• Title/Summary/Keyword: Overlapped

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Statistical Evaluation of Validity of KS Asphalt Penetration Grade System (통계적 분석을 통한 KS 아스팔트 침입도 규격의 문제점 고찰)

  • Kim, Kwang-Woo;Lee, Woo-Hyun;Jung, Jae-Hun;Doh, Young-Soo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.4 s.30
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the Korean Industrial Standard(KS) penetration grade system was examined to evaluate its statistical validity. It was found from this limited study that the system has no gap between each grade, the binder falling out of limit trespasses into other binder grade. Therefore, many products can have similar property level with an adjacent grade even though the mean value is within the specification limit. It was also found out that the equal range setup of each grade, such as 20 for 40-60, 60-80, 80-100, has no statistical foundation. Since KS penetration grade is defined without gap between each grade, the producer must maintain the coefficient of variation below the level by the ASTM system to satisfy the normal quality control limit of products. Due to its lack of a gap between grades, higher percentage of products will be duplicated even if the mean is at the median of the specification limits due to material's quality uncertainty. Especially if the mean moves toward the upper limit, a half or more of the binder grade will be overlapped with the upper binder grade. Therefore, KS penetration specification should be immediately modified by statistically valid methodologies.

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Analysis of Traffic Accident Characteristics for the Overlap Section of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment (평면곡선과 종단곡선이 겹친 복합선형 구간에서 교통사고 특성분석)

  • Park, Min-Soo;Chang, Myung-Soon
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2012
  • This study has been conducted to characterize the relations between the accident rate and the overlap section elements where the horizontal alignment and vertical alignment are overlapped. The researches were performed on Horizontal curve sections of 4-lane highways with 100km/h of design speed and speed limit. Korea Highway Corporation's Geographic Figurative Information System was adopted for geometric organization and Highway Traffic Accident Statistics was used. The results reveal that sections made of a single slope without vertical curve has greater accident rate than those with vertical curve, and that sections with 1 vertical curve are higher in the accident rate than those with over 2 vertical curve. For the sections with 1 vertical curve, SAG sections are higher than CREST sections and for the previous straight section of horizontal curve are higher than curved ones. In particular, when the road surface is wet, the accident rate is closely related with SAG vertical curves or leftward horizontal curved sections. This study will have meanings that it proposes the importance of design of road alignment by taking consideration of 3D synthetic alignment conditions for improvement of the road safety.

Developing a Korean Standard Brain Atlas on the basis of Statistical and Probabilistic Approach and Visualization tool for Functional image analysis (확률 및 통계적 개념에 근거한 한국인 표준 뇌 지도 작성 및 기능 영상 분석을 위한 가시화 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, B.B.;Lee, J.M.;Kim, J.S.;Lee, J.S.;Kim, I.Y.;Kim, J.J.;Lee, D.S.;Kwon, J.S.;Kim, S.I.
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2003
  • The probabilistic anatomical maps are used to localize the functional neuro-images and morphological variability. The quantitative indicator is very important to inquire the anatomical position of an activated legion because functional image data has the low-resolution nature and no inherent anatomical information. Although previously developed MNI probabilistic anatomical map was enough to localize the data, it was not suitable for the Korean brains because of the morphological difference between Occidental and Oriental. In this study, we develop a probabilistic anatomical map for Korean normal brain. Normal 75 blains of T1-weighted spoiled gradient echo magnetic resonance images were acquired on a 1.5-T GESIGNA scanner. Then, a standard brain is selected in the group through a clinician searches a brain of the average property in the Talairach coordinate system. With the standard brain, an anatomist delineates 89 regions of interest (ROI) parcellating cortical and subcortical areas. The parcellated ROIs of the standard are warped and overlapped into each brain by maximizing intensity similarity. And every brain is automatically labeledwith the registered ROIs. Each of the same-labeled region is linearly normalize to the standard brain, and the occurrence of each legion is counted. Finally, 89 probabilistic ROI volumes are generated. This paper presents a probabilistic anatomical map for localizing the functional and structural analysis of Korean normal brain. In the future, we'll develop the group specific probabilistic anatomical maps of OCD and schizophrenia disease.

Evaluation for Applying Low-Cost Mobile Laser System to Earth Volume Calculation at Construction Site (건설현장에서의 토공량산출을 위한 저가형 모바일 레이저시스템의 적용성 평가)

  • Kim, In Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.6_1
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    • pp.539-547
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    • 2012
  • Volume survey for earthwork is conducted periodically at every month at large scaled construction sites for request payment for the construction. Currently, the earthwork volume is calculated on the overlapped drawing for two cross sections which were created by new and previous surveying data observed by GPS and TS. However the survey is required lots of time and expenses as it is a pin-point surveying method thus surveyors intend to get data only for the heavy undulated topographic features chosen by himself to save time and expenses. Consequently, it causes poor results due to low dense measurement as well as it's not matched with the results by another surveyors. As a result, the conflicts related in earthwork volume calculation often arises among the owner, contractors and sub contractors. In this study, we developed a method to get surveying data for fast and accurate volume calculation using 3D Mobile Laser System and conducted an application test. Also we carried out experiments for topographic survey using MLS to judge for the application additionally. The results showed that we could reduce a time for cross section survey from 48 hours to 2 hours and collected high dense data which have 0.2m interval instead of 3m interval compare with existing method. Also we could make a map which has high accuracy within 10cm in horizontal through topographic survey using MLS.

k-Interest Places Search Algorithm for Location Search Map Service (위치 검색 지도 서비스를 위한 k관심지역 검색 기법)

  • Cho, Sunghwan;Lee, Gyoungju;Yu, Kiyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2013
  • GIS-based web map service is all the more accessible to the public. Among others, location query services are most frequently utilized, which are currently restricted to only one keyword search. Although there increases the demand for the service for querying multiple keywords corresponding to sequential activities(banking, having lunch, watching movie, and other activities) in various locations POI, such service is yet to be provided. The objective of the paper is to develop the k-IPS algorithm for quickly and accurately querying multiple POIs that internet users input and locating the search outcomes on a web map. The algorithm is developed by utilizing hierarchical tree structure of $R^*$-tree indexing technique to produce overlapped geometric regions. By using recursive $R^*$-tree index based spatial join process, the performance of the current spatial join operation was improved. The performance of the algorithm is tested by applying 2, 3, and 4 multiple POIs for spatial query selected from 159 keyword set. About 90% of the test outcomes are produced within 0.1 second. The algorithm proposed in this paper is expected to be utilized for providing a variety of location-based query services, of which demand increases to conveniently support for citizens' daily activities.

Mating Systems and Flowering Characteristics of Megaleranthis saniculifolia Ohwi in a Subalpine Zone of Sobaeksan National Park (소백산국립공원 아고산지역 모데미풀 (Megaleranthis saniculifolia Ohwi, Ranunculaceae)의 교배체제와 개화특성)

  • Lee, Hakbong;Lee, Hyeseon;Kang, Hyesoon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.116-125
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    • 2017
  • Alpine plants with a scarcity of pollinators in harsh environments have been believed to undergo selfing for reproductive assurance; however, contradictory evidence is also available. Snowmelt regimes in alpine areas function to change life history characteristics of alpine plants such as flowering time and duration; yet the effects of snowmelt regimes have never been tested in alpine plants in Korea. This study was conducted to investigate the dichogamy, mating systems, and flowering characteristics of Megaleranthis saniculifolia populations [early and late snowmelt plots (ESP and LSP, respectively)] in a subalpine area of Sobaeksan Mountain in Korea. M. saniculifolia exhibited incomplete protogyny in that despite early maturation of pistils, maturation times of pistils and stamens within flowers were partly overlapped. Control and hand-outcrossing treatments produced significantly higher number of follicles and seeds per flower than autonomous and hand-selfing treatments. Based on the aggregate fruit set, the auto-fertility index (AI) and self-compatibility index (SI) were 0.33 and 0.50, respectively. Snowmelt occurred 10 days earlier in ESP than in LSP, thereby ESP and LSP showed distinct differences with regard to flower longevity and season, but showing no difference in peak flowering dates. We concluded that M. saniculifolia is an incomplete protogynous and largely outcrossing plant requiring pollinator service. Temporal variation in snowmelt time and subsequent changes in flowering characteristics under climate change may further threaten the population persistence of M. saniculifolia which has already been designated as endangered species in Korea.

A Study on the Perceived Affordance of Kim, Ju-Tae House in Eum-Seong through Analysis of Visual Structure (시각구조분석에 의한 음성 김주태 가옥의 지각된 환경지원성에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, You-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.420-425
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    • 2016
  • This study discusses the architectural space's phenomenology, focusing on the physical environment and psychological behavior. Kim, Ju-Tae House, which is divided by special relationship, was analyzed by method of constructing space, and behavioral meaning with the perspective of visual structure. Kim, Ju-Tae House was constructed in a clear way by reflecting the users social, and cultural relationship. It has a relational and independent territories by physically surrounding Chae and wall. Each independent limited space is suggesting the space being opened by accessing the space stage by stage. This method of constructing the space makes the user aware of the relative difference from the induced space experience, and recognize the incremental strong isolation. Between the yard, which is located in the center of the house, forms a three-dimensional layer between Sarangchae and Anchae, emphasizing the spacial depth. The physical space is relatively small but because of the environmental conditions, such as the positioning of the observer's perspective, short cycle reorientation, and overlapped layer, it is recognized as far or deep compared to the actual size. This is the relative method as a visual perspective that is intended, and is understood as an active element that induces the psychological attitude by the recognized environment affordability of the user.

Flying Cake: An Augmented Game on Mobile Device (Flying Cake: 모바일 단말기를 이용한 실감형 게임)

  • Park, An-Jin;Jung, Kee-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.79-94
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    • 2007
  • In the ubiquitous computing age which uses a high quantity network, mobile devices such as wearable and hand-held ones with a small tamers and a wireless communication module will be widely used in near future. Thus, a lot of researches about an augmented game on mobile devices have been attempted recently. The existing augmented games used a traditional 'backpack' system and a pattern marker. The 'backpack' system is expensive, cumbersome and inconvenient to use, and because of the pattern marker, it is only possible to play the game in the previously installed palace. In this paper, we propose an augmented game called Flying Cake using a face region to create the virtual object(character) without the pattern marker, which manually indicates an overlapped location of the virtual object in the real world, on a small and mobile PDA instead of the cumbersome hardware. Flying Cake is an augmented shooting game. This game supplies us with two types: 1) a single player which attacks a virtual character on images captured by a camera in an outdoor physical area, 2) dual players which attack the virtual character on images which we received through a wireless LAN. We overlap the virtual character on the face region using a face detection technique, and users play Flying Cake though attacking the virtual character. Flying Cake supplies new pleasure to flayers with a new game paradigm through an interaction between the user in the physical world captured by the PDA camera and the virtual character in a virtual world using the face detection.

Construction of High-Resolution Topographical Map of Macro-tidal Malipo beach through Integration of Terrestrial LiDAR Measurement and MBES Survey at inter-tidal zone (대조차 만리포 해안의 지상 LiDAR와 MBES를 이용한 정밀 지형/수심 측량 및 조간대 접합을 통한 정밀 지형도 작성)

  • Shim, Jae-Seol;Kim, Jin-Ah;Kim, Seon-Jeong;Kim, Sang-Ik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we have constructed high-resolution topographical map of macro-tidal Malipo beach through integration of terrestrial LiDAR measurement and MBES survey data at inter-tidal zone. To acquire the enough information of inter-tidal zone, we have done terrestrial LiDAR measurement mounted on the roof of vehicle with DGPS through go-stop-scan method at the ebb tide and MBES depth surveying with tide gauge and eye staff measurement for tide correction and MSL calculation at the high tide all together. To integrate two kinds of data, we have unified the vertical coordination standard to Incheon MSL. The mean error of overlapped inter-tidal zone is about 2~6 cm. To verify the accuracy of terrestrial LiDAR, RTK-DGPS measurement have done simultaneously and the difference of Z value RMSE is about 4~7 cm. The resolution of Malipo topographical map is 50 cm and it has constructed to DEM (Digital Elevation Model) based on GIS. Now it has used as an input topography information for the storm-surge inundation prediction models. Also it will be possible to use monitoring of beach process through the long-term periodic measurement and GIS-based 3D spatial analysis calculating the erosion and deposition considering with the artificial beach transition and coastal environmental parameters.

Genesis of the Ogcheon Gold-silver Deposit in Republic of Korea: Ore Minerals, Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotope Studies (옥천 금-은광상의 생성환경: 광석광물, 유체포유물 및 안정동위원소 연구)

  • Yoo, Bong Chul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 2013
  • The Ogcheon Au-Ag deposit consists of two quartz veins that fill the NE or NW-trending fissures in the metasedimentary rocks of unknown age. The quartz veins occur mainly in the massive type with partially breccia and cavity. They can be found along the strike for about minimum 50 m and varied in thickness from 0.1 to 0.3 m. The mineralogy of quartz veins from the Ogcheon deposit is mainly composed of hydrothermal alteration minerals such as pyrite, quartz, sericite, chlorite, clay minerals and sulfides including pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. Fluid inclusion data from quartz indicate that homogenization temperatures and salinity of mineralization range from 184 to $362^{\circ}C$ and from 0.0 to 6.6 wt.% eq. NaCl, respectively. These suggest that ore forming fluids were progressively cooled and diluted from mixing with meteoric water. Sulfur(${\delta}^{34}S$: 0.4~8.4‰) isotope composition indicates that ore sulfur was derived from mainly magmatic source although there is a partial derivation from the host rocks. The calculated oxygen(${\delta}^{18}O$: 4.9~12.1‰) and hydrogen(${\delta}D$: -92~-74‰) isotope compositions suggest that magmatic and meteoric ore fluids were equally important for the formation of the Ogcheon deposit and then overlapped to some degree with another type of meteoric water during mineralization.