• Title/Summary/Keyword: Organizational Design

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Mediating Effect of Customer Orientation and Customer Satisfaction Between Entrepreneurship and Financial Performance: Focusing on the Beauty Service Industry (기업가정신과 재무적 성과 간의 고객지향성, 고객만족의 매개효과: 미용 서비스산업 중심으로)

  • Kwak, jinman;Lee, sehee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.197-211
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    • 2021
  • In the service industry the types are diversifying and the scale of service companies is greatly improving. Such a phenomenon is caused by economic growth and technological development diversifying consumer needs creating demand for new services maturing the service industry and intensifying competition among companies in the form of global competition. It can be said that this is because it is necessary to improve competitiveness by utilizing the economy of scale. Research is needed on the impact of entrepreneurship on various outcome variables in order for service organization managers to respond quickly to diverse and rapidly changing environments and achieve organizational outcomes and corporate goals of management outcomes. The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze the relationship in which the entrepreneurial spirit of a manager influences the relationship between customer orientation, which is an organizational result, customer satisfaction, and financial result, which is a management result. In order to verify such research, the questionnaire was composed of one business owner questionnaire, two employee questionnaires, and two customer questionnaires. The questionnaire was distributed to a total of 400 companies, and the questionnaires of 340 companies were collected. Of these, 303 companies, excluding the questionnaires of 37 companies with many dishonest or missing values, were used for hypothesis testing. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, entrepreneurship had a positive (+) effect on customer orientation, supporting the hypothesis. Second, customer orientation showed a positive (+) effect on customer satisfaction, supporting the hypothesis. Third, customer satisfaction showed a positive (+) effect on financial outcomes, supporting the hypothesis. Fourth, it was found that entrepreneurship influences customer satisfaction through customer orientation, and customer satisfaction affects financial outcomes. It turns out that customer orientation between entrepreneurship and customer satisfaction is completely mediated, and customer satisfaction is completely mediated by customer orientation and financial outcomes. The relationship between entrepreneurship and management improved employee behavior and attitudes, which is an individual outcome, and this change was found to improve customer satisfaction, which is an organizational outcome. It makes frequent contact with customers in the process of servicing them. Employee roles are important at service contacts and influence service purchases. Employees facing customers through service contacts act as a decisive factor in maintaining a continuous relationship with customers. Within a beauty service company, it is necessary to create a customer-oriented environment among workers. It suggests that customer-oriented companies and employees can anticipate their desires and provide products or services of superior value to achieve greater customer satisfaction and a competitive advantage. In addition, it was clarified that customer satisfaction has an aspect relationship with financial management, which is a management result. Therefore, it is suggested that the entrepreneurial spirit is an important factor for the management of a beauty service company to secure competitiveness and improve results.

A Study on Empirical Model for the Prevention and Protection of Technology Leakage through SME Profiling Analysis (중소기업 프로파일링 분석을 통한 기술유출 방지 및 보호 모형 연구)

  • Yoo, In-Jin;Park, Do-Hyung
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.171-191
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    • 2018
  • Purpose Corporate technology leakage is not only monetary loss, but also has a negative impact on the corporate image and further deteriorates sustainable growth. In particular, since SMEs are highly dependent on core technologies compared to large corporations, loss of technology leakage threatens corporate survival. Therefore, it is important for SMEs to "prevent and protect technology leakage". With the recent development of data analysis technology and the opening of public data, it has become possible to discover and proactively detect companies with a high probability of technology leakage based on actual company data. In this study, we try to construct profiles of enterprises with and without technology leakage experience through profiling analysis using data mining techniques. Furthermore, based on this, we propose a classification model that distinguishes companies that are likely to leak technology. Design/methodology/approach This study tries to develop the empirical model for prevention and protection of technology leakage through profiling method which analyzes each SME from the viewpoint of individual. Based on the previous research, we tried to classify many characteristics of SMEs into six categories and to identify the factors influencing the technology leakage of SMEs from the enterprise point of view. Specifically, we divided the 29 SME characteristics into the following six categories: 'firm characteristics', 'organizational characteristics', 'technical characteristics', 'relational characteristics', 'financial characteristics', and 'enterprise core competencies'. Each characteristic was extracted from the questionnaire data of 'Survey of Small and Medium Enterprises Technology' carried out annually by the Government of the Republic of Korea. Since the number of SMEs with experience of technology leakage in questionnaire data was significantly smaller than the other, we made a 1: 1 correspondence with each sample through mixed sampling. We conducted profiling of companies with and without technology leakage experience using decision-tree technique for research data, and derived meaningful variables that can distinguish the two. Then, empirical model for prevention and protection of technology leakage was developed through discriminant analysis and logistic regression analysis. Findings Profiling analysis shows that technology novelty, enterprise technology group, number of intellectual property registrations, product life cycle, technology development infrastructure level(absence of dedicated organization), enterprise core competency(design) and enterprise core competency(process design) help us find SME's technology leakage. We developed the two empirical model for prevention and protection of technology leakage in SMEs using discriminant analysis and logistic regression analysis, and each hit ratio is 65%(discriminant analysis) and 67%(logistic regression analysis).

Landscape Design for Masan Robot Land (마산로봇랜드 조경설계)

  • Yoon, Sung-Yung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2010
  • A theme park is not just a recreational space for leisure activities, but also a place of storytelling as collected around abstract boundaries called themes. These stories are 'a space that tells the meaning' that the visitor is looking for and the Robot Land space offers robots, humans, and nature. This study is a description of the design strategy and content of the work which was elected as a subject of the subsequent rank negotiation of the Masan Robot Land design contest for the selection of a private contractor. The focus of the plan is, first, the organizational power of each space and the delivery power of a theme for the history of revisits, which might be considered depending on whether or not the theme park has been successful in the visitor's mind. Second, it is to actively use the potential of Masan, which is not only the key hub of the mechanical industry but also has beautiful coastal resources. First, they created a space that can flexibly react depending on the user's desire and the change of form, minimizing environmental damage by using a linear metabolism that can provide an amalgam of the elemental characteristics of robots, humans, and nature as motifs. They introduced a planting plan for the admissions square, an existing forest, slope, vacation spot, the inside of a complex, and Eco Island, etc. by utilizing symbolic meaning and adjusting to the spatial characteristics of each space. In addition, they sought a detailed space by setting up zones tailored to the use and character of the subject area, having exhibitions and education about robots, vacation facilities for lodgers, various recreational and commercial facilities, and space for utopian gardens as themes. They planned Masan Robot Land to be a true cultural space that creates mental richness on the basis of not only the economical effects but also local emotion.

A Philosophical Analysis and Design of a New Paradigm of the Rural Policies in Korea (한국 농정(農政)의 철학적 분석과 새로운 패러다임(paradigm)의 설계)

  • Kim, Sun-Yo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.17-41
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    • 1996
  • In the situation of rapid industrialization based on the lopsided development of economy since 1960, Korean rural society has faced a crisis of disruption. As a result, the civilian government has tried a few actions to change the circumstance. However, it is said that the coral polices were not satisfactory. Those who were concerned with the rural problems of these days argue that it is necessary to adopt new policies and further to change the policymakers` philosophies concerning the matter. The arguments are certainly based on the beliefs that the sound policies come from the sound philosophies. This study aims to analyze the existing rural polices and their policymakers` philosophies and to design of a new paradigm. For the purpose, this study was set there specific objectives: First, to overview the moor points of Quantitative Utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham and the Social Justice Theory of John Rawls, the contrasting frameworks of the moral philosophies; Second, to trace the major or trade of the rural policies since 1960s in Korea; Third, to analyze the policymakers` philosophies reflected on the rural policies; Fourth, to design a new paradigm of the rural policies. This study mainly adopted descriptive method based on the various source of government and non-government statistics, white papers and other researches. The major findings of this study may be summarized as follows: 1. The historical epochs of the rural policies in Korea was divided into the periods: (1) An organizational and institutional establishment for self-reliance of main crops and the New Village Movement $(1969{\sim}70)$; (2) An initiation of `open-door` policies to the foreign farm products $(1970{\sim}80)$; (3) Completion of the UR meetings and the recommendations of the Rural and Fishery Development Commission (1980-present). 2. It was found that the philosophical foundations of coral policies were directly reflected from the utilitarianism of the national development. Under the philosophy it was the modem sector of economy that was to spearhead the national development, and the rural sector was situated to the peripheral position and hardly in the spot-light. Therefore, it may be said that the present situation of the rural society was largely rooted in the model of economic development. 3. As a new direction of the coral policies, many studies were focussing on the NTC (non-trade concerns) functions of agriculture for the present and future society. The researchers argue that the cost of protecting and supporting agriculture and rural society may be higher than that of the burden which the nation should be bear in the case of failure of agriculture. Although it tray be true, however, it should be noted that the argument is another type of utilitarianism which prevailed in the past. As a philosophy of rural policies, utilitarianism is straight forward and persuasive, however, it has also limitations in terms of relativism in broad sense or social justice in specific manna. 4. This study suggests to set the philosophical foundations of rural policies on the basis of Rawl`s Theory of Justice mentioned earlier. It emphasizes the inviolability of social justice which was neglected for the national benefits timing the period of development dictatorship in 1960s and 1970s. The principles of social justice for coral people were identified as twofold; (1) The principle of the t equal liberty; (2) (a) Difference principle, (b) The principle of fair equality of opportunity.

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NFC-based Smartwork Service Model Design (NFC 기반의 스마트워크 서비스 모델 설계)

  • Park, Arum;Kang, Min Su;Jun, Jungho;Lee, Kyoung Jun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.157-175
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    • 2013
  • Since Korean government announced 'Smartwork promotion strategy' in 2010, Korean firms and government organizations have started to adopt smartwork. However, the smartwork has been implemented only in a few of large enterprises and government organizations rather than SMEs (small and medium enterprises). In USA, both Yahoo! and Best Buy have stopped their flexible work because of its reported low productivity and job loafing problems. In addition, according to the literature on smartwork, we could draw obstacles of smartwork adoption and categorize them into the three types: institutional, organizational, and technological. The first category of smartwork adoption obstacles, institutional, include the difficulties of smartwork performance evaluation metrics, the lack of readiness of organizational processes, limitation of smartwork types and models, lack of employee participation in smartwork adoption procedure, high cost of building smartwork system, and insufficiency of government support. The second category, organizational, includes limitation of the organization hierarchy, wrong perception of employees and employers, a difficulty in close collaboration, low productivity with remote coworkers, insufficient understanding on remote working, and lack of training about smartwork. The third category, technological, obstacles include security concern of mobile work, lack of specialized solution, and lack of adoption and operation know-how. To overcome the current problems of smartwork in reality and the reported obstacles in literature, we suggest a novel smartwork service model based on NFC(Near Field Communication). This paper suggests NFC-based Smartwork Service Model composed of NFC-based Smartworker networking service and NFC-based Smartwork space management service. NFC-based smartworker networking service is comprised of NFC-based communication/SNS service and NFC-based recruiting/job seeking service. NFC-based communication/SNS Service Model supplements the key shortcomings that existing smartwork service model has. By connecting to existing legacy system of a company through NFC tags and systems, the low productivity and the difficulty of collaboration and attendance management can be overcome since managers can get work processing information, work time information and work space information of employees and employees can do real-time communication with coworkers and get location information of coworkers. Shortly, this service model has features such as affordable system cost, provision of location-based information, and possibility of knowledge accumulation. NFC-based recruiting/job-seeking service provides new value by linking NFC tag service and sharing economy sites. This service model has features such as easiness of service attachment and removal, efficient space-based work provision, easy search of location-based recruiting/job-seeking information, and system flexibility. This service model combines advantages of sharing economy sites with the advantages of NFC. By cooperation with sharing economy sites, the model can provide recruiters with human resource who finds not only long-term works but also short-term works. Additionally, SMEs (Small Medium-sized Enterprises) can easily find job seeker by attaching NFC tags to any spaces at which human resource with qualification may be located. In short, this service model helps efficient human resource distribution by providing location of job hunters and job applicants. NFC-based smartwork space management service can promote smartwork by linking NFC tags attached to the work space and existing smartwork system. This service has features such as low cost, provision of indoor and outdoor location information, and customized service. In particular, this model can help small company adopt smartwork system because it is light-weight system and cost-effective compared to existing smartwork system. This paper proposes the scenarios of the service models, the roles and incentives of the participants, and the comparative analysis. The superiority of NFC-based smartwork service model is shown by comparing and analyzing the new service models and the existing service models. The service model can expand scope of enterprises and organizations that adopt smartwork and expand the scope of employees that take advantages of smartwork.

An Intervention Study on Integration of Family Planning and Maternal/Infant Care Services in Rural Korea (가족계획과 모자보건 통합을 위한 조산원의 투입효과 분석 -서산지역의 개입연구 평가보고-)

  • Bang, Sook;Han, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Chung-Ja;Ahn, Moon-Young;Lee, In-Sook;Kim, Eun-Shil;Kim, Chong-Ho
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.20 no.1 s.21
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    • pp.165-203
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    • 1987
  • This project was a service-cum-research effort with a quasi-experimental study design to examine the health benefits of an integrated Family Planning (FP)/Maternal & Child health (MCH) Service approach that provides crucial factors missing in the present on-going programs. The specific objectives were: 1) To test the effectiveness of trained nurse/midwives (MW) assigned as change agents in the Health Sub-Center (HSC) to bring about the changes in the eight FP/MCH indicators, namely; (i)FP/MCH contacts between field workers and their clients (ii) the use of effective FP methods, (iii) the inter-birth interval and/or open interval, (iv) prenatal care by medically qualified personnel, (v) medically supervised deliveries, (vi) the rate of induced abortion, (vii) maternal and infant morbidity, and (viii) preinatal & infant mortality. 2) To measure the integrative linkage (contacts) between MW & HSC workers and between HSC and clients. 3) To examine the organizational or administrative factors influencing integrative linkage between health workers. Study design; The above objectives called for quasi-experimental design setting up a study and control area with and without a midwife. An active intervention program (FP/MCH minimum 'package' program) was conducted for a 2 year period from June 1982-July 1984 in Seosan County and 'before and after' surveys were conducted to measure the change. Service input; This study was undertaken by the Soonchunhyang University in collaboration with WHO. After a baseline survery in 1981, trained nurses/midwives were introduced into two health sub-centers in a rural setting (Seosan county) for a 2 year period from 1982 to 1984. A major service input was the establishment of midwifery services in the existing health delivery system with emphasis on nurse/midwife's role as the link between health workers (nurse aids) and village health workers, and the referral of risk patients to the private physician (OBGY specialist). An evaluation survey was made in August 1984 to assess the effectiveness of this alternative integrated approach in the study areas in comparison with the control area which had normal government services. Method of evaluation; a. In this study, the primary objective was first to examine to what extent the FP/MCH package program brought about changes in the pre-determined eight indicators (outcome and impact measures) and the following relationship was first analyzed; b. Nevertheless, this project did not automatically accept the assumption that if two or more activities were integrated, the results would automatically be better than a non-integrated or categorical program. There is a need to assess the 'integration process' itself within the package program. The process of integration was measured in terms of interactive linkages, or the quantity & quality of contacts between workers & clients and among workers. Intergrative linkages were hypothesized to be influenced by organizational factors at the HSC clinic level including HSC goals, sltrurture, authority, leadership style, resources, and personal characteristics of HSC staff. The extent or degree of integration, as measured by the intensity of integrative linkages, was in turn presumed to influence programme performance. Thus as indicated diagrammatically below, organizational factors constituted the independent variables, integration as the intervening variable and programme performance with respect to family planning and health services as the dependent variable: Concerning organizational factors, however, due to the limited number of HSCs (2 in the study area and 3 in the control area), they were studied by participatory observation of an anthropologist who was independent of the project. In this observation, we examined whether the assumed integration process actually occurred or not. If not, what were the constraints in producing an effective integration process. Summary of Findings; A) Program effects and impact 1. Effects on FP use: During this 2 year action period, FP acceptance increased from 58% in 1981 to 78% in 1984 in both the study and control areas. This increase in both areas was mainly due to the new family planning campaign driven by the Government for the same study period. Therefore, there was no increment of FP acceptance rate due to additional input of MW to the on-going FP program. But in the study area, quality aspects of FP were somewhat improved, having a better continuation rate of IUDs & pills and more use of effective Contraceptive methods in comparison with the control area. 2. Effects of use of MCH services: Between the study and control areas, however, there was a significant difference in maternal and child health care. For example, the coverage of prenatal care was increased from 53% for 1981 birth cohort to 75% for 1984 birth cohort in the study area. In the control area, the same increased from 41% (1981) to 65% (1984). It is noteworthy that almost two thirds of the recent birth cohort received prenatal care even in the control area, indicating that there is a growing demand of MCH care as the size of family norm becomes smaller 3. There has been a substantive increase in delivery care by medical professions in the study area, with an annual increase rate of 10% due to midwives input in the study areas. The project had about two times greater effect on postnatal care (68% vs. 33%) at delivery care(45.2% vs. 26.1%). 4. The study area had better reproductive efficiency (wanted pregancies with FP practice & healthy live births survived by one year old) than the control area, especially among women under 30 (14.1% vs. 9.6%). The proportion of women who preferred the 1st trimester for their first prenatal care rose significantly in the study area as compared to the control area (24% vs 13%). B) Effects on Interactive Linkage 1. This project made a contribution in making several useful steps in the direction of service integration, namely; i) The health workers have become familiar with procedures on how to work together with each other (especially with a midwife) in carrying out their work in FP/MCH and, ii) The health workers have gotten a feeling of the usefulness of family health records (statistical integration) in identifying targets in their own work and their usefulness in caring for family health. 2. On the other hand, because of a lack of required organizational factors, complete linkage was not obtained as the project intended. i) In regards to the government health worker's activities in terms of home visiting there was not much difference between the study & control areas though the MW did more home visiting than Government health workers. ii) In assessing the service performance of MW & health workers, the midwives balanced their workload between 40% FP, 40% MCH & 20% other activities (mainly immunization). However, $85{\sim}90%$ of the services provided by the health workers were other than FP/MCH, mainly for immunizations such as the encephalitis campaign. In the control area, a similar pattern was observed. Over 75% of their service was other than FP/MCH. Therefore, the pattern shows the health workers are a long way from becoming multipurpose workers even though the government is pushing in this direction. 3. Villagers were much more likely to visit the health sub-center clinic in the study area than in the control area (58% vs.31%) and for more combined care (45% vs.23%). C) Organization factors (admistrative integrative issues) 1. When MW (new workers with higher qualification) were introduced to HSC, it was noted that there were conflicts between the existing HSC workers (Nurse aids with less qualification than MW) and the MW for the beginning period of the project. The cause of the conflict was studied by an anthropologist and it was pointed out that these functional integration problems stemmed from the structural inadequacies of the health subcenter organization as indicated below; i) There is still no general consensus about the objectives and goals of the project between the project staff and the existing health workers. ii) There is no formal linkage between the responsibility of each member's job in the health sub-center. iii) There is still little chance for midwives to play a catalytic role or to establish communicative networks between workers in order to link various knowledge and skills to provide better FP/MCH services in the health sub-center. 2. Based on the above findings the project recommended to the County Chief (who has power to control the administrative staff and the technical staff in his county) the following ; i) In order to solve the conflicts between the individual roles and functions in performing health care activities, there must be goals agreed upon by both. ii) The health sub·center must function as an autonomous organization to undertake the integration health project. In order to do that, it is necessary to support administrative considerations, and to establish a communication system for supervision and to control of the health sub-centers. iii) The administrative organization, tentatively, must be organized to bind the health worker's midwive's and director's jobs by an organic relationship in order to achieve the integrative system under the leadership of health sub-center director. After submitting this observation report, there has been better understanding from frequent meetings & communication between HW/MW in FP/MCH work as the program developed. Lessons learned from the Seosan Project (on issues of FP/MCH integration in Korea); 1) A majority or about 80% of the couples are now practicing FP. As indicated by the study, there is a growing demand from clients for the health system to provide more MCH services than FP in order to maintain the achieved small size of family through FP practice. It is fortunate to see that the government is now formulating a MCH policy for the year 2,000 and revising MCH laws and regulations to emphasize more MCH care for achieving a small size family through family planning practice. 2) Goal consensus in FP/MCH shouBd be made among the health workers It administrators, especially to emphasize the need of care of 'wanted' child. But there is a long way to go to realize the 'real' integration of FP into MCH in Korea, unless there is a structural integration FP/MCH because a categorical FP is still first priority to reduce the rate of population growth for economic reasons but not yet for health/welfare reasons in practice. 3) There should be more financial allocation: (i) a midwife should be made available to help to promote the MCH program and coordinate services, (in) there should be a health sub·center director who can provide leadership training for managing the integrated program. There is a need for 'organizational support', if the decision of integration is made to obtain benefit from both FP & MCH. In other words, costs should be paid equally to both FP/MCH. The integration slogan itself, without the commitment of paying such costs, is powerless to advocate it. 4) Need of management training for middle level health personnel is more acute as the Government has already constructed 90 MCH centers attached to the County Health Center but without adequate manpower, facilities, and guidelines for integrating the work of both FP and MCH. 5) The local government still considers these MCH centers only as delivery centers to take care only of those visiting maternity cases. The MCH center should be a center for the managment of all pregnancies occurring in the community and the promotion of FP with a systematic and effective linkage of resources available in the county such as i.e. Village Health Worker, Community Health Practitioner, Health Sub-center Physicians & Health workers, Doctors and Midwives in MCH center, OBGY Specialists in clinics & hospitals as practiced by the Seosan project at primary health care level.

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A Study on the Consultation for Technology Leakage Victim Using NLP

  • KANG, In-Seok;LIM, Heon-Wook
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is that victims of technology leaks and people concerned about leaks complain of stress over security concerns. However, there are no psychological treatments among the government's comprehensive plans to prevent technology leaks. Therefore, the government intends to present education methods using the NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program), a collective counseling technique, to heal the psychological injury of the victims. Psychological counseling methods include cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoanalytic behavioral therapy, humanism therapy, art therapy, and other psychological therapies. Among them, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) method was used. NLP has three concepts: neuron, language, and programming, and is used as a general method for group counseling. Research design, data and methodology: In relation to composition, Chapter 1 explained the purpose and necessity of the study, Chapter 2 explained the types of psychological counseling and NLPs to help understand the study, introduced the prior study related to the development of collective counseling programs through NLP, and Chapter 3 developed a security psychological counseling education program. In addition, FGI(Focus Group Interview) was conducted for professionals. Results: Corporate counseling considered most in this study should satisfy client, counselor and manager differently from individual counseling. For this purpose, the result was composed of 11 times. In order to derive personal problems for clients, they consisted of finding, loving, expressing, and emancipating self. And, It solved the leakage anxiety to suggest a professional solution for the counselor. In addition, this course helps them become familiar with counseling techniques for becoming a good security administrator. Lastly, it was configured to leave the result for the manager to suggest the organizational development method through this training. The implication of this study is to derive psychological counseling methods for security officers. Most companies in the field of security counseling complain about technology leakage stress. There is currently no psychotherapy support project under the policy. And It was developed because it can expect sales improvement from security consultation. Conclusions: In conclusion, the results were organized to be left to the manager so that he could suggest how to develop the organization through this time.

Analysis of Research Articles Published in the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration for 3 Years (2010~2012) (간호행정학회지 게재논문의 연구동향 분석(2010~2012년))

  • Jang, Keum Seong;Kim, Bok Nam;Kim, Yun Min;Kim, Jung Sook;Jeong, Seok Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.679-688
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the major trends in research studies in the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration from 2010 to 2012. Methods: A review using analysis criteria developed by researchers was done of 132 studies published between 2010 and 2012. Research design, participants, research domain, and keywords were analyzed from the Journal of Korean Nursing Administration. Results: Job satisfaction, stress, organizational commitment, safety, turnover, nursing education, and performance were found to be major keywords. Of the research in the Journal, quantitative methods were used in 93.2% of studies. The major setting and participants were hospitals (58.2%) and nurses (65.5%) respectively. Prevalent analysis methods used were t-test, ANOVA, correlation, regression, chi-square, AMOS, and factor analysis. Major domains in the articles were: controlling, directing, staffing, nursing management education, and professionalism & legal principles. Conclusion: Through this study, the research trends in nursing administration were identified, but there is a need to include more of the following topics in future research: new concepts in nursing policy, enhanced deliberations of IRB, rationalization of the effects in sample size calculations, theoretical development of planning and organizing, and development of interventions for management support of the nursing management process.

The design of the expanded BYOD solutions for business mobile users (기업 모바일 사용자를 위한 확장된 BYOD 솔루션의 설계)

  • Park, Jae-Kyung;Kim, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, large companies and public institutions in the Smartphone business purposes has been used a lot. Personal Smartphone are worried about security of personal information only. But if you are a corporate or business purposes requires a more cautious approach. It can destroy an organization's network to hack Smartphones have very serious damage. For this purpose, the existing solution, and try to solve security issues with MDM or MAM. However, Smartphone users discomfort and there is a limit of organizational control. In this paper, we can propose with these issues more broadly would like to suggest. Secure mobile traffic management system enables companies or agencies the ease for users to use a Smartphone. And, for organizations that provide smart phones are more powerful and can provide a means of control. In addition, wired/wireless integration and security measures that can provide new services to offer.

"Belt and Road" and Arbitration Law Teaching and Education System Theory

  • Fuyong, Zhu
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.47-66
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    • 2020
  • Due to the division of China's departmental laws, the disconnect between theory and practice, and the influence of traditional academic thinking on the understanding of the knowledge structure of arbitration legal talents in practice, the construction of law school colleges, teaching teams, and research centers mostly revolves around departmental laws, tearing the connection of the arbitration legal system. The student-centered, process-guaranteed, and result-oriented arbitration master of law training model is "virtualized," the shaping of arbitration professionalism is ignored, the coverage of practical teaching is narrowed, and the arbitration legal profession is mostly formalized. The prevalence of specialized curriculum systems shortage, single faculty, formalized practical teaching, outdated curriculum settings, unsuitable curriculum system design for development, and inaccurate professional curriculum standards and positioning renders it difficult to integrate the "Belt and Road." The cutting-edge, the latest research results, and practical experience cannot reflect the connotation, goals, and requirements of "Entrepreneurship" education, as well as arbitral issues such as the ineffective monitoring of practical education and the inconsistent evaluation of standards and scales. Under the background of the "Belt and Road," based on system theory and practice and through training goals that innovate and initiate organizational form, activity content, management characteristics, assessment and support conditions, etc., the arbitration law teaching curriculum system is gradually improved and integrated. Through the establishment of a "Belt and Road" arbitration case file database and other measures, a complete arbitration law theory and practice teaching guarantee system has been established. Third parties are introduced, arbitration law experimental modules are developed, students are guided how to discover new knowledge, new contents are mastered, solidarity, cooperation, and problem-solving capabilities are cultivated in the practice of the "Belt and Road," and quality education, vocational education, and innovation education are organically integrated. In order to implement the requirements of arbitration law education, innovation development and collaborative management of arbitration law teaching practice base should be cultivated, thus giving full play to the effect of collaborative education between universities and arbitration institutions.