This study was to develop Korean version of Parenting Stress Scale. Primary research was processed thru Abidin's PSI(Parenting Stress Index) scale. For the pilot primary study, distri-buted questionnaire to the mothers who have three to twelve age children and tried factor analysis with 382 data sheets. At the result, 29 items and 5 factors among the 47 items of child domain, 28 items and 5 factors among the items of parent domain were extracted. At the secondary pilot study survey, reanalyzed the 57 items extracted by primary pilot survey with the 392 data collected from three to six age children's parents. For the item discrimination analysis, calculated item-total correlation and deleted the items under r=.20. For the validity test, reviewed content validity and construct validity. For the verification of construct validity, tried factor analysis. At the result, in child domain area, the four factors, 'Reinforces Parent's, 'Accep-tability', 'Attention Distractiveness', 'Demandingness' and 24 items were extracted. Among the common variance of child domain, 'explained common variance' was 82.05%. In parent domain area, the five factors, 'Restriction of Role', 'Depression', 'Social Isolation', 'Parent Health', 'Spouse Relationship' and 24 items were extracted. Among the common variance of parent domain, 'explained common dominator' was 82.40%. For the verification of reliability, Cronbach's α coefficient was calculated and in child domain, .69, .70, .67, .66 were produced by each item, respectively and total reliability coefficient was α=.81. Reliability coefficient of parent domain was .73, .70, .70, .55, .73 by each item, respectively and total reliability coefficient was α=.83. This study was processed as a primary research to develop the Korean version of parent stress scale which is originally from U.S.A. version of PSI and apply it to proper Korean culture. Therefore, the necessity of continuous study was discussed with more localized items and factors.