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Model Development of Nursing Care System for Women's Health : Based on Nurse-Midwifery Clinic (여성의 건강을 위한 간호전달체계 모형개발 - 조산원 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Yeong-Suk
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.133-145
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    • 1999
  • The purposesof the study are to analyze the community nursing center in U.S.A and to develop the model of nursing care system based on nurse-midwifery clinic in community for women's health in Korea. 1. In America nursing center is defined as nurse-anchored system of primary care delivery or neighborhood health center. Nursing centers are identified the following four types: (1) community outreach centers, which are similar to traditional public health clinics: (2) institutional-based centers following the mission of a large institution, such as a hospital or university: (3) wellness/health promotion centers, which offer screening, education, counseling, triage, and health maintenance services: and (4) independent practice. Nursing centers are a concept of services provided by nurses in practice arrangements in a community. Nursing centers offer a variety of services, ranging from primary care provided by advanced practice nurses with medical acute management and nursing care to the more traditional education, health promotion, screening wellness and coordination services. Some services, such as the care provided by advanced practice nurses are reimbursed under various insurance plan in some instances and states, where as others, such as preventive and educational services, are not. Thus, lack of reimbursement has threatened the survival of some centers. Licensing of nursing centers varies by state and program and accreditation of nursing centers is also limited. 52% of centers are affiliated with another facility and 48% are freestanding centers. The number of registered nurse at the nursing centers ranges from just one to 115, with a mean of eight RNs peragency and a median of three. Nursing centers avail ability varies: 14% are open 24 hours, 27% have variable short hours, 23% are open 6-7 days per week, and 36% are open Monday- Friday. As the result of my visiting three health centers in Seattle and San Francisco, the women's primary care nurse practitioners focus on a systematic and comprehensive assessment of the health status of women and diagnosis and management of common physical and psychosocial health concerns of women in ambulatory settings. Therapeutic nursing strategies are directed toward self-care, risk reoduction, health surveillance, stress reduction, healthy nutrition, social support, healthy coping, psychological well-being, and pharmacological therapy. They function as primary care providers for the well ness and illness care of women from adolescence through the older adult years and pregnant families. 2. In Korea a nurse-midwife practices independently for pregnant women's health including childbearing family at her own clinic in community. Her services are reimbursed under national health insurance but they are not paid on a fee-for-service schedule covering items. Analyzing the nursing centers in America, I suggest that nurse-midwifery clinics offer primary care for women and home care for chronic ill patients. The health law and health insurance policy should be reovised in order to expand nurse-midwife's and home care nurse's roles at nurse-midwifery clinic.

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A Study on the Influence Diagrams for the Application to Containment Performance Analysis (격납용기 성능해석을 위한 영향도에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Joon-Won;Jae, Moon-Sung;Chun, Moon-Hyun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 1996
  • Influence diagram method is applied to containment performance analysis of Young-Gwang 3&4 in an effort to overcome some drawbacks of current containment performance analysis method. Event tee methodology has been adopted as a containment performance analysis method. There are, however, some drawbacks on event tree methodology. This study is to overcome three major drawbacks of the current containment performance analysis method : 1) Event tree cannot express dependency between events explicitly. 2) Accident Progression Event Tree (APET) cannot represent entire containment system. 3) It is difficult to consider decision making problem. To resolve these problems, influence diagrams, is proposed. In the present ok, the applicability of the influence diagrams has been demonstrated for YGN 3&4 containment performance analysis and accident management strategy assessments of this study are in good agreement with those of YGN 3&4 IPE. Sensitivity analysis has been peformed to identify relative important variables for each early containment failure, late containment and basemat melt-though. In addition, influence diagrams are used to assess two accident management strategies : 1) RCS depressurization, 2) cavity flooding. It is shown that influence diagrams can be applied to the containment performance analysis.

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A Study on Urinary Incontinence of Elderly Women in a Community (노인여성의 요실금 실태)

  • Park, Ok-Hee;Kwon, In-Soo;Kang, Young-Sil
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.536-546
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    • 2001
  • The purposes of this descriptive study were to identify the prevalence rate of urinary incontinence(UI) and the differences in frequency of incontinent and normal women by general characteristics, obstetrical history, and the conditional events for urinary incontinence of the elderly women in a community. By the results of this study, it is intended to provide nursing practice guidelines for incontinent women. The research design of this study was a preliminary descriptive study. The 173 subjects were 55 years old and over, and resided in a small city area. Data were collected from June 20 to July 20, 2001, by an interview or a self-report with questionaire. The questionaire was composed of items of general characteristics, obstetrical characteristics, and conditions of UI by the modified Henderickon's Stress Incontinence Scale(1981). The results were summariezed as follows: 1. The UI prevalence rate of the sample was 64.2%. Of the incontinent women, 31.5% had experienced UI for a period of three to five years, and 84.7% had never treated or managed their UI. Frequency of UI was once or twice times per month(46.8%). 2. The total mean of UI on the scale in the incontinent women was 25.50 of 85, ranging from 18 to 41. 3. The most frequent condition of UI was coughing, followed by laughing, sneezing, heavy exercise, and preparation of urination in descending order. 4. There were significant differences in age, education, social activity, and urinary difficulty between the incontinent women and the normal women. 5. There were significant differences in frequency of spontaneous abortion, age of menopause between the incontinent women and the normal women. 6. There were no significant differences in number of delivery, frequency of artificial abortion, age of the last delivery, and postal health management between the incontinent women and the normal women. In conclusion, the incidence of UI in this study was high, but there were no effective treatments or management. It is suggested to provide the adult women with knowledge about UI, and to educate preventive behavior and control skill of urinary incontinence. Also episodes of urinary incontinence were high in the situation of sudden increase of abdominal pressure. This data can be used for the prevention strategy of urinary incontinence, In future research it is recommended to identify comprehensive factors related to urinary incontinence including psychosocial factors, and effective strategies of urinary incontinence.

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The Effect of Environment-friendly Certifications on Agricultural Producer Organizations (친환경·GAP·HACCP이 농업 생산자조직에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Park, Seong-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The distribution of agricultural products is changing due to recent shifts in environmental free trade. Specifically, the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products has weakened as a result of the Korea-China Financial Trade Agreement. Agricultural producers are faced with increasing difficulties and organized production centers are growing in importance daily. To overcome this crisis, agricultural producer organizations are vying for environment-friendly agricultural certifications, Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP). In particular, as consumer demand for higher safety grows, farmers are increasing their certification rates. Therefore, this certification system is expected to help strengthen the competitiveness of agricultural producer organizations. Research design/data/methodology - Organized production centers are classified by certification. A survey was conducted with 91 organizations using factor analysis and logistic regression analysis for the examination. The factor analysis results are as follows. Raw material procurement, education·specialization, marketing, joint business, organizing ability, business management, effectiveness, certification, and larger organizations were classified as the nine types of factors. These factors affect the organized production centers and are used in the logistic regression analysis. The purpose of such research and analysis is to suggest a direction for future production center policies. Results - The basic statistical results are as follows: analysis of the producer organizations of 91 sites, average number of members per site of 1,624, and average sales of 25,961 million won. Additionally, the average income per farmer is 175 million won, and the pooling system rate is 53.5%. The factor analysis results are as follows. Factor 1 consists of contract cultivation, ongoing shipment, selection subdivision, traceability, and major retailer management. Factor 2 consists of manual cultivation, specialty selection, education program, and R&D. Factor 3 consists of advertising, various dealers, various sales strategies, and a unified sales counter. Factor 4 consists of agricultural materials co-purchase, policy support, co-shipment, and incentives. Factor 5 consists of the co-selection and pooling system. Factor 6 consists of co-branding and operating by the organization's article. Factor 7 consists of the buy-sell ratio and rate of operation of the agriculture promotion center. Factor 8 consists of bargaining power in volume and participation rate of farmer certification. Factor 9 consists of increasing new subscribers. The logistic regression analysis results are as follows. Considering the results by type of certification, the environment-friendly agricultural certification type and the GAP certification type have a (+) influence. GAP and HACCP certification types affecting the education·specialization factor have a (+) influence. Considering the results for each type of certification, the environment-friendly agricultural certification types on the effectiveness factor have (-) influence; the HACCP certification types on the organizing ability and effectiveness factor have a (-) influence. Conclusions - Agricultural producer organizations should develop plans as follows: The organizations need to secure education for agricultural production; increase the pooling system ratio for sustainable organizational development; and, finally, expand the number of agricultural producer organizations.

A Case Study on Core Value Education in Large Corporations in Korea (국내 대기업의 핵심가치 교육 사례연구)

  • Lee, Jin Gu;Park, Soon Won;Jeon, Ki Seok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.547-564
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    • 2015
  • These days, corporations which are eager to improve employees' performance and focus on consistent management highlight core values and core value education. The purpose of this research is to present a case study on the core value education administered by large corporations, to analyze and compare them, and finally present implications for the core value education. For this purpose, 5 large corporations in Korea have been selected. The data was collected from secondary sources and through interviews with the present and former educators in charge of core value education of those corporations. This study found that 5 large corporations commonly considered their core value as a main source of competitiveness and focused on the systematic core value education. But at the same time, each of them chose its own way to educate employees. Their strategies, management methods, and connection to the personnel policy differed in details. 5 large corporations were shown that they reached the level of understanding and empathy, but only 2 large corporations were interviewed as to reach the level of practice. To make core value internalized in the employees' thoughts and acts, it is required to strengthen alliance between core values and work which encourages worker's real practice in their daily lives, to have a diverse curriculum according to the work categories and regions, and to emphasize the connection with other policies especially evaluation policy.

Clamp and Sew Technique without Distal Perfusion for the Management of Traumatic Descending Thoracic Aortic Rupture (외상성 흉부 하행 대동맥 파열에서 원위부 관류 없이 시행한 겸자 봉합술)

  • Seok, Yang-Ki;Lee, Jong-Tae;Kim, Gun-Jik;Park, Il;Cho, Joon-Yong
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.40 no.8
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    • pp.558-563
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    • 2007
  • Background: Traumatic aortic rupture is a highly fatal condition in which a patient's outcome is strongly affected by other associated injuries. Selection of the appropriate surgical timing and the management plan is important. Material and Method: The medical records of the 15 traumatic descending thoracic aortic rupture patients who underwent the clamp & sew technique were retrospectively reviewed and checked for the presence of associated injuries and the postoperative course. Result: The hospital mortality was 6.07% (one patient). This patient died intra-operatively and the cause of the death was delayed hemoperitoneum. The mean operative time and aortic clamp time were $231{\pm}53.1$ and $13.1{\pm}5.3$ minutes, respectively. One patient complained the bowel obstructive symptoms at postoperative 10 days. We found the mechanical bowel obstruction on computed tomography of the abdomen, and segmental bowel resection was done. Conclusion: Although several surgical strategies may be appropriate for managing traumatic aortic rupture, the clamp & sew technique is a safe and effective method for the treatment of traumatic aortic injury.

A retrospective study of the incidence of clinical mastitis found in large-scale dairy herds in Korea (대규모 젖소목장의 임상형 유방염 발생에 관한 후향적 연구)

  • Kang, Ju-Hoe;Kim, Seon-Deuk;Park, Jun-Young;Cho, In-Young;Hur, Tai-Young;Jung, Young-Hun;Choi, Chang-Yong;Jung, Ji-Young;Shin, Sung-Shik;Son, Chang-Ho;Ok, Ki-Seok;Suh, Guk-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.369-378
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    • 2011
  • Incidence of mastitis is highest in dairy cows and it is a leader of all diseases and the economic losses, in dairy farms. The objective of this study is to analyse the incidence of clinical mastitis using the lactation number, lactation month and season of calving. In this study, we used 3,779 lactation data and animal health records collected from 1990 to 2006 at the National Institute of Animal Science. Out of 3,779 cows, a total of 1,721 cows were reported with clinical mastitis, which was 46.3%. The frequency of mastitis increased from 36.9% from first lactation to 56.0% by the fifth lactation. As many as 766 cows (46.9%) showed a recurrence of mastitis after 14 days, apart for two or more and chronic mastitis that were recorded for 657 cows (20.3%). This came to a total of 3,010 cases that had clinical mastitis in the herd for sixteen years. The distribution of incidence of clinical mastitis was highest during the first month of lactation at 24.4%, and it reached to 43.4% by the third month. The incidence of mastitis was even higher for cows in first lactation, showing 28.6% in the first month, and 42.9 percent by third month of lactation. Cows calved during the summer and winter months showed higher rate of incidence with 59.9% and 57.9% within 30 days of lactation, respectively. It is urgently needed to establish a preventative management for heifer cows during their expected first lactation and the clinical specific dry-period management strategies that influence the rate of clinical mastitis during the next lactation. The aim of this study is to present information that might be useful to improve clinical mastitis prevention.

Relation between Risk and Return in the Korean Stock Market and Foreign Exchange Market (주가와 환율의 위험-수익 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Jae-Gon;Lee, Phil-Sang
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.199-226
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    • 2009
  • We examine the intertemporal relation between risk and return in the Korean stock market and foreign exchange market based on the two factor ICAPM framework. The standard GARCH model and the GJR(1993) model are employed to estimate conditional variances of the stock returns and foreign exchange rates. The covariance between the rates of stock returns and changes in the exchange rates are estimated by the constant conditional correlation model of Bollerslev(1990) and the dynamic conditional correlation model of Engle(2002). The multivariate GARCH in mean model and quasi-maximum likelihood estimation method, consequently, are applied to investigate riskreturn relation jointly. We find that the estimated coefficient of relative risk aversion is negative and statistically significant in the post-financial crisis sample period in the Korean stock market. We also show that the expected stock returns are negatively related to the dynamic covariance with foreign exchange rates. Both estimated parameters of conditional variance and covariance in the foreign exchange market, however, are not statistically significant. The GJR model is better than the standard GARCH model to estimate the conditional variances. In addition, the dynamic conditional correlation model has higher explanatory power than the constant correlation model. The empirical results of this study suggest following two points to investors and risk managers in hedging and diversifying strategies for their portfolios in the Korean stock market: first, the variability of foreign exchange rates should be considered, and second, time-varying correlation between stock returns and changes in foreign exchange rates supposed to be considered.

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Predictors of Intention to Undergo Mammography among Underutilizers (유방암 검진 미수검자의 검진의도 관련 요인)

  • Kye, Su-Yeon;Park, Kee-Ho;Choi, Kui-Son;Bae, Mi-Jin;Moon, In-Ok;Yun, Young-Ok;Lim, Min-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: To identify the factors associated with the intention to undergo mammography among Korean women without a prior screening experience. Methods: Among 1,039 women of the general population, we selected 145 women (mean age: 54.2 years, age range : 40-78 years) without any prior experience with mammography. They were recruited for the 'Cancer Information Needs Assessment Survey' by using the method of random multi-stage cluster sampling. Data on the socio-demographic characteristics, intention to undergo mammography based on the Precaution Adoption Process Model, level of self belief and self efficacy for breast cancer screening, motivation for decision to undergo breast cancer screening were obtained by conducting a household survey. Results: Of the study subjects, 49.7% were classified as "unengaged" and "decided not to act" regarding breast cancer screening. Women with the intention to undergo mammography were more likely to be younger (OR 0.11, 95%CI 0.04-0.36), to have been recommended to undergo screening by others (OR 3.27, 95%CI 1.36-7.87), to have a high level of perceived sensitivity (OR 3.15, 95%CI 1.27-7.82), and to have a high level of self efficacy (OR 1.09, 95%CI 0.97-1.23). Exposure to campaigns and information regarding breast cancer screening, whether cancer patients are or not in around, perceived severity, perceived benefit, and perceived cost were factors that were not significantly associated with the intention to undergo mammography. Conclusion: It is necessary to develop tailored intervention strategies for women who have never undergone breast cancer screening on the basis of their demographic characteristics and factors that positively influence the intention to undergo mammography.

A Study on Development of the Competitive Evaluation Model in Oversea Construction Industry (해외건설 경쟁력 평가모델 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Jae-Goo;Park, Hwan-Pyo;Jang, Hyoun-Seung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to determine a national construction industry's competitiveness and establish strategies to expand into overseas construction markets. To evaluate the international competitiveness of overseas construction businesses, this study were selected as the target range of international comparisons among the countries cited by ENR, Global-Insight, IMF, OECD, and Transparency International. In result the United States ranked first, followed by China $2^{nd}$, Italy$3^{rd}$, U.K.$4^{th}$, and Germany $5^{th}$, while Korea ranked $9^{th}$ overall. In particular, Korea's competitiveness in the construction infrastructures by country ranking($11^{th}$) was higher than the competency assessment results of construction companies by country, therein ranking $12^{th}$. In addition, while Korea ranks $12^{th}$ among 22 countries, $3^{rd}$ in price competitiveness, $12^{th}$ in construction competitiveness, and $19^{th}$ in design competitiveness.