the goal and method in studying medicine. Conclusions of this paper are following: 1. The purpose of understanding a subject is to understand the principle of the subject. The principle of every subject can be turned into principle of changes in the universe. This principle is not affected by time nor space. It is only seen through the changes of subjects. 2. The reason we cannot easily understand the principle is that we have biased mind. How we should overcome this is through developing virtue, and by keep inspecting things over and over. 3. We see the outcome of changes inside but we should not neglect the principle. Therefore we see the principle through Sang. Sang is in between Principle(理) and Things(物), thereby has characteristics of both. Which means it is much like Principle but specific Things is related and it is much like Things but it is not easily understood. 4. There are various kinds of Sang. Mind-Sang(心象) is an image that comes before expressing it with symbols or words. When it is expressed in symbols or words, it is no longer considered as same Sang. Sang in symbol are Kwaesang(卦象), Hyosang(爻象) and Sang in words is Kyesa(卦辭). The characteristic of all these Sang is that it cannot be explained through the logics. 5. If we call Sanghak as the study with Sang, the method is same as that of understanding the principle. The fundamental purpose of Sanghak is to understand the principle of things and then apply this principle to the practical world so that the world can be a better place. So I would say Sanghak is the study of a saint and a ruler. 6. Since the object of medicine is human being who are the mixture of Principle and Ki, we can use Sang which is also related to both Principle and Ki. Actually terms we use in Oriental medicine are not easily understood without the knowledge of Sanghak. 7. When we diagnose a patient, we are looking for Sang that comes from the body inside. When we do the treatment, we cannot neglect the original change that's happening in our body. Therefore studying Sang is a necessary step to do the full diagnosis and treatment. 8. The method of studying medicine is first to get rid of biased mind, taking right Sang from various classics and then apply those Sang to actual situations.

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A study of Conjunctival Cellular Changes in Dry Eye Patients by Impression Cytology (Impression cytology를 이용한 건성안의 결막 세포변화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jai-Min;Kho, Eun-Gyung;Chae, Soo-Chul;Kim, Soon-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.333-343
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    • 2004
  • Impression cytology refers to application of cellulose acetate filter material to the ocular surface to remove the superficial layers of the conjunctival epithelium. The technique is non-invasive, is easy to perform, causes minimal discomfort to the patient, and can be used to follow changes in the conjunctival ocular surface over time. With this method, the morphology of the conjunctival ocular surface can be studied and the degree of squmaous metaplasia assessed. This study was performed to evaluate the conjunctival surface by impression cytology in dry eye patients. A total of 70 students with no contact lens wearing history were recruited. Subjects were required to fill in a McMonnies dry eye symptom questionnaire. The non-invasive tear thinning time(TIT) test of each subject was measured, followed by Schirmer tear test(STI), tear film break-up time(TBUT) tests and Rose-bengal staining were performed as a baseline. Conjunctival epithelial cells from the inferior bulbar conjunctiva were harvested by the impression cytology technique. The specimens collected were labelled and stained with PAS(Periodic Acid Schift)-haematoxylin. The goblet cells and conjunctival epithelial cells were observed under a light microscope of 400x magnification. The specimens were classified according to the Nelson Grading scale which was based on the degree of squamous metaplasia such as changes of goblet cells density, size/form, N:C(nucleus : cytoplasm) ratio. Dry eye patients were observed morphological changes of the epithelial cells, different nuclear alterations, decrease of the goblet cells density. The degree of cytological changes was related to severity of dry eye conditions. When the epithelial cell morphology was graded according to the system described by Nelson, specimens from the control group revealed 91.43% of the eyes to be grade 0 and 8.57% to be grade 1, whereas of the dry eye patients, 20% were grade 0, 42.86% grade 1, 34.29% grade 2 and 2,86% grade 3. Impression cytology represents a non- or minimally invasive biopsy of the ocular surface epithelium with no side effects or contraindications. It has demonstrated to be a useful diagnostic aid for a wide variety of processes involving the ocular surface. This technique is a safe, simple method and may help increase understanding of various ocular surface alterations in dry eye patients.

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The Effects of Glenohumeral Abduction Motion and Intra-articular Movement after Passive Caudal Gliding Mobilization in Frozen Shoulder Patients (상완와관절의 수동하방활주운동이 오십견환자의 외전운동과 관절 내 움직임에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo Jong-Hak;Bae Sung-Soo;Kim Chul-Yong
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.126-152
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of passive caudal gliding mobilization of the glenohumeral joint on the range of motion (ROM) of active and passive abduction; to evaluate the value of pain relief through visual analogue scale (VAS); to evaluate the correlation between improvement of shoulder abduction and intra-articular movement measured by fluoroscopy in frozen shoulder patients. The subjects consisted of twenty-one patients with clinically diagnosed frozen shoulder (11 males, 10 females) between 40 and 63 years of age (mean age : 52.7 years). The traction and caudal gliding mobilization based on the convex-concave rule in the resting position and at end range of abduction was peformed for 15 minutes per day and was repeated 10 times during a 2 week period. The ROM of abduction was measured by goniometer and pain was measured by VAS. The intra-articular movement was measured by fluoroscope, Neurostar Plus TOP (Siemens, Germany). ROM measurements of each patient was acquired at pre-treatment, immediate post-treatment and 2 week post-treatment. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 10.0 for Windows software and data was analyzed using the paired-test and the pearson correlation. The results of this study are as follows: 1. There was a significant decrease of VAS between pre-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P<.05) but no significant difference between pre-treatment and immediate post-treatment data (P>.05). 2. There was a significant increase in ROM of active and passive abduction in the pre-treatment data, immediate post-treatment data, and in 2 week post-treatment data (P<.05). 3. With regard to results of the joint play test, there was a significant difference in the grade of traction between pre-treatment data and immediate post-treatment data and between pre-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P<.05). There was no significant difference between immediate post-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P>.05). 4. With regard to results of the joint play test, there was a significant difference in the grade of caudal gliding between pre-treatment data and immediate post-treatment data and between pre-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P<.05). There was no significant difference between immediate post-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P>.05), 5. With regard to the results of fluoroscopic findings, there was a significant change of the glenohumeral joint space between pre-treatment data and immediate post-treatment data and between immediate post-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P<.05). There was no significant change of the glenohumeral joint space between immediate post-treatment data and 2 week post-treatment data (P>.05). 6. With regard to the results of fluoroscopic findings, there was a significant change of acromiohumeral joint space between the three data (pre-treatment data, immediate post-treatment data, 2 week post-treatment data) (P<.05). 7. Mobility grade by joint play test was significantly increased and was correlated to improved ROM of active and passive abduction (P<.05). In this study of frozen shoulder, passive caudal gliding techniques of the glenohumeral joint results in statistically significant changes in active and passive abduction as well as in VAS. There is also a significant correlation between joint play test and ROM of abduction.

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Evaluation of Radiation Exposure Dose for Examination Purposes other than the Critical Organ from Computed Tomography: A base on the Dose Reference Level (DRL) (전산화단층촬영에서 촬영 목적 부위와 주변 결정장기에 대한 피폭선량 평가: 선량 권고량 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seoyoung;Kim, Kyunglee;Ha, Hyekyoung;Im, Inchul;Lee, Jaeseung;Park, Hyonghu;Kwak, Byungjoon;Yu, Yunsik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2013
  • In this study measured patient exposure dose for purpose exposure area and peripheral critical organs by using optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs) from computed tomography (CT), based on the measurement results, we predicted the radiobiological effects, and would like to advised ways of reduction strategies. In order to experiment, OSLDs received calibration factor were attached at left and right lens, thyroid, field center, and sexual gland in human body standard phantom that is recommended in ICRP, and we simulated exposure dose of patients in same condition that equal exposure condition according to examination area. Average calibration factor of OSLDs were $1.0058{\pm}0.0074$. In case of left and right lens, equivalent dose was measure in 50.49 mGy in skull examination, 0.24 mGy in chest, under standard value in abdomen, lumbar spine and pelvis. In case of thyroid, equivalent dose was measured in 10.89 mGy in skull examination, 7.75 mGy in chest, 0.06 mGy in abdomen, under standard value in lumber spine and pelvis. In case of sexual gland, equivalent dose was measured in 21.98 mGy, 2.37 mGy in lumber spine, 6.29 mGy in abdomen, under standard value in skull examination. Reduction strategies about diagnosis reference level (DRL) in CT examination needed fair interpretation and institutional support recommending international organization. So, we met validity for minimize exposure of patients, systematize influence about exposure dose of patients and minimize unnecessary exposure of tissue.

Mid-term Results of the Ross Procedure (Ross 술식의 중단기 성적)

  • Kang Seong-Sik;Jung Sung-Ho;Lee Sang-Gwon;Joo Suk-Jung;Song Hyun;Song Meong-Gun;Lee Jae-Won
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.1 s.246
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2005
  • Ross procedure is ideal aortic valve replacement method with several merits of hemodynamic superiority and durability without the need of anticoagulation. Based upon this presumption, we studied its procedure performed in our hospital and tried to get the mid-term results Material and Method: From Jan 1999 to Oct 2001, 22 patients underwent the Ross procedure. The mean age of experimented (including 17 men and 5 women) was $30.9{\pm}8.1(17\~44)$. The diagnosis before the surgery had shown 20 as accompanied with AR and the rest 2 as with ASR. The follow-up period ranged from 0.6 to 40.6 months, mean of $38.9{\pm}1.6\;months,\;and\;follow-up\;rate\;was\;100{\%}$. Result. There was no operative death and two late deaths, one of whom was cardiac originated and the other, non-cardiac relate The survival rate was $94.1{\pm}5.7{\%}$(40.6 months). Postoperatively there were 2 exploration for bleeding, 3 low cardiac output patients. The pulmonary autograft technique was root replacement in 14 and inclusion technique in 8. Pulmonary homografts were used at the pulmonary position in all cases. There was no patient with significant aortic regurgitation. Conclusion: These showed that the mortality and morbidity of the Ross procedure were acceptable and postoperative AR was not significant. However, further long-term follow-up will be necessary for the improvement of the function of pulmonary autograft and homograft.

Early and Midterm Results of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy ${(LVEF{\leq}35%)}$ (허혈성 심근질환(좌심실박출지수${\leq}$35%) 환자에서 관상동맥우회술의 조기와 중기 결과)

  • Cho Sung-Woo;Lee Young-Tak;Choi Jin-Ho;Kim Si-Wook;Park Kay-Hyun;Park Pyo-Won;Sung Ki-Ick
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.8 s.265
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    • pp.604-610
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    • 2006
  • Background: Recent improvements in interventional procedure and medical therapy for congestive heart failure result in an increase of number of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy considered for coronary artery bypass grafting. We retrospectively review the results of CABG in these patients with decreased LV function to know the early and mid-term follow-up results. Material and Method: Between January 2001 and June 2005, 1,143 patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting and 144 of these patients had preoperative left ventricular function of equal to or less than 35% ${(LVEF{\leq}\;35%)}$. There were off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) in 66 cases (45.8%), on-pump beating heart coronary artery bypass grafting in 34 cases (23.6%) and conventional coronary artery bypass grafting in 44 cases (30.6%). The combined operations including mitral annuloplasty were 48 cases in thirty five patients (24.3%). Result: The mean number of dstal anastomosis were $3.5{\pm}1.3$. The median postoperative duration of stay in intensive care unit and hospital was 2 days and 8 days, respectively. There were 6 early death (4.2%) and causes of deaths were ventricular tachycardia in 5 patients, small bowel infarction in one patient. Mean follow-up time was $21{\pm}14$ months $(4{\sim}54\;months)$. The 1-year was $95{\pm}2%$ and 3-year survival rate was $83{\pm}7%$, the 1-year and 3-year cardiac event-free survival were ${88{\pm}3%\;and\;69{\pm}7%}$, respectively. Conclusion: Based on satisfactory early and mid-term results in our study, CABG should be carried out as actively as possible in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Postoperative aggressive management for ventricular arrhythmia would be helpful for better results.